Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 402: – Kofi Concert Special

Chapter 402: – Kofi Concert Special

The Tokyo Opera Hall. It was one usually reserved for operas and traditional musical concerts. But it was also a sort of cultural appreciation site that occasionally held events celebrating Japanese culture.

And apparently, shipping Alfi and Aoko was included in that 'Japanese culture' considering that they had allowed the two to set up and perform a small concert there.

Asako, dressed in a comfy blue track suit, sat down on a chair and shook her head. "I still can't believe we're doing this thing."

She and Alphy were in a storage room backstage, preparing for the upcoming concert. It had been cleared out to give room to put in the VR Pods to link with the IDOL bodies, but it was still a bit cramped.

Alphy giggled and said, "Well, our fans supported us enough to get us here, so we should have fun for them, right?"

Asako shook her head and said, "I still can't believe enough people signed a petition to get us here. You're supposed to do that for conventions, not fancy opera houses like this."

Alphy giggled. "Love is a powerful thing."

Asako shook her head and then walked over to Aoko's IDOL body, tidying up the uniform one last time. "Still think it's a bit over the top for just us... but I guess love *is* a powerful thing..."

"Mmhm!" Alphy nodded and then went to go tidy up Alfi's uniform as well.

The pair of IDOL bodies were sitting next to each other on a couch.

Alphy wanted to have them hold hands, since they looked like they were sleeping, but Asako completely vetoed the idea.

It seemed like Asako was still shy about public displays of affection like that.

Alphy giggled again and then reached up to tidy the silver ribbon on Alfi's uniform. After that, she brushed a little bit of Alfi's bangs out of the way.

...Pretty. Although not exactly the same, Alfi looked a lot like Alphy herself.

Because of that, Alphy could understand a bit about why people reacted the way they did around her. Alfi was so pretty that Alphy wouldn't mind just sitting there and staring at her for a while.

It was a bit strange how Alphy didn't feel that way when she looked in a mirror... but maybe that was because Alphy recognized that it was 'her' and not someone else.

Meanwhile, Alfi might be 'her' in a way, but she was also her own person. A dream brought to life with everyone's wishes...

With that thought in mind, Alphy smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Alfi's ear. "Let's do our best today too, Alfi."

There wasn't a response.

Of course there wasn't. Unlike Alphy, the body here was an empty shell. Not an automaton or a puppet, but a vessel to carry everyone's wishes and became real.

Alphy smiled and started to give Alfi's uniform a final once over. But then she felt something in the distance.

'Is that... Papa? Why is he angry?'

Alphy had seen her father angry a few times, but this felt different.

It wasn't righteous anger or wrath or anything like that. It almost felt... childish? Kind of like Meggie when she gets upset?

That was weird. But just as Alphy was starting to figure it out, her father's emotion vanished.

Which meant her Papa just probably got into some trouble again.

Asako glanced over at Alphy and said, "Something wrong?"

Alphy hummed and said, "It feels like Papa caused some trouble again."

She was getting the nostalgic gut feeling that she used to have when Papa did something ridiculous in the Three Realms.

Asako rolled her eyes and finished braiding Aoko's hair. "John is always causing trouble."

Alphy shook her head. "That's not true. Usually, it's trouble that finds Papa while he's out doing things." She paused and then said, "...I think this time Papa's the one who caused the trouble though."

It was just a gut feeling.

Alphy felt like her Papa had found something he could have just left alone but went out of his way to escalate.

Asako shrugged. "Wouldn't surprise me either way. But we're busy right now, so we can worry about that later."

Alphy nodded. "That's true."

At that time, there was a knock on the door. Soon after, a calm male voice echoed. "It's almost time. Can we come in?"

Alphy glanced over at Asako. "Are you ready?"

Asako nodded and then turned towards the door and said, "You guys can come in."

There was a brief pause, and then the door opened.

A tall man with silver hair and a toned body walked in. He wore a tactical vest with LEGENDS written on the front in gold and SECURITY written on the back, also in gold.

Seigi Mikata, self-proclaimed nameless mercenary of justice... who was now on protection duty as a change of pace.

Another man walked in after him. Shaved head, muscular in the body-builder sort of way, ambiguous facial features that made it hard to place him in a particular ethnicity... And like Seigi, he wore a tactical vest with LEGENDS and SECURITY written on it in gold.

Toby Reaper, one of John's personal shadow servants let loose upon the world. ...Only to practically retire and spend most of his down time watching VTuber streams, playing games, or trying to convince his friends to fall into the rabbit hole of VTubers.

Seigi took a look around the room and nodded. "No entrance points other than the front door. There's the vent for airflow, but it's on the floor... should be easy to secure, right Toby?"

The ex-hitman nodded and said, "Easy enough."

Asako frowned and said, "It better be. We're trusting on you two to keep our bodies safe while we're performing."

Seigi gave a small salute and said, "Protection detail is one of our strong points, Queen."

Asako's left eye twitched at the name, but then she let out a deep sigh and walked over towards the VR pod. "Whatever." After opening the hatch, she pointed at Seigi and said, "Hey, make sure those three stooges stay in line too! If the cause an issue, tell them they're fired."

Seigi laughed and said, "I will."

Alphy walked towards her own VR pod and opened the hatch. Afterwards, she smiled at Asako and said, "Hopefully this concert will cheer people up."

Asako rolled her eyes and said, "If people aren't cheered up by us being there, they don't get anymore 'kofi.'"

Alphy gasped.

Asako realized her slip of the tongue and then turned a bright red. "I-It's been all over my timeline, okay?!" After saying that, she quickly sat inside the VR pod and slammed the hatch shut. Shortly after, it hummed to life, activating.

Alphy giggled and then closed the hatch on her own pod. After sitting inside, she leaned back to get comfortable and closed her eyes.

A faint hum echoed, followed by a soft chorus. And although her eyes were closed, she saw a circular rainbow.

And then she was suddenly sitting on a sofa. No, 'Alfi' was sitting on a sofa.

Just as Alfi got her bearings, Aoko jumped out of the sofa, her face a bright red.

Alfi giggled and said, "You can't run away from your embarrassment by jumping in the pod, Aoko-chan. We have to perform together anyway, remember?"

Aoko took a deep breath and exhaled. Her complexion cleared up a bit, the redness fading from her cheeks. After that, she looked at Alfi and said, "I know, I know. Sheesh, let a girl cope..."

Alfi held her hands over her mouth and giggled.

Aoko rolled her eyes and then started patting herself down. And for good measure, she gave a quick squeeze to the assets up top. When she did, she flinched and pulled her hands away like they were shocked, blushing a bit. "...I still think this is black voodoo magitech."

Alfi giggled again and said, "It's just a dream, Aoko. It's not like your soul is in there or anything."

As far as Alfi could tell, it was more of a 'synchronization' than a 'possession.'

It was definitely possible to do the latter, but it looked like both Titor and Papa were being careful about it.

Aoko stared at the lower part of her body, seriously contemplating something. "...Technology may have gone too far with this." She sighed and then shook her head, refocusing. Looking at Alfi, she said, "Anyway, everything ready?"

Before Alfi could answer, a voice came on over the speaker.

It was Golden Orca. Clearing his throat, he said, "Queenie. The stage is set for you and Miss Alfi."

Immediately after, the sound of the mic being grabbed echoed and an energetic and bold voice echoed. Knight's. "Yosh! We've seated everyone as well, Alfi-sama!"

The sound of another struggle echoed, and then StraightGarbage's voice echoed. "Yeah, no thanks to you muscleheads! I'm the one who had to usher everybody in! Wearing a suit! Do you know how hot those are in here!?"

Alfi giggled. But after that, she looked at Aoko and held out her hand. "Shall we?"

Aoko huffed and grabbed Alfi's hand before walking in front of her. "I'm taking the lead here!"

Alfi let out a bright smile.

Seigi opened the door for them and said, "Have fun you two."

Alfi nodded. "We will! Thanks again Mister Seigi! Mister Toby!"

Aoko led Alfi through the hallway backstage and towards the curtains. After they arrived, she paused and looked at Alfi. "You ready, Alfi?"

Alfi paused for a moment and stared at the curtains.

A low murmur from the other side of the 'screen' hiding them. Faint laughter echoing and happy voices. Somewhere off to the side, the presences of their support team frantically arranging things at the last minute.

Alfi placed her right hand over her chest and smiled. "I'm ready, Aoko."

Aoko smiled back and then said, "Then let's do this."

As if that was the cue, the curtains suddenly split open.

Digital confetti and fireworks flashed. Right after that, a spotlight appeared in front of the stage, as if waiting for Aoko's presence.

She took a deep breath and then walked into it. Pointing at the crowd, she grinned and said, "The dragon from the streets is here to rock the house! Aoko Ryuusei, logged in!"


A giant cheer erupted, followed by a wave of blue in the crowd as people waved their glowsticks.

Another spotlight appeared right next to Aoko.

Alfi took a deep breath as well, and then she walked out. Stepping onto the stage and into the light, she clasped her hands together and bowed her head. "Thank you for coming, everyone. I'll remember this always." Raising her head, she let out a bright smile and said, "Alfi Titor, logged in."


"Hey!" Aoko pointed at the crowd and said, "What's with the bias here!?" She pointed at herself and said, "I'm the queen!"

Alfi giggled and then said, "Well... what's a queen to a goddess?"

The crowd erupted in laughter.

Aoko blushed and said, "W-W-Well, what's a goddess to a non-believer, huh?!"

"Her secret admirer."

Aoko froze, caught off-guard at the sudden attack.

The crowd burst into laughter again.

Aoko shook her head and said, "Whatever! Anyway!" She pointed at the crowd and said, "You asked for Kofi, and we're giving you Kofi because you dorks went overboard. But don't think you can pull this crap again, got it? Don't ask twice! This is a one-time gig!"

The ceiling lit up in emojis. Skulls, laughing and crying faces, hearts...

Alfi glanced up at the ceiling and said, "It seems like everyone's excited." She looked back down at the crowd and said, "Since summer's still a while away, we'll keep you entertained until then. And now..." She looked over at Aoko and said, "Shall we?"

Aoko nodded. "Let's go."

The lights dimmed, hiding the girls once more.

And then a single light appeared over Aoko. She stepped forward, holding her hand out to the crowd, and started to sing.

[Play Romeo and Cinderalla - Mirishira]

“In this world that keeps us bound with feelings that we can’t express…”

Alfi steps forward from the darkness and holds out her hand as well.

“I’ll sing to you until my soul can finally break away~!”



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