
Chapter 307 Reunion Grey

The only reason she got married and the only reason she had children is to have more influence and at the same time, have a more normal facade.

But if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't even think about approaching a man, no matter how frustrated her sex life might be.

"..." Staring at her cell phone screen silently for a few seconds, Lila chuckled and put the cell phone down on the desk, then opened a drawer next to it and took out a medium-sized glass box with the white house cornerstone inside "You certainly gave me a nice gift..."

"What can I give him as a gift?" looking at the cube in silence, Lila murmured "Jewelry? I don't think he'd be short of them, let alone money... vehicles? It would certainly do but it would only be a worthless gift... property? He already has plenty..."

Frowning slightly, Lila continued, "I really don't know what to give a man?"

For the first time in her life, Lila didn't know what to get someone.

She always made it a point to investigate everyone around her, from the most useless person to the most dangerous person. There are no exceptions, not even Christian.

That's why it was always easy for her to prepare gifts or deals with her ties, since she knew perfectly well the likes and dislikes of each one.

But today she came up against a wall she hadn't been able to see.

"How well do I know this boy?" frowning even more, Lila murmured "I know he's smart, has a lot of money and great power in his hands, but.... What does he like? What does he dislike? What does he do in his free time?

So, without realizing it, Lila made the first and biggest mistake a woman of her caliber can make.

Wanting to get to know a man better.

Becoming interested in Christian Grey.


"Whose cute little tummy is this~?" Leaning back on the couch with Helen at his side, Christian stroked his baby girl's soft skin and smiled softly.

"Daddy... kiss" Touching her belly, Helen murmured.

Letting out a small giggle, Christian narrowed his eyes tenderly and softly kissed his little girl's belly, but the moment he felt little hands touching her hair, he opened his eyes a little wider and looked at his little girl out of the corner of his eye.

"..." Looking at Christian silently, Helen focused on her father's hair and began to touch it awkwardly, then tucked her hands in and began to play meaninglessly.

Smiling softly, Christian settled his body and rested his head on Helen's belly with extreme care, making an extra effort not to press his weight down on her.

"The dearest person in the world has arrived!"

Raising his eyebrows, Christian turns his head towards the door of his house and smiles at the sight of the young blonde opening her arms wide towards the sky with obvious arrogance on her face.

"The dearest? Wouldn't be weird considering there are people who like to have fantasies about green aliens" Snorting derisively, Christian commented "But welcome my dearest little sister, and don't forget to wipe your feet on the way in."

"By the goddess, look at this house!" entering with several bags in his hands, Alan looked around with a twinkle in his eye "It's so damn luxurious!"

"Don't curse in front of my girl!" covering Helen's ears, Christian looked at Alan reproachfully and continued "And obviously this house is amazing, it's mine after all!"

Raising his head a little more, Christian smiles softly as he sees the beautiful, mature woman walking through the door "Good morning mother, how was your trip?"

"As boring as ever" Yawning lazily, Eva stretched her body and looked around, then nodded with satisfaction and commented "Although I thought it looked like a nice house when I saw the plans, it's certainly much cooler when I see it in person"

Moving closer to Christian, Eva leans in slightly and gently kisses his forehead "I missed you my boy~"

Closing his eyes contentedly, Christian smiled childishly and murmured "Me too mom."

"..." Lifting her gaze to Eva, Helen stares at her silently for a few seconds, then sits up with some difficulty and hugs Christian's body while murmuring "My daddy"

"..." Raising her eyebrows at the tender action, Eva laughs softly and strokes Helen's hair "Yes sweetheart, he will always be your daddy, but he is also my son just as you are his daughter."

"..." Blinking tenderly at Eva, Helen is silent for a few seconds, then murmurs and hides her face in Christian's chest "My daddy."

"I can't help but remember you when I see her" With a great warmth in her gaze, Eva gently stroked Helen's hair and murmured as she gazed into her son's beautiful eyes.

"Fuck what an incredible sight" Clinging to the window, Hailie commented.

Laughing softly, Christian took the little girl in his arms and rose from the couch, then kissed his mother's cheek and walked over to his two unruly dwarves.

Kissing Hailie's cheek, Christian turned and kissed Alan's head "Welcome idiots."

"Ugh" Pulling away quickly while touching his head with a disgusted face, Alan commented in his squeaky voice "Don't act so mature, it gives me the creeps."

"Hello little one~" Standing behind Christian, Hailie leaned in slightly and smiled at Helen, then reached up and gently squeezed his hand on her cheek "I'm your Aunt Hailie, remember me?"

"..." Lifting her gaze to Hailie, Helen watches her silently for a few seconds, then turns her gaze to the fingers squeezing her cheek. Raising her arms, Helen wraps them around Christian's neck and murmurs, "Dad.... hailie beast."




Although Helen mumbled, it was perfectly heard by the 3 newcomers.

"Hahahaha~" Holding his stomach while laughing loudly, Alan pointed at Hailie with a face full of mockery "Even little Helen knows you're a animal."

"You taught her that?" raising her eyebrows with interest while looking at the smiling Christian, Eva asked.

"I read him a book I did, it's about a prince and a beast. Now she calls Elisa a beast and today he calls Hailie a beast."

Slowly removing her fingers from Helen's cheek, Hailie pursed her lips and turned her gaze to Alan, then clicked her tongue in annoyance and muttered "Great, now he has a reason to make fun of me for years..."

Turning her gaze to Alan, Helen mutters "Duck..."

"Duck?" looking at Christian doubtfully, Eva asks.

Chuckling, Christian looked at Alan and commented "I read him a story called the ugly duckling, the duck was ugly and his voice was horrible, that's why the other ducks hated him."

"Haha-" Stopping laughing at those words, Alan opened his eyes a little wider and looked at Helen in disbelief "H-he called me ugly?"

"Hahahahaha~" Patting Alan's shoulder as he laughed, Hailie looked at him mockingly and commented "This girl has good eyes."

"Look what I taught her" Lowering his gaze to his little girl, Christian smiles softly and murmurs "Honey, give daddy a kiss."

"..." Lifting her gaze to Christian, Helen watches him for a few seconds and moves closer to him, then purses her pretty lips and kisses him softly on the cheek.

Giggling foolishly, Christian rubs his cheek with Helen's and closes his eyes contentedly, while Eva watched him with a soft smile.

"Where's Elisa?" looking around, Alan asked.

"She's working out at the gym, Sarah must be working and Emily..." Looking at his watch, Christian chuckled and commented "It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, this is her nap time."

"Where did you leave Lilith?" Walking through the house, Hailie asked.

"You didn't see her outside? There's Kitty and Lilith playing around the yard, they usually hang out together."

"You got them together with those little squirrels!?" Opening his eyes a little wider, Alan exclaimed.

"Relax shorty, they don't do anything to squirrels, I spend thousands of dollars on premium meat for a reason" Chuckling, Christian gave his little girl a soft kiss on the cheek and set her down on the couch, then crouched down in front of her and began to put her little slippers on her.

"Ready~" Taking Helen down from the couch, Christian set her down and let her do whatever she wanted, something the little girl didn't think twice about and got up to go to her mountain of toys, but not before giving Christian a long look.

Approaching the bags his family had brought, Christian began to go through them one by one and pursed his lips, "Are all these clothes or toys for Helen? I wanted a present too."

Sitting down on the couch, Alan yawned and commented "You're an adult now, get over it."

"Exactly, you're almost 20 now, behave" Waving her hand dismissively, Hailie sat down on the couch across from Alan and commented.

"Heh, these little shits are pretty sassy" Squinting at the duo, Christian sighed and looked toward the door "Where's Leslie? I'll tell her to bury these two in my yard."

"She went to check the perimeter and have a chat with the security on site" Walking over to Christian, Eva hugs him from behind and comments softly "How are you my boy? Were you able to rest?"

"Mn" Walking over to the free sofa with Eva still clinging to him, Christian sits down and settles into the sofa, then shifting and leaning against Eva's breasts contentedly "I should be leaving in a week or so for Ireland though".

"You've already started filming the series?" looking at Christian curiously, Alan asked.

"No, in fact filming has already started, but it hasn't started yet for the scenes where I appear and most likely they'll first have me observe everything for a few days before they start."

"Do you have your script yet?"

"They sent it about two weeks ago, I've already learned it and it's quite interesting."

"Does anyone die?"

"Lots die" Chuckling, Christian turned his gaze to Hailie and continued "You guys are graduating this year, do you plan on going to the party you do?"

"I am lazy" Waving her hand with disinterest, Hailie continued "But I plan on going to a gaming event in South Korea with Maya."

"I don't want to go either, hopefully I attended classes and most of my classmates were obnoxious" Pursing his lips while looking at his nails, Alan replied.

"Do whatever you want" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian looks up at the smiling Eva and continues "I was thinking of buying some seafood, we could grill it with cheese, I was looking at reviews and they say it's tasty"

"Do you sell seafood around here?"

"Yes, although I would have to send for it tomorrow morning, at this hour they have almost nothing. But I still have meat, we could go to the beach and cook it to pass the time."

"To the beach?" Raising his eyebrows, Alan asked with interest.

"I have a private beach below my house, no one will bother us while we're having fun" Turning his gaze to Hailie, Christian continued "I also have a boat if you want to go out for a ride"

"How lazy" Laying back on the couch with tiredness on her face, Hailie murmured.

"Your rooms are down the hall, to the left, all 3 are the same, so take your pick." Noticing the tiredness on his Sister's face, Christian pointed down the hallway and commented.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


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