Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 243: Bring your daughter to work day (week)

Chapter 243: Bring your daughter to work day (week)

Meggie blinked and stared at her dad. "Let me get this straight. You want me. Me! To go with you to the Winter Electronics Expo?"

John nodded. "That's right. Just you and me... and a bunch of cool tech demos. Probably game demos too. Ah, and free stuff."

Meggie crossed her arms, frowning.

Monday morning, December 9th.

After spending the whole night out drinking with friends and coming home reeking of alcohol, her dad had immediately cleaned himself up and then texted Meggie to meet him in his office when she woke up.

Of course, she had already been up waiting for her dad to come back, so she showed up right away.

A familiar series of events. Meggie remembered her father calling her to his office early in the morning a few times in the past. Usually to show her how to make deals or prepare her for that day's trainings and activities. And if not that, to have a brief meal to debrief about what she had been working on recently.

Back then, he had been stern and severe. Sitting behind his desk, he emitted a towering and invincible aura.

And now he just looked like a goofball.

...But a goofball who seemed to care about them, at least. And one with a warmer smile and kinder eyes too.

Meggie was still conflicted on which one she preferred.

At the moment, she was seated across from her father. A desk separated the two. Before, that had been a wall. A clear line between them and a distance that she couldn't cross. But now-

"Ah. Right." John dragged his chair around his desk to sit next to Meggie. "This is more comfortable, right?"

"Tch." Meggie looked away and said, "You didn't have to do that. I'm perfectly fine talking to you across your desk."

"I know. But that's a bit too distant, isn't it?"

"...Hmph. Whatever." Meggie glanced at the badges on the desk and frowned.

The Winter Tokyo Electronics Expo. From what she could tell, it was a big event. Tsuki had talked about it before and mentioned that there were a lot of cool games that might be teased there. And she also talked about how the big tech companies usually gave out a lot of fun freebies.

If she was being honest, Meggie really wanted to go.

Alphy nee-chan was busy with her streaming, so Meggie couldn't hang out with her much.

After Comiket, her mom and aunts had gotten inspired and started up a doujin circle of their own and were busy working on a big project.

Big sister Betty was busy working a real job and running a company...

And Tsuki said that her dad was taking her out on some trips, so Meggie couldn't even play online with her best friend.

The only thing that Meggie could do was just sit inside and play games. But there weren't that many games that she was interested in playing by herself. And she already beat the ones that she did have an interest in.

All that to say... Meggie didn't have anything better to do.

Though, spending a whole weekend with just her dad...


Meggie glared at her dad and said, "This isn't to make up for you embarrassing me by crossdressing, is it?"

"Huh?" John blinked and said, "You were embarrassed by that?"

"YES!" Meggie felt her face heat up, but she ignored it and said, "Both at the concert and at Comiket! And why did you make a female clone of yourself? And why is she so... you know!?"

John coughed. "It's complicated."

Meggie leaned back. "Oh yeah? How?"

"...I'll tell you when you're older."

"I'm not a kid, Dad!"

John stared at Meggie and then suddenly looked weary.

Seeing that, Meggie flinched and lowered her gaze. "...Sorry."

John waved his hand. "No. It's fine." He let out a strained smile and said, "I know you aren't, Meggie." He reached over and ruffled Meggie's hair. "I just can't help but see you as my little girl, you know?"

Meggie looked away and muttered, "...I still am."

John froze. And then he pulled Meggie into a one-armed hug.

"H-Hey!" Meggie blushed and said, "S-Stop that!"

"Thank you, Meggie. I know that I've been a terrible dad... but you've been an awesome daughter. I want you to know that, okay? And I love you lots. Don't ever think I don't."

Meggie paused and then huffed. She wiped her sleeves against her eyes and said, "D-Dumb Dad. That's not f-fair."

John let Meggie go and said, "Sorry. Dad's a bit dumb like that."

"Stop it. Only I get to call Dad dumb. Okay? Dummy."

John chuckled. "Okay, okay. But anyway, this isn't to make up for anything." He paused. "Well, okay. Maybe it is. I never did get to take you on that trip through the void... but that would be pretty boring anyway. Instead... how about we have some fun hanging out together at a fancy hotel and looking through the exhibits? If there's anything interesting, I can get it for you too."

Meggie rolled her eyes. "Fancy things won't make people happy, Dad."

"True. But they make life a lot more comfortable and fun."

Meggie laughed.

John smiled. "So... Do you want to go?"

"Fine. If you're pestering me that much, I'll come along."

...And it definitely wasn't because she missed her Dad and loved how nice he was treating her. Definitely not.

"Great! In that case... We can get ready and head out on Thursday evening. In the meanwhile, I've got to get a bunch of things ready. We're closing out the expo, so I have to make sure we don't drop the ball."

"...Do you need help?"

"Hm?" John turned to look at Meggie.

She blushed and looked away. "I-I mean... You're kind of an airhead at times, Dad. And since Mom's spending time with all your sisters, you need someone serious to keep an eye on things, right? Especially since Big Sister Betty is busy with her own stuff."

John blinked. And then he grabbed Meggie and spun her around in the air.

"H-Hey!" Meggie turned red and said, "Put me down! Dad! Stop that!"

John laughed and then put her down. "Sorry, Meggie. But you're a lifesaver." He sighed and said, "Qing and Bai are busy getting things ready with the Gen 1 girls for their streaming set ups, so it would have been just me again. But nice!" He punched a fist in the air and said, "We'll make it 'bring your daughter to work' day!"

Meggie blinked. And then she facepalmed. "How did you ever get a sect up and running, Dad?"

"Patience, power, and plenty of help from your mother."

"...You're hopeless."

"When it comes to paperwork and bureaucracy... Absolutely. But anyway... We can do that later. For now... How about that ice cream I promised you? And a stroll around the city while we're at it?"

Meggie's eyes widened. "...I thought you forgot?"

"Hey." John wrapped an arm around Meggie's shoulder and said, "Your dad might be dumb when it comes to a lot of things, but I remember the stuff when it counts. Now come on." John stood up and smiled at Meggie, holding out his hand. "Today, it's just you and me." He paused. "Actually, let's make that this whole week. There's a lot I want to catch up on with my cute baby girl."

Meggie looked at John's hand and then stared at his face.

It was different. Her dad didn't have that invincible aura around him anymore. He wasn't that cold and unstoppable figure she remembered growing up with.

Goofy. Vulnerable. Willing to make jabs at himself. Completely unreliable.

But he was warm. Warm and completely uncaring of how he looked to others. No, only caring how he looked in the eyes of the person he was looking at.

Meggie had been wondering for a long time now. Why her mom completely forgave him after she arrived here despite all that he had done. And why all of her aunts still loved him even though he rejected each of their proposals.

When seeing that warm and supportive gaze, along with the complete faith and devotion in his eyes...

"...So that's what Mom meant."

"Hm?" John tilted his head and said, "What do you mean, Meggie?"

Meggie stood up and grabbed her dad's hand. After that, she stared at his face again and then nodded. "I'll make sure to never marry a playboy like you, Dad."


Meggie laughed and then started dragging her dad with her. "Come on, Dad! No breaking your promises now! There's this cool gourmet ice cream shop I saw on UTube where the person scoops up ice cream balls for you to catch in a waffle bowl."

"W-Wait a minute. I think I know the one you're talking about... but it's in the U.S., isn't it?"

Meggie looked back and said, "So?"

John blinked and then let out a sigh. "Well, if it makes you happy-"

"It will!"

John laughed. "Then let's go take a look. But just to warn you." His blue eyes flashed green and he let out a mischievous smile. "You should be careful what you wish for, Meggie. You might get sick of ice cream after all of this."

"As if! I love ice cream!"

"Famous last words~"

"Stop that! It's cringe!"

"Sorry. Bad habit."

"How many of those do you have?!"

"A lot. Anyway... Ice cream! Let's go!"


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