Rise of the Devourer

Book 2: Chapter 66 — Evolution Pt 3

Book 2: Chapter 66 — Evolution Pt 3

Noah walked up to the last device, noting the teeth, claws, and tentacles marked upon it, themed like an eldritch horror game mixed with a survival game. He started the machine, as it lit up with an eerie jungle tune before words flashed in front of him.

Starting evolution for [Void Hunter].

Collecting unlock requirements.

Compiling results… complete.

Welcome to The Abyssal Survivor!

Used to the process by now, Noah moved through the menu, leaving only Epic and Legendary rank options, before he quickly began to make his way through.

Alright, let’s speed run this.

[Abyss Hunter (Epic, Rank D)]

Embark on the path of the Abyss Hunter, where the dark and enigmatic depths of the abyss become your hunting ground. This path endows you with an unmatched ability to track, hunt, and vanquish creatures that lurk in the abyssal planes. As an Abyss Hunter, your intuition and prowess are honed to perfection, allowing you to navigate and dominate in the most treacherous of environments.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have the [Void Hunter] path.

Rewards: +4 Power, 3 Agility, and +3 free attributes per level. +25 Power, +25 Agility.

Warning: Adopting this path will alter some abilities.

Same deal as before. Good option, but there will be better ones. Next.

[Cultbane Shadow (Epic, Rank D)]

Step into the shadows as a Cultbane Shadow, a path dedicated to dismantling and disrupting the workings of dark cults and their abyssal machinations. With skills honed for infiltration, espionage, and combat against cultists, you become a silent guardian against the spread of corruption and darkness. This path empowers you with abilities to detect, counter, and eradicate cult activities, standing as a bulwark against the encroaching shadows.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have taken down one or more cults.

Rewards: +4 Agility, +3 Power, and +3 free attributes per level. +25 Agility, +25 Power. Enhanced abilities in stealth, granting you an edge in subterfuge and anti-cult operations.

Warning: Adopting this path will make you the sworn enemy of the cults.

Huh, this one is neat. Could potentially help me take down the cults. Likely not worth giving up a legendary option for though. Next.

[Abyssal Emissary (Epic, Rank D)]

As an Abyssal Emissary, you have formed a unique bond with the creatures and energies of the abyss. This path allows you to communicate and negotiate with abyssal entities, harnessing their strength and knowledge. Your deep understanding of the abyss makes you a bridge between worlds, capable of wielding abyssal magic and influencing its denizens.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 with a history of positive interactions and alliances with abyssal creatures.

Rewards: +4 Mystic, +4 Power and +2 free attributes per level. +25 Mystic, +25 Power. Enhanced abilities to communicate with, summon, and control abyssal entities, along with a deepened understanding of abyssal magic.

Warning: Adopting this path will make you an enemy of the Hellion Church.

That’s an interesting one. Potentially useful, but not worth alienating the church, even if they’re annoying.

Noah thought over it for a few seconds, before moving to the next one.

[Abyssal-Titan Summoner (Legendary, Rank D)]

As a Abyssal-Titan Summoner, delve into the art of calling forth and commanding the titans of the void, commanding untold powers of destruction. Harness the chaotic and potent forces of the abyssal-titans, using them to achieve unparalleled feats in both offense and defense. Your strength will be unparalleled, and your presence alone will strike fear into the hearts of your enemy.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have Advanced [Abyssal Call]. Have the [Titan Slayer] title.

Rewards: +5 Mystic, and +10 free attributes per level. +80 Mystic, +20 Power. Mastery over void summoning, enabling control over powerful void entities and manipulation of void energies.

Warning: Adopting this path will alter some abilities.

Noah read through the description, letting the mental image come easily into his mind. He could command creatures… titans, of the void. The raw strength within the creatures alone would be something to behold, but the path was also… ritualistic. He would need to study and prepare summon circles and he himself would not have any power, even if his summons would be terrifyingly strong.

He moved on to the next option.

[Hellion's Vindicator (Legendary, Rank D)]

Embrace the righteous fury of Hellion's Vindicator, a warrior blessed by the goddess of justice to fight against the void and its corrupting forces. This path bestows divine powers to smite foes with righteous energy and protect allies from abyssal influences, embodying the balance between light and darkness.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have received the blessing of Hellion, the goddess of justice.

Rewards: +5 Power, +4 Constitution, and +6 free attributes per level. +50 Power, +50 Agility. Gains divine justice powers, including smiting foes with holy energy and shielding allies from abyssal corruption.

Warning: This path will break the Pact.

Of course I got this. Thank you Hellion.

He knew the goddess hadn’t directly given him the option, but it still made him laugh nonetheless. He moved on to the next one.

[Spectral Phantom (Legendary, Rank D)]

As a Spectral Phantom, your connection to the spectral realm is unparalleled. This path enhances your shadow clone abilities, allowing for more complex and coordinated attacks and reconnaissance. The specter can now act with greater independence and in perfect sync with you, making you a formidable duo in any scenario.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 and possess the [Shadow specter] perk.

Rewards: +5 Agility, +4 Mystic, and +6 free attributes per level. +50 Agility, +50 Mystic. Mastery over spectral abilities, enabling advanced coordination and utilization of your shadow for various strategic advantages.

Warning: Adopting this path will alter your [Spectral Shadow].

Heck no. Strong? Sure. Will I do it? Nope. Not gonna give that guy any more control. And I already have Tony.

Noah felt his shadow stirring somewhere inside his mind, grinning happily. He could not manifest here, but he was still attached to Noah’s soul. Noah rolled his eyes, before moving on to the next option available.

[Titanbane (Legendary, Rank D)]

Step into the role of Titanbane, a legendary figure known for slaying titans and other colossal creatures. This path grants you the strength, skills, and tactics needed to confront and conquer the mightiest of foes. Your prowess against giants makes you a legend among warriors, feared by behemoths and respected by all.

Requirements: Must have the [Titan Slayer] title. Have survived encounter with an Ascendant. Have beaten an enemy two ranks above you.

Rewards: +5 Power, +4 Agility, and +6 free attributes per level. +75 Power, +75 Agility. Specialized abilities for combating colossal creatures.

Warning: Adopting this path will alter some abilities. Experience gained from weaker enemies will be reduced.

Noah’s eyes widened. That’s another strong one. He could feel the strength present in it, it’d force him to constantly fight stronger foes, but the rewards would also be quite worth it.

Frowning in thought, Noah decided to read all the way to the end first.

I’ll keep this one in mind.

[Void's Apostle (Legendary, Rank D)]

Step into the enigmatic and powerful role of Void's Apostle, a path for those who have embraced the full spectrum of the void's mysteries. This path allows you to command the entirety of the void's forces, leading its creatures and wielding its enigmatic energies. As Void's Apostle, you become a conduit for the void, channeling its raw power and directing its creatures in a grand symphony of chaos and destruction.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100 and shown a deep connection with the void and its entities.

Rewards: +15 free attributes per level. +75 Mystic, +75 Power, +25 Constitution, +25 Agility. Unparalleled mastery over the void, including command over its creatures and the ability to manipulate void energies for various effects.

Warning: Embracing this path transforms you into an embodiment of the void.

Noah’s eyes widened slightly. That… was a lot of rewards. 200 attributes in a go, and 15 free attribute per level. It was somehow tempting despite how much of a bad idea it was. He glanced sideways at Dylan, who’d been watching awfully quietly now.

“What?” the man asked. “Do your thing, go, I don’t care.”

Noah looked one last time at the Path, before closing the option. He hadn’t selected it before, and he didn’t intend to select it now.

[Abyssal Predator (Legendary, Rank D)]

Become an Abyssal Predator, achieving a perfect symbiosis with your abyssal companion, making you a true apex predator within its realms. Your symbiote will become capable of protecting you, forming armor and weapons with its body, and your enhanced physical form and attunement with abyssal energies make you a terrifying force, capable of adapting and thriving in the most hostile environments.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have modified your body. Have the [Abyssal Symbiote] ability at advanced rank.

Rewards: +5 Power, +5 Agility, +5 free attributes per level. +75 Power, +75 Agility, +25 Mystic, +25 Constitution. Enhanced [Abyssal Symbiote].

Warning: This path will alter your [Abyssal Symbiote].

Noah saw the option, watching it in his mind. Tony would become capable of forming armor with his body, giving him versatile limbs to use at any point or make weapons off of, Metamorphosis would also grow stronger alongside a direct improvement to his baseline abilities. And his mental processing and abilities would be sharpened too.

He would truly be, in all meaning of the word, an Apex Predator. Out of all the options so far, this one was the most tempting one.

Closing the menu for now, Noah moved on to the last option.

[Netherflame Warrior (Unique, Rank D)]

Embrace the path of the Netherflame Warrior, a master of the mysterious and potent nether flames of the void. Wield these unyielding flames with expertise, letting them flow through you without harm. As a Netherflame Warrior, you harness the destructive and elusive power of these flames, using them to incinerate foes and light the path through the darkest of battles.

Requirements: Must have reached level 100. Have the [Netherflame Burst] ability at Intermediate rank.

Rewards: +5 Power, +4 Agility, +6 free attributes per level. +100 Power, +50 Agility, +25 Mystic, +25 Constitution. Increased mastery over the nether flames.

Warning: This path significantly alters your affinity with fire and void energies.

Noah closed the menu after reading the last one, before he began to walk around the Astral space. His mind raced through the options, as he tried to think of the many possibilities that lay in front of him.

All of them were good, though some clearly better than others. Glancing around, Noah searched the area before finding a piece of paper and pen lying on the now unmanned reception desk.

Picking the two up, he began to write down his options.


1) Scarlet Renegade: Ties to Raelinah. Could lead to something. Fairly powerful, and further increases my spear abilities. Overall balanced between regen and damage. +50 Mystic, +50 Constitution, +25 Agility, +25 Power

2) Wyrmblood Guardian: Makes Lifeblood even better. Kinda broken regeneration wise. +75 Constitution, +25 rest all.

3) Blood Reaper Enhances Blood Dept. Crazy DPS build. More damage focused. +50 Power and Constitution, +25 Mystic and agility.


1) Chainbreaker: Not worth probably, but could let me break Zax’s chains. Epic grade.

2) Star Weaver: Multiple hands spellcasting Path. Powerful offensive, less focused on movement compared to before, but high versatility and ability to overwhelm opponents. +50 to Mystic and Power.

3) Spectral Sovereign: Powerful, focused on the specters more so and my bloodline upgrade. Not sure if it's better than Star Weaver or not though. +100 Mystic.

4) Runebody Arcanist: Strong, lots of focus on arcane magic combined with physical attributes. The opposite of Star Weaver in some ways. +75 Mystic, +50 Power.

5) Rift Sentinel: Can go back home with this... Not sure I want to, yet. Also powerful ability. But tied with a duty. Similar to Earth Champion from the start. +75 Mystic and Power

6) Astral Vault-Keeper: Gives access to Astral Vault. Free shop access? Not entirely sure. Harder to get a read on this one, the images were unclear, but seems powerful. Less combat focused though. No attribute gains on unlock.

Void Hunter:

1) Titanbane: Strong. Quite strong. +75 to power and agility. But will make it even harder to level up unless I’m fighting things way above my level.

2) Abyssal Predator: The one I like the most. Makes Tony stronger, and more versatile. Increases sub-attributes and attributes both, and upgrades [Metamorphosis]. Powerful and versatile. +75 Power, +75 Agility, +25 Mystic and Constitution.

3) Netherflame Warrior: High DPS. Destruction based path. Fire focused, I could probably give Aurelia a run for her money with this one. +100 Power, +50 agility, +25 Mystic and Constitution.

Noah frowned, as he wrote down all his options, trying to think on which ones would be the best for him. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice Dylan walk up to him till the man was right behind him, making Noah jump.

“Can’t make up your mind?” Dylan asked.

Noah turned, surprised, before he paused. “Yeah. A bit. All of these are good, just not sure which one is right for me.”

“All of them are, or they wouldn’t have appeared. These are potential futures. But if you can’t decide, then think on which would you would dislike the most, and go from there. The last option is the one you hate the least,” Dylan replied.

“Don’t people do the opposite? Pick the one they like the most?” Noah asked.

Dylan shrugged. “I’m not a person. And that is a foolish way to choose. A feeling of dislike is always stronger, and easier to navigate with.”

“Huh,” Noah said. “Thanks. That… may have actually helped me.”

Dylan waved him away, before turning around as he walked back to the sofa. Noah turned to look at the note, closing his eyes. He pictured him, having each path, one by one, picturing how he would use them, and what they would mean for him.

After a few minutes of meditating on his thoughts, he opened his eyes.

"Alright, I've made up my mind."


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