Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 401: Unauthorized and In Error

Chapter 401: Unauthorized and In Error

Jenny scrolled through her notes again and said, "Regardless of our immediate plans, we should keep in mind that the VTuber industry is rapidly growing."

John nodded. "I'd expect that considering all we through out there."

There was the ideal that was Project MirAIs with its crazy VR/AR and Robotics tech that nobody could replicate. At least, not without going completely in the red.

John had an endless supply of funding though, so he could run circles around any competitor. But even if he didn't use it, since all the tech was in-house and sourced from literal thin air, the R&D cost was effectively zero.

Although it was begrudging, he had to give Titor props for patenting a 'light materialization method' and 'light-matter conversion device.'

Since it was public knowledge those inventions existed now, there were already companies chomping at the bit to get a license for it.

Just as planned... or so Titor would say.

But in any case...

John finished up his glass of sweet tea and started munching on his sandwich. After taking a bite, he said, "Any upcoming players we should keep tabs on?"

Jenny scrolled through her notes some more and then passed her tablet over. "This is the biggest one." After that, she grabbed her sandwich to eat a bit while John looked it over.

"Hm." John set his sandwich down and wiped his hands before scrolling through the notes. "Variant Hue, huh?"

It seemed to be a wannabe copy of Myth Incorporated, down to the rich guy CEO with a ton of money to burn. Apparently, the CEO created the company along with a streamer group called 2D3 to "showcase every flavor of entertainment to the world" and "fulfill the dreams of anyone wishing to reach the world with their talents."

And that was fine, on paper.

But in actuality... John had bad vibes about the company.

Although Variant Hue was only a couple of months old, 2D3 already had over 30 people on board. Or rather, 30 "Divers" as they called themselves. People who 'dove' into the digital world to create digital content for the audience.

Again, on paper, it was fine. But as a business model, John felt that there was no way it was sustainable.

For reference, each of the girls in Project MirAIs was paid a monthly salary of 500K yen, which was a little less than the median in Japan. Then on top of that, they got the superchats, donations, 9:1 merch split, 100K yen budget for projects...

John frowned and tapped his fingers on the table. "Is this even sustainable?"

There was no way that guy had enough money to employ so many people as streamers. Especially since the website said they were still continuing to grow.

...Well, maybe if he was hedging his bets a LOT. But that guy would be tossing away the equivalent of 100K USD each month on just the employee cost, let alone the operating costs.

The CEO looked pretty young too. Maybe in his mid-twenties at best. A kid like that having enough money to burn... and it didn't seem like he was getting any outside funding either.

John frowned and then slid the tablet back to Jenny. "Keep an eye on Variant Hue and 2D3."

Jenny raised an eyebrow. "Should I have someone from Legends investigate?"

John shook his head. "Not yet." He grabbed his sandwich and said, "I think it'll be fine in the short term, but if he's running the yacht like how I think he is, cracks will show up soon. We'll blow it up when that happens."

Jenny blinked. "...Yacht?"

"Yeah, yacht. You know, like the final boss in Pers- Oh." John clicked his tongue and said, "Forgot that it's a freaking zeppelin in this universe. Hah..." He took a bite from his sandwich and muttered, "Wish I had someone I could share references with."

It was getting a bit annoying having pop-culture references that no one understood because this world was filled with knock-offs or missing franchises entirely.

"Anyway." John waved at Jenny and said, "A guy like that publicly displaying himself on a yacht in the front page of their sight and flaunting his wealth as the face of the company can't be a good person."

"...Says the man who used his wealth to capture international screentime to air a concert in an attempt to find his wife?"

"Hey." John pointed his sandwich at Jenny and said, "There's a difference between using wealth and flexing with wealth. Source: trust me."

Jenny sighed and said, "You know you just sound old when you try to talk like the kids these days."

"You're capping." John frowned and said, "And you should be glazing me up for trying to stick with the times."

"Please stop."

John's frown deepened and then he muttered, "Need to talk more with Meggie to make it natural, I guess..." He sighed and raised his sandwich to take another bite. But then he noticed something behind Jenny. "Hm?"

Jenny paused in the middle of taking a bite from her own sandwich. Tilting her head, she said, "Is something wrong?"

John set down his sandwich, ignoring Jenny's question.

There was a man sitting at the table on the other side of the face. Blonde, handsome... and with features all too similar to John's own features. In other words, unnaturally 'perfect.'

But also different.

John's features looked like they were chiseled by a master artisan as the ideal of a man.

In contrast, the man's facial features were sharp and dangerous. Paired with his crimson eyes, there was a stark difference.

But even so, John recognized him.

The man seemed to notice he was being watched and turned to look at John. The moment he did, the man's crimson eyes widened.

When they did, the woman sitting with him, a beauty with silver hair and blue eyes, turned to look towards John as well.

And when she did, her eyes widened and she did a double-take towards the man she was with.

John stood up and started walking over.

"H-Hey!" Jenny got up as well and said, "John? What are you doing?"

John didn't respond, just continuing to walk while staring at the man whose face looked similar to his own. And as he walked, long forgotten memories and emotions started to emerge. No, not 'forgotten.'


Because the one responsible for them should have vanished from existence long ago.

The other blonde man stood up as well and started walking over, a heavy frown on his face.

The silver-haired beauty got up, clearly confused by the man's actions.

John ignored her, staring directly at the man while walking forward with careful measured steps. At the same time, a flicker of genuine emotion he hadn't felt for eons came forth.

But he kept it in check. He couldn't afford to go off the handle.

...Even so...

The man came to a stop.

John did as well.

The distance between them was a few steps. Close enough to reach out and touch each other.

John continued to stare at the man, comparing his face to long weathered memories.

And the man seemed to do the same. But eventually...


...John asked a question. No, he asked a name to confirm.

The man was quiet for a few moments, mixed emotions flickering in his crimson eyes. And then he gave a slow nod and said, "John."

A greeting and a confirmation.

Seeing that, John slowly started to nod.

Right. So he was right. That man was who he thought he was. Then...




John pulled his fist back, glaring at the man... at his older brother staggering backwards.

Gray wiped his lips with his right hand and laughed. "Yeah... I probably deserve that."

Next time: Kofi Special Concert 


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