Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 93: Horny Old Man

Chapter 93: Horny Old Man

"I just didn't want them to see who the true monster is"

Felix could not help but shiver as he sat there, looking at the smiling boy in front of him. The last time he felt like a buck in front of a wolf was when he was just a youngling. The boy was looking at him like he was nothing but a prey.

To be looked down by a human again!? This will not stand. We are the superior race! With that thought, Felix gathered his strength, but before he could even do anything with that strength, he felt a hand gripping the back of his head, followed by a violent wind that threatened to tore his face off.

After that, it dark for a few seconds. The last thing he remembered was the sound of a disgusting crack. Finally, after a breath, he could open his eyes.

In front of him, blood dripping streaming down, sliding along a wall.

"Wow, this door is really hard"

Again, that was the last thing he heard before everything turned dark again. This repeated several times, it was only after the 4th one that Felix realized it was his blood on the wall, no, on the colossal door.

His head was being slammed on the wall, his face, eyes, and skull mushed on the door.

"Even if I do this, it still won't open"

Felix then felt a breeze of wind again as his feet were grabbed. And like a club, the boy used him to hammer the wall. Once again, darkness.

And now, the only thing Felix remembers is the boy's laugh. A laugh that reached the depths of his heart. A laugh that resounded all the way to the surface.

"Is this Mr. Voice laughing?", Silbern looked at the huge gaping hole. The group, who finally arrived in the wine cellar felt shiver crawl on their spine as Viel's laughter penetrated their ears.

And then, one of the receptionists could not help but look up as he felt dust falling on his skin. "This", he murmured before he felt the room quake.

"What the", the female specialist touched the wall, "The whole castle is shaking!"

As soon as she said that, cracks started to form on the walls.

"Tch! Everyone out!", Emi pushed Silbern out of the wine cellar, as they quickly ran for the outside. The receptionists followed them without hesitation as they hurriedly rushed their feet.

Once outside, they realized that they were wrong. It was not just the castle shaking, it was the whole city.

"What is going on!?", only separated by a few seconds, Karl ran out from the castle. He was signing papers when the whole castle started to shake.

"Do you know what's happening, Emi?", Karl asked.

"It's Felix", worded Emi.

"Felix? Why!? Is Felix okay!?", Karl grabbed Emi's shoulders.

"No, he tried to kill our client", Emi said as she looked at Silbern.

Hearing this, Karl's face was filled with confusion, but before he could even ask, another violent quake filled their city.

The citizens of Burgerstatter started to walk out of their homes as the quaking got more violent. And soon, sounds of thunder began to fill their city.

"This is it coming from the castle?", the citizens voiced out, "What exactly is going on?"

All the people of Burgerstatter had the same thought, what could be causing these earthquakes? Is the world ending?

But none of them could have thought, that this being caused by a young boy slamming a demon on the wall.

"Oh, is the door slightly opening!?", Viel stopped, "Oh, nope"

But once again slammed Felix's face. A pool of blood already forming on the ground beneath them. Felix's face kept on being crushed, but his abnormal regeneration rate kept on keeping him alive.

"Funny thing is, sister Xing Cai told me I have a hard head Wait 'til she sees you", Viel said as he once again laughed.

After that, he let out a longing sigh, "I wonder how they are doing", he murmured as the grip of his hand loosened.

With Viel lost in thought, Felix finally had a chance to escape. Fighting back? That was no longer in his mind.

The only thing his body told him to do right now was to run. Run and report back to his kind.

Tell them they were wrong. That the humans have evolved far stronger than they could have ever imagined.

If this boy can treat him like this, one of the strongest demons, he could not dare imagine what the top adventurers could do.

He must warn his kind, to continue hiding and avoid the humans at all costs. So he ran, he ran and jumped to the wall, desperately crawling his way up to the hole using his long and sharp nails.

But then, he heard the sounds of stone breaking below him. Sweat started to fill his body, almost to the point that his hands slipped from the wall.

Is he following me!? He thought as he nervously looked below.

And there he is, Viel. Crawling his way up, burrowing his hands and feet to climb the wall as he smiled at Felix.


This boy is a monster. Felix thought as his pace hastened. But sadly, it was not enough. He could no longer ascend as a hand grabbed his left foot. He tried to kick the boy's face, but it did nothing.

"Are you going home?", calmly asked the boy.

"L-let go! Let go!", he continued to kick him away.

"Tell your friends, I will visit them"

With these words, Felix finally felt his leg become free. He could not even be bothered with the words that the boy spoke. He just wanted to run away.

Reaching the wine cellar, he ran. Breaking through the wall like it was thin wood until he reached the outside.

"What in the!"

All the people waiting outside the castle could not help but be in shock as a muscular wrinkly man with horns on his head broke through a wall from the castle.

"Is that Felix!?", Karl quickly stepped in front of Emi.

"W-where is Mr. Voice!?", Silbern shouted.

Seeing Felix coming out of the castle alone, Emi quickly unsheathed her daggers. The manor guards also guarded Karl and the group as they pointed their weapons at Felix.

Is this really old man Felix, they all thought. Finally, Felix made his move.

All of them flinched and readied themselves for what was to come, but to their surprise, Felix did not even look at them as he galloped his way out of the castle grounds.

He jumped, hopping from house to house with reckless abandon.

"Kyaaa! A monster!"

The citizens of Burgerstatten clamored as they saw what looked like a beast jumping in the air.

The specialists could not believe with what they have seen. The female specialist dropped down on the floor as she muttered, "A demon It's a demon"

"A demon? Don't be ridiculous", one of the specialists replied.

"He had horns! How can you explain that!?"

"They are folklore!"

The specialists started arguing.

Hearing the word "demon", Felix quickly ordered his guards.

"Scour the city! Make sure that Fethat demon is not in the city anymore!"

The surrounding guards saluted as they started to leave to their stations one by one, but they quickly hesitated and pointed their spears at the castle again as they heard footsteps.

And there he was, Viel. His shirt tattered into pieces. "Oh, what are you all doing outside?", said Viel in a very casual tone. He then looked at Karl and said, "Just so we're clear, that horny old man was the one who messed up your castle, okay?".

"Mr. Voice you are alive!", Silbern quickly rushed towards him and hugged him. For some reason, Viel felt uncomfortable as he wanted to push Silbern away.

"You, you saved us!", soon, the female specialist joined in and hugged him as well. The uncomfortable feeling was quickly washed away, replaced by another Viel could not discern yet.

Hearing Viel's words, Karl could only let out a sigh as he looked at his manor, filled with holes and debris.

"You only got back a day and you're already messing up my life", he said as he looked at Emi.

Emi scoffed as she heard those words, "Don't worry, we will be out of your hair once this is over"

"Okay! Enough celebrating. Let's get back to the hole again!"

Hearing Emi's shout, all the specialists groaned and complained.

Emi was about to shout again, but before she could do so, she felt a hand grab his arm.

"No, you guys look tired. I will have them prepare the rooms again, if you don't mind staying in a castle with holes"

"What", Emi turned to look at Karl, only to see his eyes that were full of warmth and concern.

"Please, stay", Karl whispered.

Emi stared at Karl's eyes. They were eyes that still have a lot to say.




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