Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 94: The Great Mr. Voice

Chapter 94: The Great Mr. Voice

"So, what did you guys think? Was he really a demon?"

The female specialist asked as she looked at the people around her with food in their mouth.

"We're eating! You should discuss this after!", said one of the specialists.

"No, it is alright. I would like to hear your opinion now as well, so that you could rest after", said Karl as he placed his spoon on the table. He looked at Emi, who was seated beside him, and then to Viel, who was peacefully eating beside her.

"Oh, yup. He said he was a demon", Viel said while chewing.

Hearing Viel's answer, Karl furrowed his brows. "A demon, my mother only read them to me as bedtime stories to think they were real", Karl murmured, "And to think one was hiding here, within our walls"

"Felix Felix has been with us forever"

Hearing the sorrow in Karl's voice, Emi held his hand.

"Since forever", it was then that a realization came to Karl. Felix was already old when he was young, he overlooked it since he got used to the fact that Felix was always there. But Felix hasn't aged since. Could Felix have been there since his Grandfather's time?

Guarding the door below?

"This quest of yours, it was given by that boy?", Karl said as he looked at Silbern, who was quietly eating beside Viel, "You said you could feel your mommy from the other side of this door, what do you mean by that?"

Hearing Lord Karl calling for him, Silbern immediately stopped eating and stood up, doing a salute, "Y-yes, m'lord!"

"Ah! Right! Your eyes lit up at the same time as the door!", the spectacled specialist shouted, making a mess of his plate.

Seeing that everyone's attention is on him, Silbern nervously gulped. "Y-yes, It is very weak, but I could hear mommy calling for me inside", he then pointed at Viel, "The same with Mr. Voice, I could hear different people coming from him"

"P-people?", the spectacled specialist asked.

"Yes, he has voices inside him, similar to mommy. It's too weak to hear though"

Emi placed her hand on her chin. She remembered what Viel said, that he hears voices inside his head. Could that actually be true?

"Ah! Is that why you are called Mr. Voice!?", the female specialist jumped from her seat. Once again, the table became rowdy as more questions popped up.

It took a while before they were settled, but soon got tired as the events of today finally caught up to them. The servants have finally finished cleaning up as night once again filled the entire city.

All the specialists, as well as Viel and Silbern were already fast asleep on their beds.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Once again, Emi and Karl were surrounded by candles and books.

"About what you said", Karl spoke meekly, "Did my parents really tell you that they will send me away if you don't stop seeing me?"

Hearing this question, Emi could only sigh, "Let's talk about this once all of this is over", Emi said, "We still have that huge door under your house to worry about"

"", Karl was silent.

"If that is all, Lord Karl, then I shall take my leave"

Emi walked towards the door, but once again, a hand grabbed her arm.

"Then could you at least Can you tell me how you have been these past years?", Karl pleaded, "I want to get to know you again"

"", Emi sighed, "Then, should we start when your father forcefully kicked me out of the house?", Emi said as she gently closed the door in front of her.


"Uhh So, what exactly are we doing outside?"

The female specialist voiced out as the heat of the sun fell on her face. The group was currently outside. The specialists, Viel, Silbern, Emi, and even Lord Karl was outside, along with a handful of guards.

"Lord Karl, with all due respect, we are wasting precious time here", the spectacled specialist complained, "Time that could be spent on research! We are on a brink of discovery here! Wait awaits us in the other side of the door. And we already have the key!", he shouted excitedly as he lifted Silbern off the ground like a cat.

"I too am curious, Karl. What are we doing outside?", Emi asked.

"Well, all this talk about demons and colossal magic doors. I believe it is way beyond my jurisdiction as a humble city Lord. The people must know if a new threat is rising, so I sent a report to the King yesterday"


"Yes, the envoy should be arriving right now", Karl said as he chuckled awkwardly.

"Hmm. Okay, I get that", Emi placed her hand on her chin. If a new threat really is involve, then this was a matter that was way beyond their capabilities, but still

"Why are we outside the city gate?", she said as she stared at the huge wall behind her.

Hearing this question, Karl coughed, "Well, you see The envoy is"

As Karl was saying this, a thunderous rumble could be heard coming from the distance, dust rising up. The gallops became louder and louder until it revealed a carriage.

A carriage that was very familiar to Viel.

Seriously!? Viel thought as he looked left and right for something.

And then, the sound of a horn reverberated throughout the city.

"Princess Sofia has arrived!"

"You called for the Crazy Witch!?", Emi shouted.

"N-not exactly, a pigeon was sent to me just this morning", Karl sighed, "Telling me that Princess Sofia herself would be coming"

Hearing this, the three specialists could not help but stiffen up. They will be meeting the Royal Spectacled Beautiful Mage!?

The excitement started to flow through their bodies as they began to shake. One of them, however, was squinting and blinking his eyes feverishly. It was the spectacled specialist. Well, perhaps that name no longer belongs to him, as he was no longer wearing his spectacles.

And finally, after a treacherous minute of standing there, the carriage arrived in front of them.

The carriage door opened, and Princess Sofia slowly stepped out.

All the people stiffened by the Princess' presence, even Lord Karl's guards could not help but sweat in their armor.

"I assume you are Lord Karl?"

"Yes, your highness", as soon as Princess Sofia approached Karl, he bowed respectfully. And so did the rest of the group.

Sofia nodded. She then looked around and stared at the faces of the people present one by one. Silbern could not help but want to cry as Sofia's threatening gaze came upon her.

"The adventurer who encountered the so-called demon, Mr. Voice, was it? Where is he?"

"Ah yes, I am sure Mr. Voice's reputation has reached the castle. I am the one who personally invited him to the guild. May I present to you, Mr. Voice!", Emi said respectfully as she pointed at no one.

"Mr. Voice?", Emi could not help but twitch her eyes as Viel was nowhere to be found. The group looked around, where did he suddenly run off to!?

But it was then that a husky voice resounded, "I am here, child"

All of them turned their attention towards the voice, only to see a man covered in cloak. Wearing spectacles and sporting a long gold beard, fully covering his face.

"Mmr. Voice?", Emi was bewildered. What is Viel doing now!?

"You are Mr. Voice?", Princess Sofia squinted her eyes as she stared at this mysterious Mr. Voice.

"W-why yes. Forgive me, your Highness, for not greeting you earlier"

Mr. Voice, although clumsily, bowed towards Princess Sofia, his spectacles almost falling off from his face.

"The rumors said you were young", Sofia said as she fixed her own spectacles.

"OHOHOHO! My grandpa", Mr. Voice coughed, "My grandson once said, one must not believe rumors. OHOHOHO!", Mr. Voice said as he laughed robustly.

All were silent as they stared at this newly arrived and very much suspicious old man.

Suddenly, the carriage racked, as somebody else stepped out of the carriage.

Karl's guards quickly unsheathed their weapons and pointed it at the individual who stepped out of the carriage.

"An elf! Enemy on the front!"

It was a woman with an elongated and sharp ear.

"Enemy! Protect the Lord and her Highness!"

A huge gust of wind suddenly erupted, pushing the guards and their weapons away.

"Stop, she is with me", said the Princess as she waved her hand, "This is Princess Ilrina, only child of the Queen of Elves. It would be at your best interest to treat her as you would treat me. She is our precious hostage, would be a shame of something happens to her"

"What!? I thought you said I was a guest!?", Ilrina stomped her feet as she approached Sofia.

"Eh, don't concern yourself with the specifics", Sofia shrugged the issue away.

"Hmph. So, is the Great Spirit here!? Is Mr. Voice the Great Spirit!?", Ilrina said as she walked in front of Sofia.

"See for yourself", Sofia pointed at Mr. Voice.

"This is Mr. Voice?"

"OHOHOHO, to see an elf with a human, truly, what a time to be alive", laughed Mr. Voice.

Seeing Ilrina's intense gaze, Mr. Voice's head slightly tilted to the side, his eyes wide.

"Ugh, did we waste our time coming here then?", finally, Ilrina's attention turned to someone else.

"Well, maybe yours. I have a mystery to unravel here", Sofia said in an excited manner, "I still need to check on the runes and the news about this demon"

"Demons? Do you really believe that? That's a story for children!"

"Oh? But I am looking at one now"

"What did you say!?"

The people watching could not help but be in shock. A princess of the humans, and a princess of the elves, bickering with each other so casually? How in the world did this even happen?

Karl cleared his throat to get the attention of Princess Sofia, "Your Highness, should we head to my manor?"

Hearing this, Princess Sofia quickly pushed Ilrina to the side as she nodded towards Karl.

"Men! Escort the Princess' carriage!"

"No need"

Before Lord Karl's guards could even move, Princess Sofia waved her hand, "We will walk"

"Your highness?"

"I have not visited this city since I was a little girl. We will walk", Princess Sofia said as she fixed her spectacles.

"Are you su-"

She did not even let Karl finish what he was going to say as she approached Mr. Voice, who was quietly slowly moving to the back.

"Mr. Voice, I heard rumors of you growing up here", Princess Sofia smiled, "Can you guide us inside?"

And with nowhere to escape, Mr. Voice could only say



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