Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 269:: All is calm, all is bright

Chapter 269:: All is calm, all is bright

Around 3 PM, a black sedan pulled up in front of Myth Inc HQ. The backdoor closest to the sidewalk opened and then Suzume stepped out, pulling a bag with her. She adjusted her crimson winter coat and then slung her bag over her shoulder before closing the door. After she did, the window rolled down.

The driver, Seigi, looked at Suzume and said, "Did you want me to help you carry that inside?"

Suzume shook her head and gave him a bright smile. "No. This is plenty, Seigi-san." She bowed her head and said, "I apologize for taking up so much of your time having you drive me there and back."

Seigi adjusted the crimson scarf around his black leather coat and then waved his hand. "It's fine." He smiled and said, "I don't get the chance to take breaks very often or share stories."

Suzume stood up and frowned. "If that is the case, perhaps I should trouble you more often to keep you out of trouble."

"Heh." Seigi smirked and said, "Well, if that's what my master commands, I suppose this lowly servant will have to oblige."


Seigi chuckled and said, "Just an inside joke, Suzume-chan." He waved and said, "I'll be leaving then, but I'll be around if you need me. Just send me a text or call and I'll head over."

"Understood, Seigi-san!" Suzume waved and said, "Thank you again!"

Seigi gave Suzume a short salute and then rolled up the window. After that, he drove off.

Suzume watched him leave and then adjusted her bag, making her way towards the building. As she did, she said, "I wonder where Seigi-san came from?"

He said that he was working for Myth Inc. now and that his job was to keep an eye on Suzume to make sure she was safe. But he also seemed to be a man with a lot to tell.

Even though they had gone on that long road trip and Seigi told a lot of stories about how he traveled the world on missionary trips and to volunteer in natural disasters, Suzume felt like she hadn't even heard a fraction of his life story.

"And Seigi-san seems young as well..."

Suzume wouldn't put Seigi as older than his mid-twenties. And yet his steely gray eyes seemed to have seen more than even some of the elderly men and women that visited her shrine...

"Suzu-chan!" A cheery middle-aged male voice called out. Takashi-san's.

Suzume blinked and realized that she had walked into the building while lost in thought.

The lobby was the same as always. The two silent and intimidating foreigner security guards stood just out of sight by the entrance. A few decorative plants were placed here and there, while lounge chairs and seats were scattered around for visitors.

Not that there ever were. Since joining Project MirAIs and visiting the office, Suzume noticed that they never received visitors. In fact, most people tended to walk right past the building as if it didn't exist.

Though to be fair, it just seemed like an ordinary office building.

But there was something different today. And that something was the person who called out to her.

Takashi waved from behind the front desk and said, "Did Mikata treat you well?"

Suzume smiled and walked over. "Seigi-san was very courteous and patient."

Takashi hummed and then scribbled something on a notepad. "That's good to hear. Considering that Titor recommended him, I was a bit concerned... but I guess my first impression of the kid was right. His heart's in the right place, at least."

Suzume blinked and said, "Mister Titor recommended Seigi-san?"

"Yeah." Takashi nodded and said, "Apparently they're old war buddies or something. I still don't believe the bit about Titor being a secret American soldier, but..." He shook his head and said, "Anyway, the other girls are already here, so you can just head on up."

Suzume's eyes widened and she said, "D-Did I keep them waiting long?"

Takashi waved his hand and said, "I'm sure it's fine. They're probably just having fun before Christmas anyway."

Suzume shook her head and quickly walked over to the elevator, pressing the button to call it. "Even so..."

They had arranged to do practice streams today before the debut, and she was the only one who wasn't present...

A soft chime echoed and the elevator doors opened.

Suzume quickly walked inside and pressed the button to the Prodigy streaming studio floor. After that, she pressed the button to close the elevator doors.

They shut with a soft 'thud' and the elevator started moving.

As it did, Suzume placed her hand over her chest, feeling a soft pang of guilt. "I hope the others do not mind..."

She didn't want to disappoint her friends now after all they had been through together.

The singing lessons with Miss Zhaojun, the dancing lessons with Mister John and Miss Xuannu. Spending late nights together laughing and talking with each other in the lounge with Yuri making them snacks...

Suzume frowned and said, "I will have to make it up to them later."

She had sincerely forgotten about the meeting until early that morning when the alarm went off, so she definitely needed to pay everyone back.

But she didn't have much to give... Oh! Maybe a traditional new year dance? Or blessings?

No, they could take a trip together back to the shrine for the new year and Suzume could give them blessings there.

Yes, that would work. And then she could ask her adoptive parents to reserve their private onsen to go relax as well afterwards.

And it could double as a celebration for their debut!

Suzume clapped her hands together and said, "Perfect!"

Right. That was a perfect idea. She never brought friends over before, so it was a good excuse as well.

Transportation might be an issue since they were all too young to drive, but if she asked nicely, Seigi-san should agree... Though she didn't want to trouble him too much.

Then again, he seemed like he would spend the holidays alone if he wasn't asked... Just like her adoptive father.

Well, like her adoptive father would if it wasn't for her adoptive mother.

A soft chime echoed. The elevator continually rising as it headed towards the studio.

Suzume glanced at the floor display and then couldn't help but reflect on her life.

A young girl who grew up with adoptive parents, never knowing where she came from or who her birth parents were. And not only that, one who grew up being dragged around by her adoptive parents as they traveled the world before they retired and settled down back in Japan.

On a whim, she packed her bags and gave up on her training as a shrine maiden to get a job in the city. And somehow, she miraculously arrived without any misfortune.

Instead, she was greeted with nothing but fortune.

Discovering that she had remaining family with Uncle Bai and Uncle Qing. Making friends for the first time with Yuri, Shu, and Chihiro. Being accepted as a Project MirAIs idol, as well as being accepted by everyone at Myth Inc., including Mister John and his entire family as well as her Senpais in Project MirAIs...

It was like a dream- No, a wish that she didn't know she wanted.

A place to belong and a place to call her home.

Not that she had anything against her adoptive parents, but while they were kind, it was also clear that the two lived mostly in their own bubble. They took care of Suzume, but there was also a bit of a distance there as well.

A soft chime echoed. The elevator arriving at its destination.

Suzume blinked and then smiled. As the doors opened, she walked out and bowed her head. "My apologies! I forgot that our meeting was today, and so-"

"#[email protected]$! Stop eating it like that! Argh!" Yuri's frustrated voice. "That's not how you eat TikTak bars! You're supposed to break off each piece!"

Suzume quickly raised her head in confusion.

Her friends were seated at the table in the center of the room, and Miss Jenny was seated there as well.

Yuri's face was red. But not from embarrassment. Instead, she looked really frustrated.

And the reason for that was Chihiro, seated right next to Yuri.

Chihiro adjusted her red glasses and then slowly unwrapped a new chocolate TikTak bar. After that, she held it up to her face.

Yuri's eye twitched and she pointed at Chihiro. "Don't you dare."

Chihiro turned the TikTak bar sideways. Instead of breaking the chocolate wafer bars apart, she brought it up to her mouth as if she was going to take a bite out of all of them.

"Don't. You. Dare."

Chihiro raised an eyebrow. And then she took a bite.


Yuri let out a strangled scream and then lunged across the table.

Shu quickly stood up and grabbed Yuri. "Yuri! No!"

Yuri struggled against Shu and said, "Let me at her, Shu! Let me at her!"

Shu shook her head and held Yuri in a tight armlock. "It's just a chocolate bar, Yuri!"

"You don't understand! That's a crime against humanity! A crime! It physically hurts watching it!"

Chihiro took another bite.

"@#[email protected]!" Yuri let out another strangled gasp and then threw Shu off.

"W-Whoa!" Shu flailed and had to quickly regain her balance. But that gave Yuri time to lunge at Chihiro.

The artist grinned and raised the chocolate bar again, completely unfazed by Yuri's lunge.

Yuri noticed and grit her teeth, reaching out towards Chihiro.

And then a tiny chocolate bar flew towards her face.

Yuri reflexively grabbed it. "Huh?" She blinked, momentarily forgetting her wrath from the unexpected event. "This is... A Giggle bar? Wait." She blinked again and said, "Who threw this at me?"

Jenny raised her hand and said, "I did. You're not you when you're hungry, Yuri."

Yuri paused. And then she narrowed her eyes, glaring at Jenny. "Do you think this is a joke!?"

"Yep! And it's even funnier since none of you noticed that Suzu-chan's here." Saying that, Jenny looked towards Suzume.

Yuri froze and then slowly turned towards Suzume. When she saw Suzume standing there, Yuri cleared her throat and waved. "H-Hey, Suzu-chan. Haha..."

Shu brushed off her hands and waved as well. "Suzu-chan! Glad you're finally here!"

Suzume let out a nervous laugh and said, "Um... Am I interrupting something?"

Chihiro finished eating her candy and then wiped her fingers on her pants.

Yuri's eye twitched.

Chihiro ignored her and said, "Nothing really. We were just waiting for you, actually."

Jenny nodded and said, "Yep! Now that everyone's here... Well, it's a bit too late to keep practicing, so how about we have some fun instead?"


The Three Realms, somewhere above the Celestial Jade Palace.

"Hm." An old man with a magnificent silver beard and splendid emerald robes floated above the palace and stared up into the skies, gazing at a blue star in the distance. "If that message was accurate, the time has come to pay my daughter and her family a visit."

The source of the message was unknown, but there hadn't been any ill karma or malevolent intent. Not only that, but the timing lined up with what he anticipated as well.

The Celestial Jade Emperor stroked his beard and said, "It would not do for this regal self to miss the birth of his second grandchild." He flicked his sleeve and then roused his spiritual energy.

The moment he did, the blue star began to shine. And as it did, a portal emerged.

"Hoh?" The Celestial Jade Emperor's eyes lit up. "Interesting, interesting! My son-in-law's homeland is unfathomable... But very well. If you are welcoming me, forgive me for being rude." After saying that, the Celestial Jade Emperor stepped through the portal, vanishing in a flurry of light.


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