Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 22 — Dragon's Grave

Book 3: Chapter 22 — Dragon's Grave

Valros walked out of the mansion, his mind running through the multitudes of possibilities. His guest walked with a calm demeanor, seemingly unaware of his turbulent state of mind, as he scanned the area with the hint of a smile on his face.

Regardless of his own thoughts, he couldnt be rude to the man. Especially if he really was a dragon. Valros didnt even want to think of the chaos that would cause.

He regarded Zax, as the man had introduced himself, noting the mages simple yet pristine clothing that had gone out of fashion over a century ago glimmering with residual mana that did not leak even a hint more than it shouldve. Trying not to get lost in thoughts again, he addressed the mage. Would you like me to call for a carriage? Valros asked.

Humans liked their carriages. And if this was a really powerful mage with some ties to a dragon, or a dragon in disguise, how Valros should behave did not really change. He would treat him as his form indicated, lest he find himself a head shorter and his kingdom in shambles.

We thought flight might be more appropriate, Zax replied, looking up at the clouds to inspect the weather. We can carry you, if you do not wish to take to the skies.

Valros had to hold back a snort. A draconian who was afraid to fly. Even the lowborn would jump off high cliffs since early childhood, using wind spells and the like to learn how to break a fall and survive. And he was brother to a Royal Guard.

Flight suits me just fine, Valros replied.

His companion gave him a smile, the kind that made his stomach churn, the kind with hidden intentions behind it that he couldnt read very well. For a moment he had to wonder if he was being lured to an isolated location to be made into a quick meal. As much reverence as he possessed for dragons they were not kind.

He put the thought out of his head. If a dragon wanted to make a meal of him, hed already be dead. The thought was stupid. The man next to him could likely content with his majesty, he would simply have to assume there were no ill intentions present.

Zax let mana swirl around his body, wind whipping up and making his clothes flutter, before he was floating off the ground. Valros let his own wings spread behind his back, mana channeling through the natural dragon scales present there as wind swirled beneath them, generating enough thrust to let him take to the skies. His own take off was much powerful, and to an amateur it would be a display of strength, but he knew the truth. The real power was in control, and Zax was flying like gravity may as well not exist at all.

Following behind Valros the mage led the way in the direction of the dragons grave, and Valros followed next to him.

We remember that one of the things we had liked about this place was the weather. The wind and the clear skies always made flying through the islands a much more comfortable experience, and made it easier to spot locations from high above as well. Back then there were no kingdoms on this part though, Zax said.

Valros nearly stumbledor the equivalent of that with flight, which was losing control of his wings and the wind in them, as he dipped in height for a moment before catching himselfthe kingdom of Draconian was nearly a thousand years old. They had been here since the end of the ancient era. Almost entirely since the dragons left these lands. Just how old was Zax?

Did you come here very often? Valros asked. He may as well try to learn a little more about his new guest. Right now, all he had to go off of was the familiar sense of aura and his gut quivering in the same way it did whenever he met with Vion. But compared to the girl, Zax barely had any strength in his aura. He looked, felt and sounded entirely human even on a deeper look.

And yet, it was those moments, the little seconds when Valros looked into his eyes that he felt something deep inside his soul shake in the kind of primal fear that only those who had seen the eyes of an apex predator knew.

We came here every now and then. This place had some family members, all long dead now, or gone off somewhere. We had been much younger then, and eager to leave, go out into the world, and leave a mark on it, Zax said, a smile hanging on his lips that conveyed the kind of regretful smile one could only show to the follies of their youth.

As the winds flew around the two sky bound men, the towering earth and stone buildings of Drakonias faded, as the giant Dragon Grave began to appear in the distance.

Valros continued to follow, wondering if they would be finding any sort of graveyard in the area. None existed, as far as he knew. Even in death, the body of a dragon possessed powerful magic, powerful enough to warp its surroundings. To bury the dead near such potent power was to invite a hoard of undead upon yourself.

Yet, the mage continued flying without stop, eventually crossing the checkpoint where guards patrolled the boundary of the area to allow none to breach the sanctity of the dragon grave.

Valros heart rate spiked when he saw some warriors on patrol notice their arrival and ready their weapons to strike and he stopped those fools before they invited death upon them all.

The mage slowly began to descend, arriving next to the maw of the giant dragons corpse which had transformed into a cavern and a dungeon over the centuries. With wind swirling around both, the two men slowly planted their feet back onto the ground.

Zax looked at the skeleton with a forlorn expression.

Valros didnt dare ask the question that remained in his mind, and so he simply stood there, next to the man.

We had left a grave from him nearby, taking from the human custom of carving tombs and gravestones to remember their dead, Zax said, walking closer to the caverns mouth.

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Valros followed behind silently.

Zax led him next to the dragons maw, before waving his hand. A spell unraveled from the area and a beautiful gravestone appeared from behind the illusion magic that had been set in this place.

Zax crouched next to the tombstone, a snap of his fingers clearing out the dirt from it. Flowers blossomed on the tombstone, the name present on it faded to time, but as the dirt cleared, he could make out what was underneath.

The greatest dragon warrior.

Zax turned to look at Valros. Would you care to listen to a story?

Valros nodded.

Its a story of a dragon. One who didnt listen or paid much attention to others. Egotistical, and rash. Born to a society of mages, he alone possessed no talent for any magic, not even the simplest kind. But instead, he was given might. He was larger than all his siblings and his physical prowess were unparalleled. And so, he chose to become a warrior.

Though he held weapons in contempt, his mind was changed by a powerful woman who managed to beat him, leaving him with a scar over his eye. Infatuated with her, he took on a human form, vying for her love. She did not reciprocate. The dragon was not used to being denied, and so he tried to take her by force. But the woman beat him time and time again.

And as she did, he began to grow frustrated. Eventually, deciding to pick up a weapon and train with it. He was a natural, growing stronger with rapid speed and eventually managing to best the woman. But though he could match her might now, his heart remained out of his grasp.

The dragon was not pleased. But he knew he could not force things. And so he began to court her. This time, not as a dragon, but as a man in love. In time, the woman was won over by his efforts, and they married, and together they founded a home here. The man eventually came to be known as the Dragon Warrior, Zax said, before turning around to regard the grave as he brushed his hand atop the tombstone. It has been some time, old friend.

Valros heart was racing, beyond an inkling of a doubt. Coherent thoughts fled his mind as he stumbled a step back. Who who are you?

Zax glanced at him, and Valros felt the mage- no, he felt the dragon let go of the restraints on his aura.

A pulse of magic that overpowered the aura of the giant dragons corpse now spread out all around him, sending Valros to his knees. He bowed his head deeply, his eyes rooted to the ground as his breath and his heart both stilled under the presence of the dragons might. In that moment he knew he was dead. He need not look at his astral script to read that terror shook his heart, or to see that the might of the creature in front of him dwarfed him so much that his very soul resisted the thought of fighting back. And yet, just as quickly as it had come, it vanished once more.

Valros looked up, surprised that he still took breath and saw Zax facing the gravestone.

Weve found some fun companions to once again travel with. Much like Ryugan, though none quite as sharp as him. But they have a good heart, all of them. Had you still been here, we think you wouldve quite liked sparring with Noah. Though you also likely wouldve killed him, The dragon chuckled to himself at the words.

If Valros could sweat hed be pouring buckets. As it was, he only felt the chills in his body as both his mind and heart prepared for the incoming death. He dared not speak, dared not even breathe in the dragons direction, and yet, this could be the end of their kingdom. The end of everything he loved. And if these were the last words he uttered, so be it, he had to serve his duty.

Honored one, forgive me for speaking without permission but I must ask... why have you come here? Valros blurted the words out like his life depended on finishing the sentence.

Zax simply glanced back at the man. You do not have to shiver like that. Unlike the dragons you know of, we do not believe in senseless killing. And the reason for our arrival is simply to accompany our friends.

Friends... you say, Valros said, finding it hard to believe that a party of D ranks, and one F ranker girl would be friends with a dragon. And yet, the dragon himself said the words, so who was he to question it.

And... do your friends... intend to... Valros struggled to find the words, or say what he needed to respectfully.

No, we do not intend to take over the kingdom, Zax said, shaking his head. Were no longer a child. That phase is behind us.

Zax waved his hand as the magic pulsed once more, hiding the tombstone in plain sight, gone from this reality as if it had never existed.

This corpse. Our friends corpse. It is its heart, the dungeon core, which grants the title. Isnt that so? Zax said.

Indeed, it is as you have guessed, esteemed one, Valros said, bowing his head. The dragon walked right in front of Valros.

How did you find out who we were? We know it wasnt a flaw in our spell, so it must be because you know of another dragon, Zax said.

Valros clenched his teeth. He looked up at the dragon, meeting his eyes. I cannot say, honored one. Not even on my life. It is an oath to my king that I am bound by.

Axeros had many children, yet none were true dragons. Unless... Zax trailed off, his eyes widening. He hid the child. If one had truly inherited his blood... the child would age very slowly, and his own instinct would mean he would kill it before it could ever mature.

Valros looked at Zax, before bowing his head. It is as you say. She resides within the palace, and none know of her beyond only the king and those in close confidence with him. And as shameless as this is, since you know the truth, I must beg of you to not speak of this to anyone.

Valros felt Zaxs eyes on him, and for a moment he felt like his insolence had truly brought death upon him.

You have our word. If he has truly left a daughter behind... then she would be our niece. We would like to meet her, Zax replied.

Valros looked up at Zax in shock. Really? Wouldnt that... wouldnt you...

Like we said, we are not like our kin. Our instincts do not control us. And a young dragon? She would need to be disciplined, and none of you would have the capacity to. We would like her to know of her kin, and of her father and mother, Zax said.

Valros bowed his head, feeling tears gather in his eyes. We- no, this entire kingdom, will be in your eternal debt, honored one.

The dragon put a hand on Valros shoulder. You may stop with that honored one. For the moment, we are Zax, a human mage, adventurer, and nothing more. This is an order.

Valros felt his shoulders stiffen, before he gave a nod.

Zax hummed to himself. Perhaps it would be better still if we brought Noah to her. We assume she can take a human form, if she has stayed hidden so long. Her mothers blood would mean she would have an easier time of it than us as well. The two could definitely learn from one another.

Umm... Vion is... she does not tolerate other people very well, Valros said.

Zax looked down at him, and grinned. Even better. Then this would be the time to break her in, and show her that the world is far greater than she realizes.

Valros felt a shudder run down his spine.


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