
Chapter 288 Love?

"*Sigh* Ready" Looking at the house around her, Elisa wiped the sweat from her brow and smiled "Home is ready to accept my little girl."

What was once a perfectly elegant and tidy house, now became a field of toys.

A mountain of legos next to the sofa, a puzzle near the piano, big pillows in different parts of the house for Helen to lie on whenever she wanted, the door to the balcony locked with a baby lock, coffee tables that had dangerous spikes on the edges were moved to the walls and anything else that looked the least bit dangerous to her, disappeared from the place.

"*Sigh*" With a happy sigh, Elisa observed the house with soft eyes and turned her gaze towards the sea "In this very place my Helen was made, who would have thought... I'm a mother".

If someone were to ask little Elisa if in the future she would see herself with a family and live this way, it is absolutely certain that she would cry and run away because of the sadness she would feel knowing that it is impossible.

She may always look smiling and cheerful, but Elisa lived her own problems as a child in an orphanage even more depressing than living on the street.

Psychological abuse, social isolation, malnutrition, lack of affection, physical beatings, among many other sufferings.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that if it were not for Sarah's gallantry, Elisa would most likely have starved to death as a child, had she not taken her own life first.

"Everything I dreamed of came true" Holding her hands to her chest as she walked into the room with a soft smile, Elisa murmured "Being myself..."

The biggest reason for Elisa's bullying, is because of who she is.

Ever since she was a little girl, you could tell she was cute. Her personality was always soft and her behavior was always a source of teasing among girls and even boys.

But what used to be a reason for suffering before, now became the reason for her happiness.

Entering the room, Elisa walks to the bed and leans against the wall, staring at the scene in front of her. Christian asleep in the fetal position with Helen hidden in his arms, while Sarah is completely sprawled out with her legs over Christian and saliva dripping from her mouth.

"I managed to find those who love me for who I am..." Moving closer to the bed, Elisa gently sits down next to Christian and stares at his sleeping face, then lifts her hand and caresses his cheeks with her fingers "He's so cute even when he's asleep..."

"His eyelashes are so long..." Slowly bringing her finger up while gazing dazedly at Christian's face, Elisa murmured "His nose is so fine... his lips are so perfect... I like him too much."

Smiling sweetly, Elisa turned her gaze to the little girl who sleeps placidly and squints her eyes softly, then gently laying down behind Christian and hugging him by the stomach.

'Life is beautiful'



[A/N: I've been reading a bit of novels with various POVS in order to get better at my writing. The truth is that although the first chapters of this novel were full of POVs, I'm currently very rusty at it and it's very difficult for me to achieve something satisfactory in my standards. It would be very helpful if the people who read this would leave me their sincere comments with their respective opinions so I can improve and bring you better content].


Is the only word that comes out of my mind when I see the beautiful scene in front of me.

Lying under a tree while leaning on Kitty's stomach, I watch with a small smile Elisa and Helen, who are happily playing with several squirrels around them.

It's something magical that I don't really understand and never bothered to understand.

For some reason the animals always accept me, they approach me without any fear and most of the time I can call them naturally. As if the animals can understand my words and my intentions, while somehow I can understand theirs.

Lilith, my first friend of another species. No need to remember how she saved my life, even being a venomous snake who should be independent and even aggressive by nature, she ended up getting attached to me and even responds to my requests.

"Although it has a temperament that should not be underestimated" Stroking the head of the snake that is on my legs, I smile softly and sigh.

But as if all that wasn't enough, I can see right now how Elisa and Helen are going through the same thing.

Squirrels may not be aggressive animals and they are mostly curious, but it is not normal for more than 10 squirrels to come down from their homes to come and see two humans.

From the beginning everything about me was shrouded in mystery.

Why is my hair like this?

Why are my eyes different?

Why do I detect the truth?

Why does my strength increase as time goes by?

Why can I feel my whole body?

Why can I turn off my emotions and maximize my thoughts?

Why do I have such a connection with animals?

Why are my feelings so complex?


These questions are constantly in my head, but no matter how hard I try to make sense of them, I can never come up with a satisfactory result.

But as if his body wasn't enough, there are the various strange experiences in my life.

Did she really go to hell?

Why did that nun go crazy when she saw me?

Who is that woman who treats me like a son but then throws me out of hell?

Why do I have that core inside me?

But the most important of this last question is....

Who chained me?

Why am I chained?

Why did I reincarnate to begin with?

Who am I?


Blinking in a daze, I focus my gaze to the little girl hugging my leg and smile softly.

My god how much I love this little girl.

Just hearing her voice melts my bones and melts away any worries in my mind.

Just having her around makes the rest of the world seem insignificant and irrelevant.

"Come to daddy" Taking my little girl in my arms, I gaze with amusement at the dirt that soiled her cute dress, then pull her into my arms and rub her chubby cheeks with mine "Daddy loves you so much~"


Feeling the little arms wrap around my neck, I sigh contentedly and look up, finding my beautiful woman surrounded by squirrels looking down at me with that devastating smile of hers.

God how much I love this woman.

Maybe in the beginning it all started with a sense of infatuation for her beauty.

Elisa captivated me from day one and eventually I got my way, I slept with her.

But what captivated me even more to the point where I can say that I love her without a doubt, is her sweet personality and her pure heart.

I often question myself because of this.

I am not a hypocrite, I know I am just another bastard who is bathed in blood and as corrupt as the Elite I despise so much.

I am selfish, greedy, lustful, irrational, controlling, and so much more.

But even though I am full of flaws, this incredible woman loves me.

She gave me one of the greatest happiness of my life and together we raised our daughter.

She is understanding, kind, loving, caring, tender, attentive, intelligent, beautiful, and so I could be complimenting her all day long with nothing but truths.

"I don't like those eyes" Blinking dazedly for the second time, I smile softly and turn my gaze to the woman beside me, then reach over and gently kiss her sweet lips.

"I don't understand what you're talking about" Licking my lips with a smile, I ask with interest.

"Those eyes you have when you talk bad about yourself, I know them" Leaning on my shoulder, Elisa took my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine "I know you very well my little Christian".

Laughing softly, I shake my head and close my eyes, knowing full well that she is telling the truth. Many may think Elisa is stupid or something similar for being so passive, but they couldn't be more wrong.

Elisa is quite perceptive and intelligent.

I'm pretty sure she knows a lot of the things I do, including the assassinations I order my group to do. The sidelong glances she gives me whenever more cases of murder by an unknown 'cult' come up are pretty obvious.

But she, as always, chooses to remain silent and simply supports me in everything.

The love I see in her eyes every time she sees me is incredibly gratifying and beautiful.


Come to think of it...

I never took that matter seriously.

Sure, I have a lot of people I claim to love. But do I really love them in the aspect of love as a couple?

I am incredibly sentimental and my emotions are intense, that's a fact.

A simple goodwill towards another person may cause an instinctive feeling of protectiveness in me.

But do I really love them all?

Frowning slightly, I close my eyes and sigh.

During this lifetime I have been involved with many women, the vast majority of my loved ones are women.

Leslie, Emily, Lust, Greed, Pride and the rest of my team, I cherish them from the bottom of my heart.

We lived through many life and death situations together, I trust them with my life without a second thought.

Personally I have had sex with Leslie, Lust and Greed, much more with Lust than with Greed and Leslie.

That has given me a much closer connection than with Pride and the others.

But with Lust and Leslie my connection is different than with Greed.

Greed is more of a fun game than anything else.

I'm fond of that bitch, no doubt about that. I'd give a finger for her if I had to, but I'm not kidding myself when I say I love her the same way I love Lust and Leslie.

But could I call that love?

Opening my eyes, I look up and gaze at the blue sky through the leaves of the tree, while a thousand memories with each of the women around me flash through my mind.


I certainly can't say it's love.

Maybe it's an obsession mixed with affection, an affection closer to sisterly than 'true' love, although in Leslie's case it would be a maternal love.

Lust, is more like a good friend with whom I can hang out without worries.

Do I love and appreciate Lust?

Yes, I do.

Do I love and appreciate Leslie?

I do.

Do I love and appreciate Greed?

I do.

Do I love them all the same way I love Elisa?


I love and treasure them, but not the love I should have for a girlfriend.

At least not the same love I feel for Elisa.

At least not yet.

Maybe we've had sex and that makes our bond even closer.

Chuckling, I close my eyes again as I dive into my past, "I'm incredibly twisted."

To think my biggest dream was to have sex with a decent woman. Now look at me, in this world I would be the typical woman I disliked so much.

Is having sex important?

In the past I might have said yes without hesitation, but today I don't see it as anything other than a source of entertainment or a means to relieve my stress. Although, well, if I could have more children with it, I'd be twice as happy.

"But it's really pathetic that I thought of it as the biggest goal in my life."

"What's pathetic?"

"The fact that I'm holding you in my arms and can't eat you~" Releasing Elisa's hand, I move my hand to her back and wrap my arm around her waist, then gently caress her.

Opening one eye with a small smile, Elisa looks at me with amusement and snorts, "Then let's buy a crib for Helen or we won't be able to do anything."


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


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