Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 237: Comiket Chaos – VI

Chapter 237: Comiket Chaos – VI

"You shouldn't tease Yuri too much, Chi-chan." John smiled and looked over at Yuri. "She needs that childish touch to be able to make up new recipes, you know?"

Yuri's ears turned red and she turned her head to the side. "I-I didn't need you to defend me!" She looked back at John and then lowered her gaze, mumbling. "But thanks."

John's smile widened.

It seemed like Yuri calmed down a bit. At least, the super violent tsundere he met so long ago was more deredere than tsuntsun.

That was good. Going out of his way to make those comfort dishes and not just dismissing Yuri after she acted up definitely paid off.

It was always nice to see an unstable young girl finally find her place in life a bit after some help.

"Mm." Chihiro nodded and said, "I suppose that's true. Then are Myth Incorporated and Project MirAIs is so successful because you act so immature? Because for someone as old as Papa, you're pretty childish, Mister Smith."

John laughed. "Maybe. But I'm not the only one who doesn't act their age, you know? After all, for someone who's only a high schooler, Chi-chan, you sure have some mature tastes."

Like tentacles, egg-laying, mindbreak... and a whole slew of others that probably shouldn't be repeated even in thought.

Chihiro adjusted her glasses. "Of course. Men aren't the only ones who can be cultured. Though they do tend to be the most creeps out of it." She frowned and said, "Especially fat older men."

"...I think that's probably because you're a JK."

Chihiro nodded. But then she paused and raised an eyebrow. "And how exactly do you know that tag, Mister Smith?"

For a brief moment, John got a flashback to the stack of doujins he saw in Betty's room and the webpage she was browsing at the time he walked in on her.

"...Please don't ask."

Chihiro's eyes widened and she said, "Ohoho? It seems like I'd have a pretty enlightening conversation with your daughters..."

"...Anyway." John decided to change the subject and looked over at the other girls. "When you three are going around, be careful and keep an eye on each other, alright? The police have been cracking down on crime recently so there shouldn't be issues, but you never know. And if you're in trouble or need anything at all, call me."

Yuri cracked her knuckles and said, "I'd wish someone would try something. It's been a while since I've kicked a guy through the air."

"Yuri-chan!" Suzume frowned and said, "You shouldn't do that!"

"A-Ah." Yuri lowered her head. "Sorry, Suzu-chan."

"If it's a creep, you should do a running castration punch! That's what my adoptive mother always said anyway." Suzume paused. "And I think my adoptive father said a sword is good too, but that's probably a crime... Oh! Uncle Bai and Uncle Qing said that if you scream lolicon, that should stop them too. Especially if you have a friend filming to post the video on social media."

John started to sweat.

Just who the heck were the people who raised Zhuque's mortal reincarnation...? And what the heck were Bai and Qing telling her to do?

Chihiro nodded. "That's right, Yuri. Kicking them away doesn't always work. And Suzu-chan, that only works if you're around people. If the creep shows up in a place where you're alone, you need something else. Like this." She reached into her bag and started to pull something out.

John's eyes widened and he quickly gestured for her to stop. At the same time, he threw up a quick concealment formation to stop anyone and anything from seeing or recording what she had. "O-Oi! Don't go pulling stuff like that out in public, Chi-chan! Where the heck did you even get that?!"

A glint of dark cold steel, hidden within some figurine boxes and crumpled wrapping paper.

A pistol.

Considering who Chihiro was cosplaying, it technically fit? People in the know wouldn't question her carrying a replica pistol around.

But that wasn't a replica.

Not only that, but from the way Chihiro was holding it, she knew how to use it. And from her casual response, she was perfectly willing to use it too.

"Hm?" Chihiro tilted her head. "...Ah." She nodded and dropped the gun back in the bag. "True. It would be bad if people realized I had the real thing."

Suzume blinked and said, "What real thing?"

Yuri frowned. "...Wait. Chi-chan?"

Chihiro shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

John sighed. "Just stay safe... Ah. And I should probably give these to you guys."

They had been standing around talking for a while now... and although they wouldn't be the first group of high school girls to do that, things would get suspicious if they just chatted for a while.

John pulled out three Project MirAIs themed canvas bags stuffed to the brim with merch and handed them over to the girls. "Here. It's not much, but they should be pretty cool to have around your room."

Suzume accepted the bag and bowed. "Thank you, Mister Smith!"

John waved his hand. "It's fine, Suzu-chan. And just John's fine- Ah, I mean, Uncle John." He furrowed his brow and said, "Can't have a high schooler call me by first name in Japan. Even if I'm married, that's a bit too suspicious when we're not related..."

Yuri took her bag and then rolled her eyes. "You're worrying about that now?"

"I worry about it all the time, Yuri- Wait." John blinked and then groaned. "Dammit. I keep forgetting that you're Japanese."

Chihiro took her bag and laughed. "You know, Mister Smith. Men have been canceled for less."

John sighed. "I know. And this is why I should never be left alone with women. Honestly..."

"Mm." Chihiro nodded. "Well. Thanks for the gifts. They'll make perfect reference material for my doujins later."

"Wait. Reference material?"

Chihiro pretended not to hear anything and turned to the side. "Ooh. It looks like Alienable is showing the Last Episode of Fake/Stay Knight. I always wanted to see what that's like." She turned towards Yuri and Suzume and said, "Come on, girls. Let's take a look and then go get some food."

"Ah!" Suzume nodded and said, "Coming, Chi-chan! Thank you again, Mister John!"

"Geez. First you're in a rush, then you're wasting time, now you're in a rush again..." Yuri grumbled. "If you weren't paying, I'd... Hah. Whatever." She waved at John and said, "Good luck toughing out the convention. A-And thanks again."

John shook his head. "Don't mention it."

Yuri gave John a small smile.

"Hey, ex-senpai. Stop flirting with Mister Smith and trying to be a homewrecker."

Yuri turned a deep red and then ran off. "I'm not!"

"Sure you're not."

"Like I said, I'm *not*! He just... reminds me of my dad a bit."

"Ah." Chihiro nodded. "Daddy issues. That explains a lot."

"S-Shut up!"

Suzume hid a smile behind her sleeve.

John chuckled as they left. Watching them head into the Alienable booth, he smiled and said, "It seems like they're going to be a lively bunch. Good thing Shu's pretty grounded, otherwise things might get pretty hectic."

Gen 1 was definitely going to be... interesting, to say the least.

But anyway, since the girls were gone, John decided to get some food. He stretched and then pulled out the cooler from beneath the counter. Opening that, he grabbed the food he prepared just for the occasion. A special sweet treat.

Jelly donuts.

Well, not actual jelly donuts. He had been bored and remembered some old memories when Meggie asked him to help make some Po- CapsuMon costumes.

These 'donuts' were actually modeled after onigiri. But instead of plain rice, it was some fluffy fried rice kernels held together with a light marshmallow and white chocolate glaze. For the seaweed part, John used a dark chocolate gelatin concoction. A bit like rubber, but infused with chocolate goodness. And in the center, a bit of raspberry mousse.

A sweet dessert. Not the best thing to have for lunch... but John figured it was something fun. Besides, it wasn't like he actually needed food-


Food... eating lots of food... lunch... Gohan...

John jumped to his feet and snapped his fingers. "Dammit! I should've gone as that!"

Blonde hair, light green eyes... And if he wanted to, he could make it spike up and defy gravity too!

"Argh! Missed opportunity!"

Not to mention he could troll people by pulling out stacks and stacks of food and finishing them all, and then also flexing his muscles suddenly to be buff...

Tomorrow. Tomorrow for sure. And maybe he could get Yue to dress as that guy's wife too. She was basically Chinese anyway, and all Yue had to do to cosplay was just pull out one of her old dresses...

Though considering that she was a bit pudgy from being pregnant, maybe one of her old dresses wouldn't work. But John could figure something out. And then-

"Pardon me."

A polite male voice. And a fairly average one at that.

John blinked and then looked up to see a middle-aged man standing there.

He didn't look too special. Side-swept black hair. A bit of wrinkles around his eyes from smiling.

But the fact that he was out here in a full suit instead of cosplay like most people made him stick out. That... and John could sense that there was something off about him. Like a lingering... presence? For lack of a better word that didn't quite fit on this world.

The man adjusted the tie on his suit and let out a sincere smile. "You are Mister Smith, correct?"

Seeing that, John nodded and smiled back.

The man was a bit weird, but he seemed friendly enough. And judging from that getup... "That's right. Did the convention staff need me for something?"

"No, no." The man shook his head and said, "I don't work here. I just got used to wearing these sorts of clothes."

"Ah." John nodded. "I know what you mean."

After working in uniforms for so long, you just got used to them. And after wearing certain types of clothes for a while, wearing others just felt weird.

The man eyed John's costume and nodded. "Considering how used that armor is, I can see that you do."

John blinked, suddenly remembering what he was wearing. He laughed and said, "Well, if you make something this cool and practical, you've gotta get some use out of it, right?"

The man laughed and said, "Of course! But if you don't mind me asking..." He looked around and then gave John a serious look. "Have you heard of 'Alteris?'"

John blinked. "Alteris?" He frowned and ran the name through his memory. "...I don't think so?"

He remembered seeing a few companies registered with that name in his searching a while back, but the man didn't seem to be asking about those.

"Hm..." The man frowned and then shook his head. "That's unfortunate. I thought someone else played that game too."


Game? Alteris?

"Don't worry about it, Mister Smith." The man smiled and said, "I was just curious. In any case..." He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a business card. "Here. My name is Akira Yato, CEO of Shield Corporation."

John grabbed the card and said, "Shield Corporation? You mean like the organization that fights Hydra and protects from world-ending threats?"

The man blinked. "What?"

"...Never mind. Just got confused for a bit, Yato-san."

"Ah." Yato-san nodded. "Is there a Shield Corporation overseas, Mister Smith?"

"No. It's just..."

A famous superhero organization? One that featured prominently in a certain cinematic comic book hero universe that even he had heard about before being sent to the Three Realms?

"...Something I've been thinking about recently. Anyway, since you've given me your card, here." John reached beneath the counter and materialized a business card. After that, he sat up and handed it over.

"Thank you." Yato-san accepted it in two hands with a deep bow. "I'm flattered by your humble grace and willingness to speak with a nobody like me."

"I don't think a CEO is a nobody, Yato-san."

He raised his body and laughed. "I suppose. Though considering that a CEO is manning the booth for such a big project by himself either in this packed convention center... perhaps it might be better to be a nobody?"

John sighed. "Well. Sometimes you just have to push through."

Yato-san nodded, his eyes suddenly gaining a thousand yard stare. "Yes. Sometimes... you just have to endure the hardships as they arrive." He blinked and then shook his head. "In any case... Would you be willing to have a discussion at a later point? I greatly support the idea and principle behind Project MirAIs and plan to do something similar. However, since the field is so new, I was hoping that you might be able to offer some tips."

John stared at Yato-san, keeping his expression neutral.

It was a professional and proper proposal. And if the guy was an ordinary person, John wouldn't think anything else about it.

But they guy wasn't.

Yato-san... Well, this 'Akira Yato' guy was weird. And the more John talked with him and looked at him, the more John felt that there was something- No, some*one* protecting him. Not only that, but the protection was... Well, not quite 'divine' but something otherworldly at least.

Which was odd, considering this world didn't allow that sort of power to exist. At least, it shouldn't...

But Akira seemed like a good guy. Not only that, but the presence was also limited to protecting Akira and didn't seem able to affect anything else. And even then, it was much weaker than even Bai or Qing.

And John was curious too. So... "That sounds good. I'd like to chat a bit more with you as well, Akira-san."

"Wonderful. Now, before I leave you be, I have another question. You see, how do you maintain-"

"Um..." A confused female voice called out. Shortly after, a woman came into view.

John looked towards the woman. And then he blinked, his mind refusing to register what he was seeing.

"I don't mean to butt in, but..." The woman turned to look at Yato-san. "Do you think I could have a chat with Mister Smith for a few moments? It won't take long."

"Ah." Yato-san bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry." He looked towards John and said, "I'll send you an email to confirm meeting details later, Smith-san. Enjoy the rest of Comiket."

"Y-Yeah. Bye, Yato-san." John gave Akira an absentminded wave, focusing his attention on the woman in front of him.

Seeing John stare so intently, the woman giggled and said, "My. I know I'm attractive, but it's a bit weird being looked at this intently by you. you know?"

John blinked again, his mind finally registering the woman's features.

First of all, she was blonde. A shade of blonde that was like golden wheat. Second of all, she had light green eyes that looked like they could be a mix of blue or green depending on the light. Third of all, she had on a simple light dress the same shade of blue as a clear sky.


It was an inexplicable phenomenon. The woman standing in front of him looked exactly like the king that should be slumbering in Avalon waiting for a miracle that might never arrive.

The woman giggled and said, "Close. But not quite." She walked around the counter and then pulled over a spare chair, sitting down beside John. Lacing her fingers together, she smiled and said, "Though, since Titor turned out to be more like Gilgamesh, maybe it's natural I turned out like this, right?"

John blinked. And then he blinked again. And then his mind froze, denying the reality in front of him... and the consequences that it meant. "Wait. No. No freaking way-"

"You seemed like you needed some help, so since I ended up here somehow... do you think I could lend you a hand, 'big bro?'" Saber- No, the person cosplaying as her winked, flashing a bright smile.

And then John realized who she really was.

"Goddammit, Titor." He rubbed his face and said, "Why are you still causing messes for me to clean up?"

Jenny hummed. "Well, I didn't think I was a mess, but if you want to make a mess *out* of me-"

"STOP. And please never let Yue-"


John froze, slowly turning his head to the side.

"Oh my god. Did Johnny decide to taste the forbidden fruit after all?"

"Big brother... became big sister?"

Yue, Xuannu, and Daji.

But that wasn't all.

"Mister John! We wanted to see how you were- H-Huh?!"

"Holy shit! You're real?!"

"Papa...? Two Papas...? No, a Papa and... a Mama...?"

Rin, Asako, and Alphy.

John groaned, feeling a giant headache starting.

But the unexpected guests weren't over yet.

"DAD?! What! The?! HELL?!?!"

Meggie showed up with Tsuki, Xuan, Wu, and the Yakuza trio in tow... along with Betty, Sakura, and Kai in the back.

John covered his face. "Why is my life like this?"

Jenny let out a sly smile and said, "Well... Because you're such a handsome man with an MC aura? I mean, I'd-"


Jenny giggled.


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