Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 306: – Hana Homura – [Just Chatting] Happy Holidays! Did you miss us? (END)

Chapter 306: – Hana Homura – [Just Chatting] Happy Holidays! Did you miss us? (END)


Hana sighed and shook her head. "Honestly. How did you even manage to pull something like that off?"

[] F5 sect for the win!

[] Ehe...

[] Totally didn't spam refresh...

"Hm..." Hana stared thoughtfully at the screen and mumbled, "Is this what it feels like to have power?"


[] H-Hana?

[] No Hana! Don't join the dark side!

Hana blinked and then laughed. "Don't worry! I won't do anything bad. It's too much work being a bad person anyway."

[] That's good. But... the reason seems off...

[] Only because it's too much work? :sweat:

[] Do it! Join the dark side! We have cookies!

Hana stuck her tongue out and then went back to being serious. "Anyway, let's get back to the usual stream." She moved back in front of her computer and covered the camera, adjusting it. Afterwards, the view changed.

Instead of a selfie POV, the camera went back to showing the usual streaming perspective, with Hana sitting in the middle of the screen and the blank gray wall behind her.

[] Aw. No more cool backgrounds?

[] You need more color in your room, Hana!

[] If we send stuff, will you put it in the back?

Hana glanced at the chat and then turned around. "Now that you mention it... I guess it is kind of boring from this angle. But moving things around now will be hard."

[] Fanart wall time?

[] Will you get stuff if we send it to Myth Inc HQ?

[] Do you have a P.O. box?

"Fanart... Um, I'll think about it. Mister John said he might let us take fan letters and gifts, but he want's to set up a system to make sure it's safe first."

[] Oh yeah. The girls are technically still idols.

[] That's smart. Gotta keep you safe!

[] I think Hana would easily take care of any creep though...

"Hey!" Hana huffed and said, "I get scared of people too! ...I think." She paused and said, "Like time when I almost got tricked into doing icky things before Mister John saved me."

[] Wait, what?

[] Hold on!

[] Back up! Back the F up! Who did what to you!?

"Hm?" Hana tilted her head and said, "I thought I told you guys already when I debuted? Before I met Mister John I was in a really bad place and needed a lot of money really fast." She paused, adjusting her ribbon as she remembered. "...Now that I think about it, I was really lucky, huh? There were a few other girls that didn't get my chance..."

[] T_T

[] Did... Did Hana almost get trafficked?!

[] Is... Is this lore, or...?

Hana shook her head and said, "What am I talking about?" She lightly slapped her cheeks and said, "Okay, Hana! Happy things!" She smiled and said, "Anyway! We'll do Superchats now." She pointed at the camera and said, "Now, I'll open it back up. But you have to promise not to go overboard, okay? I *just* got finished reading everything in the last stream before Christmas."

[] Promise!

[] But the Christmas money!

[] Dang it, UTube! Open members already!

Hana read the chat for a bit and then slowly reached her hand out to the screen. "Remember. You promised. No going overboard with Superchats. Ohana means family, but I want you to take care of yourself first, okay?"

[] Okay!

[] Absolutely!

[] 100% agree, Hana!

"Alright. Then..." She tapped the screen. "Superchat, open!"

The chat froze. And then a sudden burst of colors flashed across the screen. Mostly red and pink.

Hana groaned and then reached out to tap the screen. "I knew this would happen. Sheesh. You know I get paid by Mister John too, right? And it's a good salary! I don't need this much..."

[] We'll believe you when you get more furniture

[] Go buy Mama Hana something nice then!

[] Use it to have fun!

[] We don't have to, but we want to!

[] It's allowance for my cute sister!

[] Shut up and take my money, Hana!

Hana puffed her cheeks and then said, "Okay. Fine. If you want to support me that bad... Ten minutes. After that, I'm shutting Superchats off again since you guys don't know how to hold back."

The chat paused. And then after that, it became a blur of pixels and colors, going so fast that it was unreadable.

Hana stared at the messed up chat window and shook her head. "It's a good thing I don't have a real big brother. If this is what it's like, I don't know what I'd do. Being given so much love and support... Ah." She paused and leaned back. "But Mister John did the same thing, didn't he? ...Does that make him kind of an adoptive big brother?"

The chat continued to be a blur of colors, but a few messages managed to slip through.

[] Mister John's making a collection of little sisters?

[] I want John to spoil me too!

[] That's not fair, John! Stop hogging the girls!

Hana glanced at the chat and then blinked. "Oh! I forgot a timer. Give me a bit..." She reached out to tap the screen. After that, an old-fashioned LED timer popped up next to the chat, counting down from ten minutes.

"There you go. When this runs out." She tapped the timer and said, "Superchats will automatically shut down. Now in the mean time... since I can't read your chats, I guess I'll do the chatting. Let's see..."

Hana tapped her chin and said, "What's interesting... Oh! Betty's new game is coming out soon! I'm definitely going to play that over New Year. I think it's releasing on every platform, so you guys should try it out too, okay?"

Another blur of colors. The chat still completely broken from the flood of Superchats.

Hana glanced over and sighed. "Sheesh. It's going to be another ten hour stream reading all of that, isn't it? How does Onee-chan and Aneue do it?" She shook her head and then tapped on the screen. "Sorry to everyone not Superchatting. Um... What else is interesting?"

Hana leaned forward and tapped on the screen, looking at something that wasn't visible from the stream.

"Mister John is updating the MIRAIZ app... I think to let people make and send gifts to their favorite streamers on it. Oh! And Mister Titor's VR game is releasing soon too! There's even a new trailer... Here. We can watch it together. Let's see..." Hana tapped the screen a few times and then a video popped up on the screen, showing just a single line of text written in gold over a black screen.

[Mirror Corporation Presents: World Line]

Hana glanced at the timer. "Still five minutes... I think there's enough time then." She looked back at the screen and said, "I haven't seen this either, so let's watch it together. Um, Mister Titor mentioned that he updated with a react mode... Ah!"

The window showing Hana's room shrank down, moving her to the bottom right corner.

The broken chat and the timer shrank a bit as well, moving to the left side of the screen. But the video expanded, taking up the rest of the screen on the right.

"There we go! Now... Play!"


[Play: Skyclad Observer symphonic ver.]

A soft piano melody and grand orchestral opening. A symphonic rendition of the song that played at the reveal of the Project MirAIs crossover.

With it, Titor's voice echoed.

"As the past slowly fades and reveals the gray future, those who stare upon the world will become aware of its wrongs."

The black screen flickered, revealing Hana standing in the middle of a run-down alleyway. Her usual colorful outfit was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a tattered and gray cloak over rags. Even so, she let out a bright smile as she spoke.

"Thank you. Thank you for granting my wish. Even if this is just a dream... Even if this is just an illusion before the end..." She shook her head and reached out to hug the screen.

Before she did, the video froze, washing out to black and white.

As it did, Titor's voice came back. In a solemn tone, he said, "But the truth is that everything you see right now... It's the absolute broken down by 'chance.'"

The video flickered again, revealing a ruined city overtaken by greenery.

There, Alfi stood with her back turned to the camera, looking out at the sunrise. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" She turned back, letting out a radiant smile as her face was tinged orange by the fading sunlight. "Even so..." Her smile faded and she turned back to face the sunrise. "In peaceful days, I fear the edge of dawn knowing time betrays. After all of this... Will you be just another memory? Or-"

The video froze again, turning black and white once more. And with it, Titor's voice called out again.

"Shatter now all of the lies and walk into the light."

The screen flickered again, filling with static. But that static turned into snow, revealing Aoko standing with her sword pointed at the camera, blood dripping from both her body and the blade.

"So let's hear it. You bastard... Are you going to follow them, or me?"

A harsh ultimatum. One paired by a fierce expression and cold eyes.

Even so, Aoko's hand trembled, revealing her true feelings. "I'll do it, you know? If you betray me, I'll cut you down no matter how much I like you. S-So..."

The wind picked up, scattering Aoko's light blue hair.

With it, she took a deep breath and tightened her grip on her sword. "Choose!"

The screen froze, fading back to black.

As it did, Titor's voice echoed again.

"Don't believe the lies they say or their logic. Open your eyes. Make up your mind and your heart to guide and create brand new 'Mirais.'"

The music slowly wound down.

As it did, a stream of golden words appeared from the side of the screen before settling into three lines.

[Mirror Corporation]

World Line Shift - Operation Arclight

Mirror All Ideals to reach the untold futures



The timer had stopped a while ago, but the chat was still frozen.

Hana stared at the screen, blinking. And then she slowly reached out to tap the screen, changing it back to her normal layout.

The chat still didn't move. Instead of a blur of colors, it was completely frozen.

And for a moment, it look like Hana was too. Her face was blank, still staring at the screen. And then emotion slowly came back to her face, a bright smile taking over. "That! Was! AWESOME!" Hana clapped and said, "Oh my god! Did you see me? And then there's Onee-chan and Aneue too! I just want to hug Onee-chan tight and say everything's going to be okay! And then I want to grab Aneue and smack some sense into her! Betray her, after all of that? Oooh, I can't wait to play!"

[] Is it working again?

[] Holy crap! Did we break UTube too?

[] Sasuga, imouto! Nothing's stronger than family!

[] Hana's a marketing genius, I swear...

[] Isn't Aoko-chan the one good at business? How is Hana better?


[] [email protected]#%@#[email protected]! Why can't it release sooner!?


[StraightGarbage] Can I have Aoko-chan beat me up in game?

[Hanas_BigBro] Petition to start a guild to save our imouto in every timeline.

Hana let out a sigh and said, "I hope I can stream from in the game. That should be fun... Oh right. We were doing Superchats." Hana reached out to tap the screen. When she did, an animation of a mailbox appeared on the screen before showing a notification icon over it.

"And we have... over 9000?! Come on, everyone! How did you even send so many?" Hana furrowed her brow and muttered, "Do I really need to get help from Mister Titor to figure out a way to answer all of these...?"

[] Eh?

[] Time dilation machine? O.o?

[] You don't need to read all of them, Hana!

Hana shook her head. "Well. I guess I'll try to read some for now before Onee-chan's stream starts in... four hours?" She sighed and then reached off to the side, pulling up a tablet. "Let's see..." The tablet turned red, and then Hana said, "SeaDogVA sends a red superchat and says-"

She paused and then furrowed her brow, reading the message. Her eyes flitted across the screen once, then twice. And on the third, she rolled her eyes and said, "SeaDogVA says that he's officially asking Mama Hana out on a date. The answer to that..." Hana held her tablet up, showing the message on the screen.

And then she swiped left.

[] Ouch!

[] LOL

[] RIP SeaDog

"Honestly." Hana huffed and leaned back in her chair. "Aneue is such a bad influence. First the viewers and now Onee-chan..."


[] What's this about Alfi?!

[] Back up! Hana, explain!

"Next..." Hana pulled the tablet back and started reading. "Ooh! Mister GoldenOrca! Thank you for the red superchat! And for keeping an eye on Aneue. Though I think you should spend less money on her. She's been getting a bit stressed out because she's worried about you, Miss Fox, and Mister Garbage."

[GoldenOrca] Just according to Cake.

[FailureFox] Aw! Queen's worried about us?

[StraightGarbage] I knew she cared!

"And as for your message... Yes. I'll convince Mister John to sell some chibi figurines later. Though I think he said something about custom merch coming soon through the MIRAIZ app."

[] Don't just ignore us!

[] What happened to Alfi?!

[] Dammit! Why is slow mode still a blur?!

"Next up... Thank you, Calyx-san. I'll keep that in mind for memberships. And yes, DThorn-san. I'll talk to Betty about people thirsting for my mom... Or maybe I'll just do a collab stream with her? I think she'd have fun roasting everyone in real time..."


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