Reject Humanity, Return to Monke

Chapter 82 - Monke Back To Dungeon

"Yes, what do you want?" I asked the minotaur, my muscles paling in comparison to his.

"Nothin' much mate." The minotaur shrugged, taking a seat on a chair beside the table. "Just a bit fahkin' curious about yah race. Ya look nothin' liyyke the bloody pansies scattered ahround the bloody damn 'all."

"You're the second person to ask me that today, funny." I chuckled to myself. My ego is inflated by a little due to how different I am from the others. Looking around, I realize that I'm the only gorilla in the damn place, as well as countless curious gazes focusing on me. "And it seems that you aren't the only curious one."

"Of course, I'm fahkin' curious. I've joined the bloody dungeon games three times now, 'n this is the bloody first time I've evah seen one of yah kind. Fahkin' bloody oath mate." The minotaur slammed the mug he was holding on the table, laughing his heart out at my silly remark.

Well, he's not wrong. That was a stupid sentence to say, what with me being the only gorilla in the place, as well as garnering the attention of other Dungeon Masters…

My ego suddenly took a plummet, and instead, what grew was my paranoia and nervousness. I may be a bit used to crowds, but when you're the only person everybody in the whole room is focusing on, I tend to be a little anxious.

"So, wat's yah race?" The minotaur took a big gulp from his mug and roughly set it back down on the table with a grin. "Come on, don't keep me waitin', fahkin' bloody oath cobber."

'Not like it'll be disadvantageous. I'll just be revealing my species' name, not my strengths and weaknesses.' I thought to myself before grinning at the minotaur. "Well, if you must know, my race name is called Primate. I'm also a sub-species of the race called Gorilla."

"Damn, that's fahkin' interesting, not gonnah porkie. Fahkin' bloody oath cobber." The minotaur cheered as he raised his mug. "Heahr that fellas? Give it up fawr the bloody first primayyte ta join the bloody Dungeon Games!"

The minotaur stood up and raised his hands, his shouts echoing across the hall, causing every Dungeon Master inside to cheer out loud, whether with enthusiasm or not, it didn't matter.

Not when the hall literally boomed with sound that I had to cover my ears to stop the ringing.

"Heh, you'll get used to it, darlin'." The snake woman in front of me chuckled as she relished my pain. I'll have my revenge, no matter how petty it is. Just wait.




"I'm back." My vision slowly returned as I returned to my Dungeon after Uius and Chythos sent us back to our respective Dungeons after the feast. I hovered for a few moments before gravity decided she was jealous of the air and brought me back down to earth.

And if that wasn't enough, Domino tackled my body while I was still stabilizing myself, causing both of us to topple to the ground.

"Papa… Papa…" Domino tried to crush me in her grip, but her tiny frame, as well as her non-existent strength, made it impossible to feel physical pain. Not that my mental state didn't take damage, oh no.

Hearing Domino utter her pained but soft cries made my heart turn to mush. All I could do was pat her back and stroke her hair as I whispered into her ears words that she needed to hear.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I won't leave you."

A few minutes of soothing the worried and pouting Domino, we now found ourselves playing against each other on the console inside the house. With my better thumbs and fingers, I was able to improve my skills, but Domino still kept on beating my ass with her raw talent and skills.

Like, seriously, a fighting game shouldn't have infinite combos, right? RIGHT!?

Moving on from my humiliating defeat against my surrogate daughter in a fighting game, I then went on my way towards the human area to relay the news about the Dungeon Games, which I haven't told them about yet…

Why the fuck did I forget about that?

Once again, creating a passageway leading towards the Human area, I left Domino to play by herself for the moment while I dealt with important affairs.

A few minutes of walking later – thank whatever deity is out there hearing my pleas, 'cause the stairs no longer scare me with my new and improved legs – I arrived at the Human area, and quickly came in contact with Luke, who was making his rounds around the desolate, but not unoccupied city.

"Sir Jionni! We've been looking all over for you! Where have you been?" Luke quickly ran at me, his armor clinking against his body as he made his way towards my position. "Something's happened. Your Dungeon seems like it has been teleported through unknown means while you were gone."

"… Right, forgive me for this, but I haven't told you about what was going to happen a few days go." Luke froze as he stared at me, then he sighed.

"You know, a little heads up wouldn't have hurt, Sir Jionni." Luke facepalmed while I mentally kicked myself for not informing them about the Dungeon Games happening today.

"Sorry, I was just a little caught up with my work that I had forgotten to notify everyone about the event." I opened the Dungeon Menu and contacted every human, demi-human, and monster leader to meet in the Planning Quarters, which was situated in the monster city. Once I was done with that, I focused on Luke once more and nodded. "Follow me, I'll explain on the way."




~ A few minutes ago ~

"Well, I see everyone has been busy." Chythos suddenly appeared back on his throne without any hint that he had returned. "And I see that no one has started a fight. Good, that's good."

All of us went silent and looked at him, providing our full attention to his figure.

"The feast has come to an end, and it is time for you to return to your Dungeons. Tomorrow, the events will start, and only then will the rules be revealed. All the Dungeon Masters will be participating, and there shall be no excuses."

"Now, it's time for us to part, but worry not, all of you will be transferred once the time to start comes. I bid you farewell, and may the best win."

After that short speech, everyone in the hall began to transform into motes of light, before they vanished. It wasn't long until I was subjected to the same treatment, and holy fucking hell did it hurt.

'Well, at least I'm getting used to pain, so that's a plus, I guess…?'


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