Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 270:: Holy Night

Chapter 270:: Holy Night

As the sun sank beneath the horizon, the city lights in Tokyo started to flicker on. Snow shifted as wind swept past, but the people milling about didn't mind.

After all, it was a day before Christmas Eve. With the holiday so close, there was a bright and warm air around even while it was cold. And with the Christmas lights and displays shining all around, it was hard not to feel a bit cheery.

Of course, for Kai who was walking down the streets by himself, all the Christmas cheer didn't matter. In fact, seeing it all made him feel even more gloomy than he already did.

Adjusting the collar of his gray long coat, Kai stuck his hands into his pants pockets and continued walking down the streets of Tokyo.

It was Monday evening. Since he quit his job and settled his business affairs... and since he was also sitting on a decent cushion of money from all his proper businesses beforehand, Kai wasn't coming or going to the office like some of the other businessman around him.

Instead, he was a man on a mission.

Christmas was two days away, and Christmas Eve was tomorrow. But he still hadn't figured out what to get for Tsuki yet.

She didn't believe in Santa Clause. And considering that it was Japan, that man was unlikely to show up even if he did exist. After all, it was hard to come down the chimney of houses that didn't have one.

But even so, that didn't mean that Kai could skip getting a gift for Tsuki.

Personally, Kai didn't care for Christmas. For as long as he remembered, it was just an excuse for guys to get drunk and get laid. Or for couples to act loveydovey.

At least, it was in Japan.

But Tsuki grew up in America. The place where they celebrated Christmas and the holidays as a time of giving and cheer... or something.

Kai didn't know much about it, but Tsuki seemed really excited when she talked about how she and her mother used to celebrate it.

Remembering that sent a pang of guilt through Kai's heart. "Elise..."

He sighed and then looked up at the sky, remembering the past.

It was a whirlwind romance. He was on a trip to settle some overseas business for the Torabu clan by cleaning up some goods in a warehouse and taking out some idiots who caused a mess.

And in the middle of it all, he ran into Elise. Tsuki's mother.

Saving her from abductors, spending time with her while he took her back home, an unforgettable night they shared together beneath the moonlight...

And then he left. After promising to come back and visit, Kai left after taking her back home.

And then he was wrapped up in all sorts of troubles and never had the time to check. To fulfill his promise. Then, by the time he did...

"Dammit." Kai grumbled and said, "Can't ever forget it, huh?"

A regret that he could never resolve.

Kai knew it. And he knew that was why he kept overreacting to things. But after meeting John who went through a similar situation but had nothing bad happen to him...

Well, he would be lying if he said he still wasn't jealous.

Kai shook his head and then took a look around. "What should I get for Tsuki?"

Meggie wanted to spend time with Tsuki before Christmas, so after getting permission from Kai, Tsuki had gone over to stay the night with Meggie at a spare apartment room in the Myth Inc. HQ.

That meant that Kai was free to shop around the entire night to surprise Tsuki for Christmas Eve.

The problem was, he didn't know what to get.

"Should I get her a new game? ...No, she has plenty of those. And whatever I get she probably already has." Kai walked along the sidewalk, avoiding the couples milling about, and muttered, "Clothes? No, I don't know what she likes. Jewelry is no good... Hah."

Even after all this time, he still didn't know his daughter very well, huh?

Her favorite color, her favorite animal, her favorite food...

Kai had spent time with his daughter now, and she definitely enjoyed spending it with him. They also had a strong bond... At least Kai would like to think so. But...

"I still don't know the first thing about being a father or raising a family, huh?"

It was like what Sakura kept saying and what John mentioned whenever they chatted.

Kai had a long way to go. But...

"Definitely wished someone would let me know just how all of this works, first."

Kai muttered under his breath and then took a look around.

He was in the commercial district in Roppongi a few blocks down from Myth Inc. HQ. His car was parked in a garage nearby while he walked around the shops to see if it could give him any ideas.

Unfortunately, he came up blank.

Ignoring the high-end clothing and jewelry stores around, as well as the fancy restaurants, Kai frowned and said, "What do girls even like?"

Kai knew perfectly well what young woman liked. And he knew how to charm older beauties. But children...

Toys? Dolls? Maybe stuffed animals?

Tsuki seemed to like collecting stuffed animals.

Yeah, Kai could start there.

With that decided, Kai took a look around to see if there was anything like that. And as he did, he noticed a small shop nestled between a few toy stores.

A glass display filled with hundreds of colorful stuffed bears. A bright yellow sign saying 'Builder Bear Workshop.' And a small crowd of young couples milling about inside looking through shelves with deflated stuffed animals.


It looked cheap. The stuffed animals weren't well-tailored and the entire setup looked super cheesy.

But it also seemed to be something Tsuki might like. And it also looked like they were boxing the stuffed animals up in giftboxes too, so it would save him the trouble of wrapping the gift...

Well, it wasn't like he had any better ideas.

Kai changed directions and headed into the store. The glass sliding doors opened, immediately letting out a small chime. As he stepped through, he heard the infamous Christmas song by 'Blam!' playing on the speakers.

And he also instantly drew the attention of everyone in the shop.

Kai cleared his throat and then walked over to the selection of animals, pretending like he knew what he was doing.

Thankfully, an attendant walked over to help him. "Good evening, Sir! Would you like some help building your precious stuffed animal?"

Kai glanced over and nodded. "I would appreciate it. I'm trying to get a gift for my daughter-" He froze.

The attendant tilted his head. "Is something the matter, Sir?"

A man in a bright yellow shirt and black pants. A plastic nametag with colorful letters... spelling out a familiar name.

"Maji?" Kai blinked and said, "What the he-"

Maji bowed his head and said, "My apologies, Sir. But please refrain from such language. This is a safe and family friendly establishment."

Kai blinked again. But then he eventually decided it wasn't worth the effort sorting out why the infamous ex-yakuza was there. Especially since he didn't seem to be starting his infamous Maji Everywhere System ambush like he usually did.

So instead, Kai said, "Like I said, I'm trying to get a gift for my daughter. How does this place work anyway?"

"It's quite simple, really." Maji walked over to the shelf and picked out a small bear wearing a white blazer. "Builder Bear is an establishment where you can craft your own stuffed animals to give as a gift. But not only that, each stuffed animal crafted here comes with a lovely heart and letter to its new family... Here, why don't I show you how it works so that you can surprise that cute little princess of yours on Christmas Day?"


Kai scratched the back of his head and then looked at the bag in his left hand. "...Hopefully Tsuki likes it."

Maji had dragged Kai through completely embarrassing tasks in making the stuffed animal. Not to mention how many stares he got at the delicate needlework he put in...

But that was done now.

...But it was also only one present, and Kai had a lot of time to make up for. Over a decade of birthdays he missed, over a decade of Christmas gifts to repay.

Kai hefted the bag to his other hand.

Handcrafted gifts were probably the way to go. Money and luxurious goods were cheap and hollow in terms of showing affection... And they didn't do anything at all to stop nagging holes in your heart.

Kai knew from experience.

The stuffed animal was good, but it would be nice to have a few other things...

Maybe he should pick up wood carving again? It had been a while, so-

A flash of gold in the corner of his eyes, along with a kind smile. A heartrendingly familiar kind smile.

Kai froze and quickly turned to look towards it.

A beautiful young woman. Light blonde hair and clear aquamarine eyes.

Someone he hadn't seen for over a decade. And someone he thought he would never see again.

Tsuki's mother, Elise.

She was walking on the other side of the road and wearing casual clothes. A plain beige winter coat, pink gloves, matching fur boots. The only odd things about her were a black scarf wrapped around her neck and a white lily woven into her hair.

But Kai was sure of it. That was Elise.


Kai ran across the street.

Car horns blared and lights flashed as traffic sped past. But Kai ignored those, expertly weaving through it all with his recent improved reflexes from Maji's ambushes. Putting on speed, and making sure to hold Tsuki's gift tight, he sprinted towards Elise, reaching out his right hand.


He called out her name.

She paused and turned to look towards him.

Kai ran forward, reaching out his hand towards her. And then-

"Uncle Kai?"

-Someone called out to him.

Kai paused and looked towards the voice.

It was another young woman. One that he knew well and still felt guilty towards for what she experienced because he wasn't careful enough.

Sumire, one of the former members of Kai's idol group, Mystic Bouquet. And she also looked concerned.

But Kai ignored her, turning back to look at Elise.

Only to see no one there.

Kai froze.

...Right. There was no one there. But there *was* a store there. A small bakery with a clear glass door.

And one that had two other familiar faces standing inside who were also looking back at Kai with concern.

Yura and Sayuri. The other members from Mystic Bouquet. Two young women who were quickly making their way towards the door with panic and concern in their eyes.

"Boss! What do you think you're doing!?"

"Oppa! What got into you, running through traffic like that!? Are you trying to get isekai'd?!"

Kai slowly lowered his outstretched hand. "I... I thought...?"

He was sure of it. He was SURE.

That had been Elise. He had just seen Elise standing here. But the moment he looked away...

A delicate hand rested on Kai's shoulder. Sumire. "Uncle Kai. How about you come in for now?"

A firm hand grabbed his right arm and said, "Right! Get in here! You've obviously spent too much time in the cold if you're doing crazy stuff like that!"

Still confused, Kai let himself be dragged in.


Right in front of the bakery, watching Kai being fussed by the three young women, a young blonde beauty adjusted her black scarf and let out a sad smile. "After all this time... You still haven't forgiven yourself, have you?"

Her delicate voice drifted through the air. But no one heard her.

At least, no one should have been able to hear her. But...

"Of course not. After all, that guy's a walking bundle of regrets."

...A voice answered her.

The young blonde beauty quickly turned towards the speaker. When she saw who it was, her eyes widened and she said, "You... can see me?"

"I can. But let's set that aside for now. You're American, right? Have you ever watched 'A Christmas Carol?'"



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