Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 2: The Calamity Witch can’t be that cute!

Chapter 2: The Calamity Witch can’t be that cute!

A couple of years have passed since the day I said goodbye to the villainess daughter of the duke and moved with my family to the imperial capital of the Arklight Empire.

The capital is the largest territory in the entire empire. Its size is equivalent to half of all of Asia.

The structures range from modernized ancient buildings to more luxurious 21st century buildings.

Depending on the area you live in, you will see more cars than carriages.

We live in the southern part, but in the farthest out and cheapest priced part of the apartments.

My younger sister is now 10 years old, and my parents have added a new member to our family, my younger brother, Colin.

He is four years old and already knows how to talk, unfortunately he is more attractive than me.

Colin, your older brother wishes you a life full of beautiful women who want to be part of your harem.

Oh, I forgot to mention this.

At the age of 18 you will be forced to marry, whether you want to or not. The imperial palace decided this so that bachelorhood among nobles would not be a problem.

Apparently several years ago there was a problem with a low birth rate, women were reluctant to marry because men were cretins.

That was the excuse of the otome game so that the protagonist could have several boys after her engagement and not cause trouble.

The empire supports and approves of having concubines, there will always be a legal wife. Mistresses are frowned upon among women, but not for men.

In fact, for men the number of mistresses represents how powerful you are.

That is why the protagonist could be the bride of the prince as well as the heir of a duke and have no problems.

But, because there is always one. In the game it was fine, but if we do it in reality, that would cause more of a conflict between the imperial family, the duke's house and the other three houses involved.

For that reason, I am afraid of the future of this country.

I'm not interested in the female protagonist enjoying her boyfriends, I'm more interested in the future thanks to the end of the game when the prince becomes the next emperor.

The child, he has with the protagonist will be the future heir, if he becomes the reverse harem route it would be terrifying to recognize the child of the one who belongs to him.

There are no DNA tests, for pregnancies yes, but not to know whose child it is.

The developers didn't care about that it seems. Or maybe the empire is too lazy.

In any case, I'll just pray that the protagonist ends up related to only one of them.

Now with what I was with, visiting the capital's adventurer's guild.

The central adventurer's guild was located in the imperial capital.

The place was as big as a stadium for a world soccer match.

The interior was highly decorated with monster heads, monster body parts; horns, claws, tails, wings, etc.

There are also holographic photographs of the adventurers who hunted them, of course, this was the work of magic. A magic circle was on the floor which reproduced the image every so often.

On the ceiling there were magic lamps which lit up with a clap of the hands.

The electric energy worked thanks to a magic stone called lacryma.

The lacryma were magic stones that gave a certain object that came out in the game, it was known as the big tree. But that's not important at all.

He was passing through the crowd as the guild master, Jerome, a rough looking and rude man was standing on a table.

His stomach was bandaged, his muscular arms were uncovered as was his burly chest.

His face was very serious, his eyes were blue, he wore a red bandana with three 6's making a circle for the yellow-green diamond lying there.

The most significant feature of his appearance was that he was bald.

A large bald head reflecting the sunlight was what I and others looked at instead of his face or listening to him, unintentionally muttering under our breath, "He's bald."

He couldn't hear us thankfully. Now with what he was saying.

"To all members of rank D and C, listen carefully to what I'm about to say!"

After spending five whole years completing over 300 missions I managed to get promoted to D rank.

I finally entered the tutorial on how to be a true adventurer.

"A nobleman has sent a special request for urgent content."

"It seems that his daughter has fallen ill with a disease that healing magic cannot heal."

That's because it depends on the individual's magic power. Although well, if the illness is very lethal, even having several people healing her won't be able to do it.

"The request is to go to vanfield forest and find a grayish tulip."

(Wait, did he just say what I think he said?)

"As you know, the forest area is full of monsters of great danger. But the grayish tulip grows in the areas where merchants roam around looking for materials to sell, so it is suitable for adventurers like yourselves."

They all had faces of wanting to ask the obvious, in my case not, as this is a golden opportunity.

"From their faces I gather they think some trader must have it. Let me tell you, if they did, they would not have sent this request to us with the words 'urgent'."

No doubt about it, that's what this is.

"The B-rank adventurers have refused to do so, so we can only rely on the C- and D-rank adventurers."

Yes. The mission to retrieve the tulip is a side event in the game. It's an unimportant mission, but it's just in that event that something important happens, I can't miss the opportunity for it.

I raised my hand to ask to be allowed to participate, a few others did too.

"Hmph. They are too few, no one else?"

Even if they wanted to do it, this won't give them the experience needed to gain points in moving up the ranks.

So I understand why they don't care to do it.

The guild master looked a bit annoyed at the lack of interest from many.

"Good. You will leave immediately after gathering what you need, I will choose the leader from among you."

Yes. I'm in, now I will be able to do my main goal having reincarnated in this world.

Helping from the shadows to the main character and capture targets.

We were a group of two dozen adventurers.

We came in four carriages, our ranks were more than half D rank and what was left over as C rank.

The leader of the group was a tall, muscular man, dressed in elite soldier's clothing as he had firearms with him.

His name was Leo, his face was very serious, with an X-shaped scar on his left cheek, his hair was a dull red and his eyes were brown.

He was clearly a nobleman for having those weapons.

I once wanted to find out why there were no crossbows, they are faster and more effective than bows, but inferior to rifles.

The answer I got on the forums was that the developers forgot.

Very disappointing all around.

We went into the forest two days ago and found nothing.

The time limit we were given is four days.

By not fulfilling a mission or leaving it abandoned in the middle, it is a breach as your adventurer obligations, the punishment is to lose points to move up in rank, be demoted a rank or two, but the worst of all is to be stripped of your credential, you can never be one again if you try to make a living from it.

Maybe a few knew how hard it would be to find that tulip, but that flower is my lowest priority. My real goal is another one, but I'm partly afraid I won't find it.

The sun was setting and we decided to rest.

I reached for my canteen and drank as if I hadn't had a drink in days.

Thanks to the technological advances of magic, the poured liquid will stay hot or cold depending on your tastes.

I was now munching on a sandwich my mom made me. It was ham and cheese, my favorite in my previous life.

When I was a simple student of Japanese origin, I was lazy and didn't want to do anything, not even work. But when I reincarnated here, I had to get used to moving my body daily.

At first I didn't want to, but my father's strong and big fists on my small head were enough motivation to get up as soon as the sun rose.

I also didn't understand the importance of money as I spent it on frivolities.

But after experiencing poverty, I now wish I had a lot of money.

The leader, Leo, sat across from me.

We all had to stay together in case of attack by some wild animal or monster.

He ate some hard-boiled eggs with an energy drink.

I was terrified of people like that, it reminds me of my arithmetic teacher who gave me dirty looks for not answering a question correctly.

"Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom."

Said an adventurer. He was asking permission as we were to report to the leader for anything, small or stupid.

Leader Leo motioned with his face for him to go.

I resumed my eating as I needed a lot of energy to look for that flower.

The adventurer left his group to sow compost to mother nature.

After being ready to water the compost, a hole opened up in the area where he was.

After falling into that hole he fell unconscious for a few minutes.

After waking up, he shook his head.

Then, he turned his neck in different directions to see where he was.

The man walked after shining his flashlight into the darkness.

Dampness along with a strong smell of sulfur permeated the place.

The man wanted to escape quickly from there as he could not climb up.

After walking for several minutes, he found something.

A glow was shining thanks to the lantern light.

The man approached it and after checking a photograph he had in his pocket, he marveled at it.

"I found it, haha, I found it!"

It was the flower they were looking for.

The man pulled out a glass container to tear off and place the flower in there.

He was so cheerful that he didn't notice something watching him from the ceiling.

After closing the container, a strange liquid fell on his shoulder.

The man wiped it off after making a nauseous face.

He shone a light on the ceiling to find out where that liquid came from, after shining the light on the ceiling, he let out a girlish scream.

Me and the others were looking for a guy who went to the forest to sow more manure and got lost it seems.

We shouldn't waste time looking for him, but losing members on a mission is something that also lowers points.

It seems that teamwork is just as important as it is in the game.

Just when I was about to tell the leader that it was useless to keep looking for him, that it was better to abandon him and resume the search for the flower, a scream we heard from far away.


The scream was accompanied by a slight tremor.

Looking to the direction where the voice came from, we found something unexpected.

The guy was running, in his hands he had the flower we were looking for, was the good thing.

The bad thing was, behind him was a giant spider.

"Everyone on guard!"

"It doesn't look like just a giant spider!"

"Maybe it's a queen spider?"

It's like it says, in the game when finding the tulip, they never showed where it was because, if they had, I wouldn't have wasted two days looking for it.

The enemy guarding it was a giant spider queen.

Its color was black, it had horns coming out of its body.

Its terrifying red eyes saw different prey.

We were seconds away from confronting it.

The leader told us to make a circle to surround it, but many chickened out and ran away.

Of the two dozen, there were only 14 of us left.

The leader became annoyed and shouted.

"Prepare for combat!"

None had worked with another, perhaps, but that just meant our chances of survival were low.

Clearly I speak for them, I don't plan to die.


That was what came from the back of our throats.

Some approached to want to cut him down with magical power.

Others used bows, a magic circle appeared on the arrows and when shot they turned into a wind ox, a fire bird and a fire tiger.

They all hit the spider, but these monsters have an outer skin which resists magical powers.

That was the mechanism to not finish the monsters easily using Jake's or Oscar's magic.

Those that attacked head-on were instantly annihilated by the spider's long legs.

It was 14 meters tall and 15 meters wide.

It looked like a mechanical game come to life.

I looked at Leo who pulled his rifle from his back.

He took from his pocket a bullet, it was as big and long as an adult's finger.

He aimed it at the spider and after pulling the trigger, a golden magic circle manifested.

From the circle was fired a bullet of electricity which hit the spider in the eyes.

It staggered for a moment, everyone rejoiced, but it didn't last long.

The spider got more upset and crushed the guy holding the flower. Fortunately, the flower was fine, the guy was not.

Does that make me insensitive? I don't mind if it does.

I don't see it as an NPC, but as a person, I don't give a damn about the safety of others.

I was always selfish.

Leo would yell at me.

"You brat, move your ass!"

"Don't worry, I know his weakness."

In the game I had a hard enough time figuring out her weakness, I spent hours trying to figure out a strategy to kill her.

I said to the leader.

"Do you have an explosive type bullet? If so, please give it to me."

His face turned to mine and said.

"Hah, are you crazy, I won't give you one of my expensive bullets!"

Understandable that, and even the most logical thing in the world.

"But you have no choice but that."


He didn't understand what I was talking about until I pointed out how the spider had killed almost all the members.

Some were using magic shields to keep the spider from killing them with its legs.

She could use her web, but I gather she considers us inferior beings so she wouldn't spend on it, but what a trusting idiot.

"I know her weakness, please give me a bullet."

He seemed reluctant to give me a bullet.

Old man, this is not the time to be stingy.

"... Fine, here. But, if you happen to miss and we survive, you'll have to pay me 100 gold pieces!"

(Uwahh~! Is it that expensive? I'd better stop joking and get serious).

He handed me the bullet, then stretched my arms like I was a pitcher in a baseball game.

One thing I haven't updated on my adventurer's credentials is the fact that I'm finally showing off my magic element.

At birth, the goddess Alexia blesses all humans with a special magical attribute.

In the game it was known as elemental magic and there were seven types: fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, light and darkness.

The latter was only obtained by those who belonged to the clan of the demon race.

I don't understand how a goddess can give that to demons or create that element, but that's how it was in the game.

The funny thing is that in this world it was not called that, it was known as arcane magic and there are different types of attributes. Commoners also possess that, and like nobles are not exempt from baptism.

At the age of 10, boys and girls from different parts of the country must go to the church of the three gods.

After praying to the statue of the goddess Alexia, you will be able to acquire the magical attribute you were born with.

I don't understand why at that age? But what's the difference.

Everyone can use things that are not magical attributes from childhood such as muscle strengthening, running and jumping to great heights, etc.

Back to this spider.

After stretching my arms, I placed in the middle my left hand which held the bullet with two fingers from its center.

To my right hand I sent magical power, a light bright blue color manifested.

Thanks to the goddess, the element I was born with is one of the least used because it takes a long time to charge it.

But in the game it was my favorite.

That was lightning.

Small traces of electricity appeared.

I clenched my right hand very tightly so that the magic power would be imbued inside my fist to gain more destructive power and speed.

After holding it for quite a while like this, I finally found the opportunity.

"Eat this!"

The spider turned towards us after almost killing everyone, the moment its grotesque mouth opened to show its fangs, I moved my right hand while the middle finger was pressed my thumb.

"Lightning magic: deadly accurate shot!"

I removed my thumb and my middle finger hit the back of the bullet.

As if in slow motion, electricity surrounded the bullet, spinning at incredible speed.

In less than the blink of an eye, the bullet entered its ugly mouth.

Brief seconds passed, a great sound could be heard from inside the spider, which emanated smoke from its mouth.

It seemed to stagger, so it tried to run away, I won't let you do it.

"Old man, give me another one!"

The leader was astonished at that, quickly gave me the same kind of bullet.

The spider was speeding away while making a squick squick type sound.

Since I was in its rear, I had the bullet and my arm ready. I did the same thing I did earlier.

"Lightning magic: accurate shot up the butt!"

The bullet was shot into her fat gigantic ass, to be exact, straight into her anus where it shot its web.

It seemed to feel them.

For it wiggled that fat ass from side to side and one seconds later it exploded.

Rest of the spider grotesques flew away and some fell on me.

The leader and survivors came to see me.

After finding the spider scattered in pieces, the leader came up to me and hugged me.

"Boy, that was amazing!"

I don't think I liked being praised and hugged by an old man with a scraggly beard.

"Now that the spider is dead, let's go back to the guild and report this along with the flower."

"We'll get lectured for losing limbs and not escaping, but when we show them this they won't drop points at least."

Well, now that's all settled. I must wait until tomorrow night.

After returning to the guild and reporting what happened, I took a carriage and had it drop me off as close to the vanfield forest as possible.

I walked to the area where the spider appeared as it was near there that they appeared.

I secretly waited for it to get dark and listened for their voices.

After a couple of hours, I heard some men talking.

"Transporting this secretly is problematic."

"No doubt it is, but the price for this is 1000 white gold pieces."

"We'll be filthy rich and live among luxuries forever, hahaha."

About four men were camping out. They were bringing various boxes of large and small size.

In the game, one of the demon kings, the strongest of all, had with him only seven minions.

Those seven subordinates were known as the seven bearers of the deadly sins.

Apparently, the demon king gathered living beings who possessed a hatred that made their magical power soar to the sky. Almost rivaling the weaker demon king.

These guys were slave sellers.

Slavery is not frowned upon and is a legal business. The problem is that in the game the developers after including it thought you would get in trouble with the law for promoting slavery in a game, so they put in text that said.

We don't support slavery, but this is necessary for the plot. So we decided that slaves will be frowned upon by nobles.

With that said, if you have a slave they will mock you believing that you can't pay your underlings or that your vassal houses will leave you once they reach 100 years of work to be official nobles.

These guys have a certain person as their product. In the game she was known as the Witch of Calamity, the right hand of the strongest demon king and the bearer of the sin of pride.

While I was searching the forums for information on how to defeat the spider, I found a certain article that said.

We have discovered thanks to a secret interview at a ramen stand, that one of the developers revealed that the witch was originally sold after the last deadline day of the tulip event.

I don't know the details, but if the events run smoothly, it means that everything happens just like in the game. Which is good, since what I'm going to do to these guys is not something that is well regarded.

While they were eating, one of them decided to go to the bathroom.

He walked over in my direction and proceeded to unzip his pants.

I had practiced since I was a child with rabbits, my hand was shaking, I was scared many times and vomited during the process, but after taking a life from a defenseless being, I can do it with someone who profits from the defenseless.

I jumped out of my hiding place and covered its mouth with my hand and then pierced its throat with one of the spider's legs.

I dragged him inside the place so they would not hear anything.

After hiding the body, I circled a bit around the position of the guy who was eating a fried chicken leg.

My breathing was between cut off, my hands were shaking and my eyes were blurred.

I stopped thinking after developing Shadow Mode, the two guys in front were chatting happily with the guy who was my target.

After getting close enough, I pierced his throat with the spider's leg and shouted at the top of my lungs.


The other two guys were trying to pull out their firearms, but I was faster.

With my left hand I had a silver nugget I bought before I came.

It was used for marbles game.

I aimed at the head of the guy who already had his gun ready and the nugget pierced his temple in one hit.

The man next to him panicked.

"Please don't kill-!"

"Too late."

Generating a slight electric shock in my fingers, I turned it into a razor that could scrape skin.

The shock was strong enough to rip off a chunk of skin which spat blood like a fountain.

The guy was convulsing as he tried to keep the blood from his neck from spurting out in droves.

Not giving it any more thought, I walked over to the boxes covered by a tarp.

Removing one, I understood that they were cells.

Some had animals in them, others monsters, and one or another had a beastman inside.

To move something like that, a device similar to a small remote control was used, in this world it acted as a load mounter, but it wore out quickly and was expensive. So it was better than one.

Only one was missing, I hope it's there. If it's not, I'll be a murderer who killed these guys for no apparent reason.

Not that I care if their blood was spilled, but it would be bad for my nights if these guys showed up while I was sleeping.

Upon reincarnating in this world and understanding the danger that was coming in the future, I granted myself to be a guardian angel from the shadows.

I was going to help the main characters as much as I could so that their chances of winning the holy war at the end of the game would be better.

So... it's time to die, you witch who annoyed me so much!

I fiercely removed the tarp to throw myself against the horrible witch.

The problem and the most unexpected thing came in doing so.

"... Huh...?"

In front of me, there was supposed to be a horrible looking woman and also an ugly old one.

But what my eyes observed was not that.

She was beaten and with dirt on her body, completely naked.


"What the hell is this!"

She wasn't a horrible witch.

"Why is the hideous witch in that game a beautiful girl!"

A peerless beauty was behind these bars.

Her skin was snow white, her blonde hair was so long that she could wear it as a coat. Her eyes were crystal blue like the waters of the Caribbean.

But the most amazing detail was not her beauty, nor that her body showed malnutrition and was very thin.

But those two huge melons resting on her knees!

Two magnificent pairs of water balloons the size of a melon each was what my eyes were seeing with intensity.

Her hair fairly covered the sacred center, her nipples were hidden by it unfortunately.

Was this beauty the hideous witch? It couldn't be, it must be a mistake.

Another detail I noticed was that her ears were pointed.

(That trait only dwarves or elves have, but dwarves are very small and elves have long ears).

There were also hobbits in this world, but they had elephant-like ears.

And this girl is not small, she is very big, so there can only be one option left.

"You... you're a half-breed aren't you?"

A half-breed elf, also known as half human half elf, a forbidden cross between them.

It's rare to find one since in the game it was never mentioned.

It really terrifies me to know that something like this is real.

But what am I supposed to do?

This girl is supposed to, if she is that witch, be a really heinous threat.

Just in case, I should find out her name.

"Hey, excuse me."

I opened the cage and the girl moved further back as she covered herself.

She seems to be scared, it's the norm.

I opened the cage and then went straight to the campfire these guys set up.

The food lay on the ground except for a few plates.

I also took a blanket and went over to it.

I placed the blanket and the food close to her and then walked away as I raised my hands.

"I'm not a threat, I'm a friend."

That's a lie, I just want to make sure of it.

Like a puppy she approached step by step to the food.

She took it quickly and returned to her original position.

She seemed to be really hungry.

She ate the breaths with her hand at a great speed and without manners.

I could see tears running down her beautiful cheeks.

I took out my canteen and gave it to her.

She saw it, but seemed to be on guard, I showed her that there was nothing to be afraid of and drank it.

She looked thirsty watching me drink it as if it was the most delicious thing in the world.

She held out her hand and I handed it to her.

I asked her, "Could you tell me your name?"

If it's what I think it is, I'll release you, but if not....

After drinking the water, she removed her full lips from it, then uttered words that made me shudder.

"... My name is Amy."

Amy. That name is undoubtedly the witch's name.

They all had names besides her title as the demon king's general.

Now that I know her name. There's a 50% chance it's a coincidence.

Like gold 50% that it's the real thing.

I must kill her, there is no choice.


What about those big melons?!

It's a waste that such fruits that seem to develop are still purged from this world.

As a virgin lover of large breasts and mature women.

I consider it an unforgivable act to do so.

In my former life I joined the clandestine cult of worshipping mammary glands, mature single women, married women, widows and loving older sisters.

I can't betray my beliefs just like that.

There must be another solution!

One that doesn't involve the death of a beautiful busty blonde.

... Wait, wait, wait, wait. There is.

The simplest solution, as in the most logical of all.

But, by doing it I'll be altering the timeline of the game.

That's a good thing, though. Then I can get rid of the witch.

But I will have gained not only a powerful future ally.

I'll also have gained a busty beauty for my personal harem!

As a poor, lonely guy, it's everyone's wish to have a harem.

And now that I've got about 30 years under my belt. I consider it my personal reward for ms good deeds to the main characters for helping them a little to protect the world.

That I will do.

"...Who are you?"

The Witch- Amy, spoke to me in a light tone like a child.

I decided to follow my plan.

I extended my hand towards her and said.

"I am your salvation. Together, we will save this world from evil."

And incidentally, obtain a harem of busty women. If there is a mature and sensual older sister woman so much the better.


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