Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 261 Little Tournament.

The smile that was already plastered to Oliver's face widened the moment he heard Ava's response. Yes, they'd get to spend some time today, they'd battle each other.

Oliver wanted to see who could make use of their power elements better among the three of them. Yes, he wanted to see who was stronger.

And it wasn't only him with this mindset, Aiden and Ava were feeling the same way. They wanted to see who could make use of their affinities better.

..And it would happen today, they'd discover that today.

The three of them kept walking toward their classroom, and Oliver was the happiest among the three of them, Aiden noticed it. And he was glad that he was able to make Oliver happy with what he suggested.

..Yes, they should engage in that activity today, they should spend some time together.

They kept on strolling until they mounted the staircases, arrived in front of their classroom, and entered it.


The bell had just ranged to signify closing hour, it was about time for both students and teachers to begin heading home. Oliver, Ava, and Aiden wouldn't head home immediately, they have something to engage in.

The three of them had come together by now, and this was the utterance that flowed out of Aiden's mouth...

"So, we have a plan, we know what we want to engage in. Now, where is it gonna take place? Since it's gonna be like a tournament, then it has to take place in an open field".

And the moment Aiden made that statement, he remembered something. He said that 'cause he didn't know any open field as of now. But after making that utterance, he remembered the open field where he battled those bullies and beat them up.

Yes, that was years ago, those bullies had even graduated from this academy years ago. Remember, he battled and beat them up when he was just 7 years old. And the thing is, Oliver and Ava weren't aware of it.

They just noticed that the bullies weren't picking on Aiden anymore, they had no idea that Aiden beat them up. And that was how Aiden wanted it, he didn't want them to know about it.

Now, he still remembered where that open field was situated though he hasn't gone there since that incident took place. He was thinking of suggesting they go to the open field to battle each other.

When they get there, they'd then know if the open field was still intact or not. But he wanted to hear from them first, he wanted to see if any of them had any open field in mind.

"I know a certain open field, it would fit really well for the tournament". Oliver said.

..Yes, Aiden was somehow expecting Oliver to say something.

"Is it far from this academy?". Aiden inquired of Oliver.

"Not at all, it is in this community". Oliver responded.

"Nice". Aiden voiced out nodding his head a little.

"Then let's get going then". Ava stated.

The three of them walked out of the classroom with their school bags on dressed in different colors of robes...they were the last set of people to walk out of the classroom.

Right now, they had already arrived at the compound as they were walking in it heading out of the academy. They had walked out of the compound by now, and Oliver was the one leading the way.

Now, they weren't behind him though following him like his disciples, they were beside him to an extent. And as they were walking, they were conversing.

"So, how big is the open field?". Aiden inquired of Oliver.

"Hmmm, not that big, but it's big to an extent, it would be very suitable for the stuff we want to engage in. I promise, once you guys see it, you would like it". Oliver responded.

"You promise?". Ava uttered glancing at Oliver.

"Yes, I do". Oliver stated once again nodding his head a little.

They kept on trekking until they arrived at the open field, and it was just as Oliver said, they liked it. The field was large to an extent, yes, he said that as well.

Oliver had been here before, so he didn't need to be glancing around 'cause he already knew what it looked like. There were some grasses on the floor, but there wasn't a single tree on the field.

Aiden and Ava were glancing around the field currently, yes, the place was nice. It would be completely suitable for the tournament, and there wasn't a single soul on the was empty.

"So, do you guys like it?". Oliver inquired of Aiden and Ava.

"Yes, we do". Aiden responded in place of him and Ava.

"I told you guys you would like it".

"So, how did you discover this place? Or are you the king of open fields as well?". Aiden threw a question at Oliver.

"Ummm, I just discovered it, there isn't any special story to it. I think I discovered it while heading to a certain forest to hunt". Oliver retorted.

Aiden nodded his head a little, then he thought of that open field once again. Yes, the one where he battled those bullies and beat them up. This open field was looking better than that one.

That one had about one or two trees on it, but this one had none, but it was still looking better.

"Have you been visiting this open field?". Ava inquired of Oliver.

"No, I have absolutely nothing to do in it. But discovering it once was enough for me, I've never forgotten where it's situated after that". Oliver responded.

Ava nodded her head in understanding, then Oliver's voice resounded,

"I guess the tournament should begin now, there's no time to waste. Though we haven't gotten to train our powers much and we haven't engaged in other forms of training that much, let's see who's stronger among the three of us".

"So, who and who would go first?". Ava inquired.

Oliver focused his gaze on Aiden immediately and voiced out...

"Aiden and I would go first".

..Yes, he wanted him and Aiden to go first 'cause he remembered how they were arguing that day about whose power element was stronger.

He wanted to see if he'd be victorious over Aiden or if it would be the other way round.

"Is that what you want?". Aiden inquired glancing at Oliver.

"Yes, that's what I want". Oliver retorted.

"Let it take place then".

The both of them took off their bags at that moment, it was about time for the battle to take place.

"Remember, this is just a tournament, it isn't a real battle. We shouldn't injure each other, no one must die".

"But we'd definitely make use of our affinities, right?". Oliver inquired.

"Yes, for sure".

Ava just stood there glancing at the both of them, and Oliver and Aiden were glancing at each other as well. And this was the utterance that flowed out of Aiden's mouth at that moment,

"So, what is that affinity of yours again?".

..He remembered what Oliver's affinity was, he just wanted to taunt him a little.

"Are you asking me 'cause you don't know, or is there another reason?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

"Just remind me what your affinity is".

"The earth affinity".

Aiden nodded his head a little, then he voiced out once again,

"Let's see who would come out victorious among the both of us".

And with that, Aiden began running toward, they wanted to start with a little martial arts. They wouldn't make use of their powers yet, martial arts comes first.

Yes, they had learned just a little when it comes to martial arts, but they were gonna make use of that little.

Aiden was running toward Oliver, and he planned on attacking with a punch first. Now, if he decides to make use of his speed dash skill, one of the skills in his defense skill panel, he was gonna beat the hell out of Oliver.

Oliver wouldn't see the person he was battling, so he'd just keep receiving beatings. But Aiden can't make use of the speed dash skill, that would just be like cheating.

Apart from that, Oliver and Ava would be f**king surprised, when did he awaken the speed ability? So he just has to battle Oliver fairly.

He reached where Oliver was standing and threw the punch, but to his utmost surprise, Oliver dodged it. Now, the punch didn't come with too much force in case it touches him, it wouldn't cause injury.

Remember, they weren't supposed to injure each other while battling, so they have to be careful.

..But even if the punch was to injure Oliver when it touches him, he would have dodged it.


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