Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 63: Current Situation

Chapter 63: Current Situation

Early morning, Viel and Xing Cai were still sleeping, with Viel lying on top of Xing Cai's head, covering her whole face.





"Get off my face!"

Last night, Viel requested to sleep beside Xing Cai. Xing Cai was going to refuse, but Viel put on a sad expression, saying that he was lonely.

Xing Cai reprimanded him at first, saying that he is already 5 years old and should learn how to sleep by himself already. But once again, Viel put on a sad expression. So, with a sigh, Xing Cai had no choice but to let Viel sleep beside just this one time.

But if she knew she was going to wake up with Viel's butt covering her entire face, she would have tried her best to refuse Viel's request and locked the door on him there and then. Come to think of it, this was the second time that Viel's butt was on her face.

The first time was when they were in the 'dungeon', when she was taking a bath in the magical artifact called a shower.

That's right, the dungeon!

Their discussion with General Diao was disrupted when the people from Azure Fist sect bombarded their city walls. So, her goal for today was to bring Viel to the General again and tell them everything they need to know.

She was deliberating at first whether she would talk about the floating words that appeared in front of her, as well as the weapon that she received from it.

But seeing as the words never appeared again, she came to the conclusion that it will only appear whenever someone closes the dungeon, and that the sword she received was some sort of reward.

That would mean that sooner or later, they will know about it anyway.

So, she gracefully got out of bed in order to start her day. But, unfortunately for her, she also gracefully tripped as Viel was currently pulling on her robes., effectively ripping her under-robes.



It is to be known, that the items of members of the Golden Pavilion are, in a word, exorbitant. The robes that Viel accidentally ripped were probably already the cost of this house.

Xing Cai could not help but stare at Viel, who was apparently still asleep. But Xing Cai did not let her gaze wander as she continued to stare at Viel. And to her expectations, Viel's eyes began to twitch and sweat started to form on his face.

This little brat is already awake! Xing Cai thought as she lightly lifted Viel by pinching him in the cheek.

As soon as she did so, Viel slowly opened his eyes as he yawned.

"Ah, sister Xing Cai, good morning", said Viel in a very monotonous way. He then yawned again as he stared at Xing Cai, whose robes have been torn to oblivion. "I see you are wearing the latest fashion trend. Ripped robes are very fashionable these days. It is good you are keeping up with the trends, sister"

"What would you even know about fashion!?", Xing Cai's eyes once again twitched. Give me back the cute Viel! She thought as she slammed Viel on the bed, causing Viel to bounce twice, but even so, his expression was still monotonous, trying his best to feign ignorance that he accidentally ripped Xing Cai's clothing.

He did not want to pay for it, after all.

It was not until two hours have passed before the two of them successfully arrived in General Diao's office to discuss the matters of the dungeons.

But as the two of them went on their way inside the General's office. Xing Cai noticed that the General had a very grave expression on his face. And there was also someone else sitting in front of him. Xing Cai can't discern who it was as the person still had its back towards her.

It wasn't until Xing Cai cleared her throat that General Diao noticed their presence. But instead of welcoming them, he furrowed his brows as his eyes fell on the little boy beside her, Viel.

"Gah! It's the little demon!"

Soon after that, the man that was sitting directly in front of the General stood up as he pointed at Viel.

The man was none other than Guard Leader Bai.

"Gah! It's the choking man!", in return, Viel imitated Guard Leader Bai, also pointing at him with his eyes wide open.

"You! I knew you would only lead to trouble the first time I saw you!", Guard Leader Bai almost stuttered as he heard Viel's come back. But it would seem his scorn for Viel won over, as he continued to point at him, "You are a demon spawn!"

As soon as Guard Leader Bai said this, Xing Cai immediately swooped in and stood domineeringly in front of him, her expression clearly pissed.

"Say anymore and I will cut out your tongue", Xing Cai said as she released a menacing aura while gripping her new golden huge slab of a sword that she gained from the dungeon. How she was going to cut Guard Leader Bai's tongue with this, one can only imagine.

There was silence in the room. The only noise that could be heard was coming from Viel.

"Ooooh shit", sounded Viel as he was hitting General Diao on the leg repeatedly while covering his mouth. When he got beside the General, nobody knew.

"Wait, when did you learn to curse!?", Xing Cai blurted out as the pressure instantly disappeared in the room.

With Xing Cai moving her attention away from him, Guard Leader Bai can finally breathe again. What's with him and being choked lately?

"That's enough. Guard Leader Bai, you may go", with the atmosphere in the room returning to normal, General Diao finally had the chance to speak.

"B-but General, the boy"

"I will deal with the boy", said General Diao as he stroke his long beard, "Remember my order, do not tell what you reported to me to anyone"


"You may go. I will call for you when I need you. That is an order, Guard Leader"

With that, Guard Leader Bai had no choice but to go as he gave a salute towards the General. He made one last glance towards Viel as he exited the room, and as expected, Viel was waving goodbye at him.

It's supposed to be cute, but for Guard Leader Bai, all he could think of was the hundreds of Azure Fist disciples that were strung up in the air like a doll. Their body pierced by ominous and spikes that seemed to have come out from the ground.

"Dark Western Magic!", that was the first thing that appeared in Guard Leader Bai's mind when he saw it.

After being almost choked to death by Li Zhao, all he wanted to do was go home. So, when Li Zhao left him when they heard the Azure Fist sect's horn, he immediately ran back towards the city.

But when he heard the dreaded shouts of people coming from where the sound of the horn was, he could not help but be curious. Maybe reinforcements arrived and they started finishing off the Azure Fist sect disciples?

This, he had to see for himself. He could not resist the urge of seeing Li Zhao being beaten to death. So with all of his strength, he rushed towards the sound of the screams.

But the only thing that welcomed him there was carnage.

The Azure Fist sect kneeling on the ground.

The hundreds of people, either pierced or torn to shreds.

And the most important fact of all

Was that Viel was flying in front of them.

So, in Guard Leader Bai's mind- what else could Viel be, if not a demon? With that in mind, he walked home, thinking of how he will report this to the General as soon as he got back to the city.

Guard Leader Bai thought about it deeply. Just his wife, he will tell it to his wife and nobody else. He was sure that General Diao won't know of it. After all, only a select few knew of Charlotte.

But first, he wanted to get a drink. With all the things that happened to him and with what he discovered- he at least deserves that.

And so, Guard Leader Bai made his way to his favorite tavern.


"This weapon was a reward from the dungeon!?"

General Diao's hair stood on ends when he heard that Xing Cai's weapon was from the dungeon. Xing Cai made sure not to leave a detail behind as she told the General all of the events that transpired, including the before and after.

Of course, General Diao was alerted and troubled by Guard Leader Bai's report. But he already knew that Viel was an abnormal existence, he knew firsthand how strong he was. The only thing he gained from the report was Viel's seemingly cruel way of playing with people like they were only objects.

But was that not true for most people who has true strength? Even the General himself has the tendency to not treat normal people as people. Especially with his enemies.

There was also the fact that Viel was young, one could even consider him as a toddler. If there was any trait that he would have, it was being impulsive.

So General Diao pushed the report to the back of his mind and focused on the most important thing right now.

These things called Dungeons.

If it was true that closing them would grant them a reward, then this was good news. Maybe they could turn this calamity into a gift.

If they were able to close another one of these dungeons with the Taizhou army, then maybe it would grant them huge rewards?

General Diao could help but get excited with the thought. This really was the answer. They could rebuild Taizhou city with this!

And Viel also seemed to know where the locations of these dungeons are, this would put them to a very huge advantage even if the other cities have discovered about the rewards!

But then his happy expression suddenly died down as soon as he thought of something.

"Viel boy. What about you, did you get any reward?"

That was right. Two of them entered the dungeon, and only one returned with a reward. Could it be that even if ten of them entered, only 1 will gain a reward?

He then anticipated Viel's answer with a trembling breath. But disappointment veiled his entire body as he heard Viel's answer.

"No", Viel said nonchalantly as he stroke and played with the General's beard.

How could this be it seems that his plan failed even before it started.

"Because Mr. Voice said that I already had the reward. He's a cheapskate", Viel said while pouting, "At least give me a bag of candy"


General Diao's eyes once again glistened as he heard Viel's last words. That would mean his theory was correct.

Each person that would help close the dungeon will receive a reward!

"Viel, tell me. Where's the nearest dungeon!?"

"Oh, will you also go with us to rescue Miss Xianying!?"

"Hmm well"

Based on Xing Cai and Viel's story, this woman named Xianying is already dead. But General Diao could gain the courage to tell it to the boy, as he knew that Viel has already lost too much. So General Diao could only clear his throat, not knowing how to answer.

It was then that Xing Cai started to speak in a serious tone.

"I know what you are thinking, General. But I assure you, no normal cultivator can survive in the dungeon"

If it was only the drakels, then Xing Cai would not give this kind of warning to the General. But the thing is, there were other creatures inside the dungeon. There were normal people, and then the winged people which completely overpowered her. Not giving her even a single moment to fight back.

Seeing Xing Cai's caution, General Diao could only nod his head. It would seem his excitement got the better of him. If a cultivator like Xing Cai, who was as strong, if not stronger now than him, was injured fatally inside the dungeon- one could only imagine what would happen to those who were weaker.

"That's all we have to say", Xing Cai then stood up from her seat as she called for Viel, "I have also reported this to my people and they should be reporting it to the Sect Master now. Do know that my priority is with my Sect. So, if it comes to it, we might have to compete for a dungeon"

Once again, General Diao could only nod his head.

"But I will try my best to convince my sect master to work together", said Xing Cai as she smiled, "Viel, stop stroking the General's beard. We still haven't eaten our breakfast yet"

Xing Cai then bowed towards the General. The General could only bow back respectfully, it seems that in times of hardship, it really was better to have friends.

Viel and Xing Cai were about to leave the General's office, before someone barged in.

"What now!?"

The General shouted in frustration. The last thing he needed now was another person barging inside his office carrying a panicked expression. Specially a wounded one.

"Elder Elder Xing Cai"

It would seem that this person was here for here for Xing Cai.

"Aren't you Liu Hao? What are you doing here back so early?"

This wounded man was Liu Hao, one of Xing Cai's people that he sent back to the Golden Pavilion to report her findings with the dungeons. So, what exactly was he doing here now, wounded?

Could it be!? Xing Cai could only shiver with the thought.

"Elder Xing Cai the Golden Pavilion

is no more!"


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