Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 241 It's Time Again.(3)

As said, some of them had already drawn out their swords from their scabbards after sighting the wild dogs...and more knights and warriors did the same, many of them drew out their swords from their scabbards as well.

As the wild dogs were running toward them with speed, about two warriors had already come down from the horse they were sitting on. They'd be the ones to handle the wild dogs...others wouldn't need to do anything.

..I mean, it's just two wild dogs that can be easily handled by the warriors.

As said, though more of the knights and warriors had already drawn out their swords from their scabbards, they wouldn't have to do anything.

Some of the horses were neighing as the wild dogs were running toward them...yes, they had already discerned danger. The two warriors were glancing at the wild dogs waiting for them to get closer so they can slay them.

..And that's exactly what happened.

One of the wild dogs reached where one of the warriors was standing and jumped so it could push him to the ground and rip off his skin.

But the man didn't let it, as the wild dog was in the air with its mouth open, the man swung his sword slashing the wild dog in the face as its lifeless body fell to the ground.

That's the same thing that happened to the second warrior. The moment the wild dog got closer to him, it jumped so it could push him to the ground and rip off his skin as well.

..That's their style of attacking most of the time.

But the man didn't let it, as it was in the air heading toward him, he slashed its neck first before giving it another slashing in the stomach.

Blood spilled out as the wild dog's lifeless body landed on the ground...they were so fierce. If you aren't skilled enough to handle them, you're f**king dead.

They thought they were done after they'd ended the lives of the wild dogs...but the truth was, they weren't done...

"F**king wild dogs". One of the warriors sitting on a certain horse voiced out after the wild dogs have been slain to death.

He was sharing the horse with another warrior. Both warriors began walking toward the horse they came down from with their blood-stained swords so they could resume the journey.

..But not so fast, they started hearing sounds again, more wild dogs were coming.

This would require the help of more warriors and knights. Many of them came down from their horses, and the carriages where the goods were in were being protected.

Ethan was among the warriors that came down from the horse he was sitting on along with the other warrior he was sharing the horse with.

"You guys should be very careful". Ethan's voice resounded at that moment.

..Yes, they'd have to be very careful 'cause lots of wild dogs were coming.

The wild dogs burst out of a certain place, and they were more than ten of them. The moment the knights and warriors sighted them, they were very ready to battle them.

In fact, it wouldn't even be a battle, they were ready to slay the shit out of them.

The sky was getting dimmer, but they could still see clearly. And even when it gets to nighttime completely, they'd still be able to see clearly 'cause the moon would definitely be producing light.

And 'cause they were seeing clearly, they'd be able to end the lives of the wild dogs. Even Ethan was ready to slay some wild dogs.

The wild dogs were fierce-looking, but they weren't intimidating to the knights and warriors. And the moment they reached where they were standing, the slaying began.

Blood was splattering everywhere, and the knights and warriors made sure none of them was able to run past them and begin running toward the horses and the others at the back.

..And you know what? None of them were injured by the wild dogs. Instead, the wild dogs were slain to death by them.

This was how Ethan ended the lives of the wild dogs that attacked him. The first one reached where he was standing and jumped so it could push him to the ground and rip off his skin...their normal style.

But Ethan didn't let it, he made sure the head of that wild dog landed on the ground. As the wild dog was in the air heading toward him, he swung his sword with force as it headed toward the dog's neck.

And the moment it touched the dog's neck, it sliced past, and the dog's head landed on the ground as blood spilled out. That wasn't the end, another wild dog attacked him after that.

What he did was dodge this one first as it moved past with speed...

The moment it landed on the ground, Ethan was already glancing at it, and he immediately swung his sword slashing it in the neck first.

Then he gave it another one in the back causing the instant death of the wild dog. He swung the sword downwards with speed and with force. So the moment the sword touched the dog's skin, it slashed it badly.

..And that was instant death for it.

Another one attacked him after that, and he easily killed that one. Before the dog could even jump toward him, he forwarded his sword with speed piercing right straight into the dog's mouth.

That was another instant death...

As known, all the wild dogs had already been slayed to death, their lifeless bodies were lying on the ground.

"Everyone safe?". Ethan's voice resounded.

And they all answered with a 'yes'. As known, he was among the head warriors currently, so he was in a position to ask questions like this.

He and the rest began walking toward their horses currently with their bloody swords. But the moment they got really close to the horses they'd soon sit on, they weren't holding their swords in their hands anymore, they'd put them into their scabbards.

They all mounted the horses as they put them in motion once again...

..Yes, the journey had resumed, but the dangers hadn't stopped.

Yeah, they'd been able to deal with the current ones, but they weren't done yet. The horses were neighing as they were moving, but it got to a point where silence took over.

Right now, they had arrived in a certain city. Yes, one of the cities of a certain kingdom. It was complete nighttime currently heading to midnight.

Many of them were sleepy and needed rest. Seems like they'd find a way to rest in this kingdom before the journey would resume. They can't be journeying when many of them were feeling sleepy?

..As for Ethan, he wasn't feeling that sleepy, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to rest.

They wouldn't be making camps on a hill and sleeping there today. They were lucky to arrive at a certain kingdom and feel sleepy so they could easily spend the night in the kingdom.

But if it happens to be that they were on a hill and were feeling as sleepy as they were right now, they'd make camps on the hill and spend the night there.

While in the kingdom, they were able to find their way to an inn by that time of the night. And it wasn't to waste, they were offered a very large room in the inn which would contain all of them.

They were gonna sleep comfortably before resuming the journey tomorrow...

The person that offered them the room didn't even ask what kingdom they were from...but he knew they were travelers or something due to the numerous horses they brought along and the carriages attached to some of the horses.

He had no idea they were journeying to a certain kingdom now to pay tributes before they'd begin heading to another kingdom.

The compound of the inn was filled with horses, horses and carriages had covered everywhere though the compound was so large. Well, they'd pay for it, they'd pay extra fees.

..And their horses and carriages would be so safe until tomorrow.

The knights and warriors were a little hungry, since they began embarking on the journey, they hadn't eaten anything. Well, they had food with them, enough to last them for days.

They began eating at that moment, and after they were done eating, many of them went to sleep, and the rest followed suit after the passing of some minutes.

..As Ethan was lying on a certain mat, yes, many of them had to make use of mats, a lot was running through his mind.

He made sure not to think about his family, so right now, he was thinking about something else. He was thinking about the paying of tributes that would take place between them and both kingdoms.

..Yes, he does think about this sometimes whenever they were embarking on the journey to pay tributes.


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