Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 100: Sus (2)

Chapter 100: Sus (2)

"Viel That brat, is from our realm!?"

Li Xue's eyes were shaking as it fixated on Viel's information. Since when? He thought.

Since when did this kid named Viel been in this realm? Is it possible that the portal has opened?

Does that mean they could go back to their realm!? Back to the Golden Pavilion!?

Several thoughts raced in his mind as excitement covered his entire body. Even the rowdiness of the adventurers in the hall we clouded as the only thing he could hear was his heart beating rapidly. They have been stuck here for years. Almost 6 years now.

Almost 6 years they have been trapped in this unfamiliar world. A year of confusion, and years more of surviving.

Finally, they could have a chance to go home. It took a couple more minutes before he could recover from his stupor. Finding calm, he rushed towards his quarters and opened a chest beside his bed. The contents reflecting gold in his eyes.

Li Xue gently rubbed his fingers on the golden robes that were sitting lonely in the chest. And with a heavy breath, he once again wore his identity.

Sect Master Li Xue.

He must tell his brothers and sisters. He must tell the Matriarch. They finally had a chance to go home.

And, with the intense fever covering inside his body, he ran.

"Oi! Li Xue, did you plant the fried lizard already?"

"W-what are you wearing!?"

He ran, ignoring the questions and jeers of the adventurers as he ran outside the adventurer's guild.

"Where's that guy off to this late at night? And with that fancy sleepwear"

"You know orientals, they are weird!"


And with the laughs of the adventurers filling the hall, Li Xue once again answered his call.


"That should be the house"

Sofia was currently cloaked in robes, with her head slightly tilted to the side, using a barn as a cover while she was observing a peculiar house from afar.

She has been watching this house since last night, and yet not a single sign of life could be seen in sight.

While all the houses had their nightlamps lit, this house was the only one that seemed empty.

The location that was given by the adventurer's guild was in this secluded village, about 20 kilometers away from Burgerstatter.

It was nearing dawn, and Sofia had not even blink as she watched the house carefully. Her focus only taking a rest whenever a yawn goes off beside her- which one seems to be happening now.

Sofia slightly glanced beside her, to see Viel's chin slightly exposed from the mask he was wearing.

This was the first time that Viel has been awake for this long. But he tried his best as Sofia promised her a bag of gold coins after this was over. And as Sofia was currently disguising herself, Viel did the same as she asked Sofia to buy her a mask.

"Your brother, how did he die?", asked Viel as he thought of ways to keep himself awake.

Sofia's lips quivered as Viel's words pierced her ears. And after a few breaths, she opened her mouth, "My brother, he was a kind man. He wa-"

She could not finish her words before she was interrupted by Viel's yawning.


"My brother was a kind man. He sees the good in people, even in elv-"

Once again, interrupted by Viel's yawning.

"Killed by the elves", Sofia quickly said before Viel can yawn again.

"I see. So, why did you agree with Miss Ilrina for this peace?", Viel asked in a weak voice.

"Because it is what he would have wanted", Sofia stuttered.

"Hm. I would have just killed all the elves"

Sofia almost choked as she heard Viel's nonchalant tone, she took a quick glance towards him, only to see him yawning once again.

"You see, my brother liked disguising himself, going into adventures", Sofia continued to talk even with Viel's incessant yawning.

Sofia's brother, the King's youngest son, was an adventurer. Before his unforeseen death, he spoke to Sofia. He told Sofia that he found likeminded people. That he had accepted a quest that would allow them to speak with the elves, to promote peace and that he wanted Sofia to come with her.

But she did not. Instead, she told him to stop playing adventurer. She told him to grow up and stop his nonsensical dreams of having peace with the elves.

If only Sofia had put more effort in stopping him. If only

"If only I went with him", Sofia whispered, "If only I wasn't so obsessed in finding ways to defeat the ene-"

Before she could finish her words, her eyes twitched as another yawn once again hovered in her ears.

Sofia finally gave up as she continued to observe the client's house. Her eyes not moving, driven by the desire to know the truth. A few hours have pass and the sun was already sneaking glances around them.

And yet, the house remained dormant. Even as the other houses started their day, the house still had no sign of activity.

This is enough, Sofia thought as the impatience finally brew inside of her. And so, she dragged the already snoozing Viel beside her and approached the lifeless house.

Sofia checked the windows, and the only thing she saw were empty furniture, with the sun as its only source of light.

After checking the inside for a few more seconds, Sofia decided to knock on the door.

And despite the lifelines it had exhibited just a while ago, a rustle could immediately be heard coming from inside.

Sofia did not even need to knock a second time before the door slightly opened. And although the other side could still not be seen clearly, it was obvious that the one who opened the door was a fat man.

"W-what is it?"

Hearing the voice's words, Sofia quickly raised the crumpled quest pamphlet and placed it in front of the face from the other side of the door.

"Ah!", with a holler, the man fully opened the door. And true to the expectations, it was a fat man with a beard.

"Someone finally accepted the quest I posted. Please, please come in!", said the man with an excited tone, "You are from Burgerstatter?"

"Yes. We believe in peace", said Sofia monotonously, "My companion does too. He is just tired from our travels". Sofia lifted Viel and showed him to the fat man.

"Hm!? WhaIs breakfast ready?", murmured Viel as he slight opened his eyes.

"II see"

The fat man's house was quite simple. Too simple, in fact.

A dining table that looked like it has not been served a meal for a while, a lonely bed, and a set of couches. There was not even any tableware in sight.

Sofia slid her fingers across the wall as she entered the house. And as she expected, dust.

Most of the little furniture the house had seemed to be of the same condition. The only thing that seemed to be clean was

"Please, please have a seat"

The couch.

"Do you live alone here?", inquired Sofia as she sat down.

"Ah yes, my family left me you see", said the fat man in a sorrowful tone, "My stubbornness of wanting to have peace with the elves have completely driven them awa-"

Before he could finish talking, a loud yawn travelled in the house as Viel lay himself on the couch-using Sofia's lap as a pillow.


"A-as I said, I am currently living alone", said the fat man as he cleared his throat.

"I see. So, what shall we do now?", asked Sofia.


"Should we go to the elven forest now?", Sofia said in a weak voice, "This is our first quest, so we are not yet accustomed to the ways of adventuring. Will we walk all the way to the Elven forest?"

"Ah! I See!", the fat man stood up, "You do not have to worry about that. I will have a cart ready for us now, please wait for a while"

The fat man excitedly ran outside, abruptly leaving Sofia and Viel inside the house.

With the fat man gone, Sofia quickly stood up, causing Viel to hit the dusty floor.

Once again, Sofia examined the house. And as it looked, the other furniture were also dusty. A few more seconds in her search, Sofia noticed a rug.

The rug was not anything special, it was just that the floor around it had a trail of dust piling on its side.

She was about to approach it, when the fat man suddenly barged inside the house.

"The cart is ready!", he shouted.

The loud shout caused Viel to instantly stand up, his breath heavy. He slowly looked at his wrists then sighed.

"What's going on!?", shouted Viel before saying, "Ohright", as he finally remembered where he was.

"S-sorry to disturb your rest", said the man as he fiddled with his palm, "Our cart is ready"

"Hmm So soon?", Sofia could not help but comment.

"Y-yes, I had them on standby just in case", the fat man fidgeted as he answered.

And the fat man did have a cart ready already. Sofia and Viel walked out only to see the cart already in front of the house, a cloaked man reigning the horses.

As soon as the fat man saw them walking out of the house, he immediately climbed onto to the car, carrying only a small bag with him.

Viel squinted his eyes. Even for him, this was

"This is sus-", before he could finish his words, Sofia covered his mask-covered mouth.

"This is sussus-splendid", Sofia stuttered, "At least we do not have to walk all the way to the elven territory"

"Ofcourse, it is a long way to the elven forest. We do not want to be tired when we get there"

By carriage, travelling to the Elven territory would take more than a week with occasional stops, which they apparently were having now.

Not even a few hours have passed in their travels and yet the cart has stopped. Surrounded by a thick forest around them.

"Let's rest here", said the fat man as he quickly got off the cart.

But Sofia did not question the man's decision. She jumped out of the cart without any hesitation.

"Should we set up camp here?", asked Sofia.

"Ah right! I forgot about the ca-"

Before the fat man could even finish his words, Sofia grabbed his face.

"Enough games, pig. Tell the people hiding in the trees to step out", Sofia snarled, "Or I will kill-"

Before her threat could come through, Sofia pushed the fat man's head to side. The man's head shook as an arrow suddenly pierced the back of his head.

"Arrows", Sofia worded as she let go of the fat man's trembling body, "How typical of elves"

As soon as she said that, the leaves and branches surrounding them started to move.

And one by one, a group of elves showed themselves.

Armed and clearly ready for battle.


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