
Chapter 289 Work

"No..." Suddenly lifting her head from my neck, Helen stared at Elisa and spoke in her sweet voice "My daddy..."

"..." Raising her eyebrows, Elisa smiled helplessly and raised her hand, then gently squeezed Helen's nose with her two fingers "He's your daddy but he's my boyfriend, I win."

"No... my daddy" Shaking her head to free herself from Elisa's grip, Helen hugged my neck and stared at Elisa "My daddy"

"Stop fighting" Kissing Helen's head, I turned my eyes to Elisa and smiled "Let's go see the sea? Even though Helen saw it through the window, I'm sure she must be anxious to touch it."

"I haven't put sunscreen on Helen yet, the sun is still too high" Pursing her lips as she looked up, Elisa replied.

"It doesn't matter, she's my daughter, her skin won't burn from the sun's simple rays" Chuckling, I gently pat Lilith's head and move it to the side, then stand up and stretch my hand towards my wife "Come on, we'll only be a few minutes, it's not that big a deal"

Sighing with resignation, Elisa stood up and held on to my arm, while Helen didn't take her eyes off her at any moment, as if she was afraid that I would be robbed at the slightest carelessness.

"Daddy..." After a few seconds of walking, Helen stopped looking at Elisa and rested her cheek with mine, staring at the grandiose sea in front of us.

Squinting with satisfaction at the feel of my little girl's soft skin, I smile softly and start walking down the stairs with Elisa, while the salty sea air was already starting to surround us with more intensity.

Honestly, this house is incredible.

If we leave aside the large amount of land it has and the beautiful patio full of life, the infrastructure is without a doubt top notch.

Beautiful views, all the luxury amenities, no annoying neighbors and finally your own private beach, making it a perfect place to clear your mind to the sound of the waves.

Arriving at the sand, I take off my slippers with only my feet and approach the sea, then lie down a couple of meters away and take off my socks.

Taking Helen in my hands, I take off her little slippers along with her little socks, leaving her with only her pretty white dress on the sand.

Looking around, Helen looks down and notices the sand beneath her, then bends down slightly and takes it in her hands, watching with her big eyes as the sand slowly falls through her fingers.

Leaning her head on my shoulder, Elisa smiles softly "She has grown up so fast..."

"It's okay" Intertwining my fingers with Elisa's, I rest my cheek on her head and murmur "She will always be our child, no matter how much time passes".


Resting her hands on the floor, Helen applies a little force and struggles to her feet, then turns her gaze to me and stares at me.


Lowering her gaze back down to the sand, Helen slowly moved her feet and stared at the sand covering them, then looked up again to see the water a short distance away from her.

Moving forward step by step with quite some difficulty due to the unstable ground and her poor stability, Helen finally reached the wet sand and stood still, staring as a little water touched her feet thanks to the small waves that washed ashore.

"Will she be okay?" looking at me with concern, Elisa asked.

"She's fine, the waves aren't as strong on this side and the terrain ahead is relatively flat. Even if she should fall or something unexpected happens, I'll be the first to go for her" Forming a comforting smile, I take Elisa by the waist and lift her up, then sit her on my legs and hug her from behind "You just relax and enjoy this beautiful scene".


[End of POV]


Two days passed quickly.

Life couldn't have been simpler for Christian.

He wakes up with breakfast in bed made by his beloved Elisa, then plays with his little girl, eats lunch and spends the rest of the day relaxing.

Although well, relaxing includes annoying a certain woman with little tolerance.

"You bastard, how did you do that!?" Turning her gaze towards Christian angrily, Sarah yelled, as the Play Station controller trembled in her hand.

"You're a rookie, you'd never know it~" Waving his hand dismissively, Christian didn't take his eyes off the TV and continued playing, while Emily at his side showed absolute concentration in her gaze as her fingers moved rapidly over the controller.

Since Emily arrived from the island, just like Christian, she put her computer aside and dedicated herself to play and rest, but without forgetting to activate the emergency alerts on her cell phone to be ready for any mishap.


A quite entertaining game that has several similarities with Super Smash Bros, but in this game the characters are demons with several interesting abilities and a good graphic quality.

"Christian, you have a call" Going down to the TV area, Elisa handed the cell phone to Christian and went back upstairs.

[A/N: For those who forgot, the house has a room that hangs from the cliff, that room is made to have a small movie theater and obviously is the most comfortable room to be in front of the TV].

Glancing at the caller ID, Christian frowned slightly and winked at Emily, then replied "Something happened my dear Envy?"

"I'm thinking of restructuring the army."

"Mmmn" Rubbing his chin for a few seconds, Christian answered "We have to do it sooner or later, the system of ranks through letters is not bad to start with, but it is deficient in leadership... look, give me 2 days and I'll send you the complete system, by the way I'll prepare the training for your new people."

"Fine, but I have a question"

"Tell me?"

"When do you start the missions again? Our people are getting rusty"

"In about 5 days at the most. The investigation has already reached a stalemate and since the attacks were all over the country, they don't know where to go and will be lost, causing them to let their guard down easily. In 5 days we should be ready to strike another blow."

"How many targets will we have?"

"Around 60 I think, after that we could take another country and let this one lick its wounds, we can't corner the rabbit."

"You already have another country in your eye?"

Smiling slightly, Christian got up from the sofa and looked out the window at the ocean "We won't choose the next victim".

"I don't understand."

"Our page is still up and it is impossible to throw it away or censor it, we will use it for people to vent their frustrations" Squinting, Christian continued "They will place the target. They will have to place the reason, some evidence if they have any and the location. The country with the most requests will be chosen."

"Sounds like fun."

"I hope so. To be honest I feel like my hands are itching after sitting still for so long, maybe I'll open the raid myself."

"You know you're in the eye of the hurricane, don't you?"

"I know, since the investigations have no results, they are going to focus on the only lead they have, me" Chuckling, Christian continued "But they won't be able to do much, besides I'd rather they look at me instead of my properties, it would be problematic for them to find my island"

"More so now that you're doing such a big construction."

"Yes, I'll have to be careful with that" Turning his gaze towards the big TV, Christian continued "I'll leave you for now, in a while I'll start writing everything you need. Let me know if you're missing anything else"

"That would be all for now, thank you"

"Thanks to you, we'll be in touch" Hanging up the call, Christian stretches his muscles and smiles, then walks over to the couch and lays down on Sarah.

"Don't crush me you fucking kid" Pushing Christian's body away in annoyance, Sarah grumbled.

Chuckling, Christian took the controller and settled into the couch, contentedly resting his head on Sarah's thighs, continuing a quiet afternoon of video games.


"Honey, I brought you coffee."

Typing quickly on his laptop while holding a lit cigarette in his free hand, Christian looked up and smiled softly, "Thanks honey."

"Are you missing much?" looking out the window at the dark sky, Elisa positioned herself next to Christian and asked.

"I'm almost done with the main thing, but I also have to do some work for the company and come up with some movie ideas for Netflix. After that I have to do some research on certain people and upload them into the system, it will take me a while to finish everything" Taking a deep drag on his cigarette, Christian flicked the ash into the ashtray next to him and looked at his watch "You should go to sleep, it's already two in the morning".

Pursing her lips, Elisa took Christian's hand and took the cigarette from him, then stubbed it out in the ashtray and sat on Christian's legs.

Cupping Christian's face with both her hands, Elisa frowned slightly and murmured, "I don't like it when you smoke."

"I just do it to relax, you know it hardly ever happens" Smiling softly, Christian wrapped his arms around Elisa's waist and pressed his forehead to hers, looking deep into her eyes "But seriously you should sleep, I'll finish this and follow you to bed"

"Even if it's just to relax, smoke is bad for you" Wrinkling her nose in annoyance, Elisa continued "If you want nicotine, try other things. There are nicotine candies, there are vaporizers that are a good option, and several other things."

"..." Smiling helplessly but feeling warm at the obvious concern, Christian sighed and replied "Fine, tomorrow I'll look for an option for the cigarette, but let me finish the last of my work, yes?"

"I refuse" Without giving up, Elisa gently squeezed Christian's cheeks and continued "It's already the second night you've been awake. I know you want to spend all day with Helen and us while you work at night, but you need to rest."

"*Sigh*" Sighing with resignation, Christian gently stroked Elisa's waist and hummed with acknowledgement "Fine, I'll put the work away and we'll go to bed."

"Do it right now, I won't leave until you're done."

Nodding with a small smile, Christian moved his hands and began to put away his work, then send the ready ones and shut down the computer, all under Elisa's silent and strict gaze.

"Happy?" lowering the computer screen, Christian chuckled and asked.

"Very happy" Nodding with a beautiful smile, Elisa rubbed her cheek with Christian's and continued "But you'll have to drink your coffee."

Rolling his eyes, Christian gently kissed Elisa's lips and lowered his gaze, observing with a twinkle in his eye the current attire of his beloved redhead.

Elisa is quite peculiar with her outfits.

When she wants to dress up and look beautiful, no one stops her. She easily manages to dazzle Christian with her incredible fashion sense and obviously her incredible beauty.

But when she is at home and relaxed, she leaves all care aside and always wears baggy t-shirts, wearing hopefully a skirt or sweatpants.

Although well, with this sensual woman even the sloppy clothes and more focused on the comfortable fit her incredibly well.

But without a doubt what Christian loves the most is what she wears to bed, always wearing nothing more than a long baggy t-shirt and the panties of the day, something extremely sensual to his sight. Even more so if we add to the formula the fact that she wears no bra and her long hair loose and somewhat tousled.


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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