Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 238: Comiket Chaos – VII

Chapter 238: Comiket Chaos – VII

John pointedly ignored the arms laced around his shoulders and the warmth breath against his back of his neck.

"Oh come on~. I don't know why it's so awkward. I mean, you've done things like this before, right?"

A bright and sunny female voice. With it, carried a scent reminiscent of vanilla and a warm summer day.

John groaned and leaned on the table, covering his face with his right hand. "*Please* don't talk to me. And stop doing that. It's weird. This is weird. And I'm still trying to figure out what the heck is going on."

The Project MirAIs booth at the convention center.

After a long, frantic, and hopefully convincing BS session, John somehow managed to push explanations off until after the convention was over. But it was clear that his daughters saw right through him and that the others just didn't want to cause too much of a scene.

Which led to the current situation.

After lunch, John went back to his post and sat back in front of the counter. Everyone else had scattered to go explore more of the convention. Well, everyone except for two people.

The first was Jenny. Who... John knew for a fact couldn't be the real' Jenny Smith.

After all, that was him. But not only that, she acted a bit differently than how he would as Jenny.

Flirty, cute, a bit bold... and slowly slipping her hands down.

John slapped them away.

Jenny laughed and then stood up, stretching. "What's the big deal about it? I'm sure that your cute wifey's enjoying the show too, right?" She smiled and looked off to the side.

There sat the third person in the booth.

A young woman with light green hair, an even lighter shade than usual. A white outfit that looked like an asylum patient's clothes, but a bit more fashionable with black belts and buckles... Yue. John's lovely and pregnant wife.

Who was also completely confused about the current situation.

Yue fanned her cheeks, face red. Her jade green eyes flitted back and forth between John and Jenny. "T-That..." She looked at Jenny and then turned an even darker shade of red, averting her gaze.

John let out a deep sigh. "I swear. I'm not this perverted, Yue."

Jenny gasped and stepped back. "Pervert? Me? Rude!" She twirled, spinning her light blue dress, and then winked. "I'm a pure idol through and through! Though..." She looked at Yue and then said, "I might make an exception if Yue wants me to."

Yue let out a strangled gasp and then quickly covered her face, her blush spreading down her neck.

John poked Jenny in the forehead and said, "Stop flirting with my wife."

"But I'm not flirting? And besides, we can share! I mean, I'm basically you anyway. And haven't you ever thought about... Well, you know?" Jenny winked at John.

Some people were walking over in the distance. The convention guests slowly filtering back after lunch. Fortunately, it seemed like people hadn't noticed Jenny's presence yet.

Emphasis on 'yet.'

John had a feeling things would get chaotic soon.

"Anywho!" Jenny pulled out a chair and sat down between John and Yue. Placing her head in her hands and resting her elbows on her legs, she leaned forward and looked between John and Yue. "You two match really well today! Were you planning on doing a couple's thing later?"

"It wasn't planned, but yes."

"Nice~! Then I'll hold down the fort so you two have fun, m'kay?" Jenny leaned back and stretched. As she did, her blouse strained a bit, emphasizing her chest.

John saw that and said, "Couldn't you have chosen another outfit? That one's definitely too small for you."

"True. But that'd require me changing. I don't have any other clothes... and I don't know anyone else here. Unless you want to come help me change?"

John ignored the budding headache he felt and then stared at Jenny. "Seriously though... How are you here? No, who even are you? I know you're not a clone like Titor, and his Incarnation system is all patched up now..."

Jenny hummed and placed a finger on her chin. "Wouldn't you like to know~? Ah, but don't worry. I'm not *really* related to you if that's what you're worried about. Even if you cook some rice in my pot, it'd be perfectly okay!"

"WHAT!?" Yue jumped up. "T-That's...!" She looked between John and Jenny. Then she paused. "That's... but if she's really Husband or a copy of husband... T-Then... A-And if it's Husband and her... and then a child..." Yue started blushing again and then frantically looked around. Seeing a pamphlet on the table, she grabbed it and quickly started fanning her face.

John frowned and muttered, "Was I always this flirty?"

It was true that he doubled down when he was practicing those courtesan techniques and mannerisms so that he could teach Zhaojun, but he didn't think he acted like *this.*

Did he?

"Mm, I don't know?" Jenny smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"...I swear to God, if you're actually Titor and-"

At that time, a loud and arrogant laugh echoed. "Fwahahaha! My other half!" Titor walked in front of the booth and spread out his arms, causing his white lab coat to flutter. Grinning, he said, "How has life treated you as- Grk!?" He choked on his words when he saw Jenny sitting next to John. "S-S-Saber?!"

An annoyed female voice echoed behind Titor. "Stop being so Chuuni! Isn't it enough calling me Avenger, dummy?"

That was Amadeus. Wearing her own white lab coat, she let out a sigh and walked behind Titor. She turned towards the booth and said, "Don't go around calling other people... Eh? Who the hell are you?" Her crimson eyes flitted towards Jenny and then John. Then she blinked and shook her head. "Wait. Am I hallucinating?"

John cleared his throat. "W-Well-"

Titor quickly spun towards Amadeus and grabbed her shoulders. "My love."

Amadeus blushed and averted her gaze. "Dumbass! Idiot!" She looked at John and Yue before looking elsewhere and muttering, "Not in front of others..."

"Punch me."


Titor gave Amadeus a serious look and said, "Punch me."

Amadeus blinked and then her face turned red. But not from embarrassment. Scowling, she stepped back and wound up her right fist. "You dense chuuni bastard!" She stepped forward and then smacked Titor in the face.


A serious, full-force punch in the cheek.

With it, Titor spun around in the air before landing flat on the ground.

Amadeus glared at him and then huffed. "I'm going to look at the doujins. Come find me when you're done being an idiot." With that, she walked off, her hair and lab coat fluttering behind her.

John just blinked, watching the scene unfold in front of him. When he saw Titor slowly pushing himself off the ground, John said, "You... do realize that you didn't need to do that, right?"

Titor waved his hand and said, "It's fine. Her tsun meter hit the max already, so I had to let her vent to get back to dere anyway."

"..." John turned to look at Yue and said, "I wasn't that bad. Was I?"

Yue stopped fanning herself and then turned towards John. She pointedly ignored Jenny and then tilted her head, only giving John a silent stare.

John cleared his throat and then looked back towards Titor.

"Anyway." Titor brushed himself off and then looked towards Jenny. "...Who are you?"

Jenny giggled. "Well, I dunno? Who *am* I, Mister MirAIs Operator?"

Titor frowned. "You're not like the others. And you're not one of the anomalies I picked up..." He looked towards John.

John pointed to Jenny and said, "So you're not responsible for this?"

"I... don't think I am?"

Jenny stood up to stretch... and then there was a small rip in her blouse, showing a bit of her cleavage. "Aaah." She let out a sigh and smiled. "That's better."

Yue turned to look and immediately blushed again.

Titor and John groaned at the same time.

Titor pointed at John and said, "I blame you. This is because of your karma with women. It's gotta be."

"Me!?" John pointed at Titor and said, "You're the guy who tried recreating the Moon Cell!"

"I didn't just *try.* Mine's better- I mean, that proves nothing. Besides, I patched up the bugs."

"Yeah, after I helped! But what if there's a glitch in the system?"

"And what if it's your weird MC aura at work again? Didn't you say the world was trying to ask for your help getting rid of that Shin guy anyway? Maybe this is a reward or something?"

"Seriously? That's what you think?"

"Why're you asking me all of this anyway? If you can't figure it out, how the hell do you expect me to? I'm just a guy! You're the returnee!"

Jenny giggled. "My. I didn't think I'd cause such a fierce fight between guys so soon."


Jenny giggled again.

Titor groaned. He looked to the side and said, "We're drawing attention... and Amadeus will get annoyed if I'm gone too long, so I'm out."

"Wait, what?"

Titor flashed a hand sign and said, "Peace." After that, he ran off.

"Son of a- Haah." John glanced over at Jenny. "...You seriously aren't going to tell me how you got here or who you really are?"

"Hm?" Jenny tilted her head and said, "Well... The truth is-"

"*O-O-Oh my god! You're real! Real!*"

John froze and looked over.

It was a foreigner. From that accent... he was British? Brown hair, a brown tweed jacket... He looked like a typical college professor.

Except for the fact that he had a whole slew of fanmade Jenny merch on him. Headband, armband, a flag that said "Church of Jenny Smith..."

Jenny giggled and said, "Oh my? A fan?"

The man ran forward and smacked his head on the table in a bow. "*This is the best day of my life! I knew it! I knew my faith would be rewarded!*"

John cleared his throat. "Um, sorry to bother you but could you not-"

The man suddenly ran back into the middle of the area and then roared. "JENNY-SAMA MAJI MEGAMI SAMAAAAAAAA!"

John covered his face. "Oh my god. It's a super weeb."

Jenny giggled again. She looked out to the rest of the convention and then said, "Well... it seems like we'll be a bit busy again."

As if the man's shout was a signal, a horde of people started drifting towards the booth.

John sighed and turned towards Yue. "Sorry, Yue. But it looks like-"

Before he could finish, Jenny grabbed the mask for John's costume from under the table and slammed it over his face.

John stood up and then swung his arm out. "What do you think you're doing!?"

Jenny winked and said, "Keeping the magic alive, Demon Emperor. Now..." She looked at Yue and said, "Why don't you take your witch out to go play? I'll hold the fort for the rest of the day."

John hesitated.

She was suspicious. If Titor didn't know who she was or how she got there, that meant she was an unknown variable. And unknown variables were dangerous.

After all, John had played that role plenty of times to know just what an unknown variable could do to things.

On the other hand, he had been sitting around the booth the whole day, dealing with otakus, super fans, clingy teenagers, normal teenagers, and occasional press. And if he left now, he could spend time with his cute wife and actually enjoy the convention...

He turned to look at Yue.

Yue shook her head and let out a soft smile. "It's fine, Husband. I'm happy just being here and watching you work."

Seeing that, John made his decision.


John scooped Yue up in his arms and then turned to look at Jenny. "If you mess anything up, I will end you."

"Relaaax!" Jenny let out a bright smile and said, "All I want is for you two to be happy. And then maybe later tonight we could-"

"Aaand, I'm gone." With that, John ran away.


Jenny watched as John's figure blended in with the crowd and sighed. For a moment, her bright and cheerful expression vanished and she started to flicker. "...We'll call this even then, Mister Isekai. You made a big mess, but you're making a lot of people smile." She hummed and placed her finger on her chin. "I guess I'll just leave you be with this little prank. So many people are wishing for her to be here anyway, so..."

Jenny placed her hands on her chest and smiled. "I hope you have fun, Miss Jenny." After that, she blinked, a confused look on her face. "Huh? What just happened...?"

"Jenny-sama?! Can I have an autograph!?"

"No! Let me have a picture!"

Jenny blinked again and then turned towards the crowd. Letting out a bright smile, she said, "Relax, everyone! I'm not going anywhere. Now, it'd make me really happy if you guys could all line up nice and neat, okay~?"



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