Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 273 Spoiling His Plan.(2)

An angered expression was on Aiden's face as he was sitting in his seat. While he was sitting back in his seat, Ava and Oliver were glancing at him with these thoughts running through their minds,

'So he was already usual'.

The maths teacher had a board in his hand, and he didn't waste time entering the classroom completely and hanging the board in front of the classroom.

Then he glanced at all of them and uttered once again, "As I said, this was an instruction from the head teacher, and it's happening to only this class and the other class that's in the same level of learning as you guys,

A certain teacher is in their classroom currently, in the next minutes, I'd be going to that classroom and the teacher would be coming to this classroom. You guys would be the next set of students graduating from this academy soon, this is compulsory".

..All that the teacher was saying didn't matter to Aiden, all he knew was that his plan had been ruined, and he was angry.

He just sat there glancing at the teacher with that angered expression still plastered to his face. If he was given the chance to punch him, he was definitely gonna do so.

'The main fault is from the head teacher though...why suggest this now? Very wrong timing'. Aiden thought to himself.

..Yes, if we were to look at things properly, the main fault was from the head teacher 'cause they were only following her instruction.

The maths teacher had begun teaching them, and Aiden wasn't even listening that much due to how pissed he was...his anger had reduced though.

And he was even aware of what the man was teaching them...some other students were aware of it as well. The man knew some of them were aware of what he was teaching them, he was only revising their brains.

Minutes had passed, and the man was still teaching them writing a lot of things on the board. He didn't tell the students to jot down what he was writing, so they weren't doing so.

The compound was already empty of students by now, all of them had left. All classrooms were empty apart from the classrooms that were in the same level of learning and were being taught.

'According to what he said, once he leaves our classroom, another teacher from the other classroom would step foot into our classroom, and he'd go to the other classroom'. Aiden thought to himself.

Thinking about this was just killing his mood. Everything had been ruined, his plan had spoiled. Cara would have most likely left her academy by now since lots of time had passed.

And even if she hadn't left yet, she'd be close to leaving. Aiden just felt like slamming his table at that moment, but he just held himself, he didn't want to draw attention to himself.

'This thing might repeat itself tomorrow according to what he said...this is bad'. Another thought ran through Aiden's mind.

So for two days, he wouldn't be able to work on accomplishing his current quest...that was too bad.

'I'd have to find a way tomorrow'.

The maths teacher kept teaching, and time kept passing. Aiden was barely listening while he was teaching, his mind was somewhere else.

He taught and taught until he was done teaching, and by now, the female teacher that would step into their classroom next was already standing close to the and nutrition teacher.

'No wasting time, look, she's already standing close to our classroom. There'd be no time to escape after the maths teacher steps out of our classroom, damn!'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

..He was annoyed, they were annoying to him at this moment though they were just doing their jobs.

The maths teacher walked out of their classroom carrying his board along with him, and the food and nutrition teacher stepped foot into their classroom carrying her board along with her as well.

"Hi, class". That's the utterance that flowed out of her mouth after stepping foot into their classroom.

And the whole classroom greeted back apart from Aiden. She hung her board in front of the classroom, and in seconds, she began teaching them as well.

She didn't tell them anything about the arrangement being from the head teacher, she knew the maths teacher would have cleared that to them already.

And the maths teacher wouldn't need to inform them about that in the other class, he knows the food and nutrition teacher would have relayed the information to them.

Now, some students were getting impatient, yes, a lot of time had passed. They wanted to go home, but they knew they can't due to the current occurrence...and there was nothing they could do about it.

..Aiden was among them, but his case was different, he didn't want to go home, he had something to accomplish.

But he knew it was already too late by now. The teacher kept teaching them, and her case was different, she told them to bring out their books and reed pens from their bags and begin jotting down what she was writing on the board.

What could they do? They began doing as she said immediately. Aiden was very reluctant to do as she said, but he had to do it. If he doesn't, she'd notice and question him.

He was even forcing himself to write the contents on his book...doing it was making him angry.

She'd write, explain, and they kept on jotting the contents on the board into their books. Minutes had passed, and as of now, she was done teaching them and it was about time for her to leave their classroom.

Glancing out the windows, they could see the sky was already getting had darkened very slightly.

..Wouldn't lie, time had gone by a lot.

'I'd definitely not be able to meet Cara at her academy anymore, it's already too late, they succeeded in ruining my plan'. Aiden thought to himself.

And the moment he was done thinking that, another thought ran through his mind...

'Or maybe there's still a chance of meeting her, who knows, maybe she engaged in the same activity, maybe they were told not to leave yet so they could be given extra teachings. Maybe this doesn't apply to only our academy, maybe it applied to other academies as well,

And according to what I'm seeing, she'd most likely be at the same level of learning as me since we are both age mates. There's a chance of meeting her at her academy, I have to head over to her academy right now though it's a little late already'.

..He's concluded on something, and he was gonna do it.

"I'd be leaving your classroom now, this same thing might take place tomorrow". The food and nutrition teacher said before walking out of their classroom carrying her board in her hand.

Immediately, Aiden stood up from his seat as he's already put his book and reed pen into his was about time to leave this academy and begin heading toward Cara's academy.

He had taken three steps when he heard Ava's voice saying,

"Where are you rushing to? You're always in a rush nowadays, what is happening? Wouldn't you wait so the three of us can head home together?".

'You don't understand'. That was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment.

Oliver stood up from his seat and backed up Ava saying, "It's true, you're always in a rush nowadays. I mean, the food and nutrition teacher just stepped out of our classroom, and you're already leaving without waiting for us?

Why don't we head home together, or are you going somewhere else?".

A little smile appeared on Aiden's face as he lied, "No, I'm not going anywhere, heading straight home. But we'd have to walk fast while heading home together 'cause time isn't on our side anymore".

"Sure". Oliver uttered once again.

Students were already leaving the classroom, and that's what the three of them did as well, they left the classroom together.

While they were walking on the compound heading out of the academy, Aiden was thinking to himself...

'My plan has been ruined once again, why is this happening? I might still be able to go to Cara's academy, let's see how things go'.

They walked out of the academy together along with other students. And they did just as Aiden said, they were walking at a fast pace. And as they strolled, they conversed.

They were walking in the village square currently, and in minutes of journeying, both Ava and Oliver had already cornered the intersections that would lead them to their homes.

..So it was remaining only Aiden right now, and you know what? He still plans on going to Cara's academy, what was he doing?


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