Reincarnated as both God and The Devil

Chapter 45: Aftermath

Chapter 45: Aftermath

"Cut my head off Cut my head off,,, Like Grandpa Ling?"

The whole room was filled with a malicious intent as the air started to get heavy. For normal beings who have not yet opened their meridians, the pressure emitted by martial experts is felt differently.

Normal people would find it hard to breathe, as their minds can not begin to comprehend the foreign aura that was falling upon them.

And this is exactly what the people were experiencing right now in the dining hall, with few exceptions.

Xing Cai and Xianying were not feeling anything at all, while some of the Emperor's guards have already fainted because of being exposed to the killing intent being released by Viel.`

The one that is being affected the most from this was of course, the one that is currently carrying the little bundle of killing intent.

General Meng's legs gave out on him as the lack of air has greatly diminished his strength. He also let go of Viel as the knife that was in his hand fell to the ground. He squirmed on the ground, beside the bloodied bound up man that he said was not known to him.

When the bound up man saw General Meng squirming on the ground, he smiled and released a cynical laugh through his gag.

General Meng laid down on his back as he tried to gasp for air, but failing to do so. He started scratching on his throat, enough to make them bleed. But he did not seem to mind, as the pain of not being able to breathe far surpassed that of mere scratches.

He then heard small little steps approaching him, they were not loud, contrary to that, it was eerily quiet. However, it was as if the steps were all he could hear.

Even with his experience in a dozen battlefields, this was the first time he was feeling this overwhelming sense of despair. It felt like being caged in a small box with only a tiny hole as a source of hole, like being forced to breathe through an eye of a needle.

Each step of the little child felt like the march of a million soldiers, ready to kill any who stand in their path to war.


This was not a war.

This was an execution.

General Meng desperately tried to crawl away from the sound of the footsteps. But as soon as he did so, the footsteps were replaced by a voice.

"You know, mister. I have a question", the little child said as he picked up the steak knife that General Meng was previously holding against his neck, "Why do bad guys always like to cut off the heads?"

Seeing the little child with a knife in his hand, General Meng's terrors turned for the worse as he writhed on the ground like a drowning rat. The little child continued voicing out his question.

"Why not the legs?", said the little child as he swung the knife through General Meng's right leg.

The small blade created a swishing sound that reverberated through the dining hall, followed by a gust of wind which carved a straight long cut on the floor. The people that were unfortunate enough to be in the trajectory were hit by the debris, causing them to let out moans of pain.

The moans of the mob, however, was drowned by a singular bellow that came from General Meng. Finally, General Meng found the room to breathe, but it costed a leg for him to regain his breath. It took a while for the pain to register in his mind as his leg was cut off instantly.

The general then pulled his leg, or what remained of it, and started applying pressure on it so as to not bleed out. The pain was unbearable, almost wanting to make him faint, but he persevered as he shouted on the top of his lungs.

Hearing the bellows of General Meng, Viel started to smile.

"See? It is funnier when you don't start with the head", said Viel as he chuckled.

"Now another one, suwhiiissh!", Viel once again swung the blade, this time through General Meng's other leg. Once again, the wind from the blade was enough to create a small crevice on the ground. Throwing debris towards the nearby people, some unlucky ones were hit in the head.

General Meng's cries once again filled the hall.

The Emperor, who was watching the scene unfold, could not comprehend what was happening in front of him. The only thing that was clear for him right now was what he was feeling, fear. Utter fear.

He was wrong, this little golden-haired child was not a celestial, not a god but the devil. The Emperor stared in horror as the previous cute child continued to dismember a person, all while laughing. Was this what awaits his kingdom if he offends the celestials that lived above the heavens? He gulped as he wished that none of this will backlash against his country.

Xianying, who was beside the Emperor, was just staring coldly at the suffering General. Not even a single emotion was leaking out from her face as she watched Viel torture the man who killed his brother.

General Meng now only had a single arm left. All the while, Viel continued to giggle, as if he was only playing with his favorite toy.

"Hmm, maybe if the bad guys started with the legs, Grandpa Ling would still be alive?", Viel placed his hand on his chin, smearing blood on it. He closed his eyes, as if he was really trying to deliberate on the circumstances.

After a few seconds, he shook his head as a tear fell from his eye. After that, he only said a single word before once again raising the knife. "No."

But as he was about to swing the knife, he felt someone grabbing his hand. Viel then looked as to who it was.

"Sister Xing Cai, what's wro-", before Viel can finish what he was saying, Xing Cai slapped him on the cheek. The slap was hard enough for it to be heard across the hall. The intense pressure that was filling up the air slowly disappeared as the people began to gasp for the air that they have missed.

"That is enough, Viel"

Once again, Xing Cai was always interrupting her. Viel started to frown as he glared at Xing Cai. Why does his sister Xing Cai always interrupt her? Why couldn't she just let him do what he wants?

"Look around you, Viel", Xing Cai pointed towards the bystanders.

Viel, however, continued to just frown at Xing Cai.


However, as soon as he heard someone's cry from afar, Viel's frown quickly turned into worry as he dropped the knife that was in his hand. He then looked at the people that were around him, completely ignoring the presence of the squirming General on the ground.

Most of the people were writhing in pain as they tried to catch their breath. They were crying, others were puking. But the worse of it all, was that some were bleeding.

The people that were hit by the debris and force of Viel's swings were wounded. Visible gashes on their skin, some have even lost consciousness.

"II'm sorry", Viel slowly approached one of the wounded people, "Iam sorry I didn't see"

However, as soon as the wounded person saw Viel approaching her, she quickly cowered in fear and backed away from Viel.

Viel stopped in his tracks, this has happened before. Back when he also lost control fighting that combat instructor named Li Zhao. His classmates started to truly fear him, and even his closest friends could not look at him in the eye.

Viel dropped his shoulders in regret as he returned to Xing Cai's side, "L-let's go home", said Viel as she tugged on Xing Cai's robes.

Xing Cai nodded. She then picked up the steak knife and handed it over to Xianying, "You decide the mongrel's fate".

Xing Cai then headed over to the Emperor and bowed. "Thank you for the lovely diner, it seems we have overstayed our welcome in your realm. Once again, we give you our thanks"

After giving her thanks to the Emperor, she carried Viel, then approached the nearest window and jumped after shattering the glass. She could not even bother using the lift.

The Emperor was speechless and at a loss as to what to do. He could only look at his remaining guest, Xianying.

Xianying was currently in front of the bleeding General Meng, staring at him while holding the knife in her hand.

"P-please just kill me"

The General begged for her to end his life. Sure, there were prosthetics that would help substitute for his missing limbs. But he was certain that he was not going to receive any of that due to his crimes. He was going to prison and rot there without a way to even move until the day of his execution.

Xianying looked at the pitiful man that killed her brother. She then took a deep breath as she stabbed the general

Straight through the groin. General Meng did not even have the strength to shout anymore as his mouth started to foam, no longer being able to bear the pain.

"I hope you survive", said Xianying as she walked away, not even glancing back. "Thank you for this justice, your Majesty. I will forever be indebted to you", Xianying the kneeled in front of the Emperor, "My loyalty and my heart, belongs to you"

"Y-your heart? Do- do you not mean your life?", the Emperor was confused. Xianying, however, did not answer as she quickly left, riding the lift down.

It was safe to say, that the Emperor was left dazed and confused. This was, perhaps, the highlight of his rule.


"M-master Xing Cai, please wait!"

Xianying was at a loss for breath as she finally caught up to Xing Cai and Viel.

"Hm? What is it?", Xing Cai, who was still carrying Viel, turned back to see a struggling Xianying prancing towards them.

Xianying paused for a while in order to catch her breath.

"Thank you for everything, Master Xing Cai, Lord Viel"

"No need to say thanks, General. We did not do anything", Xing Cai said as she continued to walk, "Farewell, General Xianying. And thank you as well for letting us experience your city. Let us see each other in a dif-"

"N-no please, I want to show you something first before you leave", Xianying frantically said as she pulled on Xing Cai's robes, interrupting her leave.

"I'm sorry, General. But we need to go hom-", before Xing Cai can finish her words, Viel jumped down from her arms.

"It is alright, we still have a few hours left", Viel said as he sniffled. "W-what do you want to show us, Miss Xianying?"

"My my brother's tomb. I, I want to show him the people who made it possible for me to avenge his death", Xianying then kowtowed on the ground, "Please!"

Viel looked at Xing Cai with puppy eyes, his moist eyes making it even more effective.

Xing Cai could not help but release a sigh of defeat.



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