Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 260 Would You Be Available?

They put on their underwear, then they began putting on their robes. After they were done putting on their robes, they wore their bags.

Now, Lucia didn't have to clean semen off her face 'cause Aiden didn't pour semen on her face. Yes, he ejaculated somewhere else whereby the bedsheet was stained.

..Now, that wasn't his problem, the people looking after this inn would take care of that.

"So, we'd be leaving now, I definitely had a great time with you". Aiden said to Lucia.

"Yes, I had a great time with you as well. You said something like we'd have sex again maybe after a month. Ummm, so when next would you visit my academy?". Lucia inquired of Aiden.

"I can't say, but I'd definitely visit your academy again before the time comes when we'd have sex again. I'd do that just to see your face and we can converse a little". Aiden responded.

A little smile appeared on Lucia's face as she voiced out, "That's a great idea".

"Make sure you arrive home safely". Aiden said to Lucia again.

Lucia nodded her head a little as she stated, "Definitely, I'd try my best to arrive home safely, nothing would happen to me".

"We'd meet later then, I'd leave first". Aiden said as he began walking out of the room.

But he was stopped by Lucia's voice, this was what she said, "Wouldn't you give me a kiss on the lips at least before you leave?".

..And this was the thought that ran through Aiden's mind at that moment,

'Damn! Are we a couple?'.

Well, he has to do what she told him to do, so he began walking toward her. He reached where she was standing and kissed her on the lips.

After he had kissed her, he uttered, "Satisfied?".

A smile appeared on Lucia's face as she voiced out, "Yes, very satisfied".

"We'd meet later". Aiden made that statement again as he began walking out of the room until he walked out of it completely.

He reached the compound of the inn, and in seconds, he had departed from the inn's compound as well as he was already walking in the village square.

Lucia left the room as well, and right now, she was already walking in the village square as well. She made sure no one saw her walk out of the inn.

And even when she was walking in the village square, she tried to hide her face a little...

As Aiden was walking on the road, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, he had sex with one of his harem members minutes ago. He's had sex with Lucia for the second time.

..And you know what? She was f**king sweet.

And again, he's banged her twice, but she doesn't know a lot about him up till now. She doesn't know he was the son of Ethan Dankworth, she doesn't know he was the son of an official.

She thought he was just a random handsome guy, a really special one. And Aiden want it to stay like that for as long as possible until maybe he was ready to reveal them to her or she finds out herself.

She was cheating on the so-called boy she was dating 'cause of him...thinking about that made the smile on Aiden's face widen.

Well, he kept on walking until he arrived at his home, and it was a bit of long journey. Why? 'Cause he journeyed to the Bupia Community where the Trailes Academy was situated.

And the community wasn't that close to his home though it wasn't too far either. Journeying from his academy to his home wouldn't take much time 'cause his academy wasn't that far from his home.

But the case was different now, the inn he and Lucia had sex in was in the Bupia Community. So trekking from the Bupia Community to his community wasn't much of a short was a little long.

And by the time he arrived home, the sky was already darkening little by little, it just got to evening...

As for Lucia, she arrived home safely as well, one of those horse riders rode her to her home safely...and there was no cause for complaints.


It has to be repeated, the time for Aiden to get his second main quest was getting closer and closer. When he gets it, he'd start working to accomplish it.

..It wouldn't be easy as usual.

But before he gets it, he has to keep living his life. Getting his next main quest would mean he'd have to push a lot of things aside again. He'd have to focus on trying to accomplish the quest.

So as said, before that time comes, he has to keep living his life.

Remember, he's left the classroom a lot of times without Oliver and Ava noticing. Yes, whenever it concerns visiting Lucia's academy, most of the time, he has to leave the classroom without them knowing.

Now, he wants to do something with them, something Oliver suggested in the past. Remember, they'd already done something together after he accomplished his first main quest.

..They went hunting together, they caught grass cutters, Oliver prepared them, ate his share, and brought Aiden and Ava's share to school the next day.

It was a fun moment, they enjoyed themselves. Now, he wants them to do something different, and what was that? He wanted them to battle each other to see who was stronger.

It wouldn't be real battles, it would just be like a tournament, it wouldn't be battle to death. In fact, they'd make it a fun moment, they'd simply be spending time together.

Remember, it was Oliver that suggested it in the past, now, Aiden wanted them to engage in it, he wanted it to come to pass. And he plans on telling them today and if possible engage in it today.

Today was another day of school, Aiden had already landed on the school compound as different students were walking toward their classrooms.

He trekked to school today, his dad didn't ride him, he felt like trekking. And right now, he was also walking toward his classroom.

..Lots of activities had already taken place by now, teachers had stepped into different classrooms, taught them, and left.

That was also the same case for Aiden's classroom, different teachers had stepped foot into their classrooms, taught them, and left as well. And right now, the bell had just ranged to signify break hour.

Students were standing up from their chairs and walking out of the classroom as their destination was the cafeteria.

Now, Aiden plan on telling them what he has in mind after they were done eating and were out of the cafeteria...let's say when they were walking on the compound heading toward their classroom.

..Yes, he'd tell them he wanted them to battle each other was gonna be like a tournament.

And you know what? He was sure Oliver would be glad to hear it since it was his idea from the very beginning.

The three of them entered the cafeteria together, paid, ate, then came out of it. As they were walking on the compound heading toward their classroom, Aiden was glancing at them, it was about time to tell them what he has in mind.

And at that moment, his voice resounded, "Ummm, so I'd like the three of us to do something today".

"And what is that?". Ava inquired with an inquisitive facial expression, an inquisitive expression was plastered to Oliver's face as well.

Aiden dropped the bombshell, "I'd like for us to battle ourselves today".

"What do you mean?". Oliver inquired.

He asked that to fully understand what Aiden was talking about 'cause he was already getting a hint of it.

"Like a tournament, it wouldn't be a serious battle, we'd do it to see who is stronger among the three of us and also for fun. No one would get injured, and no death would occur". Aiden explained.

And at that moment, Oliver's eyes widened as he had already gotten a full hint of what Aiden was talking about...this was something he suggested in the past.

An elated expression appeared on his face as he voiced out, "I suggested this in the past".

"Yes, and I want us to engage in it now. What do you guys think? Would you be available?". Aiden inquired.

Oliver nodded his head immediately as he responded, "Yes, I'd definitely be available".

..He was excited that they'd get to spend some time together.

This was exactly the kind of reaction Aiden was expecting from him when he'd tell them what he had in mind. Now, it was remaining Ava, she hadn't responded yet, and Aiden and Oliver were glancing at her currently.

They were waiting for her response, and she was definitely gonna respond. She was glancing at them as well, and this was the utterance that flowed out of her mouth in the next seconds...

"Yes, I'd be available as well".


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