Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 130: A Hour of Hell

Chapter 130: A Hour of Hell

[Two hours Ago]

Kai and Jai were talking happily, not knowing about the dangerous situation they are going to fall in after sometime.

"So it was Duchess Esabella who made the first move and kissed you. Later you went crazy because of the bloodline resonance"

Jai nodded.

Seeing Jai reaction, Kai remained silent and thought for a moment"Do you regard it, taking her virginity and not able to control himself"

Jai shaked his head"You know that Kai, I may now look like a human but I am still a magic beast; different from humans, we have our own laws. What happened between her and me, is nothing but an incident and if she wants the relationship between us to progress I don't mind. After all she is descendent of ancient fire dragon clan and as he bloodline purity increase, she will go through transformation to become a ancient fire dragon"

"But I will leave her to decide what she want to do in the future"said Jai with decisively

He was pleased by Jai decision

After all, Duchess Esabella in the end is a human but as she continues to breakthrough to higher stages her bloodline will also get more and more pure. A time will come, she will have to decide whether to continue as human or become a dragon.

"Thinking about that, what will I become? after my origin bloodline reach great completion"thought Kai as he look at the white land below

A white creepy land devoid of life or any sign of vitality with distorted white bone trees growing from the ground and are spread throughout the land with a light fog covering each inch of land with a strange silence.

Making Kai feel a sense of uneasiness.

After traveling for half an hour they have finally reached the boundary between the outer and inner regions of the ancient battlefield.

"It's seems like the tornado you caused during the morning really had many effect on the outer region of ancient battlefield"

"We didn't found a single undead during our flying time from the edge of ancient battlefield to the boundary of inner regions"

Concluded Jai after seeing the change in the ancient battlefield.

The outer region described by Froleytia was a land covered in dense fog with skeletons soldiers and rotting corpses walking around the land with the sound of shaking of bones resonating throughout the land.

But currently they can't hear any sound aside from the loud rushing sounds of the winds.

Landing on the ground Kai looked at the inner regions of the ancient battlefield in front of him.

The land was more grey and dark with a dense fog covering the land not allowing anything to be seen inside it, and much of the light didn't pass through it.

Kai cannot help but feel a little tense and nervousness.

He had never felt this kind of uneasiness and displeased for a long period of time.

He doesn't know why, but he has a hunch that reaching the core region of the ancient battlefield will not be an easy task even with Jai walking together with him.

As he looked at Jai who was also not feeling well and also looked towards me, causing our eyes to meet and nod to each other.

As both Jai and I stepped into the inner regions of ancient battlefield and feel a cold breath of something unknown, touching our body as both I and Jai felt goosebumps throughout our body

As I looked at the scenery before my eyes with surprise and took some time to recover.

As I and Jai looked at each other and looked at the mountain before them and the pitch black sky with no stars and just a gloomy green moon. Radiating with ill feelings light, making the atmosphere even ominous with scattered  black trees having no leaves; as the silent cold breeze touches our skin, as we tremble and our heartbeat increases.

My senses are constantly telling me that we are currently in grave danger but I cannot feel or see any form of living beings.

The world laws of this place were completely different from the outside world, as I felt suffocated and found it hard to breathe due to the rotten smell in the air.

As I remembered, Dai Yusa says"It's place is the unknown spiritual realm. Master Dao Yusa was talking about!"exclaimed Kai and with a hurry tried to take out his sword from his spiral ring but there was no response.

"Darn, it I was not careful. This place laws are completely different. I cannot take out my sword"and suddenly remembered his Battle soul weapons.

"I can only use it"Kai thoughts

But it was his great mistake. Battle soul weapons are made up of spiritual energy, meaning they are related to spirit magic.

Kai was just about to summon his weapon, when Jai stopped him with a grave expression and sent a mind transmission.

"Kai stopped whatever you are doing, I get a feeling that something is looking at us. If we do anything which is not according to this place's laws; we will suffer,"shouted Jai.

Kai had never seen such a terrifying expression on Jai's face.

As a saint magic stage expert, Jai senses and understanding of law is higher than Kai.

This place was affecting their minds and ability to think calmly.

In this place he can't use the power of law nor the power of law to protect them.

But Jai was too late in stopping Kai and beings of this realm have already sensed their guests' presences and the ground shook and a ten blood distorted hand rose from the ground and brought with a grotesque looking creatures appeared before Kai and Jai.

It's entire body was rotten with hundreds of small hand handles from this body with ten thin long hands on which it was running towards them at a fast speed with a bloody skull with teeth made up of broken sharp iron fragments.

Seeing this I and Jai got ready to fight.

I knew that I am unable to use my sword aura probably without my sword and can only really do my dark magic, while Jai can only use his physical strength as a saint magic stage expert.

As I ran towards it and I used my rank 6 dark magic spells.

"Darkness imprisonment"

Ten black chains raised up from the ground and stopped the movement of the creatures and Jai moved swiftly and used his hand to form a punch and hit the skull face of the creatures as it explored.

But Jai and I were not calm as we heard the sound of ground trembling and other new creatures started appearing because of the battle.

A bunky ten meter tall creature with his entire back body made up of a cluster of skulls with four limbs and sharp claws.

Another creature was a being with his entire back full of swords and spears as they penetrate it's back with two distorted rotten faces stuck together with a long bloody tongue.

Just as Kai was looking at those creatures, his neck was suddenly grabbed by a long dark shadow like being and Jai moved quickly, tearing apart that arm, but found he had not touched anything but air and felt a cold sensation in his hand.

Which had gotten frozen and quickly used his magic power to stop the freezing effect as he cold sweat appeared on his head.

"Kai, we must leave this space quickly. This place is consuming our mental and physical strength three times faster than outside. I have already used my magic senses. Hundreds of these creatures are moving towards this place. We can't fight all of them, this place is their home and here laws are favorable for them"said Jai in a hurry as they more and more undead creatures started to gather around them with ghostly shadow like being flying around the sky.

Kai felt displeased but seeing the expression on Jai and knowing his limitations``These creatures are gathering here and even if he continues to fight them. A time will come, when he will be both physically and mentally exhausted. Meaning staying here is equal to waiting for death"thought Kai and nodded to Jai.

'But where do we go, we don't know anyway to leave this place"

Hearing that Jai pointed towards the north direction where Kai saw a big rocky mountain which is almost five to six kilometres away from them.

"I have a hunch that, if we cross that rocky mountain. We can find our way home"said Jai.

"Are you sure?"asked Kai in doubt.

Because if they were not able to find their way out they will always be trapped in this spiritual realm.

Jai scratched his head and thought for a moment. Looking at Kai, he finally replied with confidence"I can feel that the law of that place is different. Until we reach that place, we can leave"

"But before that we have to clean the path. Kai I am going to act as a vanguard. You stay in the rear and use the magic only, when necessary.

We need to reach that mountain,"said Jai.

Hearing that Kai nodded and looked at the undead creatures before them and charged towards the rocky mountain.

Next few hours of their life are going to be hell.But before reaching their destination they have to fight a being, however these creatures with no sense of fear nor are afraid of anything Kai and Jai know about.


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