Rise of the Devourer

Book 3: Chapter 21 — Drakonias

Book 3: Chapter 21 — Drakonias

Kaelan looked back at the four of them. You guys really arent used to it, huh? I suppose our roads arent the best given how we mostly fly around, the Draconian replied.

Are brick roads that strange? Seraphina questioned, looking at the four of them.

Hard to say, perhaps the southern kingdoms dont have them, Valeria replied.

Yeah, haha, I think being in air for so long might just screwed with our sense of balance a little, right Noah? Aurelia said, glancing towards him.

Right, yeah, sea sickness, but for the sky. Well be fine in a minute, just distracted watching the city, Noah replied.

That makes sense. Were not far now either, Kaelan replied, turning back around as all of them continued on their way.

Noah took a breath of relief at their flimsy excuse having worked out. But if Valros really did know, things might get problematic soon. The man, surprisingly, did not seem to notice their behavior, though his eyes still often went towards Zax.

I think I need an explanation, Aurelia said.

All of us need one. They have another dragon? Will it be as strong as you? You said your kin werent very kind to people, Noah replied.

Sky says he can smell something too. Its very faint but theres the scent of another dragon on the person, Snow added.

Yeah were certain. There is another dragon in this city. Which is curious because, as we told you Noah, our kin are not too keen on cooperating with creatures they see as sign of weakness and dilution of their bloodline. Draconians are akin to what a monkey might be to a human. There are some shared traits and ancestry, but one is far beneath the other. Well, to their eyes anyway. We obviously disagree.

Thats an understatement if Ive ever heard one. Dragons are like a hurricane. Except they can hold grudges and remember faces. Nothing good comes out of being in the presence of once, Aurelia said, before turning towards Zax. No offense.

None taken. You are correct in your judgement, Zax replied.

The all mother has been a friend to the dragons, Erwest sent, glancing towards Zax. But even she commented on their unwillingness to socialize with anyone or anything they see as beneath themselves. Not to mention, the dragons left at the end of the ancient era. Any sightings of one havent been seen in centuries. Its the thing that makes the claim of Drakonias being their descendants contentious. If there was a dragon around in Drakonias all this time why would they hide it?

Right, yeah. Also this is making me realize how weird it is that Ive gotten used to having Zax around. I keep forgetting that youre a dragon, youre nothing like I imagine one to be. I always pictured a dragon to be far more intimidating, Aurelia said, before pausing. Again, no offense.

If youd like we could transform back to our true form. Keeping a polymorh, illussion, and aura suppression spell going at all times does get a little taxing after you do it for a month with no breaks. A bit like sitting still without moving, Zax said.

I really dont think thats a good idea Aurelia trailed off.

Hes joking, Noah added, glancing to look at Zax who maintained a neutral expression. You are joking, right?

At last, the dragon gave a slight smile, but did not say anything further.

What do you intend to do? Erwest asked, looking at Zax.

Nothing. We simply intend to watch. Theres already a tracking spell on Valros that he wont be able to detect. And if he does, that will tell us more still about his capabilities. We are in no great need to hide our identity, it is simply convenient for us to do so.

Im not sure I want the kind of attention that would come with us hanging out with a dragon, within a kingdom that reveres and worships dragons, Aurelia replied.

I dont know, it sounds like it could be fun. Whats the worst that can happen?

The worst that happens is whichever dragon is hiding here decides it doesnt like another one barging into its territory and decides to fight. You do NOT want to get involved in a fight between two dragons, Aurelia sent.

And neither do we. As we are, we cant match up to our brethren, if they really decide to take offense. Dragons are not just vicious to other creatures, but to one another as well. It is in our instincts to guard our land, and to not let another enter it. But if there truly was a dragon around, it shouldve noticed our arrival. Even those with no talent for the finer natures of magic have the best senses there are, and would be able to sense our presence. Which is why this is so interesting, Zax said, and Noah could feel the dragons curiosity piqued.

It was the same expression he had made when Noah had first arrived to him and the dragon had decided to train him.

Lets just see what happens, Noah replied, and the group nodded in reply.

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The streets moved in curved paths before eventually the group arrived in front of a place that looked like a partial mix between a military training ground, and a mansion. Noah stared at the building, the gates not particularly fancy but build of thick metal with magic running through it. Two guards stood at the gates, wearing uniforms and saluted Valros as they entered inside. The ground was barren and made of sand and earth, with next to no decorations inside. Little tents were setup in the large field around the main building with all kinds of practice dummies and training areas setup. Noah spotted a group of draconians flying in formation in the sky with a squad leader guiding them as they swooped down with spears in their hands, before rising right back up into the skies again, each one having stabbed a small sack of some sort which was pierced on the tip of their weapons.

Wow, this is very military, Noah said, looking around himself.

My dad likes to train people! He thinks the youth is getting weak and needs to be hardened up for tough times or something like that. But people look up to him so a lot of them join, Kaelan said.

Your father is not wrong. This training will only help make sure that we are prepared for any and all threats to our nation and can protect it in times of need, Valros said.

Is there something in particular thats dangerous here? Aurelia asked.

This is a C grade area with the majority of creatures having some hint of a draconian lineage in them. Everything is dangerous here, Valros replied.

Seraphina whistled, as she ran forward of the group to stand next to a statue of a draconian man wearing pristine armor. Wow, the magic in this thing is so old. The woman said, practically drooling at the sight.

Valeria followed after with a sigh, grabbing Seraphina by the collar as she dragged the entranced woman back. Dont be rude, Seph.

Kaelan laughed.

Valros seemed a lot less amused, the man definitely gave a strong military feel to Noah, but perhaps the tension was also coming from the knowledge that a Dragon was walking next to him. Though, if he truly did know, he definitely was hiding it well. If Noah hadnt been told of it, he wouldve never caught the subtle glances towards Zax.

Noahs eyes were caught by another group, this one marching on the ground. But the strangest thing were the lack of wings that he saw on them.

Are those Drailiths? Noah asked, and say Valros twitch his brows at the words.

No, those are Draconians of low birth, Kaelan replied.

Noah looked at him with slight confusion and hesitation. Lowbirth?

Well, they have less dragon blood in them. So they dont have wings. Not all draconians are born with wings. In fact, only about one in ten are, Kaelan replied, glancing towards the marching group before turning away once more.

You shouldnt make that comparison again, Noah. Or ask about the bloodline. Theres a lot of value given to the purity of ones blood in here, and how close it is to a dragons, with a true dragon being something of a god figure to them. And drailiths look similar, but are not dragon blooded, so any comparison is taken as an insult, Aurelia said.

Its like calling a wolf a dog, Zax added.

Their group soon walked into the mansion at the center, entering through the gates. The building was made entirely of stone and did not have any paint on it. Though he did spot some kind of coating covering the walls, giving it a very earthen look. Heads of all sorts of creatures were mounted on the walls, magic flowing through them, preserving them in time. He noticed more than a couple paintings as well, many of what looked to be Kaelans father, though there were some of a younger Kaelan as well.

As they entered the central hall, a figure walked into the chamber, one that if Noah had to guess would be a teenager. Noah didnt spot any wings on his back.

Brother Kaelan, it is good to see you, the boy said, dipping his head. Another child came out, this one much younger, with little wings on her shimmering behind her as she rushed out and hugged Kaelan.

Ahaha, I missed you Keya! Kaelan said, picking the girl up in his arms, as she giggled. He then turned to the boy. Good to see you doing well too, Kean.

Are these all your party members, brother? I thought you only had two, Kean asked, looking at them with curiosity.

Kean, you forget your manners. These are guests, we do not ask questions, Valros said with a sharp tone.

Apologies, Kean replied, lowering his head slightly.

Oh, dont be so harsh uncle, these are friends, Kaelan said, setting his sister down on the ground .

The girl apparently did not like that, as she tugged at his lugs, before shouting. Kaelan! Look, look, I can fly now!

The girl closed her eyes, focusing intently. Her wings flapped behind her back with intensity, and Noah felt magic pulse through them as a gust of wind rose around her, floating her a few inches off the ground.

By the skies, you really are! Thats amazing Keya! Kaelan shouted, and the girl laughed, pleased. Ill play with some more in just a minute, but first let me get my friends settled in, okay?

Keya, lets go to your room for now, Kean said, holding the little girls hand. Ill take care of her, he added to Kaelan. The boy glanced at the rest of them for a moment before he headed back out.

Kaelan turned to the group. So, you guys have seen half of my family already. Father might be here sometime as well, but I assume you probably want to rest a little first?

The group gave a mix of affirmative responses.

Alright, theres some rooms for guests, Ill show them to you, and afterwards we could head out. Theres a good place I know that serves the best Drake steaks in the entire kingdom, you guys will love it, Kaelan said, excitedly.

Noah nodded, but his attention remained on Valros, who stood there silently.

We would like to head out sometime. Theres a place weve been to here before, that wed like to visit again, Zax said.

Oh, sure, I didnt know you were familiar with this place Zax, Kaelan said.

It was a long time ago. A lot has changed so we arent too familiar, but finding the place shouldnt be an issue, Zax replied.

If you do not mind me asking, what is this place you would be visiting? Valros asked, looking at Zax.

Its a grave of an old friend. A little outside the city, on the south side, beyond the forest. A short flight away. We had told him we would visit if we were ever around here, Zax replied.

Whatre you doing? Noah asked

Confirming our suspicions. But also, exactly what we said. Going to a grave. The place we told him is the grave of a dragon.

Ah, thats dragon grave. I did not know anyone was buried in the part. Its a dangerous area filled with monsters. Even for someone of your caliber, I would be remiss to send a guest of our household walk away like this. Please, allow me to accompany you, Valros said.

Very well, Zax replied. We will be heading out then.

The group nodded.

Dont wait for us. Well be back soon. Try not to cause trouble, Zax sent to Noah.

With your expression, I feel like I should be the one saying that.

The dragon gave him a mischievous smile.


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