Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 272 Spoiling His Plan.

So to seduce and bang her, Aiden would have to make her interested in him. Would that be easy? And he has 15 days remaining to accomplish it.

If he had started working on accomplishing the quest not long after getting it, maybe he would have achieved something by now. But he felt 21 days was long enough, so he decided to stay some days without doing anything before he started working on accomplishing the quest.

..And now, look, he's realized something, he's known that Cara would be a tough girl to seduce.

Well, Cara kept on journeying until she arrived at her home, and that was the same case for Aiden as well.


Aiden was inside his room currently and sitting on his bed, and a lot was running through his mind at that moment. This was the same day he tried grabbing Cara's attention, but it didn't work out at all.

He could recall how disappointed he was when Cara wasn't even noticing him at all after he activated the irresistible fragrance and walked past her more than was bad.

He was shaking his head while thinking of it.

'She's definitely a tough one'. Aiden thought to himself.

It was dusk currently, all the Dankworth had arrived home, and they had even eaten dinner. Aiden remembered what happened this evening after he stepped foot into the house and his mum was glancing at him with a kind of look in her eyes.

He tried grabbing Cara's attention, but it didn't work out at all, so there was a gloomy expression on his face when he stepped foot into the house, and his mum noticed it immediately.

She asked what happened, and he said nothing and immediately strolled into his room. Remembering this made him shake his head a little once again.

'No wonder I was given 21 days by the system to seduce and conquer her, she must be a tough one to seduce. And I've wasted some of the days already'.

Those thoughts were running through Aiden's mind and he was shaking his head at the same time. These were the next thoughts that ran through his mind...

'Well, that has been done, nothing can be done about it. I just have to make use of the remaining days I have left to seduce and bang her, I have to try my very best to seduce her'.

Once tomorrow reaches, he'd have 14 days remaining to seduce and conquer her. He began strategizing at that moment, what was he gonna do next?

He made use of the irresistible fragrance, and it didn't work out. As we all know, he doesn't want to approach her, he wants her to approach him...that was the plan.

That was the same thing he did to Lucia. She was proving strong, but the seduction was just too much that she had to approach Aiden.

He wanted the same for Cara as he planned on making use of the rod increase next. Yes, that was a very nice way of seducing her.

It worked pretty well when he made use of it on Lucia, she wanted to have him instantly but was just holding herself from approaching him due to some reasons.

Once Cara set eyes on his large dick, there's no how she wouldn't be amazed by it. That might then cause her to notice him and notice how handsome he was...activating the rod increase and setting eyes on it might really work out.

'Hope it works out, she has to set eyes on it for her to be moved by it. If she doesn't end up noticing it as well, then there'd be problem'. Aiden thought to himself.

..He was gonna go to her academy tomorrow again, but if he was required to go to her home as well, he was gonna do it.

There was no time to waste, time was counting. He was done strategizing, he had come up with what he was gonna do next once he goes to Cara's academy again, it was about time to go to sleep.

..Early to bed, early to wake.

He lay on the bed, but for minutes, he couldn't doze off...what contributed to it was the fact that his head was still filled up a little.

He freed his head, and slowly, he started dozing off until he slept off completely.


Aiden was standing on his school compound currently as students were strolling toward their classrooms. Today was another day of school, and it had gotten close to the time when they'd go on that break again.

..When students wouldn't go to school for two days.

As Aiden was standing on the compound, he was thinking of how he'd head over to Cara's academy today again. Yes, whenever he gets a main quest, he does think about it a lot.

He remembered how many times he was bothered and how his head filled up when he was trying to seduce and conquer wasn't easy at all.

He began walking toward his classroom strolling along with other students on the compound.

He had arrived at this classroom by now and even balanced on his seat. He glanced forward, and Ava and Oliver were sitting in their different seats.

..He didn't call them or anything, he didn't even want them to notice him at this moment.

As usual, activities began taking place, and the activities consisted of teachers stepping foot into their classroom and teaching them.

Miss Sandra stepped foot into their classroom today, it's been about three days since she last stepped foot into their classroom due to reasons best known to her.

She relayed some information to them after stepping foot into their classroom. Was Aiden still interested in screwing her? For sure, he still wanted to f**k her. She was still pretty, seems like she was getting prettier everyday.

While she was relaying those information to them, he was glancing at her face throughout while listening to what she was saying though.

She was beautiful, he had been longing to f**k her. But at that moment while he was glancing at her, he wasn't really thinking about banging her. He was just glancing at her pretty face without any naughty thoughts running through his head.

..Instead, he was thinking about Cara at that moment, his current main quest.

His current main quest was making him not think about screwing her while glancing at her. He was thinking about Cara and also listening to the information she was relaying while staring at her...wasn't that somehow?

Well, she's stepped out of their classroom by now, and a certain male teacher was teaching them at this moment. Activities kept taking place, teachers kept entering their classrooms, teaching them, and leaving.

Break hour reached, students and teachers visited the cafeteria as usual, ate, and left. Right now, it had gotten to closing hour once again.

Time moved very fast, not like it moved with the speed of light, but activities were taking place, and before they knew it, the bell had ranged to signify closing hour.

..As usual, Aiden was gonna head over to Cara's academy.

His plan was replaying in his head, what he planned on doing to get Cara's attention and seduce her. He was already ready to leave the classroom, and the moment he stood up from his seat to walk out of the classroom, something happened...

Their current mathematics teacher stepped foot into the classroom, and his voice resounded at that moment,

"You guys wouldn't leave yet, you'd be getting some extra teachings from me today and maybe even tomorrow. This is compulsory for all of you, none of you should leave. This is the academy's arrangement directly from the head teacher".

..Hearing that, Aiden's eyes widened immediately, and the thought that ran through his mind was,

'What the f**k'.

This was gonna ruin his plan completely since he planned on heading to Cara's academy right now. His time was counting, he has 14 days remaining to seduce and conquer her, and the maths teacher was saying this?

Aiden found it really hard to sit back in his seat, and the maths teacher glanced at him at that moment and voiced out...

"Aiden, sit back on your seat, didn't you hear what I said? None of you can leave yet".

Aiden was very pissed, but there was nothing he could do about it, he had to sit his ass back on his seat. He wasn't the only one that was pissed, other students were pissed as well.

Like, this was a sudden occurrence, they didn't say anything about this least, they could have told them ahead of time so they'd be prepared.

..But just like Aiden, they were pissed but wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


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