Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 46: The Final Boss (1)

Chapter 46: The Final Boss (1)

"Hello brother"

Xianying sniffled as she placed the bundle of flowers in front of a gravestone. Viel was also holding a what seemed to be some sort of plant and placed it in front of the gravestone as well.

They bought the plants on the way to the graveyard, both Xianying and Xing Cai were bewildered at first as to why Viel insisted on wanting to buy a green plant, when there more flowers to choose from.

But then now they knew the reason why. The green plant Viel bought made the flowers pop out more, further complementing its beauty, almost giving life to the depressing grave. Xianying, seeing her brother's tomb become radiant, could not help but shed a tear.

"Thank you, Lord Viel. I didn't know you had such talent in plan arrangement", Xianying wiped the tear on her face before smiling at Viel.

Viel shook his head in response, "Grandma Ling said that a flower's beauty shines even further when surrounded by strong roots and greenery"

Xianying smiled as Viel had a happy expression on his face as he reminisced about his Grandmother.

"Yes, and Grandpa Ling said the flower only shines because it is surrounded by plants uglier than it. Of course, Grandpa Ling slept with the horses that night, so that he can make the horse shine, said my Grandma"

"II see", Xianying let out an awkward chuckle.

"Your brother was only 19 years old?", Xing Cai could not help but furrow her eyebrows as she saw the date marked on the gravestone.

Xianying nodded as she released a deep breath. "Yes, I was older than him by 6 years. Our parents really were not around much so it was up to the two of us to take care of each other."

Xianying then lighted up an incense. "Brother. This is Lord Viel and Master Xing Cai. They are the ones who made it possible for me to take my revenge against the one who did you wrong. Without them, I am certain no one would even notice of our pleas.", Xianying then placed her hands together. Xing Cai did the same.

Viel was at a loss as to what to do as his friends suddenly became quiet, so he just imitated the two silent women. They remained like this for a good minute or so.

It was Xianying who broke the silence, "Master Xing Cai, Lord Viel once again, I thank you", said Xianying as she kowtowed.

However, a sadness loomed over her, "Do you really have to go so soon?"

Xianying was starting to feel lonely. It has been a while since she had people she could actually talk to about her problems. The time they have spent together were short, in fact, she reckoned it was only less than three days. But even so, those three days were the most excitement she had felt in her entire life. It felt like weeks passed by. Sometimes she wondered if she should just go with the two to wherever their home is.

But alas, her obligation was to this country.

Uhmm Mr. Voice says we still have about 5 hours before the portal closes. M-maybe we can go back to the arcade building?"

When Xing Cai heard the word 'arcade' her ears perked up as she squinted her eyes. It seems destiny was not done with her and the Dark Lord and fate still had plans for them.

Seeing Xing Cai's eyes full of resolution, Xianying could not help but chuckle as she nodded her head. She would make sure to cherish these last moments together with them. After all, she had a feeling that it would be a very long time before they meet each other again, if at all.

After saying their respects one last time, the group headed to the arcade. Leaving a grave teeming with life.

It was now time to face the final boss, the Dark Lord.



"Noo!", Xing Cai was about to smash the machine in front of her. But she knew if she did so, then she would no longer be able to face and defeat the Dark Lord. She then inserted another coin to feed the machine.

"S-sister Xing Cai, p-please let me try"


Viel went back to his position, dejected. He and Xianying were eating snacks as they watched on as Xing Cai gets defeated by the Dark Lord over and over again. However, they were not alone, a crowd has already gathered around them, holding what seems to be banners.

"Go! Pretty sister, you can do it! Defeat the Dark Lord!", one of the men wearing spectacles shouted as he flailed his banner. The group cheered on as Xing Cai struggled with a serious expression on her face. It seems that they have already seen Xing Cai before the fire started in the arcade. So they waited for the arcade to open again, wanting to see Xing Cai and her adventures to defeat the Dark Lord.

"I-it seems that Miss Xing Cai has gathered a huge following. I imagine if she were to create a livestream, she would be famous overnight", Xianying could not help but chuckle as she fed Viel a spoonful of icecream. "Say aah".

"Aaah", Viel opened his mouth wide.

Once again, flashes of light clicked through the room.

"T-this", it seems that Xing Cai was not the only who has gathered the attention of the masses. But for some reason, those who were interested in Viel were quite secretive about it as they hid behind, chuckling disgustingly as they looked at the photos they took.

Xianying was going to confiscate their phones, but she realized that would turn into a whole mess. She did not want to waste the little time she had left with Viel and Xing Cai to go to waste. Shrugging her thoughts, she then joined the cheering.

"You can do it, Miss Xing Cai!", she was no longer calling Xing Cai master. As Xing Cai insisted that she stopped with the honorifics.

Viel even recommended Xianying to just call Xing Cai as a sister, but she awkwardly refused as she was embarrassed to call someone as pretty as Xing Cai a sister.

And then,

"Congratulations on defeating the Dark Lord! You have saved the world of Terrayaki from certain doom!"

Cheers howled throughout the hall as Xing Cai grasped victory in her hands.

"S-she did it!"

Wild cheers reverberated through the air, with Xing Cai's fans hugging each other in celebration.

"F-finally", Xing Cai's breath was haggard, she tried her best to regain her composure and stay calm. Finally, she has defeated the Dark Lord. She then looked at Viel and Xianying and raised her thumbs in victory.

Viel rushed towards Xing Cai and hugged her. Xianying hesitated, but when she saw Viel looking for her, she could not help but laugh and join in their celebration. This moment, no matter how ordinary and ridiculous, will forever become a precious memory for her.

But with the climax of their celebration, comes the end of their story together. It was time to head to the portal and truly say their goodbyes.

By order of the Emperor, the portal was being guarded by the army, barricaded so that no one would go in. The soldiers that were guarding the gate saluted as soon as they saw Xianying.

Xianying was surprised at the sudden treatment, but then she realized she was now a 1-star general. The Emperor sure does work fast, Xianying thought.

It was said that some of the soldiers tried passing through the portal, but it was like trying to pass through a concrete floor. No matter how much effort they use, it was in vain.

The three stood in front of the portal, the moon hanging over them.

"H-here, the both of you can have this", Xianying handed a piece of paper to Viel. Viel examined the piece of paper, and he could not help but tear up when he saw what it was.

It was the photo they took earlier this day.

"But isn't this yours, Miss Xianying?", Xing Cai looked at Xianying with genuine care on her face.

Xianying shook her head in response, "It is alright. I have a copy of it in the camera. I will print them out later when I get home", Xianying chuckled.

Xing Cai had no idea what Xianying was talking about, but she still nodded and smiled at her. Viel proceeded to hide the photo into his pockets.

"Very well, I suppose this is farewell. Again, thank you for accommodating us", Xing Cai bowed towards Xianying.

Xianying also bowed in response, "May we meet again, Miss Xing Cai", she then turned her attention to the little child that was sniffling beside her and patted him on the head. "Lord Viel, please be caref-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Viel hugged her. "I will miss you, sister Xianying"

Xianying could not help but gasp when she heard Viel calling her sister. Yes, this was it. This was what she could not do with her brother, to say goodbye. She then crouched as she returned Viel's embrace.

Tears streaked on her face, but she was smiling.

"I will miss you too little Viel", she then wiped the tears that were on Viel's face. "Be good, okay? Don't let Miss Xing Cai worry too much about you", she chuckled, no longer addressing Viel as a lord.

Viel nodded repeatedly before going to Xing Cai's side and holding her hand. The three, for the last time, smiled at each other as Viel and Xing Cai turned towards the portal.

But before the two could jump down, Viel felt an ominous chill on his back followed by Mr. Voice's sudden announcement.

[Sub quest: Defeat the Usurper!]

Literally, he felt a chill behind him, it felt as though time stood still.

He hurriedly turned his head to see what was going on. And there, he saw something that made the blood rush over his head. It was as if all his senses were elevated as he saw what seemed to be a sharp object, coming towards them from the distance.

Viel then looked towards Xianying, and with all of his might, rushed towards her, pushing Xing Cai through the portal in the process.

But right before he could reach her, a streak of light came from his left and pushed him away.


Viel felt a warm feeling splash on his face, instinctively making his eyes closed.

Feeling something trickling on his face, he tried to open his eyes, blinking a couple of times in the process as his vision was blurry.

A few more blinks, and his vision finally cleared.

And there, he saw Xianying.

As if a puppet with her strings cut, hanging.

Impaled by a spear that pierced through the ground.

Viel's breath started to become erratic, his mind flickering in and out of consciousness.

But his consciousness fully became awake when he heard a loud shout beside him pierced through his ears, "Men! Protect the Lord God!"

Suddenly, streaks of light rained down from the sky.

The descent of the winged men.


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