Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 236 Working To Accomplish The Quest.

And you know what? He'd have to do it. Yes, he can choose to fail this quest and miss out on the rewards due to how risky it was, but we all know Aiden, he doesn't like failing quests and missing out on the rewards.

When he was given the quest to tap Alora's buttocks as a kid, though it was risky, he still found a way to accomplish it. And that's what led to the both of them engaging in some sexual things later.

So he'd find a way to accomplish this as well though it was very risky...Miss Sandra's buttocks must be tapped.

..But can't lie, thinking about it was making him a little afraid.

How would he go about it? How would he do it? At what time? Yes, these were questions running through his mind. It wasn't only about deciding that he was gonna accomplish it, how would he go about it?

'I'd find a way, I must find a way'. He thought to himself.

He was determined...hope his determination wouldn't fail him. He got this quest in the morning, it's been long since he got a daily quest in the morning.

It's always in the afternoon, mid-afternoon, or evening. Well, this quest was something he'd have to accomplish at school, so it was best the system gave it to him ahead of time so he can plan well on how to accomplish it considering it was risky as well.

As said, he was already prepared, and breakfast had already been served as well. He wore his school bag and strolled out of his room. Arriving at the living room, in a few minutes, everyone was already gathered around the dining table.

They ate breakfast, and after that, Hazel was the first person to leave the house. Ethan rode Aiden to school 'cause that's what Aiden wanted.

..He didn't want to trek at all, he wasn't in the mood considering the kind of daily quest he'd need to accomplish for today.

While he was on the horse, his mind was wandering, he was thinking of the daily quest he was to accomplish today. Tap Miss Sandra's was f**king hard and risky.

Well, by now, he had already arrived at his academy, his dad had already dropped him off. And right now, he was in his classroom sitting in his seat. And you know what? His mind was still wandering...he was still thinking.

Now, he was trying to come up with a plan on how he was gonna accomplish the quest. He can't go into the teachers' office, walk toward Miss Sandra's seat, tell her to stand up, and tap her buttocks?

..That would be a very foolish thing to do, it would land him in serious trouble.

Why? All the teachers would be there, and they'd see the foolish thing he'd done. So he has to think of a better plan, a very good one. This quest was as hard as a main quest.

Different thoughts were trooping into his head, different plans, but none of them were good enough. As said, he has to come up with a very good plan.

He kept on thinking and thinking until Miss Sandra stepped into their classroom, yes, his target. She was the first teacher to step into their classroom for this morning, and seems like she's come to relay some information as usual.

The moment Aiden set eyes on her, they lit up, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment...

'I've been given a quest to tap your buttocks which I definitely want to accomplish, but the problem is, how do I do it?'.

Just as guessed, she truly stepped foot into their classroom to relay some information and check the attendance. As known, she wasn't their subject teacher at all, so she'd never step foot into their classroom to teach them any subject.

As she was relaying the information, Aiden was just glancing at her. It was just like he should stand up from his seat, run toward her, tap her buttocks, and face the consequences.

..At least, that would mean mission accomplished.

But he can't do that, his fellow students would be so surprised, Oliver and Ava would be so surprised. They might even wonder, 'Is Aiden okay?'.

He just sat there glancing at her, his gaze was focused on her beautiful face. She finished relaying the information, then checked the attendance. Everyone was present in class, so she just walked out of the classroom.

..She's handled what she came here to handle.

As she was strolling out of the classroom, Aiden's gaze was still focused on her until she walked out of it completely. He would have loved to tell Oliver about it.

Yes, there are some issues he does discuss with Oliver and they might end up solving them together. But this was something he can't tell Oliver.

He can't tell him about the system? He can't tell him he was given a quest to tap Miss Sandra's buttocks? Their class teacher?

You know, Oliver might actually be able to help him accomplish the quest, but he can't tell him about it 'cause he wasn't supposed to know about it. He'd have to handle it himself.

When he got his first main quest, that's to seduce and conquer Lucia, it was hard, but he didn't tell anyone about it, not even Oliver. He kept it to himself, and now, he's accomplished it.

So he was gonna do this one as well, it was hard, but he was gonna keep it to himself and try to accomplish it...

The time had already come for everyone to go to the cafeteria, the time had come for everyone to eat. Students were walking out of their classrooms heading toward the cafeteria, food was something people don't joke with.

It wasn't only the students, teachers were walking out of their offices as well and heading toward the cafeteria.

Aiden, Ava, and Oliver were on the compound heading toward the cafeteria as well. And a lot was still on Aiden's mind as he was walking...up till now, he hasn't come up with a good plan on how he was gonna accomplish the quest of tapping Miss Sandra's buttocks.

A lot was on his mind, but he made sure Oliver and Ava didn't notice it...

They entered the cafeteria, dropped the needed copper coins, and made their way to a certain table with vacant chairs around it.

They were served, and in minutes, they emptied their plates along with other students. Now, while they were at the cafeteria, Aiden sighted Miss Sandra...yes, this wouldn't be the first time he'd be seeing her in the cafeteria.

He was glancing at her from time to time while eating without any of his friends noticing. Now, it is known that teachers leave the cafeteria first before the students 'cause they are always served first.

So while Miss Sandra had finished eating and was walking out of the cafeteria, Aiden was still glancing at her without her noticing as well as his friends.

..This thought kept running through his mind,

'How do I go about it? How do I tap her buttocks?'.

Yes, up till now, he hasn't come up with a good plan on how he was gonna accomplish the quest. That shows how hard the quest was.

By now, he and his friends had already walked out of the cafeteria as they were walking on the compound currently. Now, there was something Aiden was forgetting, it had skipped his mind.

They were already walking in the corridor heading toward their classroom along with other students when the bell rang again. What was it signifying? Library time...yes, today was library day.

..This was something that had skipped both Aiden's mind along with his friends.

The moment the bell rang, Oliver glanced at his friends and said,

"Oh! Today is library day, it had skipped my mind".

And it was at that moment that Aiden and Ava remembered. Then Ava's voice resounded,

"I'm not going though, I don't feel like reading".

"Same for me, ain't going to the library, I'm not in the mood to read books. What of you, Aiden? Are you going?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

"Yes, I'm going". Aiden responded.

A bewildered expression appeared on Oliver and Ava's faces the moment they heard Aiden's response, they were surprised.

According to what they knew, they loved reading more than Aiden. But he was going? And they weren't? Shocking. Now, there was a reason why Aiden was going to the library though they weren't going, and this was the reason.

..It was still concerning the quest he received this morning, going to the library could help him accomplish the quest.

How? Most of the time when Aiden visits the library on library days, he does see Miss Sandra there handling some things. All he would do at that moment was to glance at her for some seconds before he'd take a book from one of the shelves and go read.

For weeks now, there was no day he'd visit the library on library days without seeing Miss Sandra there...


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