
Chapter 306 Grow So Fast~

"The only way they could bring me down, is if they all unite against me. Something I hope to never experience..." Closing his eyes, Christian murmured "Not because they might end up killing me, I always have the confidence to take down whatever is in front of me, but... I'm not sure I can handle a betrayal of such magnitude... if I tell you I trust them blindly, it's because I love them like my own family..."


"That would be all?" smiling nonchalantly and not caring about Sarah's stunned face, Christian asked.

"Your people... what exactly do they do?" looking at Christian hesitantly, Sarah asked with slight wariness.

"I told you, murders."

"But what kind of murders..."

"All kinds of murders. Now if you're asking who we killed..." Turning his face to Sarah, Christian smiled broadly and continued "Only criminals."




"Because I wanted it that way."

"B-but how do you make money killing criminals?"

"We don't make money, we just do it."

"You do it for free!?" Opening her eyes a little wider as she quickly digested all the information, Sarah asked incredulously.

"Well, let's just say it's all funded by a big robbery we did, but yeah, it's all for free. We don't charge for killing."

"Why did you choose criminals?"

"Because I needed the world to fear me" Yawning lazily, Christian continued "I had two choices, kill random people or kill criminals. I'm not heartless and I have a conscience, I would never kill innocent people if I didn't need to. That's why I chose criminals, but it also has a big advantage. The world instead of just looking at us with fear, will look at us with some respect, since we won't just be soulless killers, they will label us with names like 'Heroes', 'Avengers' or similar shit."

"B-but isn't that dangerous? What if the police find you" Frowning slightly while looking at Christian with concern, Sarah asked.

"We have several countermeasures for everything, but even if they do manage to find us... they wouldn't be able to do much anyway" Shrugging, Christian continued "I have a lot of backup to back me up"

"Wow..." Looking at Christian silently, Sarah put her hand to her forehead and leaned back on the couch 'The man I live with and sleep with every day... turned out to be the leader of a group of assassins... and here I thought he was just rich and had some skills thanks to the army'.

Chuckling, Christian puts his arm around Emily's neck and pulls her to him "And this pretty girl you see here, she's the biggest hacker in the world. She hacked into the pentagon when she was only 9 years old and no one ever found out."

"T-the world's greatest hacker!?" Eyes widening in disbelief, Sarah exclaimed.

Frowning slightly, Christian asked with annoyance "Why are you more surprised that she's the world's biggest hacker? Wasn't it a big surprise that I'm the leader of a group of assassins?"


"Fuck me, it really wasn't a surprise!?" Laughing, Christian exclaimed.

"Well... I've long suspected you, so this just confirms it" Shrugging indifferently, Sarah continued "You already promised me that we wouldn't get repercussions from your actions and even though I don't like you at all, I believe in you."


"Emily on the other hand..." Looking at the young blonde, Sarah chuckled and continued "I never thought she would be a hacker, just look at her, she looks so innocent."

"She's just shy, you don't want to see her when she gets serious" Gently stroking the docile Emily's hair, Christian continued "So respect her or she'll end up leaking your porn history."


"Daddy!" Coming out of the kitchen as she runs towards Christian with her little arms outstretched, Helen screamed.

Watching the little girl run with her chubby body, Christian instantly forgot their conversation and smiled warmly, then opened his arms and happily accepted his little girl between them.

"Helen!" Coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of food in her hands, Elisa pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at the little girl who already hid her face in Christian's chest.

"What happened? I've never seen her run so much" Laughing softly, Christian asked with interest.

"*Sigh* I told her the last spoonful of food and she'd go to sleep" Shaking her head as a bittersweet smile formed on her face, Elisa continued "I ended up getting careless for a second and she got off my lap and ran away."

Looking down at the little girl in his arms, Christian narrowed his eyes softly and thought 'My little girl is already forming her personality... it took me several years and I only formed something solid at about 12... I feel so proud'.

'But I love even more the fact that she already has more reactions... she's so cute when she runs' Gently stroking the crimson hair, Christian took Helen and sat her on his legs, then gently took her head and made her look him in the eyes "Honey, you have to eat and sleep so you can grow as big as daddy."

"..." Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Helen turned her gaze to Elisa and murmured "Read..."

"You need to sleep miss" Setting the bowl of food down on the coffee table, Elisa rested her hands on her waist and shook her head.

Looking up at Christian, Helen murmured, "Daddy... read..."

Biting his lips to be able to bear this beautiful sight, Christian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then opened them again and shook his head as he gently caressed his little girl's cheek "Honey, finish eating and let mommy put your pajamas on. Daddy will follow you and read you a bedtime story to get you to sleep, yes?"

"..." Staring at Christian in silence for a few seconds, Helen turns to Elisa and murmurs "Mom.... food."



"Honey, I brought you a cup of coffee" Walking into the office, Bernard Trump smiled softly and walked to the desk.

Without stopping typing, Lila commented "Thank you, leave it on the side for me please."

"Mn" Setting the coffee down on the table, Bernard watched Lila silently for a few seconds, then bit his lips and stood behind Lila.

Wrapping his arms around Lila's neck, Bernard leaned close to her ear and whispered softly "Honey, it's been a while since we've had fun~"

"..." Frowning slightly, Lila stopped writing and took off her glasses, and commented "For now I can't honey, you know I still have a lot of work to do"

"But it's been months..." Pouting sadly, Bernard continued "Don't you feel frustrated~?"

"I've always been a resilient woman" Smiling kindly as her eyes sparkled with coldness, Lila turned and gently caressed Bernard's face "Now go to sleep it's getting late already"

"*Sigh*" Sighing with disappointment, Bernard nodded and walked towards the door "Make sure you get some rest, you might get sick."

"Yes honey, I'll be there in a while" Watching Bernard's back with a smile, Lila waited for him to close the door and lost her smile instantly, then frowned deeply and muttered "This asshole... it's impossible for him to have any sexual desire, his testosterone must be lower than a baby's or a woman's..."

Resting her cheek on her fist while looking towards the door, Lila closed her eyes and muttered "That stupid Ivana had to have pushed him... I guess she's getting suspicious of my actions with Christian..."

"Tsk, tsk, how annoying" Shaking her head, Lila looked down at the papers on her desk and muttered "The research is going well within the theory... we need to buy some subjects to experiment on."

Since Christian gave her the idea of mutating cancer, Lila commanded her entire staff to investigate that route. At first there was some hesitation among her people, but after some research and by stealing projects from certain medical companies, it was discovered that in theory, it is possible.

Cancer can change the cells of the immune system so that the cells that once protected the body begin to interfere with the normal functioning of the immune system and change them in such a way that it ruins everything within your defenses.

But the point of this research is not just to try to change that so that it strengthens your immune system, they want to improve human DNA so that they can create a more developed race, something that is possible if they take into account where the cancer enters.

Cancer cells can enter the cells of the bone marrow where blood cells are produced, one of the most important areas of the human body and which, in a way, contains most of your DNA.

If they manage to modify cancer so that it strengthens your bone marrow and mutates it into something different, it would be no different than creating a new race. Best of all, based on the theory, even the offspring of the mutated person would be different and obviously better.

But well, all this would only happen if his research succeeds, something that will take years to fully develop.

Pulling out a cell phone from her desk drawer, Lila looked up Christian's contact and sent a message.

[A/N: I find it looks weird when I add the "" to messages, since I use that for when they talk, so I'll change it to this -].

-Are you awake?

-I'm watching a movie, do you need anything?

It didn't even take a minute and he received her reply, causing Lila to smile slightly and continue.

-When will you send me your blood?

-Bitch, the last time you left me alone, it's too late for you now.

"Heh" Chuckling, Lila muttered "This little bastard speaks as confidently as ever."

If there's one thing Lila likes about Christian, it's his eternal confidence.

Throughout her life, Lila has met several men, not in the sexual or love arena, that never interested her, but in the work arena or in general connections.

Most of the men she meets are people in high positions that she has to tie to her group in some way, but even though they are big fish, they always act very cautiously towards her.

Not only are they cautious, but they are also very respectful and generally overly flattering. Some act flirtatious, some act cold, some are even shy, but with Christian, Lila experienced for the first time a man who acts shamelessly and insults her without a second thought.

In a way, it was that attitude that awakened her sexual desire.

Well, that attitude and the fact that he is perfection itself, something her entire family has sought for generations.

Anyone who has known Lila for any length of time knows perfectly well that Lila would be more on the asexual side.

The only reason she got married and the only reason she had children is to have more influence and at the same time have a more normal facade.

But if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't even think about approaching a man, no matter how frustrated her sex life might be.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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