Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 242: Out with the boys after Comiket

Chapter 242: Out with the boys after Comiket


After the first day of the convention, things calmed down. It seemed like all the chaos built up for one giant release, and when that was over, nothing eventful happened.

Well, there *was* the problem of explaining who Jenny was and what she was doing there, but the moment the convention was over, she vanished.

John was sure she was still around *somewhere*. He could still sense her presence in Japan. But it was faint and hard to pin down.

...Knowing her, it seemed like she'd pop up again when he least expected her and cause more chaos. Like Titor, but worse.

...Maybe he should never have brought 'Jenny Smith' back for the concert. He wasn't sure what happened, but he knew that it was definitely going to cause havoc later.

But that was a later problem.

While he got put through the wringer by literally everyone he knew the moment the convention was finished and he went home, he got through it somehow.

And now there was only one thing left to do.

A bar in Roppongi. Sunday evening, December 8th. There, at that time, three men... or rather, three fathers sat at the booth, nursing some drinks.

John, Kai, and Takashi, in that order.

Because it was a Sunday, the bar was closed to the public. But Takashi and Kai pulled some strings with a friend, letting them have the place to hang out and just unwind.

In short, a boy's night out to relax after the chaos that was Comiket.

John sipped on his mojito and then took a look around the place.

Fancy, but private. A small karaoke stage, some modern aesthetics... In short, a stereotypical private bar. If John had to honestly describe it, he would say it reminded him a lot of one from the Yakuza series. At least, from what he could remember.

Or maybe he was just getting images of bars mixed up in his head. Other than the few times he had gone to one recently, it had been countless years since the last time he went to one.

Literally countless years.

A deep sigh echoed from the right. Takashi. The former police officer took a long swing from his pint of beer and then said, "It's finally over."

Kai sipped on his glass of gin and tonic before saying, "Tell me about it." His eyes darted around the surroundings and he said, "That Maji Everywhere system is annoying as hell. Er... he won't ambush me here, right?"

John waved his hand and said, "Don't worry. If that guy tries, I'll smack him back into the Shadow Realms."

Kai sighed in relief and muttered, "Thank god."

John smirked and said, "You're welcome."

"Still arrogant as always, huh?"

"It's not arrogance if it's true."

"Right." Kai mumbled and said, "...Yeah, there was that. Almost forgot."

Takashi took another swig from his beer and then glanced at Kai. "So how was Comiket for you? Other than being ambushed at every corner."

"Setting that aside... it was alright." Kai sipped on his drink and smiled. "Tsuki had a lot of fun. And it was good to be able to walk around for once and not be threatening vendors to not forget their debts."

John nodded. "It's always nice to be able to just enjoy the festival instead of having to pressure people."

Kai snorted and said, "Weren't you the guy pressuring people to stay away from your wife at the Project MirAIs booth?"

"My Yue is a delicate jade princess who will not be tarnished by some assholes or idiots who think too much of themselves. And killing intent is useful."

Takashi laughed. "True." His eyes grew sharp and he said, "And those otakus get too caught up in their hobbies at times and forget what's reality. Especially around cute high school girls like my Chi-chan."

"Well." John looked at Takashi and said, "What do you expect when your daughter sells hentai?"

Takashi blinked. "Hentai?"

"Ah, I mean explicit doujins."

"Mm." Takashi took another swig from his beer and said, "I know. But Chi-chan is getting to that age where she can make her own decisions. I don't like it... and I think that it's troublesome. But I respect her decisions." He frowned. "Though I need to remember to get her some self-defense training."

John remembered the 'self-defense weapon' that Chihiro carried around and let out a dry laugh. "Yeah... No, I think she has that covered."


Kai shook his head and then turned towards Takashi. "Aniki's daughter is smart and tough. I'm sure she'll be fine."

John nodded. "Yeah."

Rather than a 'bad end'... John had a feeling that Chihiro was the one who'd inflict that on whatever idiot tried to go too far. Considering that she was packing heat wherever she went, John was more worried about her having to hide bodies than being kidnapped or worse.

...Though since she was Takashi's kid, and the guy was supposedly a great detective, maybe the question to ask was how many bodies she had already hidden away in the past. Especially with how nonchalant she was at pulling out that gun...

Takashi nodded. "I hope so. Doesn't mean I won't stop worrying."

John laughed. "Yeah. That much never changes."

His daughters could blow up the whole planet and then some, and he still got a bit antsy knowing they were out in public.

Especially Betty. He heard from the girls that she was starting up her own indie studio or something, but that she had also dressed up in cosplay for it. And a really attractive cosplay as well judging from how Asako tripped over herself trying to describe it...

Kai turned towards John and said, "What about you, Friend?"


Kai waved his glass around and said, "How was Comiket for you?"

"Oh that." John took a sip from his mojito and said, "It was great." He smiled and said, "Yue was really happy being able to spend time with me. Especially when people said we were a great couple and took pictures."

Kai let out a bitter smile and said, "Yeah. I bet that was nice, huh?" After that, he took a long swig from his gin.

Takashi frowned and said, "You need to stop getting so hung up about Sakura, Kai. And to stop trying so hard to win her over."

"I can't help it, okay?!" Kai slammed his fist on the table and said, "I love her!"

Takashi raised an eyebrow. "More than your daughter?"

Kai flinched. "T-That..."

Ah. So this was that problem Sakura was talking about...


"Hey. Kai."

Kai glared at John. "What?"

"We're still friends, right?"

Kai blinked, seriously considering it. But then he sighed and said, "You are a giant pain and I hate your guts at times. But yes. And even if we weren't, Meggie and Tsuki are best friends, so I would at least be cordial."

"Good." John smiled. "Then..." He set his drink aside and put on a serious expression. "As your friend... and as someone who has had to deal with all sorts of women who had the hots for me throughout my life while being a single father, let me give you some advice."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Oh sure. Preach it, Mister-"

Takashi smacked Kai on the head.

"Ow!" He glared at Takashi and said, "What was that for!?"

"Listen to him, you brat. If you seriously consider John your friend, don't dismiss his words."

"...Tch." Kai picked up his drink and took a swig. After that, he looked back at John.

John sighed and said, "I'll be the first to say I haven't been the best father."

Kai looked like he wanted to respond, but a glare from Takashi cut him off.

John drained his glass. Sweet, a bit sour, minty and refreshing... and none of the buzz that he should get from drinking alcohol.

Well. He'd just have to tell it sober then.

John set his glass down and said, "Children are smarter than you think, Kai. And they mature fast too. But just because they mature fast doesn't mean that you should leave them be and do your own thing. Just because they *can* be independent doesn't mean they want to be. And just because they look like they're approving of what you do, that doesn't mean they actually do."

John thought back to his daughters.

Alphy, who had to deal with all the bloodshed and violence to protect him. And who John didn't realize was quietly suffering deep inside.

Betty, who was always mature and competent, handling all of their intel and planning. His smart and capable daughter who was secretly putting on a strong face with her powers and devoting everything to keeping their small family safe.

Meggie, who was extremely talented and diligent. Always training and learning... but only because she wanted to spend time with John, not that she was actually interested in it.

John realized all of that too late. He could have handled it all a lot differently. Not only that, but then there was his marriage with Yue.

He didn't take into account the relationship dynamics. He didn't put too much thought into how Alphy might see Zhaojun as her mother. How Betty liked Daji more than Yue. How Meggie would see the other women as trying to steal her father away from her mother. And how Yue herself would be troubled at thinking she and Meggie weren't loved because of Alphy and Betty.

It was a tangled web of karma, drama, and overall thoughtless mistakes.

Thankfully, things were getting better. Now that they were in a peaceful world and didn't have to worry about brushing all of that under the rug to put on a strong face, they could slowly deal with those issues and become a proper family.

And they were.

But for Kai...

John stared at Kai and realized it.

That guy was the same as him. Well, if he wasn't similar, then they wouldn't be friends or clash against each other like this.

Kai was starting on the same sort of path. Since he was wrapped up in loving Sakura, he was starting to neglect Tsuki. But Tsuki loved him enough to let things be. Putting a smile on her face, letting her father run off on his own things while distracting herself with friends and other tasks...

This was bad.

John could sort things out with his family because he literally had all the time in the world and then some.

But for Kai...

Tsuki was already... 11? 12? Either way, almost an adult. And it was the most important years of her life as well. The time where she would seriously be impacted by whatever was going on around her.

Especially when it came to defining love.

Kai stared at John and then let out a deep sigh. "I know." He ran his hand through his hair and said, "*I know*. But what am I supposed to do? Sakura's suffered all that time without me knowing it. And I... I love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and make her happy. To make up for all of her sorrows."

"That's not love."

Kai narrowed his eyes. "And what do you know about love?!"

"A lot." John sighed and muttered, "A lot." He twirled his empty glass and said, "You realized it already, right? The complicated history behind my 'sisters' and my daughters?"

Kai paused. Then his eyes widened. "That... Wait, so then...?"

"Wanting to make someone happy and wanting to make up for their sorrows isn't the same as loving someone. At least, not romantically. And trying otherwise is just going to burn you."

Kai was silent.

"Kai- No. Bro. My first and only real friend in a long time." John looked at Kai and said, "That's not love. That's guilt. Guilt, and selfishness in trying to make up for that guilt without thinking about the people around you." He placed his hand on Kai's shoulder and said, "Sakura doesn't need your help anymore. But Tsuki does. I don't know what your feelings really are towards Sakura, but right now that guilt of yours is eating you up. But it's fine. The young girl you lost back then suffered a lot, but she grew up to be a strong and independent woman who raised a bright and cheerful daughter."

...Well, at least after John stepped in, but that was probably better left unsaid.

"Right now, Tsuki is the one who needs you. She loves you, unconditionally. As your daughter, that's the only thing she cares about. But she's also watching you." John sighed and said, "Kids grow up fast. And what they learn now is what's going to shape their life later on. Do you want her to think that love is something you chase after while ignoring everyone else who loves you?"

"...No." Kai shook his head. "I don't."

"Then relax and calm down. Focus on spending this time with Tsuki before it's gone." John let out a bitter smile and said, "You'll regret it if you don't."

Kai sighed. "...I'll try."

Takashi placed a hand on Kai's other shoulder and said, "I believe in you."

"Thanks, Aniki."

John pulled his hand back and said, "Now, with that heavy topic out of the way... What are your plans for next week?"

"Hm?" Kai frowned and said, "...I don't really have any?"

John looked at Takashi. "You?"

Takashi finished his beer and then said, "Some interviews. I've found three candidates for managers. Mister Reaper also mentioned that he found some people who might be good hires as well."

"Oh. Nice."

John didn't think that Toby would do that... but it seems like he's definitely a diligent employee. Definitely needed to see if he wanted a reward or anything at some point. But anyway...

"In that case, I won't bother you about it, Takashi. But Kai... Tsuki likes video games, right?"

Kai nodded. "She does." He laughed and said, "I don't know what's going on half the time when she plays, but she definitely enjoys them."

"Great. Then here." John reached into his shirt and slid some tickets over.

"Hm?" Kai picked them up. "These are...?"

"Press badges for the Winter Electronics Expo. Comiket was a mess, so that's to make up for it. Tsuki will love it... and it will give you a chance to learn more about the sorts of things she loves. Ah, but this is a secret, alright? And I'll make sure nothing goes wrong this time to spoil your father-daughter time."

Kai smiled. "Thank you, John- Wait." Kai paused to think. "...Come to think of it, that's right. Every time I've tried to spend some time with Tsuki..."

"Which is why I'll be taking extra measures to make sure that your time is well-spent and undisturbed."

'Got that, Maji?'

*Keh. Fine, Boss. I'll put the Maji Everywhere system on hold...*

Kai took the passes and nodded. "...I'll make some offering just in case. For good luck."

"...That's probably a good idea."

Takashi looked at John and said, "This is a bit off topic, John. But have you decided on the date for Chi-chan's debut?"

"Hm?" Kai blinked and said, "Chi-chan is debuting as an idol?"

John gave Kai a blank stare. "...Didn't you talk about this with Yuri the other day?"

"Oh. Now that you mention it..."

John sighed and shook his head. But after that, he turned towards Takashi. "Anyway, that's partly why I asked if you were busy. We'll be doing a teaser for her and the other girls at the expo, so I wanted to know if you would be willing to help chaperone the girls and explore the expo as well." He paused. "Though now that I think of it, that's probably not a good idea considering how Comiket went..."

From what he heard... and from the pictures he saw online, Rin and the others already got a lot of publicity.

Thankfully, no one noticed who they really were. But they were getting pretty famous as some top-tier cosplayers.

If they showed up in a place where there was a lot of press and got ambushed by interview questions...

"...Yeah. Actually, let's not."

Instead... Mm. Maybe he should take his own advice and spend some father-daughter time with Meggie. She enjoyed games too and it'd be pretty fun. Not to mention that there was more downtime at the expo to look around all the other times they weren't presenting.

Takashi gave John a blank stare.

John blinked. "What?"

"...I suddenly understand why Qing and Bai complain all the time about you."


Takashi shook his head. "Don't worry about it. But from now on, please make sure to pass any ideas like that with me first."

"Got it."

"In any case..." Takashi stood up and said, "I'll get us more drinks. Anything you two want in particular?"

Kai nodded and said, "Another gin and tonic."

"Mm..." John thought about it and said, "I'll have a Mai Tai if you can make it."


"What?" John blinked and said, "Strong drinks don't do it for me anymore, so might as well have something tasty, right?"

"Oh?" Kai raised an eyebrow and said, "So you're saying you've got a strong tolerance to alcohol?"

"Kai. Friend." John shook his head and said, "You know better."

Kai paused. "Oh. Right. Of course you've got a strong tolerance."

Takashi walked around the counter and said, "Really, now? There's a bottle of imported Everclear around here somewhere. Think you're up for it?"

"Only if you make me that Mai Tai."


...Well. It *had* been a while since John showed off a bit to some friends. And maybe the Everclear would actually do something?


...He really wanted to forget a bit of the craziness from Comiket, so any help would be good.

...Wait. But Titor was presenting at the Expo too, right? And it was an expo to show off new games, electronics, and other things...

Dammit. Hopefully that guy showed some restraint...


"Achoo!" Titor sniffed and wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"Gross." Amadeus frowned and said, "At least use a tissue."

"Can't help it, my beloved. Science waits for no one!"

Amadeus rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just try to keep that science of yours under wraps."

"Oh? So you want some protection this time?"

Amadeus turned a deep red and threw a book at Titor.

He grabbed it and laughed. After that, he set it down on his desk and turned back to what he was working on.

A VR headset on his left side. A monocle on his right. And right in front of him, a shining silver disc.

Titor tapped the disc and watched as a blue-eyed dragon hologram emerged. "Now... It's time to duel with the other tech mongols. Let's see who the real winner of this expo will be... Mwahahahaha-!"

"Did you want the couch tonight?"

"Sorry, Dear."

"Thought so."


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