Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 83 - Monke And The Order Of The Round Table Knock-off

"So, you remember the time I asked you about the Dungeon Games?"

"You mean a few days ago? Yes, why?" Luke looked confused for a moment, before he realized what I meant with that question. "Don't tell me, the Dungeon Games are real, and it's happening now?"

"You assume correctly." I scratched my chin as we continued on the path, the ground beneath our feet changing from cement and pavement to soil and dirt. "An interesting event, since I've seen a lot of other Dungeon Masters during my time in the Divine Realm."

"Wait, wait, wait… Uhh… Sir Jionni, did you just say the Divine Realm?" Luke looked at me like I was crazy. I tilted my head, a bit confused by his reaction.

"Yes, why?"

"Oh dear. Orotl give me strength…" Luke muttered as his hand came above his mouth, causing his words to come out a bit muffled, but still hearable. It wasn't long before he looked at me once more and opened his mouth. "Well, allow me to explain, assuming that you have no knowledge of the realm you have just been in. The God's World Above, or more commonly known as The Divine Realm, is the place where all Gods reside."

"I've met the God of Monsters." I offhandedly commented while Luke began explaining, causing him to freeze in his tracks and stare at me with his jaw hung wide open. "What? It's called the Divine Realm for a reason. Plus, I don't think transporting a hundred or so Dungeon Masters, some being creatures beyond human strength, into a single place at the same time, forcing them to be docile or suffer would be anything short of a God's work."

"… Haaahhh… Right…" Luke facepalmed as he mentally kicked himself for being a tad bit stupid. "Anyway, not much is known about the Divine Realm, but it is said that mortals who enter the place, either by force or invitation, are instantly killed and their souls eradicated, which is why, most of the time, Gods themselves descend upon the mortal plane to relay their messages and prophecies."

Well… That is concerning, seeing that I was invited – and also forcefully, if you think about it – into the Divine Realm. That said, the Dungeon Games are held every decade, and the other Dungeon Masters, or more specifically, the minotaur who claimed that he had already participated three times, are still alive after going back and forth from the Divine Realm, where most, if not all, have died and had their souls destroyed.

'Huh, does that have something to do with the pain I experienced when being in mid-transfer?' I hummed to myself as both of us continued with our walk in silence.

"Let's put this topic on hold for now." I said suddenly, garnering the attention of Luke, as evident by his head turning in my direction. "Until I gather more evidence, this topic about me being alive from going to the Divine Realm and back will be put on hold until I say otherwise. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir Jionni." Luke nodded, all too happy to drop the frankly controversial and headache-inducing topic.

It didn't take too long for us to reach the monster city. Greeting the monsters there, we head straight for the Planning Quarters. Being let in by the guards - who happened to be two lizardmen at the time – we stepped into the building, and what greeted us was a scene you would see fairly common in a fantasy setting.

Oak floors, wooden furniture, although the addition of electricity and the light-bulb broke the theme, it could still be counted as fantasy.

In the middle of the room, a giant table rests, with the humans, demi-humans, and monster leaders already sitting around it, waiting for me to arrive.

"Ah, Jionni. Good to see ya back." Nicholas laughed heartily as he slammed his palm on the table, causing it to emit a sound that echoed around the chamber. Besides him, Alexa sat silent, a cup of tea in hand as she took a sip from it, ignoring her father's boisterous attitude.

"Y-yes, quite good to see you, Lord Jionni." Bentley, who also sat beside Nicholas, greeted me with a strained smile. I have no idea why he was smiling, but I put it on hold for the moment. We have bigger fish to fry.

"Damn, you look like you got an upgrade." Krag, who was with his group of demi-humans, save Alice, who was left behind with Shirley and her two children.

"I, for once, agree with the horny idiot." Lara pouted as she glared at the tall gnome, to which Krag looked embarrassed and a little miffed about his fellow kin ratting him out on his sexual activities.

"Thee behold liketh thou art stout'r." Anduin commented as he beheld my new figure. Well, I can't blame him. I really do look stronger than before… Maybe I should incorporate martial arts, huh… Maybe there's a skillbook.

"Quite. Oh how lovely it would be to be young again." Gobun, the elder leader of the goblins, smiled as he tapped his cane on the floor. I provided it to him, by the way, since he's getting on in years.

"Mngh… A fitting warrior to be our leader." The orc leader, whose name I learned to be Qog, spoke gruffly, his eyes closed and his arms crossed.

"A little on the savage side, not that I complain." The lizardman leader, who also happened to be female and named Shonah, said shyly in her soft voice, unfitting for her looks.

"Agreed." The kobold leader, named Vas, nodded his head in agreement.

"Indeed, he looks even better now." Aratella licked her lips as she stared at my figure, or more importantly, my lower half.

"For once, I agree with you, accursed spider." Rosada kept her stare on mine, even as she snarled at Aratella, to which the arachne responded with a shrug.

"I see…" I sighed to myself internally, and quickly took a seat at my designated spot. "Well then, shall we start with our debriefing?"


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