
Chapter 260 Road To Russia

(3 days later)

"Look at this."

"Mn?" Raising an eyebrow, Christian put his coffee cup aside and received the paper, then looked up and looked at his smiling mother "Who died now?"

"This time it has nothing to do with the deaths, read it."

Since Christian started his hunt for criminals, every day the newspapers are filled with information about each victim.

Many newspapers took different approaches, some talk about whether this is right or wrong, others talk about the damage it causes to the country and some even dedicate themselves to insult Christian in disguise, the essential point in this, is that these deaths already became something very visible in a large part of the world.

Only 4 days have passed, but the death count in the country has already risen to 145.

Although this number would not have been so important if it were not for the 50 great dead people.

Politicians, businessmen, FBI agents, even artists.

The top brass is in a panic and the public gets to see it.

"The Grey family takes over Netflix..." Raising his eyebrows at the headline, Christian laughs and looks at his mother "You already bought it?"

"We got 84% of their shares, I did a lot of satisfactory blackmailing."

"Not bad, was it too expensive?"

"It could have cost twice as much, it's nice to negotiate when you have a noose around your opponent's neck."


"Christian, leaving that aside, you should stop what you're doing for now, you're causing a lot of turbulence among the Elite" Losing her smile, Eva spoke seriously "Not to mention that even the army is getting ready, if this keeps up, they'll bring out the soldiers to hunt them down"

"It's okay, I already stopped all missions for now and my people have orders to 'winter over' for 1 week, if in another week I see that everything is still bad, I'll have to extend it" Nodding, Christian continued "As for that Elite... heh, they're lucky I didn't target them yet, I don't forget those bastards sent me to jail"

"*Sigh* Just watch out for the army" Knowing she got nothing out of arguing, Eva nodded and turned around "I'll go finish the Netflix thing, having to deal with another company gives us a lot of workload."

"Let me know if you need help."

"You know what kind of help I need" Smiling, Eva turned to Christian and winked, then kept walking while focusing her movements on her hips.

Watching the beautiful ass bounce, Christian chuckles with satisfaction and continues to eat his breakfast.

Pulling out his simple cell phone, Christian dials Dimitri's number and speaks "Hello old man, are you still alive?"

"Boy, every time I talk to you I lose time of life."

"I'm happy to hear you breathing too."

"Hmph, what do you want now?"

"I'll come to visit you in about 4 days, am I welcome?"

"Hoh, the ungrateful boy finally remembers me, well, I'll be waiting for you with a missile pointed at your plane"

"I guess I'll have to go with a pathogenic agent to spread with my death."

"That would be interesting."

Laughing lightly, Christian continued "I'll let you know when I'm leaving, where should I arrive?"

"Just get to Moscow airport, I'll send people to get you."

"Who's going? Strawberry?"

"It's a surprise."

"Is my surprise pretty and with a voluptuous body? If not, I sincerely find it better to arrive alone."

"I'll send you the best beauty in the country" Laughing, Dimitri replied confidently "I'm sure you'll be amazed."

Raising his eyebrows, Christian asked "And who would this honorable lady be?"

"It's a surprise, so don't think you'll get any answers from me."

"Tsk, well, I'll let you know when I'm on my way out."

"See you later."

"Damn old man playing mysterious" Grumbling to himself, Christian put the cell phone aside and sighed, then picked up his toast and continued eating in silence.

The morning passed quickly and Christian played with his little girl at every moment, enjoying with a big smile this warmth that comforted him so much.

Sitting watching TV, Christian gently caressed Helen's stomach and spoke "Leslie, in a few days I'm going to Russia, you will stay here and take care of my family."

"Yes master."

"Emily, I also need you to stay here, you are the only one who can use the system as well as I can and I need you to keep an eye on my people's surroundings."

Pursing her lips, Emily sighed and nodded "But don't forget what you promised me."

"I would never" Smiling slightly, Christian nodded.

"Dad..." Lifting her gaze, Helen stared into Christian's eyes and murmured "Kiss."

"Anytime~" Smiling tenderly, Christian lowered his head and gently kissed his little girl's forehead, causing the girl to squint her eyes in obvious contentment.

"My little girl is getting more spoiled every day" Although Helen never smiles or shows much emotion, Christian manages to read her face very well, knowing with a simple all of voice or a small gesture from her her emotions 'Is this the famous sixth sense of a father?'

'Come to think of it... my little girl will be a year old in a few months... what shall I give her for her birthday' Feeling the little body in front of him, Christian smiled lovingly and sighed with satisfaction 'Who knew I would have a daughter at some point... and look at her, my little Helen in the most beautiful girl'.

Suddenly pulling Helen up, Christian turned her over and rubbed his cheeks with his daughter's, as his smile grew happier and happier "My little girl is so cute~"

Closing her eyes, Helen wrapped her arms around Christian's neck and let herself be given love in silence.


Another 3 days passed quietly.

The protest outside the building ended completely 2 days ago and peace returned to the place.

The murders magically stopped but still the whole country is involved in this interesting plot.

"Have a good trip master"

"Thank you, take care" Taking his bags, Christian smiled slightly towards Elisa and walked towards his plane, then nodded towards his crew and handed him his bags.

Entering the plane, Christian walked to his room and lay down on the bed with tiredness "It's getting harder and harder to leave my people... especially my little girl... goodbyes are so stressful..."

"*Sigh*" Looking at his watch, Christian muttered "Those damn bitches are late."

"The life of the party has arrived!" Entering the room without asking, a woman shouted confidently.

"Bitch, why didn't you tell me we had to deliver the bags!?"

"Tsk, tsk, townie."

Rolling his eyes, Christian looked up and watched the two beautiful women fighting in front of him "Lust, Greed, shut the fuck up!"

"Yeah boss!"

"So fierce~"

Smiling slightly, Christian looked at the women's expensive outfits and smiled "Wearing at least 10 million dollars, they seem to be doing well."

"Can't complain" Rubbing her thick gold chain, Greed commented quietly.

"What are you standing around for? Come to my side, today you'll be my bitches" Patting his empty sides, Christian spoke with a big smile.

"Of course I will my dear Lucifer~" Laughing, Lust took off her shoes and lay down next to Christian, then hugged his arm and buried it between her breasts.

"B-boss I wouldn't dare" With a bead of sweat running down her face, Greed replied awkwardly.

"Hoh? Now you have the courage to deny my orders?"

"*Gulp*" Shaking her head quickly, Greed swallowed saliva and took off her shoes, then lay down next to Christian and looked up at the ceiling nervously.

"I never understood what you did to Greed, act like a submissive bitch in front of you" Rubbing her chin with interest, Lust looks at Christian and asks "Did you fuck her?"


"Then why is she so submissive?"

"Because she loves that" Showing his teeth with his smile, Christian turns to Greed and climbs on top of her, then gently caresses her cheek and whispers "My little Greed is an extreme masochist~"

"..." Blinking in a daze, Lust looks down at Greed's embarrassed face and laughs loudly "HAHAHA!!!"


"Who knew this bitch is submissive, hahaha!" thumping the bed with amusement, Lust wipes a tear from her eye and looks at Greed's embarrassed face with a big smile "How did you discover this treasure!?"

"I had my suspicions... when I joked with her about making her my sex slave, her eyes sparkled.... then I threatened to cut off her clitoris if she touched another and I saw a perverse thrill... until one day I cornered her in the bathroom and she turned into a docile lamb"

"Who knew the craziest bitch on the team would be like this~" Moving to Christian's back, Lust hugged his body and gently licked his neck "She tries to hide her desires with that scary tattoo she has on her face, what a cute bitch~"

"B-boss, I-I don't know what you're talking about" Dodging the gaze with a flushed face, Greed muttered.

"You're so cute when you're shy~" Smiling mischievously, Christian looks at the woman who is usually so fierce under him and whispers "You went a long time without fulfilling your role as a sex slave, your time has come~"

"*Gulp*" Looking sideways at Christian's smiling face, Greed swallows saliva nervously and murmurs "I-I guess I don't have a choice."

Chuckling softly, Lust licked Christian's ear and whispered "Use her as you wish, I can wait for you~"

"My slave is so understanding~" Turning his face, Christian kissed Lust's lips shamelessly, while Greed watched everything with a flushed face.

Lowering his hands, Christian takes Greed's suit jacket and starts unbuttoning it slowly "Lust, take off her pants and her underwear~"

"Yes master~"

"W-bitch, w-what are you doing" Feeling the hands pulling down his pants, Greed trembled slightly and stuttered.

"Easy my little slave, she's just getting you ready so I can use you~" Licking Greed's ear gently, Christian whispered sensually "You better be a good girl or I'll have to punish you~"

"Oh, o-okay."

Smiling with amusement, Christian finished removing her jacket and opened her shirt, then looked down at her white breasts encased in her dark bras.

Squeezing the connector of the bra with his fingers, Christian rips it apart and pulls it to the side, then revels in the pleasing sight in front of him "You have very beautiful breasts and perfect for my hand."

Gently squeezing both breasts, Christian nodded with satisfaction at the softness and gently tugged the brown nipples "Although this is kind of hard, what naughty nipples~"

Biting her lips, Greed shivered slightly as her face blushed more and more.

"Ready master~" Tossing her pants aside, Lust sat down next to Christian and began to remove his clothes.

"Thank you so much my little slave~" Nodding with satisfaction, Christian stands up from Greed's body and stands in front of her, staring at her food today.

Honestly at this moment, Greed looks extremely appetizing to Christian.

Her usually fierce face is completely flushed and sweaty, her misty eyes stare at the man in front of her, as she bites her lips sensually to stifle her own moans.

Lowering his gaze to Greed's crotch, Christian licks his lips and murmurs "Well kept, a bit of dark pubic hair but you can tell you waxed it recently...full lips and still nothing hanging out, certainly a first class woman."

"Mine is prettier" Rubbing her chin, Lust stood next to Christian fully nude and casually commented.

"That's why you're my first slave" Winking at Lust, Christian spread Greed's limp legs and positioned himself between them, then brought his face close to the woman's and stared into her eyes "Do you have any objections to what will happen now?"

"N-no master, u-use me as you wish" Spreading her legs wider, Greed whispered meekly.

"That's my slave" Showing his fangs with his smile, Christian held Greed's hips and lifted her up slightly, then grabbed her buttocks and squeezed them with satisfaction "Thick thighs, soft and big buttocks, no doubt you were a great buy, I will enjoy your body every moment~"

Lowering his hand, Christian guided his crotch-.

"Master... you're still dressed."





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