Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 199 There's No Resting.

All the Dankworth family were sitting round the dining table currently having dinner. Aiden just kept munching and munching 'cause the food was delicious, he didn't take a break or something like that.

As he was eating, a nice aroma was entering his nose. This was the same day he went to the Trailes Academy, Lucia's academy. But as known, nothing went as planned. He tried not to think about it while eating.

They were still eating when Emma triggered a certain conversation, the one that was definitely gonna irritate Aiden.

"So, Hazel, when would your fiancee be coming here again?".

..Yes, this was a discussion that was gonna irritate Aiden, he hated when they were discussing such topics.

"I don't really know, I can't say mum, but he'd be visiting soon". Hazel responded as she had already stopped eating.

"But, how was the experience like when you went to his house, when the both of you hung out together?". Emma inquired of Hazel once again.

And Aiden was like, 'So you guys hadn't talked about this since? I mean, it's been some days since she last went to his house. Why do you have to ask her this right at the dining table?'.

..As known, this kind of conversation does irritate him, conversations about love and all that.

"It was a nice experience, mum. Oh! I guess we haven't gotten to talk about this yet. It was a really nice experience, like, we visited some places together, enjoyed ourselves, ate, drank, and so on. I enjoyed myself, that's for sure". Hazel responded once again.

'You guys didn't get to...make love?'. Aiden thought to himself, he was fooling around.

"From the smile on your face, I can tell you really enjoyed yourself that day". Ethan voiced out glancing at Hazel.

"Yes, dad, I did".

As usual, Lydia didn't say anything as she kept eating and listening to their conversation. As for Aiden, he wanted the conversation to end quickly.

"That young man is perfect for you, I'd be so happy if things can properly work out between you two so you could get married. He'd take care of you". Emma stated once again.

"Yes, mum, that's what I'm hoping for too". Hazel uttered.

Aiden was waiting for the conversation to end, but seems like it wouldn't end soon, it kept going and going...the same thing was repeating itself.

He didn't want to think about the event that took place at Lucia's academy, but due to the current conversation, he began thinking about it. He thought of how nothing went as planned, he didn't achieve a single thing today after going to her academy.

Then he thought of how Lucia sighted him dramatically. How he stood at the back of that boy so Lucia could sight him dramatically, and that would be one of the reasons why she wouldn't be able to stop herself from approaching him.

'After doing all that, she didn't still approach me, it was just a wasted effort'.

..Thinking about that made him want to laugh, it was a little funny to him.

And he didn't know when he burst out laughing...a little laughter. And the moment that happened, Ethan glanced at him and inquired,

"Why are you laughing?".

And it was at that moment Aiden realized, they were still conversing...and he's just disrupted their conversation.

"Oh! it's nothing". Aiden immediately voiced out.

"I hope it's not because of our discussion". Ethan stated once again.

"No, not at all".

And with that, they continued conversing while still eating. Aiden tried to push that thought off his head as he focused on his food. According to what he was seeing, they were gonna be discussing this topic for a long time.

His aim now was to finish eating and find his way to his room. He needed to ponder, he needed to strategize. Tomorrow, he was going to Lucia's academy again, he has to seduce and bang her completely.

..As far as the quest hasn't been accomplished, there's no resting.


Oliver and Ava asked this time. Ask about what? The reason why he's suddenly been disappearing. Yesterday, the moment it got to closing hour, he was gone. Who was gone? Aiden.

As we all know...he went straight to Lucia's academy. The day before yesterday, they couldn't find him after it got to closing hour. And he's been doing this for some other days.

Now, they wanted to know the reason why...

As known, he did this same thing the day before yesterday, and they didn't ask the reason why. Why did they choose to keep silent? It would be a hassle asking about it, so they decided to push it aside.

..Then he did it again yesterday, and they decided they'd ask him today.

Remember when Ava glanced back and didn't sight Aiden, yes, after that, she immediately signaled Oliver about it. And he had a kind of expression on his face that reads, 'Where has he been going to?'.

Well, they decided to ask him today, and today has arrived. They were at school currently.

"Aiden, where have you been going to? You know, anytime it gets to closing hour, you'd suddenly go missing, we wouldn't see you again. What has been happening, or you don't want to be going home with us anymore?". Oliver inquired of Aiden.

There was no teacher in their classroom currently, and Ava and Oliver were sitting in Aiden's seat. A little smile appeared on Aiden's face as he voiced out,

"No, that isn't the case".

"Then what's the case?". Oliver inquired of Aiden once again.

"It's just that some events have been taking place at home, so I had to be leaving on time".

..The same case...another big lie, he was leaving on time to accomplish a quest.

"Is that truly the reason?". Oliver inquired once again.

"Yes, wouldn't lie to you".

They believed him, you know, something like this has happened in the past. Where Aiden would tell them he needed to leave on time 'cause there was an event that was to take place at his home.

He wouldn't go home with them that day, he'd just leave the moment it gets to closing hour. That was what was happening now, so it wasn't hard for them to believe him.

Oliver and Ava were nodding their heads when Aiden's voice resounded again,

"And I'd be doing the same today as well".

"What does that mean?". Ava inquired.

"I'd be leaving on time, I wouldn't be able to go home with you guys today, the same thing would be repeating itself. The event is still ongoing, so I need to leave on time today too. I don't know how frequent this would be, but it would most likely end soon". Aiden voiced out.

Oliver and Ava nodded their heads in understanding, then Oliver's voice resounded,

"Aren't you gonna invite us to the event? Aren't we invited?".

"No, you aren't invited, it isn't something you should come to, this is family stuff".

There's no event to be invited to, wanting to come to the event would be like ruining his plans. Oliver and Ava nodded their heads in understanding again, and they didn't talk about that topic anymore, they moved to other topics.


Once a prey hasn't been caught, and you can keep working toward catching the prey, then you shouldn't stop, you shouldn't give up, you should keep working toward catching your prey.

..That's the case for Aiden now, his prey hadn't been caught, and he has to keep working toward catching it.

He was in front of the Trailes Academy again, he was here for Lucia again. Today had reduced the days to 3, so he had 3 days left to seduce and conquer Lucia.

He had already achieved the seducing aspect, what remained was to conquer her. And seems like conquering her was becoming too hard...she keeps walking toward him to approach him then suddenly changing direction.

Today, Aiden planned on making use of the rod increase...and he wouldn't waste time at all to activate it. As students were walking out of the academy, he was strolling into it with a determined expression on his face.

His face was bent a little like an assassin, and as he was getting close to stepping foot onto the compound, he uttered in his mind...

'Activate rod increase'.

..He got the system's notification immediately.

<Rod increase has been activated>

<5 Skill points have been deducted from your skill points>

He was still strolling when he felt his dick enlarging. He had arrived at the compound by now, and his cock kept increasing. His face wasn't bent anymore, it was now fully upright.

He was glancing at the students coming in front of him, and his dick kept increasing. The students walking past him and coming in front of him weren't noticing the size of his cock 'cause they didn't fix their gazes on it.

..Many of them didn't even glance at him at all not to talk of glancing at his dick.

Though the dick hadn't fully enlarged yet, anyone that glances at where his cock was situated would know that it was extra large.


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