Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 131: The Gatekeeper

Chapter 131: The Gatekeeper

Jai and I are currently  running from the various undead creatures. While trying to spend less of our mental and physical strength.

After hours of running our clothes have turned into rags with holes here and there.

With makes of claws and bites all over the body. Because of the battle between us and undead, from time to time.

"Really,I just want to quickly exit this goddamn place!"exclaimed Kai as he looked at Jai who was running behind him and making sure Kai stayed safe. 

He had his entire body covered in minor scratches, just because he possesses a stronger body compared to me.

Still compared to Jai, my condition is worse because by using magic spells my mental strength is decreasing at an alarming rate and I don't even have much magic power to use.

"Only one million magic powers are left,"thought Kai as he looked behind and saw an army of undead creatures following them, just five hundred metres away.

"I can only pray that behind that mountain we can find a place to exit this spiritual realm"thought Kai as he looked at the tall mountains just one kilometre away from them.

Suddenly I heard the sounds of rushing of the winds as a vortex of black winds appeared before us.

Stopping us from moving forward even a step due to the heavy pressure we were feeling trying to crush our body to the ground.

I and Jai are very familiar with this pressure.

It's not due to magic power instead it was the power of law.

One of the strongest beings of this spiritual realm was about to appear before us.

While the undeads creatures following us suddenly disappeared into thin air.

As the vortex becomes larger and larger a figure appears from within the vortex.

A black skeleton wearing black rag clothes covering his entire body with black chains wrapped around it, attached with skull shaped crystal; surrounded by a deep purple colour light, while holding a black Scythe with purple colour rune engraved on it.

As he looks at me and Jai with his hollow eyes with nothing but white colour flames burning inside them.

Suddenly the flames in his eyes flicker and I as well as Jai felt, the temperature around us drop. Sending chills down our whole body, as our entire body shakes.

My senses were telling me what the being standing before us; is in a completely different realm compared to me.

May be a magic lord or above stage undead.

When he got Jai message"Kai be careful, this guy cultivation is above me and has full control over the laws of this land. But judging from his behaviour, he does not mean to harm us. I got the same sensation and feeling, when I set foot on the realm; may be he had been observing us"

Hearing that Kai looked at the black skeleton before him who had no facial expressions on his face.

So we can't tell anything just by looking at him.

"It will be good if he is not our enemy or we don't have any way of surviving"thought Kai with a worried expression.

Just as he is thinking about the behaviour of the black skeleton.

The pressure suppressing our body disappeared and a deep voice resonated in their mind.

"I never thought that after thousands of years.

A living persons will dare to step on the land of Samsara world, from the world which has been connected to Samsara world due to uncertain reason"

"On top of that a dark magic user type human, whose magic power I can't measure and interestingly a young dragon"

"I have been observing you guys for quite sometimes. I never thought you guys will be still alive after two hours. While getting chased by those distorted souls"said the black skeleton with a interestingly voice while, the flames in his eyes flicker

Kai got a feeling from black skeleton's voice that he doesn't harm them and thought it would be okay to ask him for help.

"Senior, we just want to get out of this place and try to cross the mountain. Because according to my friend, if we cross this mountain. We can enter the core of the ancient battlefield. The place which is currently connected with this spiritual realm, you call Samsara world"said Kai politely as possible because not he or Jai can afford to offend this guy.

Hearing that the black skeleton looked at Kai and Jai for a moment and nodded"You guys are wrong about something behind his mountain is a barrier separating the two worlds and without my permission, you can't cross it. But good for you guys, I can help you guys leave the Samsara world. This world is a world of death not of living beings; at the same time, I don't have the right to keep you guys here. But you much help me solve a problem for me"

"A problem?"I asked.

Black skeleton nod"I am the supervisor of this place of Samsara world and it's my responsibility to make sure everything is going well. By the way my name is Pluto, a soul reapers also known as messenger of death"

"Recently there have been many disturbing events occurring in the materialistic world. As some beings, are trying to find the gate of the underworld. Which connects this world to the materialistic world, and by some unusual means sending living beings into this world. Interfering with the cycle of life and death as well as rebirth"

"One of those creatures has entered my area of control. But due to the laws of Samsara world, we soul reapers are not allowed to harm any living soul and can only leave the distorted souls to deal with him"

"Distorted souls?"asked Kai.

"You guys called them undead,"said Pluto as he created a figure made out of dark magic in his black boney right hand.

The creature was a mixture of a wolf and vampire bat.

It had a head of a wolf, standing with his little tilted body, on his two legs with long bat-like wings growing from his back with big sharp claws and sharp long canine teeth to tear apart the body of any living beings and a fur thick enough not to get penetrated with normal sharp weapons. Providing additional defence to the creature.

"I want you guys to kill this creature, known as vampwolf. A half living half dead being with the immortal body of vampires and the strength of a werewolf. The distorted souls cannot fight with him nor kill him because of his super regeneration capacity, which has slowed down, but still strong"

"If you guys, kill this creature. I will let you guys leave the Samsara world and also provide a guide who will lead you guy to the core region of so-called ancient battlefield"said Pluto honestly

Hearing that, I cannot help but ask"what if we fail?"

"Then you guys will die and I will take your souls to the underworld. Where you guys will go through the judgement of the righteous ruler of death and darkness. If you guys have committed sin, you will be sent to hell for punishment and after that again thrown into the cycle of rebirth"said Pluto casualty.

Hearing that both I am Jai looked at each other. Though their current physical and mental condition is not at the peak. They can only fight to get out of this place or offend Pluto.

"Ok we will do this task"said Kai.

Hearing that Pluto felt delighted"I will lead you guys to the place he currently is staying"

As both I and Jai started to fly. I cannot help but think it's Pluto who's doing this and within seconds we were flying towards the opposite direction of the mountain and reached our destination.

[Cave Entrance]

I and Jai were standing before a cave inside where the vampwolf was staying.

"So, what should we do? How do we make that creature come out? After all fighting inside the cave can be a disadvantage to us"said Kai as he looked at Jai.

"Let me set up some rune first. After I have become a half eight rank rune master and become a saint magic user. I realised that rank seven rune masters can use the power of rune to use the elemental essence in the atmosphere to directly use magic. This place only has a dark elemental essence so we can use it to cast some ready made dark magic spells. Just the consumption of mental strength is three times more than normal non-attributed rune and takes more time to use"said Jai.

Kai nooded"but how many runes can you make?"

Hearing that Jai raised three fingers.

Seeing this I cannot agree to Jai suggestions"Jai, we can't use them. It will be better if you save it for hand to hand combat"

As I looked around and saw Pluto was still looking at them from a distance of two hundred metres in the sky.

"Pluto has told us that he will take care of the undead and not allowed them to interfere, during our battle with vampiwolf"

"If Pluto is making sure that those creatures stay away from us, I can summon my Battle soul weapons now. According to Pluto, Vampiwolf had strong regeneration capacity and strong body with thick fur to act as defence with strong brutal strength. I need a sharp and strong weapons which can cut, his body smoothly"thought Kai

As he summon his Battle soul weapons and said with determined expression

"Let's begin"


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