
Chapter 261 Travel

Blinking in a daze, Christian looks down and laughs "I guess I got excited to try out my new slave, my mistake".

Rising to his feet, Christian speaks "Lust, help me."

"Yes master~" Approaching with an amused smile, Lust pulls off Christian's suit jacket and begins to remove his shirt.

Dropping his pants, Christian removes his underwear as Lust finishes undressing him, then stretching his muscles with satisfaction and watching Greed's eyes sparkle "Do you like what you see?"

"I-I knew it would be amazing, but..." Staring at Christian's erect member, Greed licked her lips and swallowed saliva with difficulty "*Gulp* A-as always the boss surprises me."

"You flatter me" Repositioning himself again between Greed's legs, Christian takes her by the buttocks with one hand and caresses his slave's moist crotch with the other "I never thought my dear Greed would be a woman who shaves her pubic hair~"

"As the saying goes, she who cleans house, visitor waits" Nodding sagely, Lust hugged Christian's body from behind and whispered "Master, shall I help you get into that dirty slave?"

"Hoh, of course I would accept your help."

"Thank you master~" Hugging Christian's body from behind, Lust pressed her breasts against Christian's back and slowly lowered her hand down to her man's crotch, then clasped it with both hands and whispered softly "Here we go~"

Pushing her body against Christian's back, Lust watched with a twinkle in her eyes as the glans slowly pushed into her friend's dripping little hole.

"Fuck" Opening her eyes a little wider as she felt her loins expand like never before, Greed quickly brought her fist to her mouth and bit down on her hand to keep from making noises, while her breathing became more and more agitated.

Closing his eyes, Christian let himself be pushed by Lust and enjoyed Greed's tight and warm pussy with pleasure, while in his mind a thought was instantly born 'For a non-virgin, she's incredibly tight... I guess it's because of the time, she's been almost two years without sex already'

"Hehe~" Looking at Greed's cloudy eyes and flushed face. Lust smiled with amusement and whispered "It's so amazing to see this bitch like this, she looks like a shy kitten~"

Not withstanding Lust's slow thrusting, Christian moved his hips and thrust deep inside Greed, while his balls kiss another woman's buttocks again "*Sigh* Greed, you're amazing, but I wouldn't expect anything less from my sex slave."

"..." Lowering her gaze with misty eyes, Greed pulled her hand out of her mouth and whispered "F-first time I'm so full..."

"So cute~" Happy not to hear an insult from this woman, Christian wrapped one arm around Greed's waist and with the other held her by the back of the head, then leaned in fully and suddenly kissed her lips.

Wrapping their tongues passionately around each other, Christian waited no longer and began to move his hips gently, knowing full well that Greed was still too tight to treat her roughly without causing considerable damage.

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Climbing off Christian's back, Lust lay down next to the couple and watched the scene in front of her with interest, while the muffled moans, the splashes and the aroma so characteristic of sex sweetened her heart in a way that perhaps only she could enjoy.

"There is nothing more perfect in existence than this" Smiling broadly, Lust murmured, then closed her eyes and inhaled deeply "*Sniff* The smell of bliss."

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As always, the hours passed quickly, while the trio never stopped their debauchery and enjoyed each other's bodies.

"F-fucking bitch..." Muttering in a daze, Greed looked at the woman moaning vulgarly over her and clicked his tongue "How the fuck did I end up like this?"

After a long sex session with the docile but hungry Greed, Christian took advantage when the woman lost consciousness from pleasure and had Lust lie on top of her, causing Greed to wake up with two tits on her neck and a woman dropping saliva with every jerk.

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Staring at the two prime pussies in front of him, Christian smiled with satisfaction as his hips never stopped moving, savoring for the first time this incredible position.

Pulling his cock out of Lust's hole, Christian moved it downward and entered inside Greed in one pure thrust.


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Breathing raggedly, Christian squeezed Lust's buttocks and kneaded them with satisfaction, then gritted his teeth and let out another load inside Greed.

"*Sigh*" Leaning back against Lust's back, Christian made sure not to carry his full weight and whispered "How did you like this experience my little slave?"

"That's all master~?"

Smiling at Lust's provocative comment, Christian shook his hips a few more times and lifted his body again.

Looking at the pussy receiving his cock and the second pussy dripping white fluids, Christian narrowed his eyes from pure visual satisfaction and smiled "Greed, can you hear me?"


Pulling out of Greed's insides, Christian reaches up slightly and grabs Lust's ass with both his hands, then connects with Lust's asshole and slips in smoothly "Have you wondered since when I've had this relationship with Lust?"

"I-I wouldn't dare master."

Chuckling lightly, Christian continued "Since a few years ago Lust became my little slave because of a bet we made."

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"Since that day, there aren't many things we haven't done with her... we already tried her 3 holes and experimented countless positions... but we always find that there is so much yet to discover and experience... cosplay, role playing, BDSM, among many other games"

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"But today is the first time we have a threesome together-"

"Master, this bitch fell asleep."

"..." Stopping the movement of his hips, Christian looked up past Lust's shoulder and looked at the woman, then sighed and smiled " 2 hours and 47 minutes... not bad"

"What did you want to tell her?"

"I was going to start joining her in our games... it's satisfying to have another woman in our activities."

"Is so much introduction necessary? We've already seen that she accepts it."

"Heh, today she accepts it because she didn't have sex a long time ago and I am the target of all her carnal desires, but now that she is fed, she will realize that she lost her mind and ended up being very intimate with another woman."

"*Sigh* Women have a very fragile femininity" Nodding, Lust looked back at Christian "Can you lie down on the bed?"

"Of course I can honey" Without slipping out from under Lust, Christian wrapped his arms around her waist and rolled onto the bed, getting Lust on top of him riding him like a cowgirl.

Rising up slowly, Lust turned around and stared at Christian, then rested her chest on him and stared into his eyes with a smile "Leave the work to me~"

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"Have I told you how amazing you are~" Sighing with satisfaction, Christian affirmed Lust's ass and whispered heatedly.

"Whenever we have sex~" Slowly licking Christian's chin, Lust replied in her typical sultry voice.

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"Lust... I don't think I've ever told you this when we're not having sex and maybe you don't believe me, but..." Lifting his head slightly, Christian softly kisses the lips of the woman who sensually moves her waist over his crotch and whispers "Since the first day of sex I've somehow become obsessed with you... I wouldn't say it's love at first sight or anything, it's more like an addiction."

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"..." Without stopping swaying her hips, Lust raised an eyebrow and stared at Christian, silently awaiting his next words.

"You became a poison that consumed my mind every second... after that night my body wouldn't stop thinking about yours... I longed to touch your body again, I longed to get back inside you, you became a dangerous drug."


"But you know what?" looking at Lust with a soft smile, Christian whispered "You became my drug of choice, and even though I know no addiction is good, if it's for you, I'll gladly dive into this abyss of pleasure, my pretty little slave~"


"So now don't think you'll ever be free, because I promise I'll keep you bound to my side until your last breath~" Smiling sweetly, Christian gently kissed Lust's lips and intertwined their tongues.

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Although Lust didn't respond verbally, her body did.

Her hip movements became more jerky, her tongue intertwined and danced happily with Christian's, her hands squeezed and caressed Christian's pecs frantically, causing the flame of passion to be fanned and the sex session to become out of control.

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'Whenever I travel by plane I end up having sex, this was my best buy' Smiling at the smirk on his lips, Christian stopped thinking and gave himself over to the pleasure, quickly spending a couple of hours at that.

"Hands up!"

Watching the TV with a small smile, Christian sighs and looks to his two sides "Hugging a beauty with each arm... the pinnacle of life."

"These movies aren't bad once you get used to seeing women in between so much action" Squeezing Lust's ass with his right hand and Greed's ass with his left, Christian looks at the virtual clock on the side of the TV and mutters "We've been on the road for 6 hours already.... still another 8 hours to go, I'll order some food in a little while."

Turning his gaze to his right, Christian observes the sensual sleeping woman with a satisfied smile and mutters "Really this bitch always dries me out... somehow I end up very exhausted with her."

"..." Turning his gaze to his left, Christian chuckled softly and looked up at the ceiling, remembering in a few seconds much of his life "Dying a virgin.... my biggest problem was a mentally challenged father and lack of money... I still remember the first dead body I saw, I almost peed my pants..."

"*Sigh* This is the famous melancholy that comes after sex?" smiling bitterly, Christian continued "One decision marked my path... if I hadn't saved those children, I would never have met my father, I would never have had these abilities and most likely I would never have met my wonderful girls... my beautiful sins."

"It's unbelievable all that I had to live through... and who I became" Biting his lips softly, Christian remembered especially the little girl he had to kill to save an army squadron.

"Not counting the civilians I had to kill to save my slave..." Sighing bitterly, Christian turns his gaze to Lust and mutters "At least you repay me with your body..."

"*Sigh* I'll sleep for now, then I'll order food" Yawning wearily, Christian gave each buttock a final squeeze and closed his eyes contentedly.


"We will arrive in 15 minutes to Moscow, the weather is rainy, we recommend wearing something warm."

"Tsk, how I hate Russia and its damn cold" Taking a fierce bite of the exquisite meat on her fork, Greed clicked her tongue and muttered.

Chuckling lightly, Christian finished putting on the suit and scoffed "Don't worry, I'll warm you up every night, after all I can't let my little slave die~"

"*Gulp*" Shuddering slightly, Greed swallowed saliva and nodded silently




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