Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 240 It's Time Again.(2)

The knights and warriors were just riding the horses slowly without minding the people glancing at them. Each of them was equipped with swords, and they all possessed abilities.

Some had the same power elements, and the four main power elements were present among them all. That means, out of the knights and warriors, some possessed the fire affinity.

Some possessed the wind affinity, some possessed the water affinity, and some possessed the earth affinity.

..Yes, the four main power elements were present among them all.

They kept riding the horses until they were out of the City Square. Right now, they were already at a place where they couldn't see lots of people.

The people they were seeing were very limited, seeing like two people after some meters journey. The horse Ethan was sitting on was among the horses in front, he was among the knights and warriors leading.

..It was morning currently, they'd keep journeying until it gets to nighttime.

And what kingdom were they heading to first? As usual, the Mepaidian Kingdom. After that, they'd then head to the Chuvulan Kingdom.

Each of them was aware they'd come across dangers on the road, and they had already braced themselves. This wasn't the first time they'd be embarking on such journey, so coming across dangers on the way wouldn't be a new thing to them.


What Ethan said was true, yes, that morning after he left, about five knights arrived at the Dankworth's house with horses. They were here to do as they've been instructed.

To watch over the house and protect the occupants of it and also escort whoever was going out.

..And it happens to be that it was only Hazel and Aiden that would be going out.

Hazel would be going to work, and Aiden would be going to his academy. As for Emma and Lydia, they'd be at home, Emma had a lot of things to handle at home.

So this was what was gonna happen, two knights would be escorting Aiden to school, one knight would be escorting Hazel to her workplace, and two knights would be staying at home.

They were gonna ride both Aiden and Hazel to their different destinations since that's what they wanted. Aiden said he wanted to be ridden to school by a horse.

And after the knights had taken them to their different destinations, they'd be the ones to ride them home as well...

Hazel and Aiden had already been prepared to move when the knights arrived at their home. So it didn't take up to 6 minutes before the knights rode them out of the compound.

..Aiden was sitting on top of the horse as the knight in front was putting the horse in motion.

The other knight was sitting behind Aiden, so three people were sitting on the horse currently...two knights and Aiden, Aiden was sitting in the middle.

..Well, the knight kept riding the horse, and something was running through Aiden's mind at that moment.

He was imagining how people's eyes would be on him when the knight ride him into the school compound. They'd be like, 'He's been escorted by knights again?'.

Many of them wouldn't be surprised 'cause they've heard of the current event that took place, the knights and warriors that embarked on the journey to pay tributes.

And his father was among them as usual, so the knights were protecting him as it's always been done whenever his dad embarks on such journeys.

..He was just hoping Oliver and Ava would see him when he's been ridden into the compound by the knights.

But that would most likely not happen, but at least, they might have heard of the event that took place. So they'd have known that knights would most likely escort him home as usual.

This wouldn't be the first time something like that would be happening 'cause it was always happening whenever his dad embarks on such journeys...

Well, they had arrived at Aiden's academy by now, and the knight riding the horse didn't waste time riding it into the school compound. And what Aiden imagined was exactly what was happening.

Students walking on the compound got their eyes focused on him...not all the students though. And all the students that bothered to glance at him and keep their gazes glued to him were all teenagers.

'Yeah, they are protecting him as usual'. This was the thought that ran through some of their minds as they were glancing at him.

..It was just as Aiden had thought...and his thinking was f**king correct.

While some of them were wishing they were the one that was ridden to school by knights.

In his classroom, he, Oliver, and Ava conversed about the current situation...that's the journey the warriors and the knights embarked on.

They said they knew Aiden's father was part of them which was true. Then Oliver inquired of Aiden,

"So it was knights that rode you to school this morning, right?".

"Yes". Aiden responded.

"Just as I thought". Oliver stated once again.

"So knights would also be ridding you back home as well, right?". Ava inquired this time.

"Yes, I don't think I'd be able to go home with you guys today, I don't want to trek home. But tomorrow, the plan would be to trek home, so we'd all be escorted by knights". Aiden retorted once again.

Oliver and Ava weren't happy that Aiden wouldn't be going home with them today, it was evident in their faces, but there was nothing they could do about it.

But tomorrow was something to look forward to, he'd be going home with them...and they'd also be escorted by knights as well...

..That would make them feel special again, it would be a nice experience.

Well, it got to closing hour, and Aiden didn't truly go home with them...those knights came to pick him up.


Meanwhile, the knights and warriors were still journeying currently, and it was mid-afternoon now heading straight to complete evening.

They hadn't come across any danger as of now, they hadn't even entered a full wilderness. Yes, they had passed a wood, but the very scanty one. Very few leaves, very few trees, and so on.

The next forest they'd enter would be a little thick, and seems like they'd find something dangerous in it.

They weren't seeing a single soul in the place they were at currently. And this was how it was being done, not a person for one horse, two people were making use of one horse.

..Yes, that's how the knights and warriors arranged themselves.

They were still journeying when Ethan began thinking about his family. This shows how much he loved them.

'You'd be back with them soon, just get them off your mind as for now, focus on the journey'. Ethan thought to himself.

And he was able to push that thought off his mind, he never thought about it again. It was somehow hard, but he tried his best not to.

Right now, they had already ridden into a certain forest, and it wasn't scanty. There were trees everywhere, leaves, and so on. And you know what? They'd come across danger in here.

..Yes, the first danger they'd encounter since they started this journey.

The sky was getting dim, and they haven't even gotten close to the Mepaidian Kingdom, they still had kilometers to cover.

While they were in the forest, they started hearing sounds, and all of them became alert. It would be very bad for a minor to be embarking on such a journey 'cause he or she would easily not make it to his or her destination.

Why? 'Cause there are too many dangers on the way...

As said, after hearing the sounds, all of them became alert. Their eyes widened as they began glancing around...they knew there were incoming dangers.

This wouldn't be the first time they'd be entering a dangerous wilderness, so they weren't panicking too much. And those sounds they heard alone were enough for them to discern there were lurking dangers.

..They all became ready to defend themselves at that moment.

Each of them was still sitting on their horses glancing around when two wild dogs ran out of a certain place with speed. The moment they ran out of that place, lots of knights and warriors focused their gazes on them.

Yes, they immediately glanced at them and the place they ran out from, and about two warriors and a knight drew out their swords from their scabbards.

This wouldn't be the first time they'd be coming across wild dogs, so they knew how dangerous they were. They could kill some of those horses they brought along if they weren't careful.

..Those horses weren't strong enough to defend themselves from wild dogs.

Yes, they weren't strong enough to defend themselves from the wild dogs, but the knights and warriors riding them wouldn't let any harm come to them.

They wouldn't let the wild dogs cause any damage...


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