Rise of the Devourer

Book 2: Chapter 67 — Evolution Pt 4

Book 2: Chapter 67 — Evolution Pt 4

Noah selected his choices, as the system chimed in front of him.

You’ve selected [Wyrmblood Guardian (Legendary)]

You’ve selected [Runebody Arcanist (Legendary)]

You’ve selected [Abyssal Predator (Legendary)]

Would you like to finalize your choices?


Taking one last look to make sure he was certain, Noah pressed yes.

[Exsanguinator (Rare)] has evolved into [Wyrmblood Guardian (Legendary)]

+75 Constitution

+25 Power

+25 Agility

+25 Mystic

All healing abilities increased by 100%

Health regeneration increased by 250%

Constitution increased by 15%

[Astralwalker (Epic)] has evolved into [Runebody Arcanist (Legendary)]

+75 Mystic

+50 Power

All magical abilities increased by 150%

Mana regeneration increased by 200%

Mystic increased by 20%

[Void Hunter (Epic)] has evolved into [Abyssal Predator (Legendary)]

+75 Power

+75 Agility

+25 Constitution

+25 Mystic

All abilities of [Abyssal Symbiote] have been increased by 100%

Physical abilities increased by 200%

Power increased by 10%

Agilityincreased by 10%

Bloodline [Astral Spirit] has changed to [Cosmic Wyrmblood].

Race changed from [Astral Humanoid] to [Draconian Humanoid].

[Cosmic Wyrmblood (Bloodline)]

Your bloodline holds the legacy of the wyrms, and the powers of the cosmos. All members of your bloodline will inherit your command of spirits, and the powers of dragonkin.

Mystic and Constitution increased by 10%

Perk [Draconian Aura] obtained.

Perk [Arcane Body] obtained.

[Mana Control], [Mana Sense], [Mana Reversal] and [Mana Expulsion] synergise with [Arcane Body] fusing into [Greater Mana Mastery].

Sub attributes:

Power: C1 → C8

Agility: C5 → B0

Constitution: C9 → B2

Mystic: C0 → C6

Noah eyes widened in surprise, as he felt his body changing on a fundamental level. Even here, within his Astral Spirit, he could feel the surge of power and lifeforce flowing through him. He felt the surge slowly course through his spirit, and almost felt glad that he was in his Astral Spirit. If he had to feel the sensations play out fully in his own body… he wasn’t sure he’d have held onto his consciousness.

Letting the notifications play out, Noah began to go through his abilities.

[Blood Drain (Rare)] has evolved into [Life Siphon (Legendary)]

[Life Siphon (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 29]

You have learned the ability to siphon the life of your enemies. Reach into your enemies core, draining their life force and strength, restoring your health and significantly enhancing your physical and magical prowess. Find your mastery of life strengthened, drawing from all creatures possessing any amount of life-force.

That takes care of the biggest weakness of Blood Drain. No more getting poisoned and feeling awkward if the enemy has no blood.

[Bleed (Rare)] has evolved into [Wyrm’s Curse (Legendary)]

[Wyrm's Curse (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 28]

Embody the wrath of the dragon with Wyrm's Curse where your enemies' veins become conduits of their undoing. This ability inflicts the [Wyrm's Curse] status effect, marking adversaries with a draconic sigil that saps their life, feeding it to you. This curse can be inflicted through direct contact, via aura, or applied to weapons.

Just a straight up curse huh? That sounds nasty. Noah felt the ability’s instincts fill him, his aura changing rapidly, the effect further enhanced by his new [Draconian Aura].

[Lifeblood (Legendary)] has evolved into [Wyrmblood (Legendary)]

[Wyrmblood (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 27]

You possess the blood of wyrms. Find your healing abilities significantly amplified, turning your blood into an elixir of life and become capable of storing life beyond the limits of your vessel. You are immune to most advanced toxins and corruptions, and most intermediate rots.

I really have to make sure people don’t target me for my blood. Noah read through the ability, but he didn’t really have to. If before he had vaguely felt the loss of his humanity as the thought of being stabbed in the gut had become only an inconvenience, now it did not even register. He knew, in this moment, that if he tore his own arm out, it would grow back within minutes. Seconds, if he used Life-siphon.

I really am just turning into a monstrous freak.

[Bloodfly Swarm (Epic)] has evolved into [Bloodwyrm Swarm (Legendary)]

[Bloodwyrm Swarm (Legendary, Epic) - lvl 13]

From the depths of your draconic power, you call forth a swarm of Bloodwyrms. Command these creatures born from the essence of dragons and shaped by your mastery over blood, unleash a maelstrom of destruction upon your enemies, inflicting [Hemorrhage] and [Malaise] upon your enemies.

This ability keeps becoming nastier and nastier. Noah could feel the bloodwyrms, just at the edge of his reach. He could also use them to restrict enemies, binding them as the wyrms surrounded his target.

[Blood Debt (Unique)] has evolved into [Wyrm’s Feast (Legendary)]

[Wyrm’s Feast (Legendary, Intermediate) - lvl 10]

You can harness the hunger of wyrms. Become capable of consuming each instance of [Poison], [Bleed], [Toxin], [Rot], [Necrosis], or any other damaging status effect transmuting them into vital energy, gaining a buff to your mana, health, stamina and physical prowess.

Not unique anymore huh? I guess that makes sense. But still… this is quite powerful. Not really as DPS heavy anymore, but I could heal others with this ability, while also gaining a buff for myself.

Noah felt himself itching to test out his abilities. Should at least see what else I got though.

[Blink (Epic)] has evolved into [Arcane Step (Legendary)]

[Arcane Step (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 29]

You have become one with mana, your body now a seamless expression of magic itself. Find yourself capable of stepping through the realms, to teleport with ease, even across jumps between magical dimensions. You can bypass not just physical obstacles but also magical barriers and wards making you a master of both spatial and mystical movement as you move through the layers of reality with the same ease as walking through your own home.

Well well well. This is some good shit right here. Noah felt the abilities engraved upon his body, runic tattoos now covering his arms, legs and portions of his chest. The magic flowed in them, glowing, letting the mana from his surroundings flow into him seamlessly.

It was still difficult to truly grasp just how much he had been changed. Not until he got the chance to test things out.

[Dimensional Pocket (Legendary)] has evolved into [Cosmic Vault (Legendary)]

[Cosmic Vault (Legendary, Advanced) - level 25]

The arcane energies fill your spirit, forming a vast astral expanse, a boundless sanctuary where the energies of the cosmos converge. This ability grants you a personal realm, hidden beyond the reach of time and space. Gain the ability to reach into any other dimensional storages with ease, whether yours or not.

Holy shit. Noah’s eyes widened, a grin covering his face as he read the description. Could he just… steal from all pocket dimensions now? The thought almost made him start laughing out loud, but he controlled his excitement. There were other things to note too, like how his rather unstable pocket realm had started to gain more physical form. He wasn’t sure how that would change things just yet, but he was dying to find out.

[Starforged Arms] has synergised with [Quadrivium Ink] and [Astral Vault]. [Starforged Arms (Legendary)] has evolved into [Runeforged Armaments]

[Runeforged Armaments (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 25]

Your body is Arcane, and so is your spirit. Gain the ability to manifest ethereal arms and weapons, now etched with potent runes. Each armament is a masterpiece of celestial energy and runic enchantment, obtained from the [Astral Vault] and added to your growing armory, capable of executing devastating attacks or casting complex spells. The runes on these arms can be customized to various effects – from bolstering your defense with wards to enhancing offensive capabilities with elemental fury.

Noah let the ability summon itself, as the runic tattoos on his body lit up. Magical blades and spears appeared around him, glowing with runes, each an extension of his own body. He switched the weapons out, changing them for arms, finding their appearance altered, as runic tattoos covered them.

He de-summoned the arms, smiling to himself at the change. Maybe over time I could just call out 100 weapons at once and just shove them onto someone.

[Runic Harvest (Legendary, Intermediate) - lvl 10]

Current Runes: 0

Harvest runes from creatures, holding them onto your Arcane Body. Become capable of reaping the ambient arcane energies from the environment, as well as from any magical sources or ley lines within your vicinity, increasing the strength of your abilities with each rune gained.

Huh, interesting. So it’s changed the credits to runes? Could be neat.

[Arcane Specter (Legendary, Intermediate) - lvl 11]

Specter count: 2

Your specters grow, becoming a part of the Arcane. Become capable of forming perfect replicas of yourself, that follow your every command, acting independently engage in combat or work in tandem with you, allowing for complex magical strategies and deceptions. The Arcane Specter is more than a mere duplicate; it's an extension of your will and magical acumen, able to navigate and manipulate the battlefield with the cunning and finesse of a seasoned arcanist.

And this one made the division finite. But in exchange, now it’s basically two more of me. Noah wondered how the ability would work when taking his [Spectral Shadow] into account.

[Obliterate (Epic)] has evolved into [Void Annihilation (Legendary)]

[Void Annihilation (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 30]

You harness destructive powers with the unbridled chaos of the void. Unleash cataclysmic forces that tear through the fabric of reality, annihilating anything in its path. Find yourself capable of creating a vortex of void energy, engulfing and disintegrating enemies with ruthless efficiency.

The death laser became the death area attack. Noah smiled, already coming up with different uses for the ability.

[Void Hunter’s Senses (Rare)] has evolved into [Abyssal Awareness (Legendary)]

[Abyssal Awareness (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 29]

You have a predator’s awareness as your perception pierces the darkest depths. You can sense the slightest disturbances, track the most elusive of creatures, and perceive beyond physical obstacles within the range of your senses. Find an area around you where you have absolute perception of objects.

Isn’t this just straight up X-ray vision? Noah closed his eyes, and realized that he no longer needed to keep his eyes open to “see” if it could be called that. He saw things from a centered perspective from within his body, in a sphere all around him. The sensation left his head spinning, and Noah cut it off, opening his eyes.

“That’s going to take some time to get used to,” he said, before checking the next ability.

[Abyssal Symbiote (Epic)] has evolved into [Abyssal Fusion (Legendary)]

[Abyssal Fusion (Legendary, Advanced) - lvl 36]

You have become one with your symbiote, in both mind and body. Your physical form is a fluid canvas of abyssal energy, allowing for adaptive transformations as your body is enhanced in strength, agility, and resilience to suit any combat situation.

Broken. Absolutely broken. Noah could tell how much Tony’s abilities had expanded. The symbiote was sleeping now, unable to enter the Astral Space, but if he was awake, Noah could already see Tony going crazy over the changes that had occurred so far.

[Hunter’s Mark (Epic)] has evolved into [Predator’s Mark (Legendary)]

[Predator's Mark (Legendary, Intermediate) - lvl 10]

Current Available Marks: 2

You are a true predator, and your mark defines you as such. Become capable of marking your prey, giving them a curse that decreases their attributes up to 25% based on the difference between your levels if your prey is weaker. Other predators will recognize you and your mark, leaving your prey alone. Each marked target becomes more vulnerable to your attacks, and their weaknesses are laid bare to your predatory instincts.

Terrifying. I could just bully any thing below me in levels.

[Abyssal Inferno (Legendary, Intermediate) - lvl 10]

You carry the inferno of the abyss. Become capable of unleashing the full, devastating power of the abyssal flames in a hellish inferno. Alternatively, you can concentrate the flames into a focused, incinerating beam, reducing everything to ashes in your wake.

And now I have a death fire laser instead.

Moving on from the skills, Noah finally arrived at the notification showing his attributes.

[Wyrmblood Guardian] has reached level 107!

[Runebody Arcanist] has reached level 106!

[Abyssal Predator] has reached level 109!

Power: 409 → 743.

Agility: 416 → 655.

Constitution: 426 → 737.

Mystic: 561 → 858.

Free Attributes: 22 → 178.

Noah looked at the numbers in awe. He’d expected the change to be big but seeing it for himself was something else entirely. Even now, his body was still rushing to catch up, and it was only because of his spirit Path options that he could even do this at all. He suspected, if his body had been like before, he would’ve become oversouled.

Opening his menu, Noah looked at his Astral Script.

Astral Script:

Name: Noah Brown

Race: Draconian Humanoid

Rank: D


Wyrmblood Guardian (Legendary) - level 107

Runebody Arcanist (Legendary) - level 106

Abyssal Predator (Legendary) - level 109


Power: 743 [+148]

Agility: 655 [+131]

Constitution: 737 [+210]

Mystic: 858 [+245]

Attribute Points: 178

The menu changed a little. I guess the bracket numbers are my buffs and the values I see are the effective attributes?

Deciding to leave his free Attributes untouched for now till he’d completely caught up to the rank up, Noah closed his Astral Script.

“You sure are weird,” Dylan said. “Mortals are typically a lot less willing to let go of their humanity in the pursuit of power.”

“I feel human,” Noah replied.

“If so, then you’re merely fooling yourself,” Dylan said, pointing sideways toward a mirror. “You can see for yourself.”

Noah looked into the mirror. His body was covered in tattoos now, with mana seamlessly flowing through them. His eyes had turned a deeper shade of red, pupils turned into vertical slits, and his canines had grown into fangs. His physique had changed as well. His limbs were far more proportionate than they’d ever been, his skin soft like he had just been born, and his muscles denser. Overall, his frame was smaller, yet somehow, it exerted more power.

An aura of fear swirled around him, commanding respect.

Noah shrugged. “The sacrifices we make to look badass.”

“You’ve changed. You would not have accepted this so easily when you first arrived here,” Dylan replied.

“I guess so,” Noah said.

Dylan looked at him for a few seconds, clicking his tongue. “There, that’s for you,” he said, pointing behind Noah.

Turning around, Noah saw a gate within the arcade, the words ‘Training Chamber’ written on it. Below that was a handwritten note—Staff only!

“What’s that?” Noah asked.

“Why don’t you see for yourself?” Dylan said.

Feeling skeptical, Noah walked up to the door, pushing it open. It was an open endless expanse, with swirling colors forming the entire background. Noah tentatively put a foot forward, finding a solid surface within the swirling colors.

A chime pulled his attention to a notification arriving in front of his face.

Welcome to the Training Chamber! In this facility, you can participate in combat replicas against foes you have encountered before. Please keep in mind that the testing chamber can only replicate abilities you’ve seen the enemies use and is ultimately a memory re-creation.

Hope you have some fun training!

As the message vanished, Noah looked around in confusion. “So… I can summon things I’ve fought before? Hmm… Aurelia?”

A figure of Aurelia appeared in front of him, her fists raised.

“Huh. It worked. How about… Raesar,” Noah tried again.

The figure changed to take the shape of the giant Draelith, looking down at him with a grin.

“Interesting.” Noah reached out and his spear appeared. He dismissed Raesar’s figure, smiling in excitement as an idea came to him.

“Viktral Nayfar,” Noah said, and the cultist chief appeared in front of him, looking at him with a look of anger and disgust.

Noah spun his spear around, Void Annihilation crackling through it. With a smile, he regarded the enemy, itching to test out his new abilities.

“Let’s see how strong I’ve become.”


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