Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 64: Consequences (2)

Chapter 64: Consequences (2)

"Golden Pavilion is no more!"


"Iwhen I got there, the pavilion wascovered in gigantic trees", the man called Liu Hao paused to catch his breath, "Like it became a forest!"

Xing Cai's expression grew even more horrid. When Xing Cai recognized that the one who barged into the office was Liu Hao, the thought that something bad happened to the Golden Pavilion instantly came into her mind. But for it to be covered in trees? This was the least she expected. Where were the flying beasts? The drakels?

"What do you mean?", Xing Cai signaled for the man to sit down.

General Diao was slightly relieved that the dreaded news no longer involved their city. But even so, he put on a serious expression. For Golden Pavilion to be wiped out? He shivered in the thought. He still remembered Golden Pavilion's matriarch. She was beautiful, but also very deadly. He only met her once, and she knew that the two of them fought with each other, the outcome will be unpredictable. And did he mention that she was utterly beautiful?

General Diao cleared his throat as he began to listen to this man called Liu Hao.

Liu Hao began to recount the events.

When he got to the outer walls of the Golden Pavilion, he was surprised that no one welcomed him. There weren't any men guarding the outer wall. He immediately knew then that something was wrong.

He ran with all his might towards the inner wall. And as he got nearer and nearer, that was when he started noticing that there were purple-colored vines sprawled all over the ground. They looked like they were worming all over the place, it was a disgusting sight, for sure.

This made Liu Hao even more worried. And what he saw when he got inside the inner walls was enough to petrify him.

There were trees, trees that towered the majestic central building of the Golden Pavilion. They covered and destroyed the housing that was provided for the members of the Golden Pavilion.

There, he saw his fellow disciples hanging from the trees, with their bodies covered and pierced by countless vines. The golden robes that the disciples were wearing could not be anymore lackluster as they were drenched in blood.

And the worse part of it all?

They were looking at him.

They were alive.

They tried to reach out for Liu Hao, as if asking for help. The veins that were binding their arms shred their skin with even the slightest movement.

There were no screams, not even a single note. But this made the atmosphere even more dreary. Liu Hao immediately tried to cut off the vines that were enveloping the disciple closest to him. But to his dismay, the golden dagger that he was holding could only scratch the vines no matter how much he tried to cut them.

He apologized repeatedly towards the disciple. He apologized for his weakness that he was not able to help him be free of these demonic vines.

It was then that the disciple spoke. Although the disciple gnarled his words, Liu Hao was still able to understand some parts of it.

Weird light.

Vines appearing.

Trees sprouting out of nowhere.

And the last words the disciple said, "Matriarchand the elderswent insideweird light disappeared"

It was then that vine suddenly wrapped around Liu Hao's foot and pull him off the ground. But he was able to cut himself loose before the vines completely wrapped him in twigs.

And so, with him freed, the first thing that came to his mind was to return to Taizhou city and report back to Elder Xing Cai. He used his flying sword and pushed it to the limits just so he could arrive as fast as he could, extinguishing its power and destroying it in the process.

And here he is.

Liu Hao feet was shaking non-stop as he finished telling what happened to Xing Cai and General Diao. His breath was still ragged as he tried to push the memory away to the back of his mind.

Xing Cai could not help but grip her huge sword in frustration. Her lips dried up as they quivered while listening to Liu Hao's story.

The Golden Pavilion destroyed? How could this be!?

"Was there anyone at all that survived? Did you see anyone?", stuttered Xing Cai.

Liu Hao could only shake his head, "Iam sorry. I ran away as fast as I could", Liu Hao then jumped from his seat and groveled on the ground, "Please forgive me, Elder! I was a coward!"

Xing Cai could only sigh as she looked at General Diao, "It seems that we may have to work together earlier than expected", Xing Cai then did a bow of salute towards the General, "May I request you spare a few of your men to go back with me to my sect? I am certain that the Matriarch and the other elders went inside the dungeon"

Seeing Xing Cai's utmost sincerity. General Diao was at a lost. They were still recovering, and he was not really able to lend some of his remaining men as they need them here. Sure, he was planning on going to an expedition, but he planned to do it after the city has somewhat recuperated.

This was unexpected. General Diao then stared at Liu Hao who was still kneeling on the ground. Should he really lend some of his men now? What if the members of the Azure Fist sect return?

And as he kept on staring at the kneeling Liu Hao, something clicked in his mind- something was not right.

Something did not add up from the man's story. He stroked his beard trying to recall the story of the man.

It was then that Viel suddenly clapped his hands.

"Very nice story, mister. But my Grandpa Ling has better stories!", Viel then crossed his arms and looked at Liu Hao with a confident look, "If my Grandpa was the one telling this story, you would be dead!"

"Viel!", Xing Cai quickly reprimanded Viel. She knew that Viel liked to play around, but this was a serious matter.

"You said you could only scratch the vines, but how were you able to free yourself!?", Viel then covered one of his eyes as he did an awkward pose.

It was then that General Diao released a huge breath. That was it. That was the thing that did not add up.

General Diao was so engrossed on the damage and the casualties that came from the portal, that he disregarded the other parts of the man's story.

It that was same case for Xing Cai, she was so glad that Liu Hao survived, that she didn't even think to question his story.

Xing Cai quickly lifted the kneeling Liu Hao by the neck as soon as she realized this., "Speak!"

"P-pleaseElder, I am telling the truth!"

Xing Cai's grip hardened as she once again questioned Liu Hao.

"How did you escape the vines!?"

"II told you I just cut myself loose!", Liu Hao started to tear up as he struggled, "Please I am not lying!"

Xing Cai was about to tighten her grip once more, when she noticed that there was something squirming on Liu Hao's eye. Something purple.

Xing Cai's grip started to loosen.

"", Liu Hao's mouth started to gurgle as blood started to ooze from all over his face. Liu Hao's whole face started to redden. His face expanded and bloated up so fast

Until it exploded.

Xing Cai quickly dodged to the side as disgusting purple vines wormed their way out from Liu Hao's neck at blinding speed. She swiftly grabbed her huge golden sword, but as she was about to swing it towards Liu Hao's body, she hesitated.

In that single moment, she hesitated. Liu Hao was still a member of the Golden Pavilion. He did not lie, he was used. And the last thing Liu Hao experienced before he died was his senior doubting him. This was a childish thought, for sure. Xing Cai felt regret.

She then looked at Liu Hao, or Liu Hao's body that was now being desecrated by these disgusting vines.

"I am sorry for doubting you", Xing Cai then waved her huge sword, but before she could strike down Liu Hao, General Diao's towering figure stomped his foot downward Liu Hao's whole body, squashing it and splitting it in two.

He then stomped his foot again towards the purple vines that were still worming on the ground until it did not move anymore.

"That was no longer one of your men", General Diao said in a serious tone, "And you are right, Miss Xing Cai. We do need to help each other. I will let you borrow 5 of my men, this is no longer just your Golden Pavilion's problem"

"This purple vine attached itself to one of your men, and he was able to reach this city. Who is to say that it will not happen again?", General Diao picked up a purple vine from the ground, "We must stop this

from its roots"

Hearing this, Xing Cai could only nod towards General Diao.

"I will pick 5 men that are most suited to this task. In the meantime, make your own preparations. My men will meet you outside the northern gates tonight"

"Does that mean we get to go inside the dungeon now!? We can save Miss Xianying!?", Viel tugged Xing Cai's robes excitedly.

Xing Cai smiled wryly. True, she was also curious about the fate of Xianying. But her priority was to clear out the vines and perhaps meet their Matriarch inside the other realm. But seeing Viel's excited face, she could only nod her head.

"Yes!", Viel raised his hand triumphantly.

Xing Cai then bowed towards the General as she and Viel exit his office. General Diao only waved his hand, telling them to go out faster before someone else bringing bad news barges in the room.


With their talks done, Xing Cai and Viel went to the refuge camp outside the academy grounds. They were supposed to go back to Viel's house to prepare, but Viel said he wanted to hang out with his friends before they leave, and properly say goodbye to them for once.

And with a sigh, Xing Cai agreed. She might as well see if she can get anything in the city to help them in their travels.

"We will meet here in 2 hours. Don't go anywhere else, okay?", Xing Cai said while poking Viel's nose.

Viel raised both his thumbs in reply as he laughed before running off to find his friends. Xing Cai could only shake her head, Viel felt more like a son rather than a brother, she thought but she wouldn't really know, she never had one. With one last sigh, Xing Cai decided to search the city for things they can use.

Meanwhile, Viel was happily trotting around the camp trying to find his friends. As he was walking, he could not help but notice that the people were looking at him and whispering with each other. But Viel did not seem to mind, he was somewhat used to it, after all.

So, he just continued to happily walk as most of the people walk away from him, creating a path for him to go through. Well, this would make it easier to search for his friends, Viel thought.

But suddenly, Viel widened his eyes as he lifted and opened up his palm, catching something in doing so. Viel turned his hand around, and on it, was a tomato.

Viel smiled as soon as he saw the tomato on his hand.

"Free food!?", Viel then looked around to see who passed it to him, "Thank yo-"

But before Viel could finish his words, he lifted his hand again to catch another. This time, it was an egg.

"Eehh. Another one? Was this boile-"

And once again, someone threw another food at him. But with no more hands to catch it, Viel could only let it hit his body due to his surprise that people were giving him food. There was no sense in dodging it anyway, he won't get hurt.

"Mymy birthday is over", chuckled Viel awkwardly towards the people that was starting to circle around him.

It was then that someone shouted,

"Demon spawn!"

"Bring back my mother, you demon!"

"Get out of here!"

"I knew you were a freak!"


The people started to shout various obscenities towards him. Throwing all sorts of things at him. There were even people throwing rocks at Viel, but it just bounced from his body.

"D-did Mister Bai put you up to this?", Viel was confused. The last person that called him a "Demon spawn" was Guard Leader Bai.

And he was right. This was Guard Leader Bai's fault.

Guard Leader Bai's favorite tavern was destroyed during the attack. So, he could only drink with some of his buddies inside the refugee camp.

And with his drunken state, Guard Leader Bai may or may not have slipped a few things about Viel that General Diao specifically told him to keep quiet about, and maybe added another on top of it.

And that information was passed down like gossip, from one person to another.

And for a small number of people contained in a small space

For people that wanted answers

For people who are lost and hungry

It was wildfire, it spread in no time at all.

Lighting up the fears and anger of the people.


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