Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 305: Hana Homura – [Just Chatting] Happy Holidays! Did you miss us? (part I)

Chapter 305: Hana Homura – [Just Chatting] Happy Holidays! Did you miss us? (part I)


[Just Chatting] Happy Holidays! Did you miss us?

Hana Homura Ch.

Live in 5 minutes

Thursday, December 26, 10 AM

100K waiting

A cute smiling picture of Hana standing in a modern room with sleek furniture. The walls and furniture were gray, but the pictures and decoration that she had in the room gave it splashes of color. Not just that though. Hana's outfit, a lavender sweater vest over a white dress shirt, paired with a pink plaid ribbon and skirt, was another splash of color, contrasting sharply with the muted grays in the background.

[] Hana finally got a new room!

[] Um. Do you just like the color gray, Hana...?

[] Merry Christmas, Hana!

4 minutes.

[Anumi] We diiiiiiiid...

[] We missed you so much!

[] Did you have fun?

3 minutes.

[] I caught the secret stream!

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch. ?] N-No I didn't! Baka!

[Aoko Ryuusei Ch. ?] @[email protected]$#@! Wrong account!

[] lol Queen

[] You need to be more careful trolling your imouto, Aoko-chan. XD

[] Did you drink too much, Aoko-chan...?

2 minutes.

[Poppy Gloria?] Hope you had a great Christmas, Darling! Let's chat soon, mmkay?

[] Poppy's here too?

[] Did you see Felix finally finish moving into Japan, Poppy?

1 minute.

[] What are the secret premiere videos for? 

[] Are there BTS videos? :o

[] Why are superchats off?

Waiting for Hana Homura Ch.

[Hanas_BigBro] Hanaaaa! I can't give you a Christmas gift without any superchats!

[] UTube! Membership, now!

[] Yes! Let us be a real Ohana already!

A transition screen of orange fireworks swept across the screen. When they dissolved, Hana stood in the center of the screen, a wide smile on her face.

"Ohanayo! It's Hana! How've you been, everyone?"

[] It's been great!

[] I got a lot of presents!

[] Would've been better with you!

Hana smiled and stepped back, swaying back and forth with a bright smile. "I'm happy to see you guys have been doing well! Oh! How do you like my new outfit? Betty got it for me as a gift. Isn't it cute?" She twirled, showing off her plaid pink dress. 

[] It's super adorable!

[] Pink really suits you!

[] Love the ribbon!

[] How was your Christmas, Hana?

[] Did you eat lots of cake?

[] Christmas merch when?

Hana pulled her chair over and sat down in front of the screen. After that, she stared at the chat and said, "Christmas was great! Onee-chan and Aneue spent the night over at my house with my mom! It was really fun. Good food, an embarrassing story-"

"Oi! That story's off limits!"

A muffled voice from somewhere in the distance. Aoko's.

Hana giggled and said, "Sorry, guys. Looks like that will have to wait until membership opens up."

"Still off limits!"

"Aw." Hana pouted and then waited. After a little moment of silence, she leaned forward and whispered, "Don't worry. It'll be our secret." She winked and then giggled.

[] UTube! Membership when?!

[] I wanna be a real Ohana already!

[] What is the story anyway...?

Hana stretched and then leaned back in her chair, smiling. "Anyway, Christmas was super fun. Mister John had a big Christmas party and gave lots of gifts! Something really great happened over Christmas too, but I'm not sure I can talk about it. You'll have to ask Onee-chan later, kay?"

[] Ooh, I saw that!

[] Yeah, Titor did that sneaky stream, right?

[] John was super pissed about it. XD

[] That old guy was hilarious.

[] Was Mister Yudi John's dad or something?

[] Yeah! What was up with that Chuuni gramps?!

"Oh!" Hana snapped her fingers and said, "Mister Yudi!" She laughed and said, "He's pretty funny. After the party he told a lot of stories about Mister John and his family."

[] Spill the deets!

[] Story time!

[] Don't just leave us hanging!

Hana hummed and leaned back in her chair. "I dunno... I think Mister John would get mad at me if I told them. You'll have to bug him about it when he streams again."

[] Aw.

[] But John never streams!

[] Got it! Just save for the AMA...

[] I still think that John's a criminal overlord

[] So is Miss Yue really a princess?

[] Is John a leader of the Triads?

Hana read the chat and giggled. "You've all got some ridiculous ideas, don't you?" She shook her head and said, "Well... What do you think we should do today? I could read some Superchats to catch up, or we could chat some more? Or do you want to do something else?"

[] Room tour!

[] Show us your new room!

[] Who painted that picture?

"Room tour?" Hana blinked and then said, "I... guess I could do that? But isn't it boring?"

[] No!

[] Definitely not!

[] It's for research purposes!

Hana read that last chat and then gave a blank look toawrds teh screen. "Research, huh? You do realize that I'm only sixteen, right?"

[] Officer!

[] This one!

[] Oi! Thinking about our imouto like that?!

[] You bastard!

[] H-Hold on. I was just-

[] User has been banned.

Hana rolled her eyes and said, "Honestly. Aneue is a bad influence... Though I suppose that's what happens when you make a bet to do a nude calendar if the chat stays wholesome until the new year."

[] H-Hana?

[] Since when do you know about that kind of stuff?!

[] Who did it? Who corrupted our cute imouto?!

Hana glanced at the chat and then blushed. "A-Ahem. A-Anyway... Room tour!" She hopped out of her seat and then reached out to the camera. "Here. I'll just take you with me... Is this better?"

A close up of Hana's face, showing her cute plaid ribbon and cheerful smile.

[] Perfect!

[] Screenshot time!

[] Wow! You look really good in pink, Hana!

Hana giggled and said, "Thanks, everyone! Now let's see..." She spun around and said, "Well, here's what I'm looking at when I stream. There's my monitor, keyboard, some pictures... I usually have my phone clamped over the monitor to record, but I'm holding it right now."

[] Whoa! Look at that painting!

[] OMG! Is that a mini Hana standing on the desk?!

[] She's got the Meincraft thumbnail as a poster! XD

"As you can see, the room is a lot more modern. My mom thought it was too messy and decided to help me redecorate with new furniture and everything."

[] I like it! Very modern!

[] It's super sleek. But it kind of looks uncomfortable...

[] You know that you don't have to live in a prison cell, right Hana...?

"Hm?" Hana tilted her head. "What do you mean? I think it looks cool!"

[] Ah.

[] Okay. Maybe we shouldn't blame John too much.

[] If this is what Hana likes, I guess it's okay...?

"Anyway." Hana flipped the camera around and panned over the wall. "I've got a lot of shelves on the wall now. It's just holding some textbooks right now, but I think I'm going to get some manga sets and put them in. Maybe some figurines too."

[] ...Aren't those organic chemistry textbooks?

[] I-I think I see a book on anatomy in the middle box there.

[] Is that... the Art of War?

[] Sasuga, Strongest Imouto.

"Let's see... Ooh!" She pointed at the Meincraft thumbnail and said, "I made a poster! I thought the thumbnail for our collab was super cute, so I printed it out. And over here..." She turned the camera back to the other wall. "I've got some small notes and fanart that you sent in. Though it's probably hard to see..."

[] Yeah, it's pretty blurry.

[] Thanks, Hana!

[] Um. One of those pictures doesn't belong...

"There's my bed. It's pretty empty right now, but trust me, I have sheets too. They're in the laundry right now though. Aneue borrowed them last time and made a mess, so they're still in the washing machine."

[] Aoko made a mess?

[] :eyewaggle:

[] Hohoho?

"Anyway, the bed frame is super convenient! Since there are all these drawers, I can just keep all my clothes here neat and tidy."

[jk_enthusiast] Can we see?

[] Pervert!

[] Hey, mods!

[jk_enthusiast has been banned]

[] There we go!

[] No lewding the cute imouto!

Hana glanced at the chat and then rolled her eyes. After that, she walked over to her work desk. "Here's where I stream. I've got a picture of Onee-chan and Aneue here. And then there's a portrait that Mister HVG shipped over from America." She stopped in front of the portrait and said, "Don't I look pretty here? It's so mature and mysterious!"

[] :O

[] Is that Older Hana?

[] It's definitely a pretty picture. Not realistic though.

Hana glanced at the last chat message and then huffed. "What do you mean not realistic?! I still have a lot left to grow! And Mom's bigger than that, so there!"

[] What?

[] Really?

[] Is Mama Hana single?

"Hm?" Hana paused to think and said, "Mom's single. But why are you asking?"

[] Wait, really?!


[] MILF confirmed?!


[] Let's go!

[] Dammit! Stop being horndogs!

[] Hey! Family friendly!

[] Oh we'll keep it family friendly alright. ;)

Hana blinked and then groaned. "I'm going to yell at Aneue later. This is a hundred percent her fault." She shook her head and then reached out for her chair. "This is my chair. It's not very comfy, but I'm usually standing anyway, so it's fine. I think Mister John said Poppy Gloria sent a gaming chair as a Christmas gift though so I'll be using that soon."

[] Poppy Gloria did?

[] But can it do this?! __/

[] Poppy superfan confirmed?

"What else...?" Hana looked around and said, "I mean, there's my computer... Oh! There's this too!" Hana picked up the mini Hana and said, "Mister Titor made me this for Christmas. Hold on, I think it talks too..."

[] Titor makes figurines?

[] Merch when?

[] Can you sell those? Please? Pretty please?!

"...There we go." Hana held the figurine up to the camera and said, "Say hi to the stream, Hana-chan."

After that, Hana reached out and moved mini-Hana's hand.

*Ohanayo! Hana da yo!*

Hana's voice echoed, but it was pitched up a bit higher. Like a proper mini-version of her would.

Hana giggled and said, "Cute, right?"


[] Take my money! Take it!

[] [$(5)$][$(5)$][$(5)$][$(5)$]

*Thank you for the Superchats!*


[] OMG! I would die if there's a mini Prototypes collection!

[GoldenOrca] So how much are we talking to make this happen?

Hana laughed and set mini-Hana back down on the desk. "I don't know if we'll be selling these. You'll have to ask Mister John about it, I think." She paused and said, "Though I saw him make a lot of plushies for Miss Yue... Maybe if you ask nice, he'll make some plushy figures of us?"

[] @Titor

[] John! Make it happen! @Titor

[] Don't forget Tweeter! It's @JohnSmithMyth!

[] Gogogo!

[Alfis_Knight] For a proper idol of our goddess! @Titor

[GoldenOrca] @Titor Let's make it happen.

[davinki_4eva] @Titor Prodigy too! PLZ!

Hana blinked and then stared at the suddenly frozen chat. After that, a phone started ringing. She flinched and then reached out to the camera. "O-One second, everyone."

The screen turned dark, and then it went back to a loading screen of Hana sitting on a beach, staring at the sunset.

"M-Morning, Mister John! ...N-No, I didn't do anything."

[] XD

[] Hana's in trouble~

[] Sasuga, Imouto.

"E-Eh? Tweeter's down? And you got a phone call from Mister Mollusk? ...O-Okay. I'll tell them. B-Bye. And sorry for waking you up so early."

A moment of silence. And then orange waves spread across the screen, transitioning back to Hana's room.

And a pouting Hana staring right at the screen. "You guys! You're not supposed to crash Tweeter trying to convince Mister John!"

[] Ehe...

[] Worth it.

[rational_rabbit] The whole world's crazy now, huh...?



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