
Chapter 263 Bratva Family

"My father told me I would have a surprise when I arrived, but I never thought it would be my sister in training" Resting one shit on top of the other, Christian removed his suit gloves and spoke with a smile "I must say it is a pleasant surprise"

"It's an honor" Regaining her composure, Irina smiled slightly and continued "Mr. Dimitri is waiting for us right now, he's quite impatient"

"Heh, training sister of mine" Wrapping his arm with Irina's, Christian laughed lightly and spoke wisely "Never tell that old man Mr. Dimitri, you don't know how much it bothers him to be called 'Mr', and he's also your master, just call him master or something similar"

"Mr. Dimitri is bothered by being called Mr?"

"Yes, he says it makes him look old."

"I see..." Looking sideways at his intertwined arm, Irina swallowed silently and nodded.

Noticing the young woman's effort to maintain her composure, Christian hummed with amusement and thought 'Even though I like mature women better, it's not wrong to tease the young ones once in a while.'

'Although now that I think about it... we're the same age... I guess it's just different tastes' Momentarily remembering his age, Christian chuckled slightly and turned his gaze to Irina "Irina, where in Moscow are we going?"

"To the military base on the outskirts" Smiling towards Christian, Irina continued "We have a villa at the foot of the military base, you could say the whole grounds are attached"

"The military base is managed by you?"

"Yes, in fact all the military men in that place are high-class Bratva soldiers."

"No doubt it's great... my father told me about the Bratva's reach, but I always found it hard to believe that a mafia managed to take over the whole country, be it in politics or in the underworld.."

"Generations of effort and an opportunity in a country that was plunged into chaos" Laughing, Irina turns to the window and continues "We just had to get rid of some unruly weeds and keep all those politicians against the wall, after that it wasn't hard to get our people inside and purge the nuisances."

'The boss is talking too much' Shaking her head, Ivanna looked at Irina and sighed 'She was always cool and bright about everything, I guess even the toughest woman falls for a great beauty'.

"How did it go with the test implantation in Ukraine?"

"Y-you know?" Opening her eyes a little wider, Irina asked in surprise.

"Of course I do, it was my idea."

"Oh... that's why mom didn't want to tell me" Sighing, Irina continued "It went pretty well, a worldwide controversy was stirred up over it, and although the operation was obviously illegal, we can't be criticized for recovering our national treasure."

"I see, they were left with their hands tied" Nodding, Christian sighs and leans his head back on the seat, then closes his eyes and mutters "Let me know when we're reach"


"..." Raising an eyebrow, Ania smiles and turns her gaze to Irina, then gives her a thumbs up and acts like nothing again.

"..." Rolling her eyes at the childish attitude in a ruthless assassin, Irina turns her gaze to the calm face of the man next to her and completely loses herself, oblivious to the passage of time.

"Boss, we're here."



"W-what?" Startled by the hand on her shoulder, Irina turns her gaze to her side and sees Ivanna in front of her with the door open, then frowns slightly and looks sideways "Fuck..."

"Are we there?" suddenly opening his eyes, Christian yawned and stretched his body, then turning to Irina and smiling "Is this it?"

"Yes" Adjusting her clothes while pretending nothing happened, Irina gets out of the vehicle and stretches her hand towards Christian.

"Thank you~" Accepting the hand, Christian steps out of the vehicle and looks sideways "Is this supposed to be military ground? Because it doesn't look like it."

In front of Christian is a large mansion with a somewhat rustic look, lots of nature everywhere and dozens of soldiers guarding the place.

"It's where I live, we try to make it as nice as possible" Smiling slightly, Irina opens the trunk and takes out Christian's bags, then turns to Ivanna and speaks "Tell my mother we're here"

"I'll be right there"

"How did it go girls?" speaking in English, Christian looks at Greed's frustrated face and asks with interest "Is something wrong?"

"Last time I was in this place, I was beaten at least 9 times a day, not good memories."

Laughing softly, Christian shakes his head and speaks "You better not rust your skills or I'll give you much worse training."


"Let's go?" Carrying two suitcases, Irina looks at Christian and asks with a smile.

"Yes, let's go."

While Irina gave a quick introduction to the big mansion, Dimitri and Natasha drank tea calmly.

"So the boy has arrived" Smiling slightly, Natasha turned her gaze to Ivanna and asked "Did something funny happen?"

"The little boss..."

"Did they fight?" Raising his eyebrows with interest, Dimitri put down the teacup and asked.

"No... something very different happened."

"What happened?"

"The little boss, who had previously shown hostility, became nervous at the sight of him and now she kept smiling, even offered to carry your son's bags."



Blinking in a daze, Natasha and Dimitri stared at each other in disbelief at what they heard.

"My daughter... is smiling at him and even offered to carry his bags? My Irina? That little girl with pride bigger than mine?"

"Hahaha~" Laughing softly, Dimitri looked at Natasha with a smile on his wrinkled face and spoke "I told you that you should train that girl to be immune to men, look at her now, you already lost her."

"But she never showed much interest..." Muttering with a bitter smile, Natasha sighed and asked "Anything else?"

"She opened the door of the vehicle for him and helped him out, even talked openly about the true nature of these soldiers."

"This girl..." Bringing her hand to her face wearily, Natasha smiled bitterly and looked at Dmitri "Looks like she took us by surprise."

"Don't worry about the soldiers, Christian would have noticed with a simple look" Shrugging his shoulders, Dimitri looked at Ivanna and spoke "Bring those children, I haven't seen that rebellious child of mine for a long time."

"No need old man, I'm already here" Walking through the door, Christian scanned Dimitri's body and laughed "Father, every time I see you I find you getting thinner and older, I told you that you should start using skin creams and eat better"

"Damn kid, how many times have I told you to stop calling me old man" Grabbing the knife from the table, Dimitri doesn't think twice and throws it straight at Christian's neck.

Chuckling, Christian takes the knife between two fingers and fiddles with it "Another one for the collection, I already have a box full of knives you've thrown at me."

"Tsk, someday I'll kill you" Clicking his tongue, Dimitri scans Christian's body and asks impatiently "Where's my present?"

Raising an eyebrow, Christian chuckles and turns his gaze to the silent Irina at his side "Could you hand me the suitcase on your right please."

Nodding silently, Irina reaches out her hand and hands the suitcase to Christian, all the while dodging the gaze of her mother's piercing eyes.

Setting the suitcase on the floor, Christian opens it and pulls out a long wooden box, then walks over to Dimitri and sets it on the table "It's a rare treasure, I got it by chance"

"Hoh" Nodding with satisfaction, Dimitri takes the box and opens it, then looks with interest at the sword inside "This short sword is from China."

Taking the sword out of the box, Dimitri looks at the engravings on the sword's hilt and opens his eyes a little wider "Brat..."

"I took it from one Long Yu, I happened to hit her sister's granddaughter and she tried to attack me with this."

"..." With surprise on his face, Dimitri raises his gaze to Natasha and notices the same expression on her, then laughs with satisfaction and turns his gaze to Christian "Do you know the value of this sword?"


"This sword only has 17 similar ones, all of them are made by the best Chinese blacksmith and none is equal to the other, that's why I said similar and not equal" Looking at the back with satisfaction, Dimitri continued "They only give it to people who have made a great contribution in the Chinese government, this sword has military merits, many military merits"

"Is it that important?" Raising his eyebrows, Christian looked at the sword and sighed "Old man, I got the wrong gift, in fact that's my lucky charm."

"Fuck you, it's mine now" Laughing, Dimitri puts the sword down on the table and asks "But how did you come across such a figure?"

"You knew I went to England?"


"My mother's mother tried to marry me off to a Long Fei."

"Long Fei!?"

Frowning slightly, Christian turns his gaze to Irina and asks "You know her?"

"That damn bitch almost killed me in Ethiopia, not to mention stealing a goddamn shipment of weapons from me!" With fury on her face, Irina continued "We were supposed to have hired her as a mercenary to protect the shipment and she ended up betraying us, if she hadn't escaped to China I would have killed her by now!"

"..." Looking for the first time at the anger on Irina's face, Christian chuckled lightly and commented "If it makes you feel good, the last time I saw her she was embedded in a wall with blood coming out of her mouth!"

"Did you kill her!?"

"No, it wouldn't be fun" Shrugging his shoulders, Christian turned for the first time to Natasha and smiled, then approached her and bowed slightly "It's nice to meet you Mrs. Natasha, sorry for not greeting you sooner, I got emotional not seeing this old man a while ago"

"Damn kid, why you treat her with such respect!"

Ignoring Dimitri's shouting, Christian notices the slight smile on Natasha's face and thinks 'She's a lot like Irina, but my god, what juicy thighs she has!'

Rising from her seat, Natasha looks at Christian and smiles broadly "I've been hearing about you for a long time, can I ask you for a hug?"

"Sure you can" Smiling, Christian moves closer to Natasha and lets her wrap her arms around him, while her large breasts press against him.

Not lasting more than 5 seconds, Natasha lets go of Christian and smiles "You're pretty tall, you almost reach my height."

"You must be 1.94 meters tall?"


"Only about 2 centimeters difference."

"It's nice to meet you kid, even though it's the first time I see you, I consider you as my family" Smiling kindly, Natasha turns to Irina and speaks seriously "You'll take care of him, treat him well"

"Yes mom"

"..." Looking at the woman in front of him, Christian comments "I thought it would be different."

"Different? In what way?" Resting her chin on her hand, Natasha asked with interest.

"You know, something colder or cruder, maybe dumber? You know the Russian stereotype is well known, but you look different."

"And which one would you have liked to meet more? A cold and raw Russian or a dumb Russian?"

"As it is now it's nice, although it all depends on the situation, it wouldn't be bad to see a dumb Russian and a cold and raw Russian, it would be a unique experience in certain situations."

"Hahaha~" Laughing softly, Natasha turned her gaze to Dmitri and commented "Now I understand why you like him, this kid knows how to be honest but not to the point of causing bad feelings"

"I like this kid?" Looking at Christian with derision, Dimitri commented "I don't kill him because he's my son, who says I like him?"

Rolling her eyes, Natasha turns her gaze to Christian and smiles "In fact I doubt many people see me as you do, you must know when to take off the mask, a person who always wears the mask of a boss or leader will end up losing herself."




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