Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 202 A Plan Has Been Made.

Aiden stood there waiting for what she'd say, and this was the next utterance that flowed out of her mouth,

"We'd meet in an inn".

Thank goodness she didn't say in her father's mansion or something like that 'cause Aiden was hoping she wouldn't say that. That would be like taking a big risk.

An inn was okay, that was where he and Anne had been visiting to have sex. So it was happening again, he was about to bang another girl in an inn...his first main quest.

But there was something he wanted to confirm at this moment, and he immediately voiced it out when Lucia hadn't even said the time when the event was gonna take place.

"So, who's gonna pay for the room we'll make use of?".

..Was that really a question to ask now?

"I'd pay for it, that's nothing". Lucia responded.

'But don't underestimate me 'cause I asked that question. I can pay for the room as well, I am the son of a chief'. Aiden thought to himself.

Lucia voiced out once again, "And this is the time when we'd get to have sex, in the next three days".

Aiden's eyes widened the moment he heard the next three days?

I mean, he had 3 days left to seduce and bang her, and she was saying they'd have sex in the next three days? That would be an automatic mission failed.

He had 3 days left, tomorrow would reduce it to 2 days. So if he doesn't bang her within these days, he's failed the quest. And she was saying in the next three days? That was a really bad idea.

..He knew he had to say something, he needed to do something.

So he uttered, "I wouldn't be available in the next three days, I have lots of things to do within that time and after it".

"But that's the time I'd be available to have sex with you. Can't anything be done about it? You know, trying to reschedule your time". Lucia stated.

"Nothing can be done about it, I'd be very busy within that time and after it. Try to see if you can be the one to reschedule your time". Aiden voiced out once again.

"But that day would be free day for all students. I know you're a student as well but don't attend this academy. On that day, all students are supposed to rest. So it would be very easy for us to meet on that day, it would be easy for me,

I'd be able to sneak out of the house even with the knights around. As I told you, I am the daughter of a high-ranked chief, so things are different for me. A knight does come to pick me up from school everyday,

When he arrives and doesn't see me, it would be somehow, and my father would most likely hear about it. And why would that happen? Because we met in an inn to have sex. So meeting in the next three days would be the best for me".

..Aiden understood her situation, he knew exactly what she was talking about.

If his quest wasn't involved, then he would have easily agreed to it. But his quest was involved here, he needed to bang her before the passing of three days to accomplish the quest which he's been working so hard to accomplish.

So he can't consent to what she was saying, he needed to persuade her to consent to his suggestion. So he said,

"I would have loved to consent to what you're saying, but it wouldn't just work out. You have to find a way if you really want to have a taste of this dick. I know what I'm saying, I wouldn't be available at that time. So it's either you find a way, or we forget about having sex".

Lucia glanced at his big rod, and she couldn't help but gulp, it was so big, and she wanted to have a taste of it. Now, Aiden was saying either she finds a way or they should forget about having sex.

..If she doesn't have a taste of his dick as fast as possible, would she be able to survive it? She wasn't sure.

She needed to have him quickly and see if they can make it continuous, so she has to find a way. You see the power of a big rod?

"So, what do you suggest we do, what time should we meet to do it?". Lucia inquired of Aiden.

"Tomorrow would be the best time for me, I'd be completely available tomorrow. And I'll have time to f**k the shit out of you". Aiden responded.

Lucia contemplated for a while, then she uttered, "Can't we make it next tomorrow?".

Tomorrow would reduce the days he had left to bang her to 2 days. So next tomorrow would reduce it to 1 more day. And after that day passes and he hasn't still accomplished the quest, mission failed.

She was saying they should make it next tomorrow, that was really risky. What if something happens on that day and he doesn't end up f**king her? Mission failed.

He has to object, so he voiced out, "Tomorrow would be the best time, next tomorrow isn't a great time for me. Try to see if we'd be able to do it tomorrow".

"So you wouldn't even consent to any of my suggestions? I mean, I've reduced the days by one, and you aren't still consenting to it? Aren't you gonna consider me at all?". Lucia voiced out glancing at Aiden.

He'd have loved to consider you, but he has a quest to accomplish...

"Not like I'm not considering you, I am just trying to set it on a proper date so I'd be available that day. Once we set it on a wrong date, you might not have the chance to taste my dick again".

He was talking like his dick was food...

Lucia contemplated for a while, then she voiced out, something Aiden didn't want to hear,

"Let's do it next tomorrow, agree to this, at least, I agreed to yours by cutting one day out of the days".

'She's still saying the same thing'. Aiden thought to himself.

Seems like he has no choice, he'd have to agree to what she was saying though it was very risky. He'd just have to make sure he gets to bang her on that day...he must do everything in his power to accomplish it.

He doesn't want it to seem like he didn't agree with her suggestion at all. She needed to have a taste of his dick, she was gonna benefit from it. He was gonna benefit from it as well 'cause f**king her would mean mission accomplished for him and he'd also gain strength from it.

..She wasn't aware of this, but he was gonna benefit from it more.

So he needed to agree to her suggestion though it was risky. As we all know, once that day reaches, and he doesn't succeed in conquering her...then mission failed.

"Okay, I agree, we'd do it next tomorrow". Aiden stated.

And the moment he made that utterance, a smile appeared on Lucia's face. Then she voiced out,

"Since that has been settled, we know where we're gonna meet to have sex and the time has been set as well. Now, how do we go about it?".

"What do you mean?". Aiden inquired with a bit of confused facial expression.

"That day isn't a free day for students, all students would be at school. I have to find a way to escape the knight that does pick me up and a certain guy as well. So would it be you'd come to this academy as early as and we'd head to an inn together, or something else?".

Aiden contemplated it for some seconds, and it was a good idea, there was no need for something else. Coming to this academy and the both of them heading to an inn together would be very great.

He and Anne had done something like that in the past, and it would most likely happen again...heading to an inn together. Now, the same thing would happen with Lucia as well.

He glanced at her and uttered, "That's a good idea, no need for something else. I'd be at this academy as early as on that day, and the both of us can head over to an inn together".

The people around weren't hearing their conversation due to their tone of wasn't that loud. And everyone was minding their business...

..She had a boy she was close to, it can even be said that they were dating. And now, she was about to have a taste of Aiden's dick in the next few days.

Isn't that cheating?...Yes, it can be considered cheating.

"Then everything has been settled, a plan has been made. What remains is for me to have a taste of your dick, I really want to have you. I hope nothing spoils our plan on that day". Lucia stated glancing at Aiden.

'I hope so too'. Aiden thought to himself.


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