Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 268 Trailing Her.

He had finished walking out of the academy by now, then he began glancing left and right to know which direction he was gonna follow...he was a little confused right now.

After some seconds of contemplation, he decided he was gonna follow the left-hand side, and that's exactly what he did. He was walking forward currently, and he was doing so at a fast pace.

Once he's walked to an extent, he'd then begin asking people for directions. He had begun asking people for direction, and you know what? Some people recognized him as the son of Ethan Dankworth which he doesn't like.

..But he couldn't do anything about it, he just had to go with the flow.

Well, coming back to the asking of direction part, he asked for direction, and he was given some. He'd follow the directions, and after he's gone further, he'd then ask again for him not to get lost.

And he was doing everything quickly...there was no time to waste. Right now, he had gotten so close to the Community where Cara's academy was situated. In a few minutes, he'd arrive there.

..And as of now, he had arrived at the community, and there was a smile plastered to his face at this moment.

He had located the community, he can come here on his own next time without receiving direction from anyone. What remains now was to locate Cara's academy.

That wouldn't be hard since he knew the name of the academy, he just has to do what he did to locate this community. He began asking people again, and before he knew it, he found himself standing in front of the academy.

With people's directions, he was able to locate the academy in no time. Standing in front of the academy, he was glancing at the fence and the buildings on the compound...they were nice looking just like his academy and Lucia's own.

And again, students in different colors of robes were walking out of the academy as he was standing there glancing at it...they'd closed.

He could also see some teachers walking out of the academy. Some horses were being ridden out of the academy as well. The usual thing, parents that came to pick up their kids.

..As he was standing there, he hoped for the same thing, for people not to recognize him as Aiden Dankworth, the son of Ethan Dankworth.

Yes, as we all know, he doesn't like that at all. He came here for Cara, he didn't come here for attention. And as he was standing there, he noticed that some girls were staring at him as they walked past.

And he began wondering if they'd recognized him as Aiden Dankworth that's why they were staring at him. But then, he heard something after they'd walked past, this was the statement that flowed out of one of the girls' mouths...

"He's so handsome".

And he breathed a sigh of relief at that moment, they were staring at him 'cause they found him handsome not 'cause they'd recognized that he was the son of Ethan Dankworth.

The students walking out of the academy consisted of both students in their teenage age and the ones that weren't up to their teenage age.

He could even tell that some students were the same age as him just by glancing at them. Well, he has to find Cara, that was the most important, that was why he was here.

According to what he was seeing, seems like it's been some time now since their bell rang to signify closing hour, and lots of students had left...

'Is she even around? Maybe she's left for home already'. Aiden thought to himself.

Well, he has to confirm that, he has to know if she was still around or not. And how does he plan on doing that? By asking people. Yes, he'd walk into the academy now and make some inquiries.

He sighted a certain boy that would most likely be his age mate walking out of the academy dressed in green robe, and Aiden decided he was gonna ask the boy if he knew Cara.

He walked into the academy's compound as he and the boy were walking toward each other currently. The boy noticed Aiden coming in front of him and was about to move to another side when Aiden stopped him by saying,

"Hey, stop, please, I need your help with something".

"You need my help with something?". The boy uttered with a bit of perplexed facial expression.

"Yes, I need your help with something". Aiden voiced out once again walking closer to the boy.

"So, what do you need my help with?".

" you know any girl in this academy named, Cara?".

"Oh! You aren't a student of this academy?". The boy inquired.

"Yes, I'm not a student of this academy". Aiden responded.

"No wonder your face doesn't look too familiar".

..The boy didn't recognize him as the son of Ethan Dankworth at all.

Aiden had no idea that Cara was close to him, she was standing some meters away from him, but she didn't hear what he said though.

"I'm a student of another academy, and I'm close to her, we are friends, so I came to visit her". Aiden voiced out once again.

..What a fat lie.

The boy swiveled his head, focused his gaze on a certain girl, pointed to the girl, and stated,

"That's Cara".

Aiden glanced at her, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment...

'She isn't even far from me, she's standing some meters away from me. Thank goodness she's still around'.

She was standing with some other girls according to what he was seeing, and they were conversing amongst themselves.

"Should I go and call her for you?". The boy uttered to Aiden.

..That would be a very terrible thing to do, a completely bad idea, that would ruin everything.

"No, no, you don't need to, I'd go meet her myself. Thanks". Aiden said to the boy with a bit of smile on his face.

The boy nodded his head a little and began walking off. After that had taken place, Aiden then focused his gaze on Cara again. And according to what he was seeing, she was pretty.

..The system wouldn't give him an ugly girl as a quest to seduce and conquer.

She was dressed in an orange robe, and as she was conversing with the girls around her, she was smiling, and the girls were smiling as well.

Damn! Her smile was so beautiful, she was so pretty, her beauty was up to Lucia's level of beauty. He just stood there glancing at her...he had finally set eyes on her, and he wasn't disappointed at all.

He was wondering what they were conversing about 'cause he couldn't hear it properly, but that shouldn't be his business though...his own was to trail her right now.

All he was waiting for was when she'd begin heading home so he can begin trailing her.

'When would this conversation end so she can begin heading home?'. He questioned himself in his thought.

Well, before she'd begin heading home, he'd have to keep using this chance to glance at her and her prettiness. He was staring at her, but he made sure she didn't notice.

Once she notices, that would lead to something else...

Still standing there glancing at her, he began thinking if he should make use of the eagle eyes on her. You know, use the skill to glance through her robe and see what her pussy and thighs look like.

He was contemplating it, but he decided not to yet. He would do so later, yes, he'd love to stimulate himself by glancing at her thighs and pussy.

Some minutes had passed, and from the look of things, seems like she was about to begin heading home with her friends. And this was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment,

'Finally, what a long conversation'.

They began strolling, and immediately, Aiden turned around and pretended like he hadn't been glancing at them, he had been glancing at somewhere else.

He didn't want them to see his face. One of them could see his face now and recognize him as Aiden Dankworth, and that would ruin everything.

After they'd walked past him and walked some meters, he began following them from behind. There were still students on the compound and students walking out of it, but they were very limited.

Aiden kept following them from behind until they'd walked out of the school compound completely. And right now, they were already walking on the road, and he was still following them.

..But he made sure to give them some distance, he'd make sure they don't notice him.


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