Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 267 Here He Comes.

This wasn't the first time he was saying this to her. Well, he was just glad she hadn't been signaling him that much, at least, that was something.

"You understand me, right?". Aiden uttered once again glancing directly into Anne's eyes.

Anne nodded her head a little as she voiced out, "Yes, I understand".

"Thank you, don't feel bad". Aiden uttered once again as he patted her right shoulder a little.

After that had taken place, he began walking off...actually, he doesn't care if she felt bad 'cause of what he told her, he has better things to worry about.


Two more days had passed, so 4 days had passed in total, but Aiden hadn't started working to accomplish his second main quest yet.

So right now, he had 17 days left to seduce and conquer Cara. But today was the day when he'd start working on the quest, yes, on the 17th day.

He was at home currently and inside his room, and he planned on calling out on his system right now, and he did just so.


<Yes, host>

"It's about time for me to start working on accomplishing the main quest". Aiden stated.

He noticed he hadn't been getting daily quests ever since he got the main quest. It should be the same as when he got the quest to seduce and conquer Lucia, he wasn't completing daily quests at that time.

..Yes, seems like that was the rule.

The system didn't say anything about it after giving him the quest, so he planned on asking her though it was obvious.

"So, I haven't been getting daily quests ever since I got the quest to seduce and conquer that Cara of a girl...seems like daily quests have been abolished again".

<Yes host, anytime you get a main quest, daily quests would have to be abolished in the meantime>

Aiden nodded his head a little. Now, going back to what Aiden said before he covered it up with another statement about daily quests, the system was the one that brought it up once again.

<So you said it's about time for you to start working on accomplishing the main quest>

"Yes, I think I've taken enough time". Aiden said.

<Host was taking some time before he'd start working on accomplishing his next main quest, wrong move>

"What do you mean wrong move?". Aiden inquired.

..The system doesn't plan on saying anything about that, instead, this was what she said,

<So, what do you need me for?>

"So you don't want to answer my question? Well, as I said, I want to start working on accomplishing the main quest. I know her name already as you've already revealed that to me. Now, where is her home situated? So I can locate it and start with the seduction,

Yes, that's the first thing I want to know, you'd reveal the others later".

<Her home is located in the Slakar Community>

"The Slakar Community? I think I've heard of that before". Aiden voiced out, "Is it far from this community?".

<No, it isn't near, but it isn't that far either>

"The Slakar Community, I'd have to locate it as fast as possible". Aiden uttered to himself.

After locating the community, then he can talk of locating her home. But then, a certain thought struck his head. According to what he knows, the system wouldn't direct him on how to locate her home after locating the community.

..She didn't help him when he was trying to locate Lucia's home.

Now, once he arrives at the Slakar Community, he knows it would be difficult to locate her home...he knew what he went through to locate Lucia's home.

So this was the plan, he needed to know if she was a student or not and what academy she was attending. Now, if she was a student, and he locates the academy and finds her, he can then trail her.

..Yes, that would be easier.

With that, he'd be able to locate her home without her knowing. She wouldn't know that she's being trailed 'cause Aiden would do a good job.

He called out on the system, "System".

And the system was like...I think you should take a look at

<I'm still here>

"Is that Cara of a girl still a student? Like, is she attending an academy?". Aiden inquired.

<Yes, she's still a student and still attending an academy>

"What's the name of the academy?". Aiden inquired once again with an inquisitive facial expression.

The system revealed the name of the academy to Aiden, and he hadn't heard of it before, this was the first time.

"I'd have to locate it first, and that would lead me to locate her home".

He was nodding his head to what he's decided, he had gotten enough help from the system for now. So he said to the system...

"Thanks for the help you've rendered, I don't think I have any more questions to ask of you. But I might need your help later".

<Sure, work hard to accomplish your quest, host>

'You don't need to tell me that, I know I need to work hard to accomplish it. Without working hard, I wouldn't even be able to accomplish it, this is what I've learned from trying to seduce and conquer Lucia'. Aiden thought to himself.

After thinking that, another thought began running through his mind. He was now thinking of the activities that would take place tomorrow.

'I'd have to leave without Oliver and Ava's notice tomorrow, I have to locate Cara's academy'.

The system also revealed the name of the community where her academy was situated, so he'd have to locate the community first before he'd even talk of locating her academy.

Once tomorrow reaches, he'd have 16 days left to seduce and conquer Cara, time was counting. If he'd started earlier, then maybe he might have accomplished something in trying to seduce her.

But he was just starting now by getting some necessary information. But he wasn't regretting what he all. He needed to take some time, and he took it not minding if it would have any effect in the future.

"Cara, I am coming for you tomorrow". He muttered to himself.


Today was another day of school, every students were present at their academies. Aiden was in his classroom currently, and everyone in his classroom was present.

A teacher was in front of their classroom currently, a male. And he wasn't just standing there, he was teaching them. Now, every student was paying rapt attention except Aiden.

..Yes, he was in that situation again where lots of thoughts would be running through his mind.

And again, he was aware of what the teacher was teaching them, this was something he already knew from his previous world. So he felt he shouldn't waste time listening to the teachings.

He should use the chance to be thinking about today's activities instead...

He needed to arrive at Cara's academy today and see if he can set eyes on her and also locate her home. Before locating her academy, he'd first have to locate the community where her academy was situated.

So right now, he was thinking of how he'd locate the community...

'Simple, I'd just ask the people I see around'. Aiden thought to himself.

Yes, that would be the easiest way to locate the community, he did that while trying to locate the community where Lucia's academy was situated, that's the Bupia Community, and it worked out well.

That has been sorted out, and once he locates the community, locating her academy wouldn't be that hard. He just hoped that Cara of a girl would be beautiful.

'Would the system give me an ugly girl as a quest to seduce and conquer?'. Aiden thought to himself.

He glanced at Oliver and Ava, and he shook his head a little, he'd be doing the same thing today. And they don't even ask him about it anymore once he does something like that...he can do whatever he wants.

The teacher finished teaching and left their classroom, and throughout his teaching, there was no time Aiden listened. Well, after he left, other teachers stepped foot into their classroom to teach them.

Time had passed, break hour had come and passed, and right now, the bell had just ranged to signify closing hour.

'It's time'. Aiden thought to himself as he immediately carried his bag and began walking out of the classroom.

He needed to be fast 'cause he doesn't know if Cara's academy was the same as Lucia's academy or not. Do they close late? Or do they close on time just as his academy does close?

If they do close on time, then he needs to be really fast unless he'd miss her. He needs to locate the community and her academy on time before it becomes too late.

He had arrived at the compound by now and he was walking out of it without stopping.

..Cara's academy, here he comes.


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