Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 3: My Beginning as a Guardian in the Shadows

Chapter 3: My Beginning as a Guardian in the Shadows

It was the evening of December 31 in the Alexiel calendar.

It has been almost a year since I met Amy.

After rescuing her we went into the forest.

In the forums I had found information that said that the witch of calamity had a secret base in the empire and after much searching, they finally found it.

It was a mansion hidden in the same forest where I rescued her.

Could it be a coincidence?

We went inside until we found a talisman in the shape of a goblin that acted as an X on the map.

I removed it and found a button, pressing it opened a hatch as if it were a subway bunker.

We entered, and after several minutes going down stairs we found it.

It was a subway mansion, almost like a castle because of its structure.

The garden was beautiful, it had different types of flowers in the surroundings.

But, this was not normal of course.

Everything looked new as if it had always been here.

It was there that I found the trap. This place was protected by ancient golems.

They were made of clay and rock.

They were heading towards us to attack us.

I'm smarter than them since in the forums they cracked the password to keep the golems from attacking you, I shouted at the top of my lungs.


And they stopped.

That was the original owner's password.

No information from him, but not that I cared.

We entered the mansion and everything was clean as on the outside.

As I walked through every inch of this place, I found a huge library with books of lost or ancient magical knowledge.

No use to me as I don't understand anything, but Amy seemed to understand what they were saying.

I asked her how she knew and she said.

"They are written in the Elvish language."

"I see."

Indeed, I don't understand a damn thing about the Elvish language as I didn't know of its existence.

So I told her to learn and memorize all the books that are useful to her.

Of course, I also told her that I am a reincarnate and that this world is that of an otome rpg-themed game.

She didn't seem to understand anything at all, so I added another detail to make her believe me.

A little white lie.

"Besides what I told you. I am a guardian of the world. I was sent here by the goddess Alexia to protect this world. That's why I saved you, you were going to suffer a fate worse than death."

With those words she now seemed to believe me, at least in what was a lie.

And so, days, weeks and months passed until the present date.

I came yesterday to notify Amy what we were going to do today.

Since there is also a place to train, I was there all day perfecting my attacks and skills with my magic attribute.

"It feels good this."

I was happy and relaxed due to this place possessing its own Jacuzzi.

"After spending two days training very hard for tonight at night, nothing better than enjoying a bit of relaxation."

"You're right about that, Razel-sama."

I turned around to see the owner of that voice.

It belonged to Amy.

She is 5 years older than me, that makes it the specimen of an older sister.

Pitifully it would be correct to say she is the type of a younger sister or childhood friend.

After visiting her daily, buying her things a girl would want, food and lots of clothes. She developed feelings for me.

It took me half a year to realize that, as when she prepared a dinner for the two of us, she was in a naked apron bringing the food.

At first I thought it was a joke or something, but she said.

"You saved me from a horrible fate, gave me a place to live, safety and food. You have watched over me every day that you can. How could I not fall in love with such a person. If you dislike my looks or my race, I'll understand."

When he said that, he looked sad, it was then where it seemed like an exact scenario from the romance novels I read in my spare time.

I didn't know what to say anymore this had never happened as a possibility in my head. So I decided to act as if it were the dialogues of those conquerors.

I approached her and took her in my arms. She seemed to be crying, after dinner. We had our first kiss followed by a splendid night that I only read about in fiction and dreamed about.

I never thought the female body was a godsend for men.

I spent every break I had with Amy, she seemed to want too. We got carried away and succumbed to the pleasurable feeling of a man and a woman.

I was worried that she would end up pregnant. I'm not saying that because I was terrified of being a father, that thought didn't cross my mind, but that if she got pregnant. She won't be able to help me in my plans.

There are no condoms in this world as it is an R15 game, but it seems that reality and the game are different as there are medicines for women that allow them to kill any bacteria or foreign substance that enters their body for 24 hours.

Back to her actual appearance.

She was totally naked. She was tall, with long limbs.

Juicy thighs that led to big hips and an ass meatier than beefsteak.

A slender, curvaceous waist that would be impossible to obtain.

For breasts, there were two large melons stuffed with meat. These were covered by a towel and her hand. The pink part of those melons were covered, it was sad not to see them, but the rest of the view was a delight.

Her face returned to normal after a while and now I can enjoy her beauty that is superior to those of a goddess.

A face that looked like that of a girl in a woman's body. Fleshy, red lips.

Blue eyes that reflected you on sight.

Long, silky blonde hair that reached to the floor was now pulled back in a large swirl behind her head.

Her pointed ears were also very cute. In fact, that was her weak spot, she became very submissive when she touched or nibbled on them.

Amy walked over to the edge and in a graceful and refined manner climbed down to my side.

The towel was at her side and now she was hugging me.

Her magnificent melons seemed to float in the water. I felt like playing with them.

"Oh, wow."

Amy said that. Her face suddenly turned red.

Then she proceeded to look at me.

"Razel-sama, I can tell you're in a good mood despite training very hard."

"I'm sorry. But you are beautiful and perfect."

I told Amy days ago that I wanted to have a harem. Since she agreed to be my wife, she must have known that I was obligated to have a legal wife. She left the room and after a while came back with several books.

They were all about concubines or duties of the legal wife.

Amy said to me in an energetic tone.

"Yes Razel-sama wants to have many women by his side, it is my duty as the main woman to grant his wish! Besides. yes, let's save the world, having a great offspring and enjoying the pleasures of life is a worthy reward for him!"

With those words, Amy began to study various topics about women and nobility that she did not know.

I took Amy by her shoulders and brought my face close to hers. Our lips touched and an affectionate embrace our tongues gave each other.

Amy said she wanted to make me happy, so she used her splendid huge breasts to rub a rod of flesh.

The rod was very happy, even more so as the two big melons played with the tip and a tongue ran over it whether it was licking it, giving it little nibbles or an affectionate kiss.

At the end of a while, the rod exploded a liquid that covered the top that was not in the water.

Amy swiped a cream that ran down her cheeks across her lips and said.

"Delicious. I hope this will one day give me several babies."

Those words and the innocence like lust in her gaze brought the rod back to life. This time the rod looked happy as it was about to enter a wet cave.

The Jacuzzi waters churned a lot, accompanied by noises of joy from two sides. As the waters finished churning, a loud noise of exclamation and happiness were heard.

Night had fallen. People were in the streets of their respective districts enjoying this special celebration.

I was with my family at the food stalls.

My mom was encouraging my dad to shoot some stuffed animals to get them.

My younger sister Gina, who was now 10 years old was with me. I also had Colin with me.

I was enjoying this day, but I was also killing time until the expected time.

Today is the day where one of the future traitors of Rosenberg Household, the family of the villain daughter, will return after purchasing a cursed item.

That item is a mind control ring. That individual gives it to the villain so she can use it on innocent members of her entourage to torment the protagonist.

I don't know why, but I found out from the guild that he is a nobleman from a viscount Household who has been making a lot of strange moves lately.

They told me about it since the guild master is very easy to get drunk, I don't like alcohol, but others do.

He spat out everything I asked. Fortunately, he won't remember our conversation.

"Onii-chan look!"

Gina came back with a toy in her hands. Looks like daddy won something else.

He said it was for Colin.

It's a miniature version of a giant robot.

It seems to be very popular as I see a lot of kids with them lately. He is jet black and very sturdy, his eyes are black and he seems to have something like a jet pack type suitcase on his back.

I asked her what his name was and she said.

"The strongest mobile knight, Battler."

What a weird, over the top name for a toy.

It was thirty minutes to twelve and for the fireworks to go off.

"Are you ready Amy?"

"Yes. Razel-sama."

Me and Amy were on the rooftop of a building near the viscount's mansion.

The knights patrolling nearby were gone, not due back for another 30 minutes. Time enough to destroy another possibility where the protagonist's safety is at risk.

The first was Amy and now I will help a little to make Eli's punishment small.

I was dressed in special clothing made of spider queen's body and web.

I could conduct electricity, gradually reduce physical damage by 20% and thanks to the slimes I caught, Amy was able to make a spell that repelled magical attacks.

While she... for some reason wore a very elegant and beautiful dark blue dress.

The dress had an opening near her left leg so, her thigh could be seen by everyone. Her back was uncovered, it showed a sensual aura, it was designed with a star so the back was not so uncovered.

The front part showed a lot of her big melons which she appreciated resting in the open air since she was not wearing a bra.

All of that was fastened in a light tie around her neck. I asked her, "We came on a mission, not to a party". And she answered me. "The mission will be a piece of cake, so there's no harm in enjoying the night afterwards, is there?"

I sighed. "Suit yourself, let's get to it."

The two of us disappeared like the shadows we are to go in and annihilate them all. It's cruel and sad that poor devils have to die, but it's not my fault that happens to them.

A man was sitting drinking tea.

"Today was a busy day."

He had returned from buying various items.

"I spent a fortune on those rings, ushishi."

Just as he said, he had bought unique items and among them were some rings.

"Now I will be able to betroth any woman without the need to give money."

The man had been affiliated with Duke Rosenberg's Household several years ago, but not now.

"I wonder which girl I should start with?"

Just as his mouth turned into a morbid smile, a man came in shouting.

"Arcel-sama there's trouble!"

The nobleman showed no change in his expression. He only said.

"Tell Liberta and Squalo to take care of it."

"But my lord. they are dead!"

The nobleman spat out his tea.

"Dead? Impossible!"

"It's the truth!"

"... In that case, tell Abel and Marcel to go. They are our second best knights after those two dead ones!"

"They're dead too! The intruders entered through different sales and started killing everyone! With my own eyes I watched as Abel and Marcel were decapitated by a guy in a hood!"

"Damn it... Tell those adventurers to go!"

Before he noble could say anything else, a large explosion was heard on the first floor of the mansion.

The explosion was small, so it was controlled fire so that no one would notice.

At that moment, footsteps were heard approaching.

The man who came to inform his lord what was happening, ran out of there.

The nobleman was startled to see the figure of a beautiful woman entering his room.

It was Amy.

"Viscount Arcel von Lussuria. Your crimes against humanity will be erased before it occurs to you to do so."

Amy held out her hand, a purple magic circle manifested on the front of her hand and then....

After entering the viscount's mansion, I met many guys.

"Who is this guy?"

"Intruder, kill him!"


So that no one would recognize me, I wore a black iron mask with a strange mark on the front.

I bought it from a random store.

Even if they trace it, many people bought it, so it would be impossible to find out who it is. That's because gentlemen are lazy.

Usually there are no real crimes, but murder is something that happens secretly all over the world.

That's why assassins take care of their victims when they're on the road.

No one would be such an idiot to attack in the capital where the strongest knights of the empire, the sword saints, reside.

But I am neither an assassin nor an idiot.

I am a guardian in the shadows.

I protect the world from a future where there is a possibility of everything going wrong. I will prevent that future at any cost.

My weapon to kill these guys was a height meter which I used as a whip or sword.

Because of my lightning magic, I can send light electric shocks to harden it or not.

I would slit throats, pierce the heart or split enemies in two.

I'm not a sadist, so I opted to kill them in the quickest and least painful way possible.

Some weird guys who like to be strong came to kill me. They were not, and that I am very weak.

Right now I was facing a huge, bald guy with tanned skin who said.

"You did well, dwarf. but your luck ran out when the former B-ranked adventurer and now mercenary, the mighty Gladius-sama came to kill you!"

He had two large, heavy swords called claymore.

He was on alert. B-rank adventurers are not hired as backguards or mercenaries if they don't prove their skills first.

The big guy was approaching, swinging his right hand sword at me.

The sword hit the ground, that was because....

"You're too slow~"

This guy moves slow.

Or maybe, I'm faster?

I let him try to hit me to see if that was the case.

"Son of a bitch, don't think you're such a big deal!"

Now he was coming up to hit me sideways with his two swords.

I counted the seconds. 1... 2... 3. How boring.

Time really was slow. Which meant that, my magic of using the electricity coursing through my body as a kind of cloak was working.

I must practice it more.

"Seriously. How slo~w yo~u are~"

The big guy looked annoyed, his face was red.

"I've had it with you motherfucker!!!"

The big guy put his arms at his sides forming an X with them.

"I was planning to use this technique against one of the three swords. But you'd be a perfect candidate to try it out, hehehe."

The magical power was visible, imbuing the swords with a deep blue color.

"Eat this! Sound speed slash!"

His arms left his position to launch a movement in the shape of two crescent moons that were together forming an X.

The attack was directed at high speed. Normally, a person would not be able to block this. It would be their imminent death.

Sure, if that person wasn't me after my arduous training with Amy who used attacks that could kill me.

I simply stepped aside, as if I were a bad comedy anime.

The attack continued on past some knights who were coming behind to help. They were unlucky and were killed.

The big guy was smiling until he saw me that I didn't have a scratch on me.

I glared at him and said.

"I don't know who you were planning to attack with that, but if your opponent had been Lambert. You would have already been dead before you threw it."

With a quick wave of my hand, I cut the guy's head off. It fell to the ground and a fountain of blood spurted out of the severed spot.

"Hmph. This seems to be easier than I thought. Maybe I shouldn't have told Amy to come."

"Leaving your back uncovered is a foul mistake. Talking is too, but it's too late for you."

I heard a voice come from behind me.

It was only two seconds that passed before I noticed it.

A large long black saber was approaching from my right.

Dodging it was impossible. Just like the current, it just sent my body to the left as if I had stumbled.

Another two seconds passed and I fell to the ground, the black saber followed long to where my head was.

I took a big leap forward and then stood on guard.

"Oh, you dodged it? Way to go."

I watched the person who said that to me after trying to take my life.

He was a man dressed in blue-collar rags. He wore a short red-brown scarf.

His hair was spiky and short, it was a mess.

His beard was badly shaved.

His eyes were black and gave the impression of laziness.

Despite his appearance, he had good muscles.

In his right hand he held a Japanese katana that only samurai would use.

The steel of the sword was a very dark black.

The handle looked like it had been bitten by a dog and a silhouette of a flower was in the middle.

I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Who the hell are you you bastard!"

The guy was staring at me. His left hand moved to his right shoulder and he pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

He placed one in his mouth and snapping his fingers lit the cigarette.

After inhaling and then puffing he said.

"An ordinary rank A adventurer, Kurogane the lazy edge calls me."

In short, you are lazy.

Wait a moment. That name I think I know.

Think Razel, think...

I remember it!

"You... You're the spittiest A-rank adventurer in the adventurer's guild!"

This guy somehow managed to make it to the last A-rank position. but he's so lazy and lazy that he just stays there until he's called to work.

"Indeed. That's me."

Don't take it easily!

What is he doing here?

More important than that. what the hell is something similar to Japan doing here!!!?

I remember reading that they wanted to put Japanese stuff in, but complained that it would be too monotonous and absurd, so the idea was scrapped.

Would this guy be a vestige of it?


The guy was talking to me.

"I got up from my nap and now I have to work."

Don't sleep during work!

"Sorry. I don't know who you are or what you do, but you're going to have to stop here or else..."

The guy got into an attack stance.

His left foot in front and his right hand ready behind.

I got into attack position as well.

"Interesting. A strong opponent at last."

And so, we began our battle.

"Why did you do that?"

Amy launched a magical attack straight at the nobleman, but it was blocked by a third party.

He was sitting in a nearby armchair drinking straight from a bottle of vodka.

He was dressed in white, wearing a pointed black hat with white lines down the sides.

He had a wooden staff with an animal skull and crystal embedded in the center.

His hair could not be seen, but his face could. His mouth was small and a light brown beard was visible.

His eyes were blindfolded for some reason.

"You took too long you idiot!"


Amy turned her face in disgust towards the wizard.

The wizard smiled wickedly.

My work should have been finished since we arrived at his Household, but I was left drinking his liquor.

"You fucking bastard! No. Finish it!"

The magician stood up and his bloomers made a flatulence sound.

"That was a really good magic attack, was that level 2 or 3 magic by any chance?"

Amy didn't answer.

"Wow. A quiet one. How boring!"

The mage directed his staff towards Amy and a red light appeared behind a magic circle.

In these modern times, things like wands and staffs are old-fashioned. The reason was mostly for fashion.

In the game that was the excuse for not using them. That seems to be normal in this world as well.

The wizard after seeing the cloud of smoke laughed.

"Hahaha! Clearly this was going to happen if you were facing Judecca von Superbia, seat #9 of the 10 holy wizards.... huh?"

The mage stopped laughing when he saw a flower shield covering Amy. She still wouldn't look at him and just said.

"That's it?"

The wizard started to get annoyed and from the back of his throat he shouted.

"You fucking bitch how dare you belittle me!"

He raised his staff and a large magic circle manifested in the air.

"Try the level 4 magic I overcame the 10th seat with!"

The entire room went dark and everything was swallowed up by absolute darkness.

Amy and the friend were the only ones inside that darkness.

"Kakaka. Space-time magic: void room. You won't be able to escape from here whether you want to or not."

Amy looked at her surroundings, but not at the mage.

"I'm going to rape you bitch for belittling me! I'll use those big tits just like that fat ass all day long, kakaka!"

Hearing that, Amy for the first time turned her gaze to the wizard.

"What was that you said?"

The magician was in a distant position, smiled and said.

"That I-"

She couldn't finish what she was going to say as her legs were cut by something.

He also didn't feel pain until a few seconds had passed where he let out a scream of absolute pain.

"U- Uwaaaaaaa!!!"

"My legs! My legs are gone! What did you do to me you fucking who-!"

The friend was silent after seeing what was going on.

He wore a blindfold so he could see the magic power. It was a very normal training in fact.

But since he had his eyes blindfolded, the mage was only observing the vast amount of magical power that was gathering in one place.

There were a dozen giant magic circles which were rotating counterclockwise.

The magician peed himself after feeling that absurd amount of magical power.

"You... how come..."

The magic circles gathered to form a double six-pointed star.

"That's magic level 5! How come you can use it?"

In the game, magic levels were measured based on their states. But in this world they are measured by how big the magic circle is.

Amy told the friend she wanted to cry.

"How dare a miserable, pathetic human being like you talk to me like that?"

Amy's eyes turned red and her blonde hair was turning white at the ends.

"I am Razel-sama's wife! No man has the right to touch me other than him! Worst of all, you dare to want to defile my body that was saved by him... unforgivable! Unforgivable. Unforgivable!"

The magic circle finished forming and a violet light manifested. It was ready to strike at any moment.

"About what you said, it's not level 5 magic. It's level 6."

The mage's snot like tears came down after hearing that.

"They're not worth or worth using level 7."

Amy raised her hand to the sky and then....


A great glow covered the entire dark room and the friend's last words before his body was evaporated were.

"So this is the upper level. Oh... god Eibos, how wonderful it is-"

The mage was erased as was the black room.

My battle against the adventurer was intense.

I was astonished to see a black mist emanating from his katana.

That black mist was so intense that it swallowed everything.

I had secretly kept some shurikens I made and had electrocuted them.

But they were devoured as well.

One thing I realized is that not only the demon race could use dark magic. Humans too, a small percentage of them are born with this ability.

That was what this guy was telling me while we were fighting.

We entered the party room.

We started destroying everything as we ran at high speed to try to cut each other.

He was running at the same speed as me.

Since the boots he was wearing were covered with electricity. It allowed me to run great lengths without getting tired.

We were now on the roof and my whip was the only thing that could not be swallowed by the fog.

It seems that, being a thin object, it can't be swallowed. I say this since the tablecloths were not being absorbed by the fog, but the glass beakers were.

It was there that I came up with a brilliant idea.

I stopped sending electricity to my boots and fell to the floor.

A large cloud of dust covered the environment. Then I threw my thin sword at the guy.

He was falling too, it was headed straight for him. He caught it without much trouble.

It was then that I shouted.

"You idiot, you're an idiot!"

He must have noticed something he threw the sword away and then stepped back.

It's for that very reason that I called you an idiot.

He didn't notice that the glass cups had water in them.

The water must have been there since some soldiers must have been playing.

Stupid that, but I noticed it after seeing the door open before we went in.

Normally it should have been closed and we should have broken it, but we just walked in.

I don't know what the hell they wanted to do. Maybe make some sort of rhythmic sonata because of the way they were stacked.

"Be done!"

As I yelled that, the guy belatedly realized that a large amount of water was surrounding us.

I bent down to touch the water and yelled.

"Lightning magic: electrifying palm!"

A blue flash quickly flashed across the ground reaching his feet.


Screamed the adventurer as he was electrocuted.

After several seconds passed. The adventurer began to char and collapsed on the ground.

I walked over to him to give him the coup de grace.

I turned him over to plunge my sword into his chest, but he grabbed my foot.

With his mouth he could barely utter sounds.

"...Wh...o...are you...?"

That question stumped me.

I am without a doubt a guardian of the shadows.

I want to help the main characters in any way I can to make it easier for them to defeat the demon kings.

But... my identity may be in danger.

I'm talking about this one. My true identity is safe as long as this mask is on.

My mask...

It is covered in black with a slit in the shape of 4 bars at the mouth. The eyes are exposed to see clearly without any problem.

But the most striking detail is that the mark on the forehead is the symbol that was known as a swastika. The mark of Buddhism that represents prosperity.

I am an existence that works from the shadows to help save the world from its ruin. I am a black dot in the world, but being the one who tries to save it. I would consider myself a white dot in a sea of darkness.

Therefore, the most appropriate name would be...

"... I am Licht. The keeper of the shadows."

The guy laughed a little.

That was the last thing he did before putting him out of his misery of this world.

After finishing off the guy, I headed for the nobleman's bedroom.

I eliminated everyone who was still alive.

After arriving, I found Amy who had the guy's severed head on her desk.

She seemed to be reading something.

She noticed my presence and with a childish tone of joy said.

"Razel-sama, I finish quickly!"

It was only a short time before the 30 minutes were up.

"What are you looking for?"

"I found the record of the rings. I went to destroy them while you were fighting."

I wanted to say, "You would have helped me then!" But I'd better shut up.

"Anything important besides that they were to be used for evil?"

"Nothing is written, just a message from your salesman."

The merchant, the source of the one who gave cursed items to the traitorous nobles and the villain's faction.

"That's interesting, what does it say?"

"It just says that it depends on the magical power of the wearer how long the effect lasts."

Depends on the magic power?

That I didn't know, but thank you.

"Let's destroy this place and get out."

I turned to leave, but Amy told me to wait a moment.

As I turned and said, "What's wrong?" She said. "The vendor is someone who belongs to the second prince's faction here she says."

My eyes widened at that surprise.

The second prince of the empire... this is something big and bad.

No doubt, being a guardian who lies in the shadows is chaotic.

"We'll save it for later. Let's go."


We left the place and then Amy used fire magic. I don't know what her attribute was herself, but she could use several types, not to say almost all but light and dark.

She lamented not being able to heal me.

I watched from a rooftop as the mansion went up in flames burning any trace of evidence or remnants that could be used for evil.

Amy hugged me.

I looked at her and said.

"Are you cold?"

She replied.

"No. It's just that today is the last day we will see each other daily."

"That's true."

She was saddened as she learned that tomorrow was the day she was entering the royal academy of magic.

In the game, this meant that I was finally going to enter the prologue of this game.

Finally, my life as a guardian among the shadows would begin.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot."

Before Amy arrived, I went to a store and bought something.

It was cause for celebration because it was our first New Year's Eve together.

She opened the plastic bag and took out a headband.

It was black with two butterflies the color of her eyes on the ends.

It's a little childish, but I don't know what to get a girl.

Amy saw it, smiled and cried.

"... Thank you. Your gifts are just a token of your affection for me."

She hugged me as she cried with joy.

This is a smile that I did not expect to protect by turning the tide of gradually eliminating the powerful and enigmatic enemies.

Now, it will only remain for you. Protagonist and capture targets save the world.

And so I can enjoy my quiet life surrounded by the harem I deserve.


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