Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 99: Sus

Chapter 99: Sus

It has been 3 days since the Earth Goddess left the planet, and with Ilrina going back to the forest cities, it has been a quiet few days.

At first, Ilrina was at a dilemma, with the Earth Goddess gone, she might have a hard time convincing her mother to meet the Human King, but she came up with a solid plan that will be executed once the meeting takes place. So, with that, she confidently rushed home.

Ah yes. Finally, it was a peaceful three days without anything happening.

Finally, receptionist Antoinette can relish the fruits of her labor. One might say she was the sole responsible for the prosperous and bountiful situation of which the Burgerstatter's Adventurer's guild find themselves in.

Ah yes. Peaceful.

Too quiet, she may add. Too quiet to her liking.

And it was not because she finally had time to relax, it was not because that there were no adventurers loitering around in the hall.

No, in fact there were plenty.

They just could not move or make a noise.

Because right in front of receptionist Antoinette, was the eldest of the royal princesses, Sofia. The Royal Spectacled Beautiful Mage, or as she was commonly known to the adventurers- The Crazy Witch.

Why was she here!? Was the collective thought of all the people present there.

Truth is, she had left at the same time as Ilrina to convince her father to meet with the Elven Queen and perhaps come to a truce. But she did not even need to convince her father. As soon as she seeked an audience with her father, the King immediately agreed to set up a meeting with the Elven Queen.

It came as a shock to Sofia at first, but then she remembered that her father probably had shadows lingering around her and Viel. The King probably already knew about the situation with the Earth Goddess.

And so, with that done, ad still waiting for the elves' response, she immediately decided to returned back to Burgerstatter and register to the Adventurer's guild there. But in truth, she just wanted to observe Viel.

Antoinette was at a lost as to what to do. Out of all the receptionists there, why her? No, She knew the answer to that. It was Emi who recommended her to the Princess. But where was she now!? Probably rekindling her lost love with the city lord!

Antoinette wanted to pull her brains out. But alas, she gave in to her fate.

Fate, fate is always playful.

"P-princess Sofia, but you have no need to register", Antoinette smiled respectfully, "you are already a Gold Rank Adventurer"

Sofia quickly waved her hand, "No. That was just an honorary title given by the folks in the main branch", responded Sofia, "Let me take the test here"

"B-but, maybe we should send a pigeon to the main-"

"You will be rewarded handsomely", said Princess Sofia as the sweet sound of gold coin scraping the counter pierced through Antoinette's ears.

"Please follow me", Antoinette said as she quickly escorted the Princess to the examination stage.

Suffice to say, Sofia completely obliterated examiner Li Xue. Leaving him unconscious in the cold confines of the marble stage.

"Congratulations, Princess Sofia!", Antoinette smiled as she handed a Bronze license to the Princess.

"Can I immediately start taking quests?"

"Please help yourself!"

Princess Sofia nodded her head, she then looked to her side and said, "So, what do you want to do?"

Viel was sitting there without any expression on his face, completely lifeless as he was holding a bottle of juice.

"I don't care. This adventuring thing is a scam", said Viel in a weak voice.

Three days. It has been three days and Viel once again have not accepted any quests.

Hearing Viel's complaints, Antoinette could not help but console him, "M-mr. Voice, cheer up. There are other quests there with good rewa-"

"No! Give me my 100 gold coins first!"

"This", Antoinette was at a breaking point as she screamed internally. Viel reported her the story about the Earth Goddess, and about the client being the son of the said Goddess. The client then reunited with his mother, and they went home.

How was she even supposed to take that!?

And even if it was real, the client was not here to sign the completion of the quest and give the reward.

"Why did you not hold the gold in the first place!?", Viel complained, "You should already have the reward with you!"

Well, that was their mistake. They thought that the boy really had no money and that he was just some desperate lad that wanted to find her mother. But to think that he really had that amount with him? No one would even believe it!

"Scam, I tell you! Scam!", Viel said as he drank his juice.

"It's just a hundred gold coins, Viel", Sofia said as she approached the quest board, "What about this? It says kill some kobolds loitering around the farm"

Sofia was about to rip the pamphlet off the board, when she saw another quest that caught her eye. She felt her blood boil when she saw the contents of the said quest. With her expression full of weight, she ripped the pamphlet off the board and slammed it in front of Antoinette.

"Who posted this!?", Sofia roared.

"This is", Antoinette quickly looked at the pamphlet. This was one of the quests that no one was taking, alongside Silbern's request.

An escort mission to the elven forest, to promote peace. No one in their right mind would take this quest, it was tantamount to suicide.

"W-we can't reveal the client's information until you accept the qu- eeek!"

"I will take the quest!", Sofia once again slammed her palm on the counter.

"O-okay!", Antoinette hurriedly tried to find the client's info from the stack of papers she had in the cabinets. As soon as she found it, she swiftly gave it to Princess Sofia without even checking it.

Sofia took a quick glance at the paper before turning around.

"Viel, do you want to come?", said Sofia as a grin plastered her face, "This is a very interesting quest"

"how much?", Viel instantly asked.

"You can have all the reward, plus a bonus for escorting me"

Viel could not help but squint his eyes. Suspicious, he thought. But if there was one thing that royalty had, it was money. Lots of it. "What quest is it?", Viel asked.

Sofia crumpled the client's information sheet as her grin got wider, "A quest to answer why my brother died"

Truly, fate is always playful.


"Ugh. Demonic titties Why does this place have so many strong monsters?"

Examiner Li Xue finally woke up from his temporary coma. The last thing he remembered was a huge lump of ice hitting his head.

"How long was I out?", he winced as he touched his head. He looked at his surroundings, only to find it shrouded in darkness.

"Darn. It's nighttime already?", he said as he slowly walked towards his stash of booze on the side of the stage, "ShitI'm out of nutrients", only to find that all the bottles only contained air.

Li Xue hurriedly walked inside the adventurer's hall to restock. Most of the adventurers were still there, but the receptionists were gone, and was instead replaced by waitresses.

Back when there were no quests coming inside their branch, the guild had no choice but to improvise. So, when the hour is right, the guild hall turns into a tavern where the adventurers could continue their merry. This allowed the guild to continue on operating, and also earn some extra coins.

"Oho! Li Xue, you finally awake!", one of the adventurers noticed Li Xue coming in and waved at him.

"KAKAKA! The Crazy Witch got you!"

Soon, all the adventurers laughed at Li Xue's misery.

"Crazy witch?", Li Xue asked.

"Yeah. Don't tell me you didn't know? She's a princess, my friend", another adventurer laughed as he chowed on some fried lizard, " and she is probably the strongest mage in the country!"

Once again, the adventurers laughed boisterously.

"What!?", Li Xue gritted his teeth. The strongest mage in the country and Antoinette did not even tell him!?

One way or another, no matter how petty it was, Li Xue must get his revenge.

And so, he grabbed the fried lizard that the man was eating.

"Hey, that's mine!"

"Hehehe, you bastards", Li Xue said as a sinister smile crept on his face, "Do you want to see how Antoinette reacts when she finds a fried Lizard in her cabinet?"

The lights in the hall felt like it dimmed as soon as they heard Li Xue's words.

The adventurers were quiet at first, but soon, they all laughed in a sinister way.

"Oh, we like that. We like that very much", whispered the adventurers.

And so, with all of them in agreement, Li Xue sneakily walked behind the receptionist's counter.

He swiftly opened Antoinette's cabinet, but unfortunately for Li Xue, Antoinette's workload was not something to joke at.

The piles of paper that could no longer fit in the cabinet started bursting out one by one.

"Shit shit!", Li Xue tried to catch the papers that were fluttering in the air. Thanks to his fast reflexes, he was able to catch them all before they even got to the ground.

"This", Li Xue could not help but see that contents of the paper on top of the pile, "So, she really was the Princess!?"

It was Princess Sofia's information, "Just wait tomorrow when you find this lizard in your-"

Li Xue was about to put the papers back in the cabinet, when Princess Sofia's paper flew. "Demon titties!"

He quickly caught the paper, but before he could put it back on top of the pile, he saw something that made his heart stop for a moment.

On the paper below the Princess', was Viel's information.

"Xing Cai!? Elder Xing Cai!?"

On the "Next of Kin" portion of the paper, Xing Cai's name was written on it. Li Xue dropped the other papers he was holding and just grabbed Viel's.

"!!!", and when Li Xue saw the word "Golden Pavilion" written below Xing Cai's name.

"Vielhe is he is", Li Xue's hand shook uncontrollably as his breathing became ragged, "he is from Choryu

Viel is from our realm!?"


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