Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Chapter 198 Nothing Went As Planned.

If she keeps doing this, then time would keep going, and in the end, he wouldn't be able to accomplish the quest though she's fallen for him already.

..As said, he has to do something about it.

He didn't plan on making use of any of the seduction skills today, he just needed her to approach him. But since things were going like this, then he might need to make use of one of them, skill points would be deducted from his skill points.

'Seems like she's forgotten how big my dick is when I make use of the rod increase. She's forgotten how badly she was craving it. Well, I better remind her'. Aiden thought to himself once again.

His gaze was focused on her currently as she was still strolling forward. And as he was about to say these words in his head, 'Activate rod increase'. He sighted that boy she was close to walking in that same corridor.

He'd soon arrive at the compound, and he was reaching the compound somehow early today. The moment Aiden set eyes on him, they widened, and this was the thought that ran through his mind at that moment...

'F**k, this is bad'.

..Yeah, really bad.

As known, he can't allow that boy see him, if he does, there'd be problem. And he hadn't activated the rod increase yet so he could use that in drawing Lucia back to approach him.

Things weren't going as planned at all. First of all, he didn't plan on making use of any of the skills at all, but 'cause of what Lucia did, he was about to activate one of them...that wasn't what he planned.

And now, he wouldn't even be able to activate the skill anymore 'cause the boy Lucia was close to was already coming. He can't let that boy set eyes on him, he'd have to leave.

..So for today, he wouldn't be able to achieve anything, damn! that's bad.

And he had 4 days remaining to seduce and conquer her, tomorrow would reduce it to 3 days. He couldn't even see the boy in the corridor anymore as of now, what does that mean? He was already descending one of the staircases.

Focusing his gaze on Lucia once again, Aiden thought to himself,

'I wouldn't let you do this to me, I'd be back. I must accomplish this quest no matter what it takes'.

And with that, he began taking steps backward, then he faced front and increased the pace at which he was walking out of the compound. He wasn't happy that he didn't achieve a single thing today, but he doesn't plan on giving up either.

And as for hiding his face a little so people wouldn't notice he was the son of Ethan Dankworth, he doesn't care about that anymore. He was just strolling out of the compound with his face upright until he walked out of the compound completely.

Not long after he had walked out of the compound, Lucia glanced back and was searching around for him. She first glanced at the spot at which he was standing before, but she didn't sight him.

Then she began glancing around in search of him, but she wasn't sighting him either. After she walked past him, she didn't know what to do next, so she just kept strolling forward until she reached a certain spot and stopped.

Now, if Aiden hadn't strolled out of the compound due to sighting the boy. The moment she'd glance back at him, the first thing she'd notice was his big cock 'cause he would have activated the rod increase by then.

..And that would most likely draw her back, she wouldn't be able to hold back herself, she'd begin craving it badly.

That pride that suddenly engulfed her would disappear...that is the power of a big rod. But glancing back now and even searching around for him, she didn't sight him, and she was disappointed.

..Why was she disappointed? Wasn't she the one that walked past him when she had the chance to approach him and make her request?

That is girls for you, she was the one that walked past him and now getting disappointed. Aiden had received his share of disappointment before he walked out of the compound.

'I have been waiting for him all this while, now, look at how I blew up everything. That was my chance, and I just walked past him? Where did that pride come from?'. Lucia thought to herself.

As of now, she had turned around completely, but she wasn't searching for Aiden anymore 'cause it has been confirmed that he wasn't around anymore.

'I really did waste my chance, what do I being the daughter of a high-ranked chief have to do with having a taste of his dick? I must try to approach him when next I set eyes on him, I wouldn't screw it up anymore'. Lucia thought to herself once again.

..Yeah, that was the thought that ran through her mind, but we all know girls, most of them are unreadable.

That day might come, she'd set eyes on him again and end up f**king up once more. She was still standing there with a lot running through her mind that she didn't know the boy she was close to had already reached the compound and was walking toward her.

The boy reached where she was standing, and she hadn't still noticed. Her gaze was just focused on the front with a lot running through her mind. The boy had to get her attention by calling out her name,


She glanced at him with a bit of shock, and the boy was like, "What is it? What was running through your mind".

"Nothing". Lucia responded.

"Are you sure it's nothing, 'cause till I walked toward you and reached where you were standing, you didn't notice me. Not until I called out your name that you noticed me. What was running through your mind and why was your gaze fixed on the front?". The boy inquired once again.

"I said it was nothing".

..And at that moment, the boy started suspecting.

Maybe that boy that approached him approached her, that's why her gaze was fixed on the front. He glanced at the front and even scanned around, but he didn't sight him.

Lucia glanced at the boy's face, and she easily discerned he was suspecting something. To remove any sort of suspicion that was being embedded in his heart, she voiced out,

"Do you truly want to know why I was glancing front and why my mind was busy?".

"Yes, that's why I was asking you". The boy stated.

"Well, I was waiting for the knight to come pick us up. I really want to go home, so I was wondering what time he was gonna arrive since he does arrive late. That's why my gaze was fixed on the front and why my mind was busy".

..A big lie...a very big one.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you sure this is the reason?". The boy inquired of Lucia.

"I'm telling the truth, that is the reason".

The boy nodded his head a little and voiced out, "Okay, if you say so, I believe you".

..Did the boy truly believe what she said? Yes.

Whereas she knew she was lying, but she didn't care about that. Even at that moment when the both of them were standing together, she was still thinking about Aiden.

'I'd try my very best to approach him this time the moment I set eyes on him, I'd try to push my pride aside, I need that dick, I need to have him'. She thought to herself once again.


Meanwhile, as Aiden was walking on the road heading toward his house, a lot was running through his mind. It was remaining 4 f**king days, he can't let this continue.

..You know, she walking toward him and suddenly changing direction.

Yes, the aim was to get her to approach him, but if he notices she keeps changing direction while walking toward him, he'd be forced to approach her.

He can't fail to accomplish the quest after all the effort he's put into accomplishing it...

He thought of the boy she was close to, and he muttered to himself,

"If not for that guy, she would have most likely still approached me by the time I make use of the rod increase. Nothing went as planned, but it isn't over".

A determined expression was on Aiden's face as he kept on strolling heading toward his home.


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