
Chapter 264 Invitation

"Are you saying that you act differently with your subordinates?"

"With the vast majority yes, after all business and family are two different situations" Turning her gaze to Irina, Natasha asked "Would you like me to treat you as my suborbinate?"

"If you did I would have rebelled by now."

"That's my daughter" Nodding with satisfaction, Natasha looked back at Christian and continued "You should keep that in mind, though I don't think it's necessary if you want to be a 'kind' person to everyone, the kind they call saints."

Waving his hand lazily, Christian grabbed a chair and sat down "Nothing more stressful than being a saint, leave it to others."

"I thought so."

"Christian, how was your fight with this Long Fei?" taking a sip of tea, Dimitri looked at Christian with interest and asked.

"Disappointing" Sighing with boredom, Christian purses his lips and continues "She was weak and arrogant, her will is weak and she can't even take a punch, not to mention that she likes to play the victim and jumps to conclusions based on her feelings"

"You seem to dislike that woman."

"I expected more from a 'Mercenary Queen', even my sins could do better" Remembering the pitiful woman who attacked him, Christian shook his head and continued "She was trying to hit me for quite a while and always shouted things like 'You're courting death!' or 'Die for me!', she talks a lot and achieves very little"


"Not to mention she didn't even manage to make me sweat, I had prepared myself for a tough battle but ended up getting excited for nothing" Getting up from his seat, Christian moved to a more open area of the room and looked at Dimitri "But it wasn't all bad, I managed to see some new moves and stole them"

Closing his eyes for a moment, Christian took a deep breath and suddenly began to move, his feet seemed to dance to a strange, fluid rhythm, while with each passing second, the faster his speed became.

"That's..." Frowning slightly, Dimitri looked seriously at Christian's strange foot movements, while his eyes narrowed more and more.

After a minute of pacing around the room, Christian stopped and smiled at Dmitri "What's up? It's fun, isn't it?"

"I would never think of something like that... it increases your speed quite a bit but it would be kind of hard to fight if you use it" Rubbing his chin, Dimitri muttered "But for escaping some situations or getting close to your opponent, it's pretty useful".

"She also had some interesting moves" Adjusting his posture, Christian raised two fingers and placed his thumb on them, forming a strange shape with his hands "This move was used by that woman to fight, it's interesting since it's made to attack the weak points and these two fingers are used as a blade, although I also need to use my elbows a lot to hit or defend so it must be something quite complicated to learn for a normal person"

"And you can do it?"

"I just had to look at it" With a confident smile, Christian started punching the air nimbly, while his feet started moving with his new movement technique "This way of fighting is very compatible with the footwork, I took the trouble to get used to both"

"You received good treasures, but you don't look happy in the least" Even though he managed to see a smile on Christian's face, Dimitri easily noticed the trace of frustration and asked "What's bothering you?"

"*Sigh*" Stopping moving, Christian looked at Dimitri with boredom and muttered "That famous mercenary queen didn't last a single hit and it was very boring to fight her... she's already almost at the top in terms of skills, but..."

"It was too easy" Interrupting Christian, Dimitri smiled "You feel frustrated because such a high level person is no different than a piece of trash for you... you want a fight that excites you"

"Yeah... it's hard to explain, but I feel a great frustration in not having some challenge" Scratching his cheek, Christian continued "I don't even train that much or dedicate myself 100% in fighting techniques or anything like that, but still I feel that every day I'm getting stronger and somehow it frustrates me"


"I just want to have to sweat it out in a fight and feel some kind of danger... it's boring to do something if you already know how it will end... sometimes I wish I could find someone who manages to hold me back, it would be fun."

Listening to his son's ramblings, Dimitri smiled oddly and snorted 'Is that the famous loneliness of the supreme talent?'

The loneliness of the supreme talent.

Who hasn't heard that phrase at some time in his life?

A being who looks at all beings with coldness from an unreachable tower is condemned to have that feeling.

It is said that when a being manages to have such an overwhelming talent, after a while loneliness begins to eat away at him.

Unlike the others who manage to have rivals and have the need to have difficult fights to improve, the supreme talents by themselves manage to reach the top and almost without difficulties.

They do not manage to live the emotion of the path they take, managing to have everything as easy as breathing.

At first it can be fun for anyone, but once you achieve everything, loneliness and boredom will be your only companions.

"Tsk, the more I think the more annoying it is" Shaking his head, Dimitri looks at Christian and speaks "You could try in other areas, chess, piano or some sport".

"Maybe, for now I don't have time" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian sits back in the chair and sighs, then turns to Natasha and speaks "I also have a gift for you"

"I'll accept it with a smile."

Smiling slightly, Christian reaches into his suit and pulls out a folder, then tosses it to Natasha and speaks "You have 17 spies in your higher ranks and another 90 in the lower ranks, there you have all the information."

Frowning slightly, Natasha takes the folder and opens it, and then begins to read each of the files seriously.

After more than 5 minutes in silence, Natasha spoke coldly "Ivanna, Irina, get out".

"Did something happen?" Sitting next to Christia, Irina asked with a frown.

"Just come out" Looking up, Natasha looked at Irina with gentle eyes and replied.

"*Sigh* Well..." Nodding reluctantly, Irina gave Christian one last look and left the room, closing the door behind her.

"You said they were just spies, but here we have spies, traitors and much more" Looking at Christian seriously, Natasha continued "How did you find this?"

"To each his own" Winking at Natasha, Christian settled back in his chair and continued "With that as an offering, I want to propose a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes, I was planning to do it a few days later, but since we're here, I'll be direct" Losing his smile, Christian spoke seriously "I'll start an organization among the big mafias from all over the world"

"..." Without showing any expression, Natasha lowered her gaze to the papers and asked "What do you offer?"

"I offer information" Smiling slightly, Christian pointed towards the files and continued "I can say with total certainty that my information network is the largest on the planet, the things I don't know are very few"

"What does your organization offer?"

"Obviously a deeper cooperation between you" Pulling another file out of his clothes, Christian opened it and began to pull out images of women "Italian Mafia, Cali Cartel (Colombia), Sinaloa Cartel (Mexico), Russian Mafia, Yamauchi-gumi (Japanese Mafia), Sun yee on (China)."

Looking at the pictures, Natasha observed her face in one and spoke "Just those mafias?"

"No need to add the little fish" Smiling slightly, Christian continued "Now if you talk about other big mafias like the 'Salvatruchas' or the Albaneza mafia, I'm not interested in connecting with such uncivilized people who will end up falling sooner or later."


"As you will notice, all the mafias I chose, are from different sectors and therefore, their territory does not clash" Looking at the pictures in silence, Christian continued "My plan is to set up a cooperation between you, that you become the powers in your territories and form a mutual aid treaty"

"You know we don't need this, don't you?"

"I know, you already took over the country."

This is something very obvious to Christian.

Unlike the other mafias, the Bratva was the only one that managed to eat a country as big as Russia, their power reached such a point that they themselves elect the presidents and have the power to play with politics as they want.

That's why Christian came to the Bratva first, wanting to take advantage of the good relations between them and offering them something that can tempt them, information.

"But I also know they are not infallible and constantly have to make sure they have each other's backs" Pointing to a particular image, Christian continued "Do you know who that is?"


"She is the leader of the Sun Yee On, the largest mafia in China that is not controlled by politicians."

Raising her eyebrows with interest, Natasha reached out her hand and took the image "I'm sure the Chinese government would give a juicy reward for this image."

"That's what I want to show you" Taking Natasha's picture, Christian held it up to her and continued "You have the nickname 'Boss of Bosses', even the big politicians don't know your face and today is the first time we've met"

"But you still have my picture" Smiling slightly, Natasha looked up at Christian and continued "You have a pretty interesting offer kid, but what's the catch?"

"I won't go with trickery with you, I want to limit you."


Looking at Natasha's smiling face, Christian spoke "I want to set certain rules in the underworld and obviously be able to ask for your help when I need it."

"What rules would those be?"

"I don't care what you do, you will not touch children" With coldness in his gaze, Christian continued "No child trafficking, I don't want child ****, I don't want the sale of children's organs, or anything to do with the suffering of children."


"My father told me that you stopped doing that some time ago, but my information tells me that you still have pedophile and slavery cells, I don't like it at all."

Losing her smile, Natasha looked at Christian with the same coldness and spoke "And what do you plan to do if someone refuses?"

"I promise to eradicate them to my last breath, no matter what the cost."

Laughing lightly, Natasha regained her smile and spoke "I'll be honest with you."


"If this proposal had been brought by someone else, I would have killed him by now."


"But since we trust each other, I listened to what you proposed and I analyzed if this alliance of yours would bring me any benefit" Leaving the photo on the table, Natasha continued "I see great benefits, having a direct alliance with the biggest drug cartels in the world will certainly give me many benefits, not to mention that we would have many allies in this dark world"


"The information you may have also interests me quite a bit and your requests are rational, so if I consider all of this..." Increasing her smile, Natasha nodded "I accept your proposal, but I would like to know how you have everything planned".

"It's simple, all the leaders within the alliance will have the same voting power, we can divide territories and if at some point conflicts arise, you can talk inside and if things get worse, I will be the judge... but you must keep in mind that I will not be impartial, so don't expect me to tip the scales towards you."


"I can assure virtual and face-to-face meetings, I guess you already know about my island and I can assure you that the United States will not be a problem inside, I already have my people inside the presidency."

"Then you just need to bring them all together, right?"

"Yes, then I will start a trip to each country to give the invitation to everyone, you were the first ones. All this is the summary, obviously we will have several more complex approaches and the rules will change as we unite the criminal organizations, but the end point of it all is a worldwide union of mutual aid."

[A/N: I'm looking for artists to create my own cover for the novel, my main idea is obviously to have Christian and maybe Eva. If anyone knows a good artist who doesn't charge a huge price, please don't hesitate to recommend.]


Edited By: YASH_MATHUR and EgO_Unknown


Pa treon: https://www. pa /Eroos


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