Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 203 Are You Supposed To Be Neighing Or Moving Fast?

He didn't feel like saying the words orally, so he just said them in his head. But he nodded his head to indicate he agreed with Lucia's utterance.

Hope nothing spoils their plan on that day 'cause if something does, then there was trouble...mission failed.

..It would affect him the more 'cause he was gonna be losing a lot of rewards and things would be deducted from him.

But as for her, she wouldn't get to have a taste of his dick on that day, that's the only thing she would lose.

Lucia took her gaze off his face and focused on his cock again, and she couldn't help but gulp, repeating the same thing. She needed this dick, damn! She needed it.

And she was gonna have it if everything goes as planned...

Aiden liked as she was thirsting for him, that only means she wouldn't change her mind to have sex with him on that day.

"We are gonna have sex in the next two days, nothing should spoil it, I'd try my best to make sure we'd get to bang on that day". Lucia uttered glancing at Aiden.

..Can you see that? Assurance.

The boy Lucia was close to was already walking in the corridor, he'd arrive at the compound soon. Lucia was facing the other side, but she had already sensed it. So she immediately turned her head around to glance at the corridor, and she sighted him.

She glanced at Aiden and said, "You have to go now".

Aiden glanced at the corridor as well and sighted the boy...and yeah, he has to leave now, the boy mustn't sight him.

"Remember the plan".

That was the last utterance he made to Lucia before he turned around and began walking out of the compound. As he was strolling, he inactivated the rod increase, and his dick started decreasing.

Before he strolled out of the compound completely, his dick had finished decreasing.


The journey to accomplishing his first main quest hasn't been easy. He hadn't accomplished it yet, but he was close to accomplishing it.

He had achieved a lot of things, and he had done a lot of things to even speak of achievement. He had a prey, he began working toward catching his prey, and now, he had caught his prey to an extent.

..And he was close to catching his prey completely...very close.

Who are we referring to with all this statement? Aiden. It hadn't been an easy journey to accomplishing his first main quest. He was at home currently, it hadn't been too long since he arrived home from school.

He was dressed in a certain robe he does wear to stay at home, and he was standing on the compound currently close to one of the horses on the compound.

His right palm was on the horse's head, and he was patting it a little. Tomorrow was the day he was gonna head over to Lucia's academy so they could go to an inn to have sex.

If things don't go as planned, then he failed his first main quest. Remember, they planned everything right in Lucia's academy...the date and the place where they were gonna meet to have sex.

..They made different suggestions but later agreed on something though.

As of now, Aiden had 2 days left to conquer Lucia, tomorrow was the last day, and it was that same tomorrow he and Lucia planned on having sex.

..It needs to be repeated, if he fails to bang her tomorrow, then mission failed.

It was evening currently, and as said, he was standing on the compound close to one of the horses on the compound. There were two horses on the compound currently, one had a carriage attached to its back.

It was supposed to be three horses on the compound, but Ethan had ridden one to work. Who were the people at home currently? Only Lydia. So we can't say people, it was only one person at home currently with Aiden making two.

Aiden's right palm was on the horse's head currently, and as said, he was patting it a little. He was glancing directly at the horse's face, and a lot was running through his mind while glancing at its face.

What was running through his mind? His quest. Yes, he thinks of it a lot. He was just wondering what tomorrow's situation would be like, would anything happen that would hinder him from accomplishing the quest?

Would he be able to conquer Lucia and receive the rewards? Would anything come up that would try to sabotage it? Well, if anything comes up, all he knew was that he was gonna try his very best to accomplish the quest.

He was still glancing at the horse's face with that same thought running through his mind. And he didn't even know when he started speaking to the horse.

..Can you believe that? He was speaking to a horse like it was a human.

"I've got a quest to accomplish, and I'm very close to accomplishing it. But we all know anything can happen at any time, something can just come up that would sabotage all the work that has been done. But I'm gonna try my very best to accomplish the quest,

Like, I've done a lot just to accomplish it, I can't fail just like that".

Aiden made that utterance, and the horse was just glancing at him, whether it even understood a single thing that he said.

"Oh, yeah, you just a horse, you can't understand me". Aiden voiced out once again still glancing at the horse's face.

No reaction from the horse, nothing, it was still glancing at him. Well, there was a main reason why Aiden was standing close to the horse. He didn't stand close to it to rant and tell it about his main quest.

It's just that while standing close to it and patting its head, he began thinking about his quest, that's why he said those things to the horse which it didn't understand.

..The main reason why he stood close to the horse was 'cause he wanted to ride it a little.

That was even the main reason why he came out of the house in the first place, he was supposed to be in his room after he came back from school.

Remember, his dad started teaching him how to ride a horse in his animal field. From there, Aiden has been able to learn a lot. Yeah, there were still a lot of things he needed to learn when it comes to horse riding, but that doesn't stop the fact he's been able to learn a lot from the teachings he got from his dad.

..Due to those teachings, he did something weird one certain morning.

He told his dad he wanted to be the one to ride the horse to his academy. Thank goodness his dad didn't let him 'cause something would have definitely was really risky stuff.

Well, right now, he just wanted to do some little practicing...

After that day he received some teachings from his dad, he hadn't practiced again. He hadn't visited his dad's animal field again, there were lots of activities to engage in, other things to do.

But he was gonna visit his dad's animal field again...that's for sure. And though he wanted to practice alone now, a time would come when he'd practice with his dad again.

He stopped glancing at the horse and went straight to untie it. There wouldn't be problem even if Ethan knows he made use of the horse. At least, he just used it to practice, and he didn't ride it out of the compound.

After untying the horse, Aiden mounted it as he was sitting on top of it currently. Then he muttered to himself,

"Now, this is a different situation, if I fall off this horse, there'd be no one to catch or save me. My dad isn't here, so I should try not to fall off the horse".

He hadn't learned how to increase the pace of a horse though Ethan had shown him how to do it. He can put a horse in motion, but it would be moving slowly. Now, the aim was to increase the horse's pace, that was something he wanted to accomplish today.

As said, he was sitting on top of the horse currently, and he didn't waste time putting it in motion. The horse was moving slowly currently, and Aiden was like, 'As usual'.

What was the aim? To increase the horse's pace. So he did what needed to be done for the horse to begin moving fast, what his dad taught him, but it wasn't just working out.

..These things can be very hard...sometimes it would be like you'd never learn to do it.

Aiden didn't stop, he kept trying to increase the horse's pace, but it wasn't just working. Instead, do you know what the horse was doing? It kept neighing.

..And Aiden was like, 'Are you supposed to be neighing or moving fast?'.


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