Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 237 Working To Accomplish The Quest.(2)

Now, there was a very high possibility he'd see her there again when he reaches the library. And a chance might occur in which he'd be able to tap her buttocks and find a way to escape the consequences.

Yes, he'd have to do this, and Oliver and Ava shouldn't follow him. This would make it easier for him to accomplish the quest when a chance occurs.

So he was just hoping they'd stick to what they said that they wouldn't visit the library. Hope they wouldn't change their mind 'cause he was going.

"What? You're truly visiting the library?". Oliver inquired of Aiden with that bewildered expression still plastered to his face.

"Yes, I'm going, anything wrong with that?". Aiden threw a question as well.

"No, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just surprising".

"Yes, really surprising". Ava added.

"Well, I feel like visiting the library though you guys don't feel like visiting it, I feel like reading". Aiden said.

Ava and Oliver nodded their heads a little, then Aiden's voice resounded again,

"And you guys don't have to change your minds just 'cause I'm going, just go back into the classroom and balance on your seats".

"We don't plan on changing our minds", Said Ava, then she glanced at Oliver and inquired, "Right, Oliver?".

"Yes, you can begin heading to the library now".

..Aiden's heart was gladdened knowing this was their decision and they don't plan on changing it.

Oliver and Ava began walking toward the classroom after giving Aiden one last stare, and Aiden began heading toward the library.

..They had no single idea of the main reason why Aiden was going to the library.

He had gotten so close to the library by now, and he kept hoping Miss Sandra would be in it. If she wasn't present at the library, then it's all useless going there 'cause she was the reason why he was heading there.

He was standing at the door of the library currently, and he could see a lot of students in it. He wasn't surprised 'cause today was library day, the library was supposed to be filled up.

..What was making him worried now was if Miss Sandra was present in the library as well.

Well, he'd have to confirm by entering. He stepped foot into the library, and there was a certain spot he does see her in whenever he steps foot into the library.

Now, that was the spot he was heading to currently, he wanted to see if he'd see her in that same spot. He didn't even bother to pick up a book or any stuff like that, he was just heading toward that spot.

He didn't even need to reach the spot when he sighted Miss Sandra along with another teacher, a male. Now, the moment he set eyes on her, his heart gladdened as his lips curved in a smile a little.

..His target was present, seems like things might go as planned.

What he needed to do now was balance and begin thinking of how he was gonna accomplish the he was gonna tap her buttocks.

He walked to one of the shelves, picked a certain book he wasn't really interested in, and began walking toward a certain vacant seat.

All he wanted to do was pretend like he was reading the book while cracking his brain at the same time. Now that he's seen her in the library, he needs to come up with a good idea.

He balanced on the seat, placed the book on the table in front of him, opened to a certain page, and began pretending like he was reading. From where he was sitting, he managed to glance at Miss Sandra again.

And after that, he began cracking his brain...

He decided to take things easy, he wouldn't crack his brain until it becomes steamy, he'd make sure his brain doesn't explode from overthinking.

Now, after minutes of cracking his brain, he was able to come up with a certain idea that was a little good. As known, he plans on accomplishing the quest and facing the consequences or avoiding it.

He can accomplish the quest of tapping her buttocks if she leaves the library on time. Yes, simple, once she leaves the library, he'd follow her.

Then he'd tap her buttocks and make it seem like it was a mistake. He did this for Alora when he was given the quest to tap her buttocks, and it worked.

..Now, he was gonna do the same for Miss Sandra, and he was hoping it would work out.

But what if the male teacher she was sitting close to walks out of the library with her? Now, that would be a problem even if she leaves the library on time.

Or what if some students are around when he wants to accomplish the quest of tapping her buttocks? Now, that would be bad as well, that would be a big hindrance.

All he can do was hope things go smoothly...he has to accomplish the quest.

Minutes had passed, and according to what Aiden was seeing now, seems like Miss Sandra was about to leave the library. He wasn't sure, but there was a very high possibility she was about to leave the library.

'Hope the man beside her doesn't follow her'. Aiden thought to himself.

For all the minutes that have passed, only a few students had left the library, they weren't even up to five. And according to what he was seeing, all the students reading were really focused.

As for him, he had been pretending to read for minutes now. As of this moment, he was sure Miss Sandra was about to leave the library. She had already stood up from the chair she was sitting on.

And according to what Aiden was seeing, seems like the man doesn't plan on following her...

Seconds after she stood up from her seat, Aiden stood up from his seat as well holding the book in his hand. According to what he was seeing, she was discussing with the man, just a little conversation.

And after they were done talking, she began walking out of the library. The urge to begin walking out of the library as well was there, he just wanted to follow her from behind.

..But he held himself, yes, he did, following her from behind might not be a good idea.

People might suspect, 'Why is he leaving the library the moment Miss Sandra is leaving the library?'.

So he waited for Miss Sandra to walk out of the library first, then he walked toward the shelf he took the book from, dropped the book, and walked out of the library as well.

Stepping out of the library and walking, Miss Sandra was right in front of him. Now, there were some meters between them though, so Aiden began hastening his pace.

Getting close to her, he glanced around to make sure no eyes were on him. No students were around, no teachers as well, he was free to do whatever he wanted to do.

'This is great'. He thought to himself.

Now, the only thing remaining was to tap her buttocks and accomplish the quest, but it wasn't that easy to do. Yes, he was at her back currently without her knowing, but tapping her buttocks wouldn't be that easy.

..He planned to tap her buttocks and escape the consequences, he'd declare it as a mistake.

She was heading toward her office currently, this he was sure of. He needed to accomplish the quest now before it becomes too late.

Getting really close to her without her noticing, he was glancing at her ass currently. Then he made it seem like he was falling, but actually, he was the one that let go of himself.

This was exactly what he did for Alora to accomplish the quest of tapping her buttocks...

As he was falling, his hands were heading toward Miss Sandra's buttocks. As it is like this, he wasn't only gonna tap them, he was gonna grab them as well.

..And that's exactly what happened, the moment his hands hit her buttocks, he grabbed them, then his body hit her.

Miss Sandra was so surprised, like, what the f**k just happened? She turned around to glance at the person that grabbed her buttocks, and it was Aiden?

For all the time she was in the library, she didn't notice Aiden. She didn't know he was seated on one of the seats doing fake reading. So sighting him now really surprised her, like, where the f**k did he come from?

How did he suddenly reach her back? And again, why the heck did he grab her buttocks? But according to the occurrence, seems like it was a mistake, that was her mindset.

..Why this mindset? Due to the way his body hit hers after grabbing her buttocks.

But we all know it wasn't a mistake, he did it on purpose to accomplish a quest.

"Aiden?". Miss Sandra called out his name after glancing at him, that surprised expression plastered to her face.


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